View Full Version : New Nathan Drake statue!
12-10-2016, 11:48 PM
Hey Gang,
I know it's been mentioned in a couple threads,but I'm hoping you won't mind me giving it a thread of its own. I was pleased to debut our newest statue in the PlayStation Collectibles line over last weekend at the PSX event in Anaheim. This is the first of several statues that I'm working on. I was really lucky to have the full cooperation of the Naughty Dog art teams on this one. They have reviewed the prototype, and with the exception of a few paint changes, they were extremely happy with it. Once we make the changes (the molle straps and other parts need to be matte, he's missing his watch because we didn't have the model in time, his ring is painted on, but we just got the model for that too, etc) and get some new photographs taken, we'll replace the shots on the Gear Store and Sideshow sites. However, since I know any of you want to see what it looks like from different angles, here's a couple shots of the prototype before the paint changes.
12-11-2016, 03:01 AM
It's awesome Gary! Love the pose.
Does anyone know what I should expect to pay for international shipping from Sideshow?
12-11-2016, 06:42 AM
It's up on Sideshow if you need the link:
12-11-2016, 08:38 PM
It's up on Sideshow if you need the link:
Thanks! Was not able to find a quote for shipping, it's probably not possible for Sideshow to know before they get the statue.
12-11-2016, 11:28 PM
It's awesome Gary! Love the pose.
Does anyone know what I should expect to pay for international shipping from Sideshow?
To Canada, I think the last 1/4 statue I got from there shipping was in the regular ~$70-100 range. The problem with sideshow is the fees at the door...last time it was like $120 for a ~$450 statue. I try to avoid them if possible.
12-12-2016, 01:11 AM
To Canada, I think the last 1/4 statue I got from there shipping was in the regular ~$70-100 range. The problem with sideshow is the fees at the door...last time it was like $120 for a ~$450 statue. I try to avoid them if possible.
Damn, thanks for the tip. Think it would be delivered to the post office here, as that is what normally happens. Is those fees you had to pay normal post office fees and import fees?
Calculated it and seems like it would be around $150 here. So with shipping and price of statue, it would be $600, which is pretty crazy. But it's kind of my only alternative..
12-12-2016, 03:42 PM
Excellent job. Hopefully we start seeing more items from PlayStation. Hoping to get one next week when I get paid
12-12-2016, 05:27 PM
It's also on the Playstation Gear store.
Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
12-13-2016, 07:52 AM
Dear Gary,
Could you please tell us something more about the material of the statue?
Is it gonna be a full polystone/resin statue? Will it have some PVC/plastic parts?
Again, thanks for this wonderful piece of art. :)
12-14-2016, 08:07 AM
Dear Gary,
Could you please tell us something more about the material of the statue?
Is it gonna be a full polystone/resin statue? Will it have some PVC/plastic parts?
Again, thanks for this wonderful piece of art. :)
Hi Comatose,
The original plan was to make it all Polystone, but I'm thinking we need to go mixed media on this one. Parts like the Shoreline soldier tactical gear and Drake's holster/gun/pouch just look so much cooler as separate pieces. However, as they are very small and thin, they would have to be injection molded ABS or PVC. Since I've already set the msrp, I'd have to absorb the tooling costs but I'm willing to make less money on these to push the quality bar. Naughty Dog LOVES this statue, BTW, and they are not easy to please. ;-)
12-15-2016, 12:02 AM
Hi Comatose,
The original plan was to make it all Polystone, but I'm thinking we need to go mixed media on this one. Parts like the Shoreline soldier tactical gear and Drake's holster/gun/pouch just look so much cooler as separate pieces. However, as they are very small and thin, they would have to be injection molded ABS or PVC. Since I've already set the msrp, I'd have to absorb the tooling costs but I'm willing to make less money on these to push the quality bar. Naughty Dog LOVES this statue, BTW, and they are not easy to please. ;-)
Great info Gary! Really looking forward to this piece!
