View Full Version : rare Assassin's Creed stuff for sale

07-27-2015, 01:34 PM
Hey guys. You've probably seen I am trying to sell my collection, but if you tried to write me you've also seen I am often not able to answer and make deals because of university exams and travelling. So I decided to make ebay sell my stuff for me and I will link you some auctions you can bid on.
Here is the first, it's the brotherhood promo notebook and the auction starts from 10£.
I am also open to offers, but only of you are really interested in buying. Please not email me but just write through ebay so I will answer you for sure!


07-27-2015, 11:44 PM
Just a question....

Is this deal still on??

Hey Jak please hold the declaration for me please

Good to hear you on here!!

And the block kit in bag and the wooden promo plane and the lineage kit with invitation
Thank you!
