View Full Version : Handheld Gamer In the Valley- AZ

02-13-2015, 03:41 AM
Hey there. Been on the threads for awhile and just starting to make a intro thread like I was asked, lol.

Found this thread through CAG and like it here. Helps me find 3DS/DS stuff we don't get in the US. And meet some really cool people.

I am a very big handheld collector specializing in 3DS and DS games. I like the collector editions and the ones that come with steelbooks and I am trying to collect them all need like 3 more.

Some of my favorite series are Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Mass Effect and Sacred 2.

Here's a look at my collection.

https://scontent-2.22773.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10991112_10152674608545924_6340163093260385120_n.j pg?oh=17d4af2161103f04418ffa7ba9518fc3&oe=55567A16
Here is my game bookshelf.

https://scontent-2.22773.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t31.0-8/10848789_10152674608390924_7500472283965949024_o.j pg
My CE and Amiibo's

https://scontent-2.22773.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10993461_10152677085560924_9148265246725681418_n.j pg?oh=451c3b794637eb33d29fb0cf05ae2223&oe=5554A166
My 3DS collection with my favorite CE, Bravely Default, my Zelda 3DS.

https://scontent-2.22773.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10959631_10152677084155924_5594191301976970274_n.j pg?oh=7cc0447539d6d378eb1c0cda96c6dc03&oe=555EA417
My DS collection with my Pop Vinyls to watch them.

https://scontent-2.22773.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10450152_10152677086050924_5674770209642619381_n.j pg?oh=57eb5874d384208ae2d8997ec822620a&oe=5553B271
My 360 games including all FF13 games and the steelbook for LR. Also Mass Effect 2 and 3 CE.

02-13-2015, 04:15 AM
Hi, nice collection and welcome to the forums (even though you have been around for a while :)

02-13-2015, 04:41 AM
Hey dude welcome ;)

Some nice stuff you have there, all neatly displayed as well :D

Are you going to continue to add to it?

02-13-2015, 07:43 AM
hello..that's a nice start..do you collect the various 3DS XL consoles?...i'm also focusing on Nintendo 3DS/DS titles..i'm really excited for the newly designed steelbooks for 3DS games that PAL is receiving..like the 2 Pokémon versions and the 1 Majoras mask version..i can't imagine then just stopping there, I hope we see at least a couple of more 3DS steelbooks before the year is out..unfortunately do to circumstances, my collections is stored away in shipper boxes..so sorry I can't share pics right now.

02-13-2015, 08:40 AM
Welcome - it's always nice to see other FF collector :)

02-13-2015, 11:44 AM
Yes I do plan to add more to my collection.

Some of my goals are all the Pokemon games for 3DS/DS including the Ranger/Dungeon titles as well. Then Dragon Quest and go from there.

Yes I do love the 3DS steelbooks. I just need the two mario titles and then hopefully I can import new Zelda one. It sucks the only steelbooks we get here are for adventure time games. I want more.

I do not collect 3DS's are they are two pricey and I only need one. I like my Zelda one but I do miss my Pikachu one that got stolen. I hope they make one for the new Fire Emblem game.

Thx guys. Will keep you updated.

02-13-2015, 03:05 PM
Great to see your intro thread on here! It's a great way to chronicle all the nifty things you pick up along the way! Also, glad to see someone who called out the Dragon Quest/Warrior games as a "fav" -- its one of my personal favorites and I'm still trying to finish off that collection of games!

I'm with you on the 3DS steelbooks as well, there's a couple I'm still missing that I just couldn't bring myself to pay the prices that eBay was asking, but I'll pick them up eventually.

Thanks again for sharing and I look forward to seeing whatchya get! :thumb:

02-13-2015, 03:09 PM
Great to see your intro thread on here! It's a great way to chronicle all the nifty things you pick up along the way! Also, glad to see someone who called out the Dragon Quest/Warrior games as a "fav" -- its one of my personal favorites and I'm still trying to finish off that collection of games!

I'm with you on the 3DS steelbooks as well, there's a couple I'm still missing that I just couldn't bring myself to pay the prices that eBay was asking, but I'll pick them up eventually.

Thanks again for sharing and I look forward to seeing whatchya get! :thumb:

I don't blame you. The prices are crazy. I got the Mario one for $15 on Amazon and trying to hunt down the others.
The Pokemon ones a member on here found them both for me for $40 shipped to US for me. We shall see how they look when I get them.
Then the new Zelda one.

02-14-2015, 03:55 PM
The Pokemon ones a member on here found them both for me for $40 shipped to US for me. We shall see how they look when I get them.

pretty sure it was 33 posted :) hope there what u wished for :)

02-17-2015, 02:58 AM
My latest pick ups:
https://scontent-2.22773.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/p480x480/10993478_10152685966665924_1903329956467536640_n.j pg?oh=1f727bb678be640585bb7d10154f55ad&oe=555A87E2

Got the Amiibo's at various stores. Extra Sheik and Toon link for trades.
Majoras Mask and Monster Hunter CE's from Amazon.
Might & Magic Clash of Heroes - $13 Zia
LoZ: Ocarina of Time - $15.99 at HPB
Heroes of Mana - $11.99 at HPB
Steelbooks from the UK