03-15-2017, 05:48 PM
Hi all,
This statue looks amazing !
Any other place to order it?
I live in France and I'd like to pay as less shipping / custom fees as possible, any idea how to?
03-18-2017, 08:18 AM
Hey Gadgetron,
You can order it off Sideshow, but I also googled "New Nathan Drake statue" and saw few overseas was in Austrailia. I assume these are part of SS' distributor network.
Hope that helps,
03-18-2017, 09:49 AM
I eventually ordered it through Sideshow, I hope the custom fees won't be huge...
Do you have a link to these retailers? I suppose the price would be the same.
Anyway I paid a non-refundable 35$ deposit.
03-18-2017, 01:50 PM
Not the biggest fan of Uncharted, but god damn that statue looks awesome!
03-18-2017, 05:11 PM
Here's the one I found in Austrailia.
03-18-2017, 05:29 PM
Lol! Thanks, I appreciate that. I had a lot of fun working with the Dogs on it. Hopefully one of my new statues will be of a character that you are a fan of.
Not the biggest fan of Uncharted, but god damn that statue looks awesome!
03-18-2017, 05:29 PM
It's way more expensive, good thing I ordered on Sideshow :)
I sent you a PM Gary :)
03-18-2017, 05:32 PM
Lol! Thanks, I appreciate that. I had a lot of fun working with the Dogs on it. Hopefully one of my new statues will be of a character that you are a fan of.
Wait, you the person who made this statue? I didnt read the thread, just saw the image and commented, since i am not interested in purchase it.
But... Congratulations, like i said it looks awesome. (any website where i can check your work?)
03-20-2017, 07:18 AM
New pics have been updated on Sideshow's site.. They added Drake's watch to the statue as well, nice touch to it
and a comparison pics to show you how huge it is..
I agree, the statue is a WOW and I was even fine to pre-order it, it's just $350 for huge and awesome piece of art. But since Sideshow doesn't ship from Europe for European buyers, fees in Croatia would kill me. With transport and everything, probably over $600.
03-20-2017, 06:46 PM
I agree, the statue is a WOW and I was even fine to pre-order it, it's just $350 for huge and awesome piece of art. But since Sideshow doesn't ship from Europe for European buyers, fees in Croatia would kill me. With transport and everything, probably over $600.
600$ ???
I live in France and I had like 25€ of shipping costs,should I expect more ?O.o
600$ ???
I live in France and I had like 25€ of shipping costs,should I expect more ?O.o
What about customs fees in France? If you're importing the statue from US, it could get charged by customes. Or not if you are lucky.
In Croatia it's like 10% on item+shipping price plus 25% VAT on item + shipping + custom fee plus some other "manipulative" costs. $600 is roundly the correct price after the country takes it's share.
03-20-2017, 06:57 PM
I can't see anything for statues on Internet:
03-21-2017, 09:02 AM
In Croatia it's like 10% on item+shipping price plus 25% VAT on item + shipping + custom fee plus some other "manipulative" costs. $600 is roundly the correct price after the country takes it's share.
Znam te muke prijatelju. Ista stvar je i u Srbiji.:(
Has the statue been postponed to Jul 2017 - Sep 2017? At least that's the information from Sideshow store.
Initial arrival date was Apr 2017 - May 2017.
03-21-2017, 12:26 PM
Yes Gary mentioned that it has been pushed back to allow extra time for tooling as they want to keep the accessories separate.
04-02-2017, 07:28 AM
Yes, indeed. I thought it was important to maintain look of "movement" and while it would have been cheaper and easier to sculpt a lot of the parts onto the the holsters, bandolier, grenades, etc., it just would have looked weird to have those elements hug the body during a fight like this. Some of those parts were just too thin to make out of polystone, so we need to make them using injection molded plastic. It can take 30-40 days to make the tooling for that. Also, because of the pose, I wanted to make sure the armature would hold up so your statue wouldn't warp due to the Shoreline soldier supporting Drake's weight. Basically, I want to get this statue right, so I need some extra time to achieve that (we decided to make a second connection point to ensure the structural integrity of the piece).
