View Full Version : Missing Edition (Not Yet Released) IndieBox Steelbooks GameTrust Collection (Multiple Games)

10-21-2016, 04:47 AM
Full Game Name: (Ten Games To Start)

Nuclear Throne
Rogue Legacy
Axiom Verge
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
Punch Club
Jotun: Valhalla Edition
Stories: The Path of Destinies
Thomas Was Alone

Edition Name: "GameTrust Collection" IndieBox Steelbooks
Platform(s): PC
Region(s): NA ONLY
Publisher: IndieBox & Gamestop Exclusive
Release Date: "Mid November 2016"
Price (RRP): $19.99
Bar Code: (if known)
Package Description: Steelbook

Content Description:
* An exclusive SteelBook case
* Full-color instruction manual
* DRM-free game disc
* Soundtrack CD
* Mini art print with Steam key

Link(s) to source(s): https://www.theindiebox.com/indiebox-at-gamestop/

Other Info/Pics:
**Each game is said to be in an EXTREMELY limited run, and these are said to be just the "first 10" games. Depending on how well they sell, I imagine, we'll see more. Better get your wallets ready people! :swoon:


Preorder Links Available NOW:
Gametrust List (all 10 games have individual links from this page) (http://www.gamestop.com/gametrust)

Individual/Direct Links:
Jotun - Valhalla Collector's Edition (http://www.gamestop.com/pc/games/jotun-valhalla-edition-collectors-edition/130443?)
Punch Club Collector's Edition (http://www.gamestop.com/pc/games/punch-club-collectors-edition/130440?)
Guacamelee Super Turbo Championship Edition Collector's Edition (www.gamestop.com/pc/games/guacamelee-super-turbo-championship-edition-collectors-edition/130442?)
Rogue Legacy Collector's Edition (http://www.gamestop.com/pc/games/rogue-legacy-collectors-edition/130429?)
Stories - The Path of Destinies Collector's Edition (http://www.gamestop.com/pc/games/stories-the-path-of-destinies-collectors-edition/130444?)
Nuclear Throne Collector's Edition (http://www.gamestop.com/pc/games/nuclear-throne-collectors-edition/130430?)
Chariot Collector's Edition (http://www.gamestop.com/pc/games/chariot-collectors-edition/130439?)

****Also, not sure if each of these requires its own thread or not, if so, maybe a moderator or someone can do that so they are entered correctly into the database?

10-21-2016, 04:57 PM
Oh my ... so many nice steelies :ghey:

Can someone from the US help me to get the Axiom Verge CE ? :beg:

10-21-2016, 07:26 PM
I am gonna pass until they do this for console gaming.

10-22-2016, 08:43 PM
Oh my ... so many nice steelies :ghey:

Can someone from the US help me to get the Axiom Verge CE ? :beg:

Just in case you didn't know but Gamestop.com is shipping those steelies to Germany :thumb:

10-22-2016, 08:46 PM
:'( but they still did'nt ship to France :'(

10-23-2016, 04:54 AM
Oh my ... so many nice steelies :ghey:

Can someone from the US help me to get the Axiom Verge CE ? :beg:

Hey Seest, PM incoming!

10-24-2016, 06:24 AM
i wonder how gamestop will handle these releases? i assume they must be sealed? or will they be scratched and dented because gamestop does not put any emphasis on the cases..just software..i remember when my local gamestop would deliberately open and each every game, then offer to "reshrink" wrap it again, if a customer insisted it needed to be sealed..they had like a saran wrap style reseal machine in the back...they used to remove the game disc..and put it in little paper slips, and lock those, saying it took up less space in the cabinets, and if someone came into the store to steal, all they'll get were empty cases...