View Full Version : WTB - CE/Steelbooks/Statues from several games/franchises

03-12-2017, 12:55 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm looking to buy CE/Steelbooks/Statues from several different games and franchises.
I wont post everything i am looking for as i dont have money the money to buy it all, so i will updating the thread with the items i am most looking for at the moment.
You will have to ship to Portugal and payments will be made by Paypal.

Things I'm looking for:

Collectors Edition

Title: Assassins Creed II Black Edition
Platform: PS3
region: Europe
Condition: Can be used/open as long as it is in good/mint condition
Link to DB Entry: http://collectorsedition.org/game-db/assassins-creed-ii-black-edition-ps3-2

Title: Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Collectors Edition
Platform: PS3
region: Europe
Condition: Can be used/open as long as it is in good/mint condition
Link to DB Entry: http://collectorsedition.org/game-db/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-collectors-edition-ps3-2


Title: Assassins Creed IV Black Flag Blackbeard Figure
Platform: PS3
Condition: Can be used/open as long as it is in good/mint condition


Plenty :rotf:

Basically i am looking for Steelbooks of these games/franchises:

Assassins Creed
Prince of Persia
God of War
Alien: Isolation
Tomb Raider
Dark Souls
Batman Arkham Series

03-20-2017, 12:33 PM
Hi Spect3r,

I see all of these items regularly pass by on the dutch ebay (marktplaats) I could keep an eye out for them. If you could send me a pm with what youre willing to pay for each singular item i could keep an eye out for them since i am active on that site alot.


03-20-2017, 02:11 PM
Hi Spect3r,

I see all of these items regularly pass by on the dutch ebay (marktplaats) I could keep an eye out for them. If you could send me a pm with what youre willing to pay for each singular item i could keep an eye out for them since i am active on that site alot.


Hi :)

I have sent you a PM :ok:

05-02-2017, 09:01 PM
Almost forgot about this lol
Bump :D