Yes Gary mentioned that it has been pushed back to allow extra time for tooling as they want to keep the accessories separate.
04-04-2017, 05:19 AM
Thanks for the detailed explanation Gary!
I'm excited for this piece and it's always extra special to hear thoughts from the people who worked on the statues. Gives the statue a nice backstory rather than being 'just another statue'.
04-05-2017, 05:57 PM
I can't see anything for statues on Internet:
I feel like this source is incomplete. I'll tell you how it works in Canada:
There are way more categories than the four ones in your source. You should be able to classify mostly any item in the categories given which is the case with my source but not with yours.
Anyways, it seems like these limited collectibles statues are consirered as ''statuary'' and are classified in the category 5 in Canada, which means a 15% tax (canadian GST/HST /PST) and no duty, no matter where you import from.
The company that ships the item will also ask for some brokerage fees, which is basically a fee for paying the customs fees in advance for you. Canada post is a flat 10 CAD, but when it comes to UPS and FedEx...beware with that, especially if it is ground shipping.
The best is to contact customs before buying the item and ask them how much it will cost if the item get hit to customs (which is very likely to happen due to the size of that statue). Where it is coming from, what type of merchandise it is and who is shipping it will influence the final cost.
04-18-2017, 01:46 AM
Sideshow is now listing the Edition Size at 750..
I'm very sure it was 1500 when announced. Not sure why it got slashed.
Anyone else knows if the Playstation Gear store reflects the same change?
Hopefully Gary can come in to reply..
04-18-2017, 03:23 AM
Sideshow is now listing the Edition Size at 750..
I'm very sure it was 1500 when announced. Not sure why it got slashed.
Anyone else knows if the Playstation Gear store reflects the same change?
Hopefully Gary can come in to reply..
It's limited to 750 on gear store too.
04-18-2017, 04:05 AM
Hmm looks like they slashed the ES then..
Great for those who are ordering it, making it a bit more exclusive but at 750ES its still more than enough for everyone who wants one to own one.
04-18-2017, 04:10 AM
Hmm looks like they slashed the ES then..
Great for those who are ordering it, making it a bit more exclusive but at 750ES its still more than enough for everyone who wants one to own one.
Is it possible they are maybe just splitting it between the two major retailers? Sideshow Collectibles is a much more well known distributor of fine statues. I've been collecting from Sideshow for about 15 years; I only heard of the PSGear Store a few years ago I've been a PS fan since the original PS launched...Just a thought.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
04-18-2017, 04:19 AM
Is it possible they are maybe just splitting it between the two major retailers? Sideshow Collectibles is a much more well known distributor of fine statues. I've been collecting from Sideshow for about 15 years; I only heard of the PSGear Store a few years ago I've been a PS fan since the original PS launched...Just a thought.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
Hmm possible.. but it was listed as 1500 on both sites before this.
Yup PS Gear is the official store for the Sony Arts Group and the online only opened recently from what I know. Yes, definitely not as well-known to people outside the gaming community so it's great to see Sideshow distributing their stuff.
They have sold quite a few statues through their store (Bloodborne Diorama, Kratos 1/3, Journey Statue etc.. )but I think this is the first or 2nd time they are selling it via Sideshow as well.
04-18-2017, 04:26 AM
Yeah the Bloodborne diorama was my first. Not sure if they sold the ISS statue cause I got that directly from a convention but I know it was PS Official cause Gary helped me when it was broken.
If they both retailers had it listed at 1500 previosly then you guys are probably right; I never paid attention to the Edition Size.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
04-19-2017, 07:33 AM
Hey Guys,
Yup, I made the decision to cut the edition quantity in half. I've learned a few things about the videogame collectibles market over the past few years. You can never tell how a statue is going to do. I would have bet money that my Journey statue, based on a downloadable game that no one had heard of until it started winning awards was doomed to fail. It sold 1000 units in like 72 hrs. By comparison, I made what I thought was an awesome Kratos statue...26" tall, mixed media, shipped in box that could hold a small refrigerator....and they still haven't sold out so the Gear Store is blowing them out for $299 (grab one, they are a steal!).
