View Full Version : Tales of Zestiria Steelbook and metalcase
07-15-2015, 07:38 AM
The collector's edition apparently have two versions. I think one for Europe and one for the US (correct me if I am wrong here, but I couldn't confirm this). The US version has a steelbook case version, and the EU has a metal case version.
07-16-2015, 06:43 AM
yeah i think you are right
the EU one is up on amazon FR for now... sold out on DE though
not sure about bandai store though
07-16-2015, 07:41 AM
so PAL Europe gets the "game disc"?..but NO standard game box in the package?
07-20-2015, 03:12 AM
Looks like the US is G1 though based on the picture??
07-20-2015, 04:42 AM
Looks like the US is G1 though based on the picture??
Based on the picture it is much larger than the blue ray box. It gotta be G2 as G1 is no longer produced in the US.
07-20-2015, 07:13 AM
does anyone in the US know if there GAMESTOP store allows "in-store" preorders anymore? gamestop store told me they CANNOT...only go to the gamestop website..i much rather prefer "in-store" so I can look over the package looking out for a pristine mint it true? more preorders allocated instore?
07-20-2015, 07:15 AM
do you guys feel the US version based on the contents the package will be similiarly boxed like the nice compact like tales of symphonia collection box with a slipcase over it? or more like the bloated tales of xillia 1 and 2 packages because of the figurine those two came with? for boxed display purposes the tales of symphonia collection to me was very ideal..the 2 xillia games, I didn't like the flimsy outer box and being oversized etc.
07-20-2015, 03:30 PM
does anyone in the US know if there GAMESTOP store allows "in-store" preorders anymore? gamestop store told me they CANNOT...only go to the gamestop website..i much rather prefer "in-store" so I can look over the package looking out for a pristine mint it true? more preorders allocated instore?
Yeah, all my stores still allow in-store preorders, at least for most things. I think with a lot of CEs though they seem to be stopping many in-store preorders so that they can better manage their inventory. Some of the CEs have been web-in-store only though, so I guess its a mixed bag.
07-29-2015, 03:02 PM
This will be a FuturePak, as with most Namco-Bandai UK releases. They tend to prefer to do business with Novobox rather than Scanavo, most likely due to lower print runs. Scanavo demand a minimum order of 4,000 units for a SteelBook to be printed, whereas Novobox are a little more flexible. Namco-Bandai releases are renowned for having low print runs, hence why they opt for FuturePak tins over SteelBooks :)
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