04-05-2015, 08:33 PM
For Sale
Title:G2 Steelbooks
Price: Dying Light steelbook 15 euro, Assassins Creed Unity 15 euro,SOLD Resident Evil Revelations 2 25 euro (excl. shipping costs)
Condition: Dying Light and Assassins Creed Unity new and in mint condition, Resident Evil Revelations 2 (steelcase) in seal
I have some steelbooks for sale. Ordered for some friends but I ordered too much :banghead: So maybe someone here is interested? :shrug:
Dying Light steelbook (3x) 1 sold
Assassins Creed Unity (2x) 2 sold
Resident Evil Revelations 2 (2x)
Title:G2 Steelbooks
Price: Dying Light steelbook 15 euro, Assassins Creed Unity 15 euro,SOLD Resident Evil Revelations 2 25 euro (excl. shipping costs)
Condition: Dying Light and Assassins Creed Unity new and in mint condition, Resident Evil Revelations 2 (steelcase) in seal
I have some steelbooks for sale. Ordered for some friends but I ordered too much :banghead: So maybe someone here is interested? :shrug:
Dying Light steelbook (3x) 1 sold
Assassins Creed Unity (2x) 2 sold
Resident Evil Revelations 2 (2x)