When I started working on the Drake statue over a year ago, I had always wanted to set the edition quantity at 1500. However, some things have changed during the development period...and I noticed more collectibles statues staying in the 750-1000 range. We've got close to 500 pre-orders and while I feel that we could probably hit the 1000 mark eventually, I've spoken with the Uncharted team and we feel it's more important to make the statue more exclusive and go with the lower edition size.
So, that's pretty much it. I know that some of you are interested in waiting until the unboxing videos hit YouTube, or you get some in-hand reviews. That makes sense, but I wouldn't wait too long.
04-19-2017, 08:58 AM
Still don't understand the Kratos one haha..
Thanks for the info Gary, 750 sounds like a good number. Good to keep it quite exclusive for some secondary-market value and also I feel that this is enough for everyone who wants one, to own one.
04-25-2017, 03:29 PM
POed the Nathan Drake Statue, Was gonna wait closer to release date but Sideshow's $15 coupon was expiring today so might as well do it.. Now the wait begins!
04-25-2017, 11:01 PM
Pre ordered aswell, thanks for getting the word out there guys. Was going to wait to after release, but with only 750 made I would probably have ended up not getting one
04-26-2017, 02:56 AM
Pre ordered aswell, thanks for getting the word out there guys. Was going to wait to after release, but with only 750 made I would probably have ended up not getting one
Yup better to have it locked in, rather than regretting later. With Sideshow, you only have to pay $50 up front or you can choose payment plans.
04-26-2017, 12:53 PM
Yup better to have it locked in, rather than regretting later. With Sideshow, you only have to pay $50 up front or you can choose payment plans.
That is true! I am really looking forward to getting it. For some reason I do not really like the U3 premium format one so I skipped that, finally I am able to have a good Uncharted statue in the collection :D
04-26-2017, 01:16 PM
I was very late to the Uncharted series.. My first game was the Uncharted Trilogy for PS4 so I missed out on all the CEs. I bought the UC4 CE, not too bad but I love this. It's like 'The' Uncharted Statue for me. :banana:
12-07-2017, 06:42 PM
Hi Gary,
I just received the Uncharted statue, alhough it is one gigantic piece of collection, I'm having a little trouble...
1. The shotgun does not fit in the soldier's forearm.
2. Drake's holdster's broken, the fixation broke and it is now seperate into two different pieces
3. The soldier's goggles are seperate from the helmet (same problem, the glue fixation broke.)
Can you please tell me asap how I get replacement items.
12-10-2017, 07:45 AM
Wow, Gadgetron. I'm sorry to hear your statue has issues. Of course, I'll make sure we make good on everything asap. First, a few questions:
1) Did you buy it through Sideshow or the Gear Store?
2) Are you in the U.S. or overseas?
3) Was there a shockwave tag on the box?
Also, please feel free to email me directly at gary.barth@Sony.con
Thanks for your patience,
12-10-2017, 12:04 PM
I will do that, thanks ! :)
03-17-2018, 08:27 AM
Surprised no one posted pics of this..
