View Full Version : WTB: English Pip Boy Manual from Pip Boy Edition

11-25-2015, 10:13 PM
Want To Buy
Title: Manual from Pip Boy Edition in English
Platform: N/A
Region: English [Language]
Condition: Any

Okay, so I've been trying to get my hands on an English version of the Pip Boy manual as I've got a French copy sitting here.

It's for a Christmas present and so I don't want them to get a French manual as it might put a slight dampener on in despite being a relatively small thing.

I've already tried Bethesda's support and FB but they've totally ignored me on both so I'm really hoping one of you guys has split one and has a manual they can sell on.

Obviously I'm not going to ask for free but I'd prefer a reasonable price as realistically I can already see money's gonna be tight with Christmas coming.

Cheers. :thumb:

12-17-2015, 11:36 AM