View Full Version : Free stuff, just pay shipping.

Brandon Storm
02-16-2015, 06:41 PM
Hey gang,

A while back I made a thread to help raise funds for my sick cat.

I still have things left over, and as a thanks to the community, I'd like to offer it to all of you for free.

What's the catch? People who purchased from me in my last thread (here (http://collectorsedition.org/forums/showthread.php?t=16492)) get first pick. You guys really helped me out, and I'd like to return the favour. Just please mention in the comments if we did business back then. I've long deleted the PM's!

The rest of you just line up in the comments and say what you want and it will go in order of whomever commented first (aside from those who helped in my previous thread, which get pushed to the front of the line).

All I ask if that you pay shipping (so I'm not out too much cash), which will be quoted in USD.

I have some multiples, so feel free to pipe in even if it seems like someone snagged something before you.

I'll give this thread a few days to fill out, and then divide everything up.

Thanks guys/gals!

Assassin's Creed III (G1 Steelbook)
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Inflatable Sword
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Flask
Grand Theft Auto V (G1 Steelbook)
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (G1 Steelbook)
Helghast Cloaked Sniper Action Figure from DC Unlimited


First up:
AC Flask - jonkhor86
GTAV - CrixDoomsday
Ghost Recon - Seesternmann
Helghast - xD2033
AC Sword - KnightOfTruth
Ghost Recon - DDT

GTAV - Seesternmann
AC Flask - KnightOfTruth
AC Flask - cmangrum75
Helghast - valkynaz
AC Flask - KittyBang

02-16-2015, 06:56 PM
Mr Storm

I would like to have the AC flask. But I will pay you 10 usd (like how u listed in ur previous thread) + shipping to US.

:) u have some really adorable pets there.

02-16-2015, 07:09 PM
How much for GTA V steel to poland? Or/and Ghost figurine?

02-16-2015, 07:37 PM
Hi :)

I would love to get one Ghost Recon steel and one GTA V steel if still available. And I also offer to send you a few bucks for those steels. I don't feel comfortable with just paying for shipping ... ^^

02-16-2015, 08:14 PM
Hey :)

How's your cat? :o
I wanted to buy the Dark Souls Guide, but was too slow :D
But now I'd take the Killzone figure :)

02-16-2015, 08:42 PM
If there's any left after those that go before and you've got an extra flask or sword balloon I'd happily send a few extra $'s your way.

By the way, love your other cats too! "Mayhem" looks just like a cat I used to have and the name would have been very fitting for her! ;)

02-16-2015, 08:57 PM
I want nothing in this world (cept kittehs), but cheers for cat pics and nice giveaway

 QYHSggGBolHRUUITEhJSkrLi8uFx8zODMsNygtLiwBCgoKDg0O FxAQFywcHBwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLC wsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLP/AABEIAOEA4QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAIDBQYHAQj/xABAEAACAQMCBAQDBgMGBAcAAAABAgMABBESIQUGMUETIlFhMn GBByNCUpGhFLHBM2JygtHwJEOi4RV0kpOjs8L/xAAYAQADAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBP/EACARAQEBAQADAAIDAQAAAAAAAAABEQISITEDQVFhcRP/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AOYolExR1HFRkArl5dQm3gq1trah7RaubVK34iK8ital/hqMjSpCtbYnVLPb1XTw1oJ1qruVqOocUksdQFaPmFDMK5+mkDl aaVokrTGFZ1QRlqNlotlqJlqdMKy1GyUSy0xlo0gjJUZSimWoy tVKnEISiIUpqrRUK1elgiBKPhWh4Vo6FaVCaNamC14i1LipNGV qMrRBFeEUgFZaiZaMK0xlp6MCaaVE6K9o0YzcQoyChY6KgquTq 2tKvLRapbIVorGOunhlRkUdTGKpYY6J8Kt8RqluIqqbqKtRNBV Vd21R1yqVmJ46FZKuri3oGSKubqNYAZajYUW6VAy1jYoOwqNhU 7LUbLUGHYVGanZaiYUBC1RmpWFewQF2AHU04SONc0ZFER2rV8I 5eWMAybk9qtLjhiMPgwe2K155tRbIxsC0fCtNmt9DEVPEtKmlR akC16i1JipCIimkVKRTSKDQkU0ipytNK05yWoNNKptNKn4lrKJ 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lNPTp86rLlR6GrTIMmmmXyhRjvVQqpUAIJqWxGTvUUripLdjtj Aq/qWnjtlRQ2agS8bVt0qFAzj5dydvpThCVFHUwSjYpQTkk1aJGrD Knf3rO2aux3FXlpBp77d6mRWvUYhvMTV9wI+cEGq+VVI2FWXAk 8wq8Rro1jJ5RUjvQNrJhad4uaIKZepkVzzmy2610krkVkOZ7bY 0w4txEYag9VWXMEeHNVSmpwWpNVKmV7QF7/zBU0/UfMUqVZtCj/pXs/X9KVKgPbareD+yHzpUqrlFUXFvi+lV9l8Ve0qKBsvxijOIfCtK lU1Ue8J60Zf9qVKkpWP1+tN4j8JpUqcSz0lE23alSq4lqrb4B8 qaelKlVd/ooL4P8Rqym6UqVTPqqZb1e8I+KlSq0tbF0qaKlSpCjV6VmOZPh NKlTDjHM/xmqFKVKlSOpUqVJT//2Q==

