View Full Version : WTB Sideshow Arthas Statue

02-22-2015, 11:24 PM
Want To Buy Sideshow Arthas Statue
region: United States
Condition: Sealed, New, or Used

Hey all,

New to the forum. So, first off, hello!

I've been on the hunt for a Sideshow Arthas statue for months. Huge fan on the franchise and specifically the WotLK expansion. Played the game back in 2007 so there's the nostalgic value. After losing out on a few sales I'm expanding the search, to the forums!

If anyone has a Sideshow Arthas statue that they're considering selling, please, shoot me a PM. I'll do my best to accept any reasonable offer presented to me.

I reside in Florida, United States.

Thanks and happy collecting!

03-01-2015, 01:21 AM
Trade Completed on another forum.