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05-20-2015, 05:19 AM
Good day fellow collectors,

As an enthusiastic Assassin’s Creed collector, I would like to introduce myself to this group and share with everyone my personal experience and passion in collecting, which seems to be our common interest here.

I was born and raised in New Brunswick, Canada. Now, 31 years later, I live in a small town named Sainte-Aurélie, not too far Ubisoft Quebec City, which, as many of you already know, is currently leading the next opus in the franchise. I like to think I’m lucky enough to be where I am, given what I’m so passionate about, and hopefully, someday, I’ll get the chance to visit their new beautiful offices. I did get to see their office’s lobby though, back in Montreal, a city that will always have a special place in my heart as it was home for 12, beautiful years.

I started my collection when Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood was released, back in 2010, by purchasing my first Collector’s Edition and participating to a never experienced before midnight launch: one of my best memories. Four developers were there to sign our copies of the game and the posters that were given away. A contest to win a laminated poster was also at stake… guess who was the lucky one? That was just the beginning of a story that would soon become larger than life.


You can see how much my collection has grown in the last 5 years by taking a look at my public Facebook album. I couldn’t fit it all in one picture and, apparently, I’m going to need many more shelves for what’s to come: Math’s Collection (https://www.facebook.com/mpdoucet/media_set?set=a.10154714976830302.1073741839.57871 5301&type=3)

By the end of 2014, following the efforts I put into my intellectual contribution and participation to the community, I’ve become one of the administrators of the Facebook group “Assassin’s Creed Collectors”. I constantly participate in the daily discussions and never cease to help others in their quests for rares and collectibles. This became for me a great source of information about everything that concerns my collecting interest, and helped me extend my network of contacts from all around the world.

From that to a very pleasant and still freshly new surprise: a few months ago I’ve been asked to join the renowned website Access The Animus as their “Collection Specialist”, to write reviews and critics about the world of Assassin’s Creed collecting. A request that I just couldn’t refuse. Everything has been officialized the day of their second birthday, which was last Monday (May 11th). For those who would like to identify me, I go by the nickname Math. In the following links you can read my first two articles, to learn a bit more about myself and also take a look at my summary of collectibles that are already available for Assassin’s Creed Syndicate.

An Assassin’s Creed Collector’s Life (http://www.accesstheanimus.com/An_AssassinsCreed_Collectors_Life.html)

Collector’s Edition, Pre-orders Bonuses and Collectibles (http://www.accesstheanimus.com/Collectors_Editions_Preorders_Bonuses_Collectibles .html)

Let me tell you about what makes collecting Assassin’s Creed “artifacts” so special to me and why did I choose this franchise. I’ve always been a collector at heart, since I was a kid. I began with collecting stamps, adding coins to it after a while. Later on, I became a huge Celine Dion fan and started getting collector’s editions and special goodies surrounding her music. When this “new” game called Assassin’s Creed came into my life, I had to make some economic decisions and chose to let all my previous collections go, so that I could fully concentrate on this newly found love. I’ve always been extremely fascinated by the lore and mystery of the fantastical world, the fact fiction and reality were so brilliantly mixed up in the Assassin’s Creed universe is probably what drawn me to it.
Also, having to achieve this collection so far is for me a celebration to all these years I had to behave.

Last but not the least, I’d like to share my personal view on my most treasured AC related collectibles, which are the followings:

ACU poster numbered and signed by AngryBlue and Tony Moore
I’m usually not too fond about posters but this one is just not your ordinary, commercial picture with some characters lined up on a smokey background, it’s a piece of art. The colors, texture and sheer to it touch me right to the heart.

https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10403679_10155576083915302_3294642011218765682_n.j pg?oh=d3a1ff60078570de362f334a027689f3&oe=55FC16A6

Assassin’s Creed Unity Feather and Ink
Another splendid piece in my collection. Something that I thought I would never be able to get because of how overpriced it was on eBay. Luckily, a friend made me an offer I could not refuse.

https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t31.0-8/11045014_10155339031080302_8682588926175187268_o.j pg

Assassin’s Creed Unity Collector’s Edition Walkthrough Guide by Prima
Finally an edition fit for this franchise! The chalice is just the the best looking replica I’ve seen for an in-game product and for once, is not made out of cheap plastic.

https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10635737_10154880415410302_5571185826413723644_n.j pg?oh=854bf46b5cc8e97954a320929e8b310c&oe=55FA688D

Assassin’s Creed III Liberation keychain
This one was given to me by a friend who I affectionately call My Lady. She’s been there for me in so many occasions and have grown to be a great support in this world of collectors.

https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11102966_10155453113965302_6377133107465084751_n.j pg?oh=f31a969d7750677701c2d8cf425e49af&oe=55CBFFD5

I have become over the year more and more aware about what collecting is and what kind of implication it requires. I have met and spoken to many great people about the franchise and most importantly made marvelous new friends. I hope that this community will bring me much further in this great adventure and help me grow as a fan. If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, don’t hesitate to send me a private message. You can also follow me on Twitter and Facebook under /mpdoucet.

Rest in peace fellow “Ludos” and may the Father of Understanding guide you.


