View Full Version : Looking for 2 specific assassin's creed statue's

03-17-2017, 01:34 PM
Hi folks, i'm looking for two Assassin's Creed statue's

Edward Kenway - resin statue
Connor Kenway - the last breath premium statue

Doesn't need to be new, damaged is also welcome

Feel free to post under this or send me a PM if you got them. If you know anyone with one of those statues and is willing to sell it , let me know!

I'm from The Netherlands, so keep in mind if i buy it from you that we need to discuss shipping

Photo's are linked down here, those are not my statue's (sadly)



03-18-2017, 09:56 AM
Welcome to the forums Robert,

Just a fyi, you can buy the Connor last breath premium statue direct off the Pure Arts website. They're based in China but ship to Europe. The statue is available in color or bronze.

03-18-2017, 10:12 AM
Hi there! Thanks for your reply :)

I contacted pure arts before, they have indeed a few bronze statues left. With shipping it will go around 800.-

I also found someone that sells the painted one for 850.- im still thinking about it. Its alot of money to drop on that specific statue

03-18-2017, 10:19 AM
Hi there! Thanks for your reply :)

I contacted pure arts before, they have indeed a few bronze statues left. With shipping it will go around 800.-

I also found someone that sells the painted one for 850.- im still thinking about it. Its alot of money to drop on that specific statue

Yeah, I thought about getting it, but shipping cost plus customs fees were pushing the cost to over a $1100 Canadian. So I just decided to get the cheaper smaller version of the Connor last breath statue. Wasn't a big Connor fan anyway lol. It's a great looking statue though.

03-18-2017, 10:25 AM
Me neither, but the statue looks pretty neat!
My main focus is on the Edward Kenway statue. Had lots of fun with the pirate serie. I see them for about 550.- on ebay. But nobody willing to ship to the netherlands =(