View Full Version : Missing Edition (Not Yet Released) Libra of the Vampire Princess (Collector's Box) - KickStarter
01-19-2016, 12:39 AM
Full Game Name: Libra of the Vampire Princess
Edition Name: (Collector's Edition)
Platform(s): PC (Vita possible if stretch goal is met.)
Region(s): Region Free
Publisher: MiKandi Japan
Release Date: targetted for November 2016
Price (RRP): $90 + S&H
Bar Code: unknown
Package Description: Collector's Box
Content Description:
Collector's Box
Physical Boxed Game
Physical Art Book (60 Pages)
Physical Sound Track (CD assumed, but not specified)
"Shuma’s 'Digi-Pack'" (Digital game, artbook, and sound track through Steam)
Link(s) to source(s):
Kick Starter:
Other Info/Pics:
:bananayes: This game is already fully funded. Only twenty-four hours remaining to fund as of time of this posting.
01-19-2016, 08:26 PM
Final pledging surge! Current Pledge Total: $172,624
01-20-2016, 06:20 AM
KickStarter campaign has concluded at $183,105! Additional funding will be taken in the coming months through BackerKit add-ons, and they have eluded that additional pledges will be taken, guessing that will likely be through SlackerBacker or some other such program but that has not yet been clarified.
01-20-2016, 06:26 PM
An Official Update was sent out today to those who pledged during the timed campaign: Here's part of the content of the e-mail.
Victory Achieved! What's Next? Onward to Immortality!
Backerkit is the solution we'll be using for our post-Kickstarter battle. As I mentioned above, even though Kickstarter has ended, this is one more chance to increase our funding even further. You wanted to hit that Vita stretch goal. You wanted the final Iris mini-episode. Hey, we want it, too! Time to muster the cavalry for another thrashing.
But first, let's looks at what our 2,285 soldiers is capable of with Backerkit...
If everyone pledges $17 extra dollars, we can get Vita/Android Goal + Iris Mini-Episode!
2,285 soldiers x $17 = $38,845 $38,845 + $183,105 = $221,950
If everyone pledges $12 extra dollars, we can get Vita/Android Goal!
2,285 soldiers x $12 = $27,420 $27,420 + $183,105 = $210,525
Backerkit recommends we wait 14 days from the end of our Kickstarter, so be ready for the war horn to blast once again. ^__^
02-23-2016, 06:41 AM
Most excellent news indeed! MiKandi Japan made an announcement yesterday (Monday).
In just the mere four days that BackerKit has been up and running, over $15,000 has been added with new and increased existing pledges so far! Libra of the Vampire Princess is now less than $12,000 away from the PS Vita physical game stretch goal! And with a little over three weeks still remaining to pledge through BackerKit, things are looking very hopeful for the Vita version stretch goal being reached. :)
No better time to pledge than right now. If just 199 (one hundred and ninety-nine) more people will pledge the minimum amount required for a physical copy of this game, the Vita stretch goal will be met! ^_^
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