02-16-2015, 09:51 PM
How much for Ghost and GTA V steels? i want to buy if you have any left.....

02-16-2015, 10:11 PM
Comma thats for you ;) My cat <3

https://scontent-fra.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/10968346_1589022527999348_3322102056892855828_n.jp g?oh=84b86be0b34c3beb50832d5e8418cfb2&oe=554946F6

Brandon Storm
02-17-2015, 12:20 AM
Mr Storm

I would like to have the AC flask. But I will pay you 10 usd (like how u listed in ur previous thread) + shipping to US.

:) u have some really adorable pets there.

Oh Jon, you sweet lil guy.

I can't accept your cash!

But if you can't help it, then I would suggest you donate it locally to an animal advocacy/charity group of your choice! Alternatively, if you insist on sending it this way, I would be very happy to add it to whatever everyone else sends and donate it in Squishie's name to a cat rescue.

Once I got his urn back I was going to make the donation with his leftover food, beds, toys, so I can add any cash to the pile.

How much for GTA V steel to poland? Or/and Ghost figurine?

It's the G2 size, just so you know. I'll get you a quote once everything is spoken for and I can make just one trip to the post office.

Hi :)

I would love to get one Ghost Recon steel and one GTA V steel if still available. And I also offer to send you a few bucks for those steels. I don't feel comfortable with just paying for shipping ... ^^

As I said to Jon, I really appreciate the offer! If you don't want to keep the cash, I'll be adding it to a donation pile for a cat shelter in Squishie's name.

I'll keep you posted once everything has been claimed. :)

Hey :)

How's your cat? :o
I wanted to buy the Dark Souls Guide, but was too slow :D
But now I'd take the Killzone figure :)

The cat is super dead. But it's nice of you to inquire.

Provided Crix passes on the Killzone fig, it's all yours.

If there's any left after those that go before and you've got an extra flask or sword balloon I'd happily send a few extra $'s your way.

By the way, love your other cats too! "Mayhem" looks just like a cat I used to have and the name would have been very fitting for her! ;)

You're first in line for the sword balloon, so consider that yours.

Black kitties are the best!

I want nothing in this world (cept kittehs), but cheers for cat pics and nice giveaway

Fuck yeah, kitties!

How much for Ghost and GTA V steels? i want to buy if you have any left.....

All free (just pay S&H), my friend. I can get you some sort of shipping quote in the near future.

Comma thats for you ;) My cat <3

Damn, cute cat dude.

02-17-2015, 12:51 AM
Comma thats for you ;) My cat <3

https://scontent-fra.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/10968346_1589022527999348_3322102056892855828_n.jp g?oh=84b86be0b34c3beb50832d5e8418cfb2&oe=554946F6

<3 awwww

02-18-2015, 03:21 AM
Oh Jon, you sweet lil guy.

I can't accept your cash!

