04-20-2016, 05:21 PM
For Sale/Trade
Title: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Power Bank (2200 mAh)
Price: 150€ + Shipping Cost (depending on the country)
Condition: New
I trade this item with other rare press kit/gadget (Uncharted: Drakes' Fortune Press Kit, Resistance Fall of Man Press Kit or other) pg?oh=961b4e817a85df7368cfe6a3b557ee3d&oe=57BC1F75
Title: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Power Bank (2200 mAh)
Price: 150€ + Shipping Cost (depending on the country)
Condition: New
I trade this item with other rare press kit/gadget (Uncharted: Drakes' Fortune Press Kit, Resistance Fall of Man Press Kit or other) pg?oh=961b4e817a85df7368cfe6a3b557ee3d&oe=57BC1F75