View Full Version : Hello from Slovakia(dark souls fans)

09-08-2017, 11:51 AM
My name is Andrej and Im from Slovakia. 18months ago I lost ability to control my states of chronic fatique and lost my job. After 1.5 year nobody was able to diagnostic me succesfully and treat my dissease I stayed useless for society. So I decided to start to make statues from dark souls environment as a last chance to make money for my family. I also have 6years old son who had diagnosed epilepsy so I need money for his treatment.

If anyone like my work and will buy from me he will also help to me and my family. This is my last chance.

If anyone like what Im doing you can support my work through patreon


My first work

you can find my product on ebay or etsy

09-08-2017, 12:10 PM
Welcome to the forum :)
Sad about your health issues, i wish you all the best.

But on a happier note, you sir have a true talent. Your works look amazing.

For a higher chance of sales, i would suggest that you open a thread on this board:

There you can put prices, pictures, links, any info you find relevant.

09-08-2017, 02:33 PM
Spect3r thank you

09-08-2017, 04:13 PM
Hey Andrej...
Welcome here!
we already know each other...from the Dangalangs :beer:

Your statues are very neat. Once again, wish you made some Demon's Souls statues...
If you have a Souls collection do not hesitate to share it here.