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View Full Version : Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - Black Steelbook

01-25-2017, 01:11 PM
This black version does not know where it came from, a friend of mine, sent me photos, said he bought this.
Hope someone can give the answer.

01-25-2017, 01:24 PM
The picture on your instagram is mine.

This steelbook edition is from Czech, here's the link:


Please remove my picture from your Instagram account, thanks.

01-27-2017, 02:54 PM
If anyone is able to get me a copy, please let me know.

01-27-2017, 05:46 PM
yes i would like it as well...

02-01-2017, 12:06 PM
Guys, just found this new eBay listing by a seller from Israel who has a heap of these cases for a good price.


02-02-2017, 09:17 PM
Guys, just found this new eBay listing by a seller from Israel who has a heap of these cases for a good price.


Thanks man, bought one!!

02-03-2017, 02:32 AM
Thanks man, bought one!!

02-06-2017, 03:34 AM
Guys, just found this new eBay listing by a seller from Israel who has a heap of these cases for a good price.


Nice find. Cheers bud.

02-10-2017, 01:23 PM
Found on FB some photos:

02-10-2017, 03:52 PM
Got mine today and it's very nice indeed, with a shiny finish

02-11-2017, 01:11 AM
I like how it just says "Uncharted". Now I can pretend that this steelbook was made for Uncharted 1 and keep my copy of the game in there lol.

02-11-2017, 11:22 PM
This is ridiculous.... I've seen this Israeli guy a while ago but he had no valid photos so I didn;t buy. Now everything's gone and the prices have gone to hell.... WTF....

02-12-2017, 12:31 AM
This is ridiculous.... I've seen this Israeli guy a while ago but he had no valid photos so I didn;t buy. Now everything's gone and the prices have gone to hell.... WTF....

I've bought some steels from this seller in the past. He's a trustworthy guy. Items were as described and he ships them in a cardboard box with bubble wrap. He's had two separate listings of those Uncharted steels (the first listing had sold out by the time I read this thread, but there was a second listing the next day). Maybe he'll put up a third listing. You could also just message him and ask if he has any more for sale.

Don't stress too much over this steel. It's new right now, so some vultures will try to capitalize by inflating the price. But I think you will eventually find one on eBay at a decent cost, considering that it's readily available in countries like Poland, Czech, etc.


I just checked, and that seller has two more steels here...

http://www.ebay.ca/itm/UNCHARTED-Steelbook-BLACK-Case-no-game-NEW-/172528392088?hash=item282b7e5798:g:UNgAAOSwjDZYkG2 K

02-13-2017, 06:52 AM
This is ridiculous.... I've seen this Israeli guy a while ago but he had no valid photos so I didn;t buy. Now everything's gone and the prices have gone to hell.... WTF....

You know eBay has buyer's protection policy and always favors buyers than seller so basically you don't need to worry about frauds.