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View Full Version : Disney Infinity ---- all of them so far

08-30-2015, 11:08 PM
I'm curious if any of you collect Disney Infinity.

I was big into the game when the first one came out but due to me spending money elsewhere and for other necessities I didn't get involved with 2.0. I'm not really looking into getting involved with 3.0 because I only have a PS3 and would much prefer a PS4 for all the Disney Infinity stuff.

I'm not sure if they changed the packaging or not yet but for 1.0 you could play the game without opening any of the packs. Because of this, I did not keep many of the characters or anything. I've not seen any characters at Goodwill and I don't do rummage sales to look for cheap characters.

Are any of these rare or is Disney just making tons because tons will sell? Unlike the Amiibos and Skylanders where some rares have popped up.

09-03-2015, 07:58 AM
the rare ones are the ones handed out at D23 expo..the DISNEY FAN CONVENTION that happens every 2 years or so...the last one in 2013, they had a convention exclusive but not sure about what or if they had anything for the convention that just happened the other week.

Life Is Prime
09-14-2015, 02:26 AM
This year's D23 didn't have a special figure for attendees. It was a Kingdom Hearts Mickey Mouse power disc that unlocks an in-game costume.