But if you can't help it, then I would suggest you donate it locally to an animal advocacy/charity group of your choice! Alternatively, if you insist on sending it this way, I would be very happy to add it to whatever everyone else sends and donate it in Squishie's name to a cat rescue.

Once I got his urn back I was going to make the donation with his leftover food, beds, toys, so I can add any cash to the pile.

Hey Brandon

Let me know the shipping cost to US and your paypal address.

I will give you the money and you can give it to the pet charity of ur choice.


02-18-2015, 04:56 AM
I want the assassin's creed black flag flask and I'll pay the shipping just need to know the shipping cost
You can also email me at cmangrum@gmail.com

Brandon Storm
02-18-2015, 03:07 PM
Hey Brandon

Let me know the shipping cost to US and your paypal address.

I will give you the money and you can give it to the pet charity of ur choice.


Thanks dude, I appreciate it.

I'll grab everyone some quotes when the order fills out a bit more to save me some trips. I'd like to get everyone all quoted at the same time.

There's still AC 3 steelbooks and Ghost Recon one's left, if anyone wants them.

Currently here's the order for people getting what:

First up:
AC Flask - jonkhor86
GTAV - CrixDoomsday
Ghost Recon - Seesternmann
Helghast - xD2033
AC Sword - KnightOfTruth
Ghost Recon - DDT

GTAV - Seesternmann
AC Flask - KnightOfTruth
AC Flask - cmangrum75
Helghast - valkynaz
AC Flask - KittyBang

02-18-2015, 05:16 PM
Give Hellghast to xD2033. Im not greedy ;)

02-18-2015, 05:35 PM
Aww :*
Thanks man :D

02-19-2015, 04:20 AM
If possible I would like the Helghast figure. I have one from the Killzone 3 CE but I've lost the plastic sniper rifle so now it's incomplete :(.

02-19-2015, 11:54 AM
would love to have that black flag flask. how much for the shipping

Brandon Storm
02-19-2015, 04:12 PM
Give Hellghast to xD2033. Im not greedy ;)

Well, aren't you a sweetheart. I'll update the list.

If possible I would like the Helghast figure. I have one from the Killzone 3 CE but I've lost the plastic sniper rifle so now it's incomplete :(.

I've added you to the list if someone backs out.

would love to have that black flag flask. how much for the shipping

I'll put you on the backups!

Also, going to update the first post with the list of who is getting what so you guys can check it easier.

I'll go grab some quotes this weekend for you lot. Check PM's for incoming messages from me asking for your addresses.

Brandon Storm
02-21-2015, 05:15 PM
DDT, your inbox is full so make sure you send me your address when you clear it.

All the rest of you, check your inboxes and I'll get you your quotes today/tomorrow.

02-23-2015, 07:51 AM
still have these two?
Grand Theft Auto V (G1 Steelbook)
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (G1 Steelbook)

Brandon Storm
02-24-2015, 03:38 PM
still have these two?
Grand Theft Auto V (G1 Steelbook)
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (G1 Steelbook)

Still have a Ghost Recon.

You want me to put you on the list?

Brandon Storm
02-24-2015, 03:47 PM
Not sure if it was the same for everyone, but the website was down for me over the weekend, so I'm getting everyone's quotes today. Check your PM's this evening!

Brandon Storm
02-24-2015, 07:47 PM
PM's with shipping quotes sent! Sooner you get back to me, the sooner I can get your stuff to you.

Thanks guys! Enjoy!

Brandon Storm
03-01-2015, 03:15 AM
Quick update. Got everyone's stuff all packed up nicely and ready to go out. Will shoot everyone final PM's with my PayPal address and final exact price in the coming couple days.

03-06-2015, 07:06 AM
You wouldn't happen to have the AC III Steelbook still? Been looking to get that version for a while now.

Brandon Storm
03-06-2015, 03:23 PM
I do. Still have some Ghost Recon as well if you want. PM your address, and I'll get it all sent out.

To everyone else, everything is on it's way to you, and I'll send you all some sort of invoice or something soon!

Brandon Storm
03-13-2015, 11:08 PM
Everything was sent out quite a while back, so here's my late notice letting you know!

All PM's with shipping cost should be in your inbox.

Thanks guys! Enjoy!