(Update: the third bookshelf have been purchased!)

05-20-2015, 07:18 AM
That's one of the best and well laid out introduction I have seen, congratulations on joining this place darling, I hope you like it here but don't get too caught up in the hype and pokemon of it all. Have a great stay my dear friend
I would give you a hundred likes if it let me,but it only let's me give one :(

05-20-2015, 09:08 AM
Well, this took me a while to read :p indeed one of THE best introductions so far i think. Keep it up fellow Ac collector! :D

05-20-2015, 09:41 AM
Fantastic introduction Math! And I KNEW I had seen that collection recently -- just couldn't remember where! I loved that article you wrote on ATA (and I think we follow each other on Twitter now too because of it). Sorry it took me this long to put it all together -- I blame lack of sleep and 2 kids haha :)

Anyway, its an honor to have you here with us "officially" and I appreciate the great effort you took with your intro! Looking forward to hearing more from you on ATA and around here when you get the chance!

05-20-2015, 03:40 PM
And I KNEW I had seen that collection recently -- just couldn't remember where! (and I think we follow each other on Twitter now too because of it). Sorry it took me this long to put it all together -- I blame lack of sleep and 2 kids haha :)

I think I might need some sleep too. I totally didn't make the Twitter Link... and it's not like I have millions of followers. Not even a 100 lol I could say the past week has been pretty hectic tho! Following AC news when you have to repport it is a bit more different. It is kind of being on the other side of the mirror.

I'm happy you like my work. It means so much to me. ATA is truly my first attempt at a serious business, because collecting toys is a serious business, right?! hehe. And obliviously, being part of this forum is I believe another step in the right direction.

LowlyAssassin & grandmb, thank you so much for your kind words! :thankyou:

05-21-2015, 06:56 AM
Very impressive AC collection and wonderful intro, welcome to CE

05-27-2015, 06:13 AM
Hey, Hey Math! Welcome to this forum!

05-28-2015, 09:59 PM
Wow i wish my collection was like that but i think i have a few items you dont seem to have... ;)

05-28-2015, 10:03 PM
Welcome to the Forums, enjoy your stay. Beautiful AC Collection! And nice display for it

05-28-2015, 10:13 PM
:clap: Bravo luv, Bravo!!! Beautiful collection as well as it being well organized.<3

05-28-2015, 10:35 PM
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome.! Here is an update of my collection. I have purchased a new bookshelf to be ready for what is to come! Hehe http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/05/28/08a5b96a09556176751cde5cb9425165.jpg

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05-29-2015, 06:17 AM
Gorgeous update! Also, is that the model Jackdaw (paper/puzzle-like material) on the left in the middle? I missed it when it was dirt cheap on Amazon.fr and have been wanting one ever since. If so, that thing is MUCH bigger than I imagined!

05-29-2015, 06:18 AM
Yeah, it is that cheap thing that takes too much place... Heheh

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05-29-2015, 06:22 AM
Yeah, it is that cheap thing that takes too much place... Heheh

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Still, looks pretty sweet and I like how you put it with the other AC4 stuff! I'm a huge nautical fan, so the AC4 merch really got me!

05-29-2015, 06:31 AM
Hehe, thanks, it took me like 2 days to rearrange everything. Needed to think ahead for when all the ACS stuff start to come out... and where will I be putting that Ezio bust from Ubicollectibles... and Apple of Eden and Nikolai Orelov Statue from Ubiworkshop... I still got to buy 7 frames to put on the wall all of the 7 Red Lineage Ubiworkshop prints... I'm only missing Altair so far. Should be able to get it next month. :D

05-29-2015, 06:36 AM
Wow, sounds like you'll need every bit of room there! Did the Apple of Eden ever get released?!? I thought I remember some mentions of it possibly being announced, but I never saw pre-orders or anything for it? :swoon:

05-29-2015, 06:43 AM
It is not yet for pre-order. All I can remember is a newsletter from them last year about the progression of their next big project and the Apple was in it. Also a Q&A session happened on their forum not too long ago. I'm trying to find these information back and I'll come back to you. You can also add me on FB if that can facilitate some discussion ;)

05-29-2015, 06:56 AM
Could not find the Newsletter that I thought I still had in my email Ubiworkshop folder but I was able to find the Q&A session from the Ubiworkshop Forum (http://ubiworkshop.com/forums/topic/21-apple-of-eden/page-3)

"My name is Matthieu and I’m in charge of the Apple of Eden product’s development. Before being product manager at Ubi Workshop, I worked in Europe on the UbiCollectibles range of figurines and statues (Connor the Hunter, Ezio’s Fury, Edward and Black Beard Diorama, etc…). Inside the workshop, I helped develop the Coarse figurine and finally brought to life the Vial replica from Assassin’s Creed 4 Black Flag.
As a fan of Assassin’s Creed and a specialist in collectibles, be assured that I’m fully dedicated to the development of the most iconic item of the saga.

Here are my answers to (almost) all of your questions. Some points should be kept secrets ;)

What is the scale of the product (Size and weight)?
1:1. As the vial replica, It’s important to me that you can feel and touch the Apple of Eden as it would be the real one.