Here's mine! 29gBxm96-kJ6uurNUsQ0dUlYJKue4rUc7h2D1qvXuoMhJPX0l0miJr3vwZv th9S-9CiW6RvjkFwX6ChUciL58TrA-B4FOUHzzt3ntIuM5cwHT3VNaCE6tpAY2Nva1OsqmAyF1-SAHrUWsK4MnfMHAsh5qd4NXPnW_D2vBT6V0q2-Y2gxBBRbwzDjQbg1jf8yP-jmv--aEQWVsdZIrsaI-zbUCXfVG0EK60HUqULcDYPymjjbtbSlDW0ysRuuOALy3YyjO3B kPZVTvFUkJGUBEpPi2VC7ja0ktHlfKN_3DhHRCc_pMUlojFKlC FHve-gkG7GIh5rDBOEW8ipY72X5anqgq_UDQCLJJJLh4_TqByFjLLF8 KNV-PuBzWViWeYCoRvamWLIE8JzBVP9BopdoF_bOU21Inbhnc-r7scduu_Nn7KCSL2gQOfayP6akUPkeoEnHLzMkOVmNfJ0jbqRY ZAmRgZc-qYDknMmopFKYcFwFIAkbFbHCbyG8gCmmDNGg3BEJzJ-DsYpE8p-n3vkVtZbSht7vJW5TdlGbHrkh37G_XumVQr8J4=w713-h949-no qNs7ROzgf1-u3s2EJmRNqB7-rYLsRWgtro-UsrS2hel8FQPnv4UU0_u4pNAgnjaT_UkFsrRYxDY58UgtF6fkE PNYEUy0GXnv7-hQBI0BrxgmjhZIDrMx5bSS7Edc2Lm_BW6KTpZm1jQgQ6-jmJ2gxsFw8wXpqZvS7rcy_549YN5vn9bku5rplq6Fj7iL5WCxV FPLYzUDweDDG5LPbV2Qzc1-57NJ6TGJrq44qDwnrJ0xZGbgpFiTd7DXaqTz3RluTxSlDtWpur 7_XjUVwI3onxnv_DwhYv0vs1U_3oEHxFOnJc6Q1UL6Z2OaxvcD XAjdGSYtyUZjGPC69nDI3bWSfyAQodVnyYQkvTndpKzYURcFYz fc1VXARMbMq6u_ryaNU8LkUXmBdEJCxYe3S7nal74WPDG8EuAM 4XY7nrIXxaOhEsJ295ISfB3f_7Xrgw9VWEJzJP8bKB8Hb3Yz5G ti_-C8FKP1hqQWjmm9n-1Coi2qURaIh89p9t6BEDTeWOXOPjh0jRaCYr82lXfbz4Hrihxc dej60wf_X_i5NKU6OZy7MfDeifTN4=w713-h949-no KYBsOjRqdzFbZm8adH5Yxa600V31GDHxsLy4H_bjiVLNK37L3s K1-53Cc-1ifqdIL-l-ysANpFJ6opv5K_aZWyzMt3vcsFQrbWiKUChq2gmzVX072lm8iU yn2_H4w6-C0F_qaRIkHLnew5DKJ2KsgqLtGJJaq06MAp0hefr8KErKk61IH axh5syNBhJ4M3VQsc7fKtdepuKd3MfrVtFwYEKNRaC7Q8tDAzQ 2gEVM2puQOa1hnzIAMfVWqkE4P1yLsQbDwx5h10SO4_9wB0rV4 jwxNV9ptYQADh1vXssELTzycwrpPEO4UKWjqh96YZ9uGI0qNXs 7fTc5dx16ORDjAK-LdGdDI0elAK9ZgkL8lO_NWQJmI76GKk3IKCfJsxFuIuJAmX0qR bKqLxq9nj0dT6dq7iV7n_cJG0C2SdMfwH6IPJVGZi_vNG87stX IoP5F57LvjJSmr97e0ap4PR89ujOjcDvn5TvXW4Amx-ZVT9BLqfZvA5ZxPWH1amgTlqhEKkiIdbjgkcJY=w713-h949-no s_r5deddutxeoismLGi6kR7fTrSDVvjquGWfEfCHBOG4AnwiOR 6I9g5ppf2wujHiT3B9q0l-IpLRXy-ctMBsvQJoYg0vBpYy_DQhnfGF8rzTaL4OgfGM741xyJVUKc4rq-3raiou9oF_0NqM_eRHOuncLNxXOK25qV6edrAfd-C00haFdtKt5SjMe8Hs__u_zWOQBpkTpb115rnS3_VPJoi8XKll HTn3ekAhGm6CIjgrjQUoXeCFU8xJwY-E5CuDO0AWYSw_Da2zSGMD-uL3PB_IFQyk4KDEXrLnnuPMy2Nby0gL13y-pAY-6oN0IoYFKKtgpLTOJJmAplIhhlIdWz-tyNaK9ay4of0yInJTmcZKcYXNUTXgu_61W4XpCzwEfEzUMTQmY