View Full Version : Assassins Creed Red Lineage Series 2
10-06-2017, 09:03 AM
Another seven prints including Nicolai, Shay, Charlotee from the comics, Ezio Revelations, the Frye siblings and Bayek...
Urgh another $450 but got the first set so probably pickup this too. Guess I'm addicted.
Link to the US UBI Site for anyone else in my support group...
Cheers - JC
10-15-2017, 06:29 AM
Perhaps not so much interest here but received my set today and WOW!!! Awesome. Pics don't do it justice but very sharp and detailed. Wish the first series had the same watermarking and red insignia. This series 2 Red Lineage set (mine is 5/50) arrived in a nice outer shell that neatly holds all seven folios and is numbered on the spine for the set. I wish the series 1 set had the same group treatment in the folio case like series 2... Did anyone else buy the whole Series 1 set? If so did your set have a outer shell folio case like the series 2 one shown here?
Steep price, but very happy to own both complete sets of series 1 and 2. Want to do some sort of cool collage to display all 14 prints but would be HUGE!
Cheers - JC
10-16-2017, 12:32 AM
... arrived in a nice outer shell that neatly holds all seven folios and is numbered on the spine for the set. I wish the series 1 set had the same group treatment in the folio case like series 2... Did anyone else buy the whole Series 1 set? If so did your set have a outer shell folio case like the series 2 one shown here? ....
Still hoping to get a response on this from any here who bought the first red lineage series as a complete set. The "nice out shell" I am referring to is what UBI describes on the red lineage page as being "packed in a limited edition collectors box." I am wondering for all of those who purchased the first red lineage series as a complete set, whether if arrived in a "limited edition collectors box" like the 2nd series did or did you get them all seven of the first series bubble-wrapped separately in their seven individual folio sleeves without a collector's box? I got mine all individually wrapped but would very much like to have gotten a collector's box like this for the first series as well.
Aside from being individually bubble wrapped, my complete first series set were all of the same numbering however just had I little signature without the red insignia stamp like the second series and there was no collector's letter for the set like with the second series. Same for anyone else?
Thanks for any replies!
11-28-2017, 02:07 AM
Love the whole Red Lineage collection! Lucky you got the whole series!
Check out what I just posted! :secret:
11-28-2017, 06:05 PM
Awesome! One of my favorite ways to do battle in Origins is Galloping around on Fangs and attacking from horseback. I wish they would have depicted the legendary horse Fangs from the expansion pack and had Bayek swinging my favorite implement.. THE HEADSPLITTER!.
I am excited that I will be receiving that print as well. Mine is still on the way though so I appreciate the post as I was very curious what they were sending!
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