View Full Version : Collective Minds Xbox One Media Hub LED replacement mod

05-13-2015, 05:11 AM
Hi guys, thanks to Aselwyn I received my media hub the other day. :bananayes:


For some unknown reason, the units come with a green LED which looks completely out of place when every other LED is white, so I replaced it. :D


Ok, I grabbed a 3mm white LED from the local electronics shop yesterday, you'd want the least brightest one you can find, in my case it was 1000mcd.

Few pics before starting work, in case anyone was interested of what the insides look like. Basically just a USB hub with a USB-SATA adaptor all in one board.


After a bit of mucking around trying different resistor values, I resorted to using a 10K resistor. By default the white LED is way too bright and distracting if you're playing in a dark room. :nosleep:
With the resistor, the brightness is more in line with the main Xbox logo LED. :thumb:


All done, much better. :)


A fairly straight forward modification, but if you have any questions, let me know.

05-13-2015, 12:30 PM
Nice touch :thumb:

05-13-2015, 03:37 PM
That's cool. Kinda makes me want one now... -_- What size HDD did you put in? Would be worth me doing this and then repurposing the 1.5TB External I have for my X360 instead. Lol

05-14-2015, 01:30 AM
Nice touch :thumb:
That's cool. Kinda makes me want one now... -_- What size HDD did you put in? Would be worth me doing this and then repurposing the 1.5TB External I have for my X360 instead. Lol
I have one of the Samsung 2Tb HDDs installed, out of a Seagate Backup Slim Plus external HDD. It was cheaper to buy the external drive than just buy OEM drive on it's own. :-/

If you don't need the 1.5Tb drive for the 360 anymore, use it with the XB1.

05-14-2015, 08:24 PM
Excellent work :beer:

I setup an external USB3.0 5TB on my XBox One, this media hub thing looks pretty slick though.

05-18-2015, 01:59 PM
Sweet mod! That would've bothered me a bit too, glad to see it worked out well for ya!

Might be because I don't get to use it all that much, but what exactly do you use 3 USB 3.0 ports for? I can't recall ever needing to use 1 of them (though I don't have a charge-and-play kit yet, so maybe that's the reason?).