Je-FCOeQenx_sg9AVoLH9fld0x4lluM8WgoqoMdJY2sX4Q_pyKxh9 Lw9PgavAgYd4zwBVMk4cSPai9cta6M24-RnhHtOr0uIiOZYWpq_OHa-RfRyjBoIeebLSq-Mc=w713-h949-no Kh-6Te0kIgEEEn01uYblz9h-9Kh0jPxXTkS7xGFhONKsxvqngWrPFdsz9ZhJkoGPCwliOjX2j1 eR0YH7ck3i3drFPTNrtDieyiPRu0dEi_Tcwiu7A6yL5a5xUDJp 9M4cjhv0Gi4U8l8XuW3GPtFdP04oMOHnBxjAuyw00rQb3vefXX eolO4tR09WmV5KoUbgIXUyatboRIXksvlo5OZ29FHxE2wlXKFk ywu4jLQGnMya0Xr53DNcHvDzrYfCbTACS6Q5Xu2jP4apfGl5A6 asSr6TuJ0vqoR7ZHeGsWQSYc30w1qqKNfTYw73ucq4-Rety0YT5VVH9lb9XL5Q4cDR3PU1FzFwSi8UTKnq1qNA9xKmB99 kgMtH-FgFoSCQt6qNc3myfU7ochA8sQ24tmvqaFNs8_c9fC_8_UeP_gY 77Gey9eUY=w713-h949-no Q5ioCXb9KmVNrlIDABHAVFAS8kxwG6NtV9r8Rs3oJTgSocivoH X92mz8gMhhPhPbPzHORp2xXVCmkc5RMl2GXh2dyONdPa7an7JX B09W4olcWNwgZY_MBjg2MxgXzMvbgQRjvPbywxQlOcYpb25wVm Br9-VyPln693R27KzqkpwwPVOwblpKvEt5at3vRFEZBLvyzcxsoasM MtiwMQL7Hk2Eup9oEz8rZFJqZro7V9kXj0XEwMVl5sB335KqVV I_f_O921LuK4u5OOKEFVhTIBSaOWwW8f-P97EFzYdLaO8uPRAeIz4KWvKVaY6jK-q8dIIiBspPmxcKG9-7y4XVAz_XeDRVD64WTP9DZEzwbopcPwMzV6gk1gM90-Y8oqJ9hjZggUKwxwyFQ5BK9Kw25SBQIOs8Whep_qQ7b2IGF6ZK 6mSDLdzf7tmXJ3Rxw1f_EwJE0YylejfDgLl2gAL8tgzxabcNlT ZLiSiy3oVBXYGL12AMMz8LpEBGjZNialFlErH7Jh2BCltC__oa m0dTGxol9q9o36PC6M2E5xx_z9re7EknxJ_6I=w1265-h949-no
Very happy with how this looks. Saw a couple of bad pics online and was a little worried to be honest but it looks great in person!
Plenty more pics:
03-17-2018, 01:42 PM
Your pictures do not work on the forum...
It looks good overall, but when zooming on the details I feel like there is a downgrade in paintjob, is it?
03-21-2018, 02:26 AM
Re-linked the pics.. Hope it's better now.
Paintjob looks better on Drake than the goon but it's still cool. There's shades so looks pretty good.
03-21-2018, 03:19 AM
Re-linked the pics.. Hope it's better now.
Paintjob looks better on Drake than the goon but it's still cool. There's shades so looks pretty good.
Still can't see the pics here :/ anyways people'll just click the link all pictures are there.
I know what you mean, those things usually look better in real than on pictures. The base looks really good tbh
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