View Full Version : Language options when ordering from abroad
04-10-2017, 02:21 PM
This might be a stupid question but I'll ask anyway
I'm looking to order the steelbook of The Surge for PS4 from a German retailer as the steelbook isn't available to my knowledge in the U.K
Do all games have English voice or do some have regional voice overs
I don't want it to arrive and it have German voice and English subs
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04-10-2017, 02:53 PM
Usually Europe releases are with multi-language option - only box art and manuals are in German.
04-10-2017, 05:26 PM
As long as your settings to your console are set to English, you should be golden.
04-10-2017, 05:50 PM
As long as your settings to your console are set to English, you should be golden.
Awesome thanks
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04-10-2017, 05:50 PM
Usually Europe releases are with multi-language option - only box art and manuals are in German.
Thanks I shall give it a punt [emoji4]
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04-10-2017, 08:13 PM
Why is this thread in the Steelbook Collecting section?
04-11-2017, 07:46 AM
Here is some nice information i have dug up about language options for people who collect pal game it may or may not be know to a lot of people.
1. If the game has the language options stored in the game it will simply just auto translate to the language option setting of the system so buying a game from spain franch or even German but your system is set to english the games will just auto translate to English.
It a very hard to know what game languages each game is available in sadly i did most of my research on games released in russia and compared them to games released in the uk to find that most of the games released in Uk are the same ones released in Russia. If you set you system to russian most of your games should just translate to russian.
for russian games almost all games are 100% the uk cart while some games might have russian covers the content on the games disc are the same as the uk copy.
A few games released in Russia that are not the exact same game as the uk are these games
Virtual Tennis Its a russian only language supported game if you buy the russian copy. Unit 13 would be the same as the copy released in Spain no english. Sly cooper thieves in time would be the same as poland or check republich again no english.
Me and a few other people i know are working on trying to unconver information on ever game released in pal territories and detemine the languages on each cartridge not only are we extreamly pationate about the vita we are commited to building a full playstation vita collection and obtaining but also obtaining a copy of every single game in every language. So for example if the Uk copy would include spanish and french on the disc we see no need to own it but something like virtual tennis russian we would as uk virtua tennis couldnt play the game in russian. So for as you can see most of the research so far as been done with russian and comparing them to uk carts.
If anyone is interested in the research and history preservation we are trying to achieve please feel free to look out our google doc we have made based on our research so far based on russian games we have gotton our hands on to test all this out for. Not only for this amazing system but we also hope you all enjoy this and hope that maybe we can have other contribute this awesome and amazing cause like we are. We absolutly love the vita and want to preserver its history for a life time. I hope everyone enjoys what we have done and we are defiantly working on our goal of getting a full completed world wide library of vita games.
While all my research was done with Russian and UK vita games i found this can even apply to all playstation systems basically. As long as your systems is in english you can buy a french copy, Spanish, Russian, German you game will gernerally be in English. All you need to do is look at the Disc/Cart product number and compare it to the UK copy if they 100% match then your game is in English. So unless you just need to have English case that badly your game is going to be English anyway so if money is ever and issue then buy it from a nother european country you game is still in English.
With Russain vita games all but like 5 are different from the uk copy and sense i own enough uk games i tested this out and it work you in all reallity dont need to worry unless that English case is just a must have. On of those 5 games is just the same as the copy release in spain. Most copies from spain are the same as the uk copy anyway and will include English anyway. You might only find a hand full of games that may not include english but a good lot of them will especially spanish and french games. You might find more acceptions to that rule the English language files just need to be installed in the cd/basically. This is all just based on what language the system is in 98% the country doesnt matter much. So in the long run you are just paying all that extra money for an English printed case/manual in a nut shell.
When it comes to vita games at least its easy to tell. I did tons more research. All games released in the USA are for the part the same games released in Canada mexico/Latin america and Brazil. I would assume but i have yet to test it out most games in america can probably auto translate like European games. Now i know some games in canada do get a french onyl release but that is rather rare. When it comes to Brazil they dont make there own Brazilian carts they are all the same games released in America with a few exceptions where they release the European version instead.
Now lets go to European it does not really matter where the game comes from as most games are supported buy multiple language the only way to tell the difference is in the product id and i would a summer only a hand full of games are different. While the games are not different some product codes will only differ because of language reason. Also in Australia vita games are no different from the uk games sure you can buy a game in Australia but it will have the Australian rating logo on the cover are but the game cart is pretty much the uk cart they may be a few exceptions to that but non i know of. So it really does work like this you can buy an Australian vita games and connect to say the uk store or the french psn store and download the dlc and it will work because the product code for the games will match. In thoery if you want the uk copy of a vita game so badly you realy only paying extra money for the english art work and logo as if the australlian copy if cheaper the cart itself is the same will have same product id and wont look any different at all. Now your wondering how to tell where the game came out thats simple check the cartridge box art or you ca easily google the product codes for any game out 95% or more of the vita game the cart doesnt matter there are exceptions to game in every country though. Take 5 of the games from Russia there are the only 5 games different from the uk/standard european release out of all of the vita library. I know there is 1 game in spain different from the uk release because its on of the games different in russia. So sadly without knowing the product id of ever game released in ever country to find though few possible games that are different there really know what of knowing. If it is released in your country it is intended for sale in your country anyway so where does it matter where it came from anyway all that truely matters is if you can understand that games right or am i wrong. All games in Europe will use a localized name if there is one not ever game will get one if you own enough psvita,ps3, or ps4 games from europe give it a shot and experiment with changing your systems language options. I am sure there might be greater numbers of exceptions on say ps3 or ps4. also do be aware that some games wont even get released in every language like there are some russian games despite being released in Russia there no russian translation really made of the game. My goal for the future is to get my hands one each game with different product codes from europe on the vita and document them properly so know know exactly what language are on what copies but it will be shocking to know. I also feel that the reason the languages stored in the game are never know to the public in europe is simple because im sure they just assume if you buy a german game they are expecting you to have a german language system and to play the game why would you experiment and see if there are other language on the game to begin with.
Now take something like the japanese games Almost all games are only in Japanese. With the exception of a few western games that might get bilingual. There is also the extremely rare case like in walking dead telltale where the full game is in English and never made a Japanese translation. Now we go on to Asian games im not 100% sure if there really any different in the carts for Korean or asian released games at all. I do know how ever im not sure with psvita but i does happen on ps3 where you might find a game with chinese and korean bilingual. In Asia they release the Japanese copies of the games pretty much almost on the same day as they are in japan and if there is an english release normally just when its released in america or Europe. While recently the have been doing asian English only release so things change up a bit.
All this to me anyway is proving is your just paying the extra money for a cover art or a logo more then anything pretty much at least on the vita with a few exceptions.
This can all apply to ps3 and ps4 as well. You want to know if they include english most probably will. Just compare the product id to the uk one. If you dont know the product id then you take the risc of no english, Id say 95% of the time or more it should have English. At least when coming out In Europe. Few games might have it in game option but most its just based on the systems region language.
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