What is this replica made of?
We’re currently working on several materials and one of them in the polystone resin. We need to find the perfect balance between render, weight, fragility and shipping costs.

Will it glow?
I know that it’s one of most important aspect of the object and that’s the point I’m primarily focusing on. There is still some details I need to work on but yes, it should be glowing.

Does it come with a special stand or box to display it?
We are always very careful regarding our products so yes, it will have a special packaging conceived to protect the Apple and display it the best way possible. Remember the Vial: the cube can’t be appreciated properly without its Abstergo black box.

Is this going to be a limited item?
We know that most of the Assassin’s fans would “die” to get the Apple of Eden so we think that it wouldn’t be fair to make it limited.

How much is this going to cost?
It’s truly difficult to say so far because we still have a lot of technical aspects to set but our ambition is to propose an affordable price. So, in terms of pricing it should be more like the Vial than the Aiden Pearce leather jacket.

When will this be available? When can we pre-order it?
We working hard to offer the Apple by beginning of 2015. I would love to tell you more or deliver it sooner but my main focus is quality and we won't make any compromise about it.
This product has to be the pinnacle of every Assassin’s Creed fan’s collection.
It will be available in pre-order as soon as we have a final prototype in hand.

Will it ship to all countries and territories like most of your items?
Yes it will be available in all the countries we serve today.

Will I be able to control people's minds with it?
No, but I’m sure that it will leave some people jealous.

Will all the locations be in the Assassin's creed series?
I’m quite certain that you’d rather not be spoiled J

Thank you guys for all your questions. Be sure that your commitment and your passion are our main motivations."

And of course prototype pictures :

https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11295537_10155620852225302_7071103803191520721_n.j pg?oh=1d1e78dd4d20725c35a45bf87942d428&oe=55F702C4

https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/l/t1.0-9/11257229_10155620852220302_1593269600317724255_n.j pg?oh=c26fb64025b7e2efd75c83e7b55957f0&oe=55C39E1E

05-29-2015, 05:29 PM
Wow welcome to the forum Matthieu

Really like how you display your AC Collections! And congrats on joining the ATA team!

06-05-2015, 01:02 PM
I am currently running a Fan Collection Gallery-

I would love to show off your collection-

If you're interested- get in touch


06-05-2015, 06:01 PM
I am currently running a Fan Collection Gallery-

I would love to show off your collection-

If you're interested- get in touch


Poor Colum :P Did you read my intro message here? Because you would have already knew that we spoke already about this ;) Speak to you soon.


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06-05-2015, 08:02 PM
Poor Colum :P Did you read my intro message here? Because you would have already knew that we spoke already about this ;) Speak to you soon.


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You're everywhere Math haha :D

Looking forward to showcasing your collection in a few weeks :D

06-07-2015, 07:21 AM
Nice AC collection. Really like how it's spaced out and all piled up giving it such a cluttered look.

So you collect AC only? Not even tempted by anything else? Do you play other games?

Gorgeous update! Also, is that the model Jackdaw (paper/puzzle-like material) on the left in the middle? I missed it when it was dirt cheap on Amazon.fr and have been wanting one ever since. If so, that thing is MUCH bigger than I imagined!

I think I might have a couple extra of these if you still need one.

06-07-2015, 07:53 AM
So you collect AC only? Not even tempted by anything else? Do you play other games?

I've just updated the picture. Couldn't resist buying another bookshelf. You know, so it even looks more cluttered. :P

I mostly concentrate my effort and money on AC things but I also got a few Amiibos, Watchdogs CE, a the Skullkid statue and some NA club Nintendo perks. The temptations are no really the problem... And you must be able to guess what it could be...

What about you? What does your collection look like? :)

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06-07-2015, 10:03 AM
Haha my bad I meant to say NOT all piled up and is very organized. Great example of why not to post using a phone.

My collection is a disaster lol. I've several bookcases packed full of stuff and piles building up on the floor around them and it drives me nuts. I pick up a little of everything with no real focus. Some of the CE'S released in the past couple of years are so big space really becomes an issue let alone being able to keep it neat and tidy.

I have small AC collection myself. I believe my intro thread is around here somewhere.

06-07-2015, 04:00 PM
Haha my bad I meant to say NOT all piled up and is very organized. Great example of why not to post using a phone.

My collection is a disaster lol. I've several bookcases packed full of stuff and piles building up on the floor around them and it drives me nuts. I pick up a little of everything with no real focus. Some of the CE'S released in the past couple of years are so big space really becomes an issue let alone being able to keep it neat and tidy.

I have small AC collection myself. I believe my intro thread is around here somewhere.

Hehe, I thought maybe you were sarcastic and was thinking maybe that it was too well arranged hehe. It took me a few read to catch it... And it was finally a typo :P

I also noticed I didn't answer you about which games I play... So... The list is long but if you've read my intro, you saw I was a Nintendo fanboy back in the days. Now that I've grown up, I got my self a PS4 so obliviously I play every AC game I can. Beside that, one of my most topped games would be Kingdom Hearts, Tomb Raider, then on the Nintendo side, The Legend of Zelda, the Mario Games, Metroid... And so many others that I must have forgotten. :)

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