View Full Version : Requested: Limited Edition Scarborough Fair Gun from Bayonetta (Not Climax)

05-23-2015, 05:15 PM
Want To Buy Limited Edition Scarborough Fair Replica
Title: Bayonetta
Platform: n/a
region: n/a
Condition: (Sealed, new, used,etc) any
Link to DB Entry: (if exists) n/a

You know the one...not the version that came with the UK/Aus editions or the Climax pack-in, the one that caused a bit of controversy when sold a while ago on eBay.


Only 15 in existence apparently, so naturally willing to pay accordingly...I need it in my life!

Any help welcome!

05-23-2015, 09:15 PM
Do you have any actual images of this item? There aren't any on the ebay listing anymore and I would be interested in seeing it. ^^

05-23-2015, 09:34 PM
How does it differ from the one in the pre-order?

05-23-2015, 10:13 PM
Oh yeah, I saw that on eBay recently when hunting for the gun myself, but it was the one in the plain box (not the Climax edition) so I didn't want it. Didn't realize it was that desirable though. that was the first time I saw one like that though, best of luck finding it!

05-23-2015, 10:20 PM
Oh yeah, I saw that on eBay recently when hunting for the gun myself, but it was the one in the plain box (not the Climax edition) so I didn't want it. Didn't realize it was that desirable though. that was the first time I saw one like that though, best of luck finding it!

So the one in the white box is the rare one?

05-23-2015, 11:42 PM
Gah! On my phone so can't embed the image...this is WAY rarer than both blank and full colour packaging, however...




Let me know if you can see, and more importantly if you know anyone willing to sell!

05-24-2015, 12:15 AM
Can't see these images on my phone either, I'll check when I get home from work :)

05-24-2015, 12:47 AM
Could only see 2. Very nice. Was unaware of this item until today...




05-24-2015, 12:28 PM
I cant view these :(

05-26-2015, 10:37 AM
Have tried searching all over the wEb for one of these over the last few days for you but no luck :( have you managed to find one?

With apparently only 15 in existence it's not gonna be easy!

05-29-2015, 08:58 PM
No luck yet...wah!

Cheers for keeping an eye out!