View Full Version : Fake steelbooks
12-07-2019, 09:52 AM
Was sent this link and this is pissing me off 701369420
They are now packing fake steelbooks into plastic wrap ant put a sticker on with usual steelbook info.
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12-07-2019, 04:57 PM
I'm curios how do you identify it as fake? Is there any indication besides the fakt that a steelbook of this design might never have existed?
I Always assumed one can only creat "stickerbooks" with putting foil on the steel.
This one doesn't seem like one. Then again, I'm not a pro :)
Edit: This auction also caught my Attention:ßt/184002694413?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
As far as I'm Aware, the steelbooks that came in the UCE of FFXV were not sealed. (Mine sure as hell weren't)
But there was an issue with People not getting the correct Steels in their CE, so Square issues replacements. Dunno if These were sealed or not.
12-07-2019, 09:37 PM
If there is someone who can create custom steelbooks than I am happy. I seen on many pages great digital images for steelbooks that looks much better than the original.
For me I would pay a nice price for my own custom steel but the ebay auction is a joke. A seller on private marcetplace sell the exact same steel of tlof for 20 bucks......
12-08-2019, 01:05 AM
Custom steelbooks are ok (not my cup of tea) but BIG NO for fake ones :protest:
12-08-2019, 11:01 AM
Selling it as a "custom" steelbook is one thing (could be construed as copyright infringement). But selling a steelbook and making it look like a genuine product whilst It isn't is just criminal.
12-08-2019, 07:00 PM
Is 5his a steelbook or just a foil on a steel?
12-09-2019, 04:51 AM
There's someone on mecari selling customs as "Japanese Version" or listing it as steelbook case only.
12-10-2019, 07:43 PM
Those fake ones are made by a group of people from China, they named their fake steelbook "fantasy box", they also have their own website and now it's been banned by steelbook due to the copyright I think, they first start selling these fake one on a Chinese online fleamarket and many people who just start collecting steelbook has been ripped off by them, sometimes you will see their fake one also has the steelbook logo in their inner plastic box because they bought some cheap steelbook and took the inner box off then put it into their fake one to make it looks real, they usually did this when they selling some expansive one, you can also see these on Ebay because one of these guys currently living in Germany.
12-11-2019, 10:25 AM
is this fake?
12-11-2019, 10:32 AM
is this fake?
There are fake Titanfall steelbook on the market and they called them fantasybox
12-11-2019, 10:35 AM
Also genuine Titanfall 2 steelbook never in shrunk wrapped
05-17-2020, 12:10 PM
Also genuine Titanfall 2 steelbook never in shrunk wrapped
I just noticed that my Titanfall 2 steelbook, for which I paid more than 100€ a few months ago, is one of those fake Fantasyboxes coming from China/Hongkong ... back then I never had heard of them before.
I can't believe I have not checked that back then. :hammer:
Also, is flooded with these fake steelbooks. Obviously these are all very expensive because it's coming from resellers and they want do make profit. I have seen The last of Us - Part II fake steelbooks being sold for 80€+. And of course they're often being advertised as genuine steelbooks.
I know that many of these fake steelbooks do have different designs, but in case of the Titanfall 2 steelbook it is completely identical. It even has the trademarks from EA and Respawn Entertainment on it's back. And to be honest, even as a collector I do not know by heart which steelbooks came wrapped and which were never sealed.
The simple fact that I can no longer be sure to buy a real steelbook when I'm buying sealed steelcases is so discouraging for me, that I'm really taking into account to stop collecting steelbooks. I basically completely stopped browsing ebay for steelbooks because of these fake ones.
How do you guys feel about this?
05-17-2020, 12:11 PM
I just noticed that my Titanfall 2 steelbook, for which I paid more than 100€ a few months ago, is one of those fake Fantasyboxes coming from China/Hongkong ... back then I never had heard of them before.
I can't believe I have not checked that back then. :hammer:
Also, is flooded with these fake steelbooks. Obviously these are all very expensive because it's coming from resellers and they want do make profit. I have seen The last of Us - Part II fake steelbooks being sold for 80€+. And of course they're often being advertised as genuine steelbooks.
I know that many of these fake steelbooks do have different designs, but in case of the Titanfall 2 steelbook it is completely identical. It even has the trademarks from EA and Respawn Entertainment on it's back. And to be honest, even as a collector I do not know by heart which steelbooks came wrapped and which were never sealed.
The simple fact that I can no longer be sure to buy a real steelbook when I'm buying sealed steelcases is so discouraging for me, that I'm really taking into account to stop collecting steelbooks. I basically completely stopped browsing ebay for steelbooks because of these fake ones.
How do you guys feel about this?
Can you share some photos of T2 fake steelbook?
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05-17-2020, 12:27 PM
I think is important to distinguish between "fake" and custom.
05-17-2020, 12:30 PM
Sure, hope you can see all five pictures?
To be honest, I do not know if the inner artwork is identical to the real steelbook. But keep in mind, the steelcase I bought was sealed so obviously the seller did not provide photos from the inside of the steelcase. And as I already mentioned before, I did not know that the steelbook never was sealed ... :(
At the last picture you can see that it reads "Fantasybox" instead of "Steelbook".
05-17-2020, 12:43 PM
I think is important to distinguish between "fake" and custom.
That's a good point.
If people are making their own custom steelcases, I have no problem with that. And if they decide to sell them because other people are interested in them (because of nice designs are whatever) I also do not have any problems with that. BUT they have to advertise these as custom made.
What I can not tolerate, ist that fact, that many of these (regardless if fake or custom) are advertised as official steelbooks. I do understand that steelbook is not only the trademark but it also somehow became the name for all sorts of steelcases.
As you can see from the pictures for the fake Titanfall 2 steelcase, this goes in the category of fake steelbook. The design is either identical or so close to the original that I could not tell it's not an official steelbook before I bought it. This was advertised as a genuine steelbook and I fell for it.
What I'm complaining about is, that most sellers - although they know it's custom made or a fake replica - do want to make profit with wrong advertisement.
05-17-2020, 01:29 PM
I stumbled upon a black Horizon Zero Dawn Steelbook a few days back; though another seller said it's fake. I never saw that one before and thought I missed a Steelbook from the game
05-17-2020, 01:41 PM
I stumbled upon a black Horizon Zero Dawn Steelbook a few days back; though another seller said it's fake. I never saw that one before and thought I missed a Steelbook from the game
This one?
Yes, that would have been a custom made one.
Btw, if anyone of you is considering buying the "The Last of Us (Part 1) Remastered" steelbook, beware of the fake one from these guys.
They even faked the slipcase with that huge USK 18 sticker from Germany.
05-17-2020, 02:09 PM
Seesternmann, I understand that quality of fake Titanfall 2 steel is good?
05-17-2020, 02:24 PM
Seesternmann, I understand that quality of fake Titanfall 2 steel is good?
Yes, it is. It has the correct size and the quality of the print is that good, that I couldn't tell the difference to the original one. I only noticed due to the fact that mine came sealed and ofc because of it saying Fantasybox inside.
As you all know, sometimes there are slight colour changes between otherwise identical steelbooks (like for example the AC origins steelbooks EU vs NA, where one is just a tiny bit brighter). The fake Titanfall 2 steelcase goes into that direction. To be honest, I expect there to be some very, very small differences in coulour and/or brightness. But without owning both and a direct comparison it's basicially impossible to tell the difference between original steelbook and fake steelcase without checking the inside for that Steelbook Trademark.
Unfortunately I do not own the original steelbook, so I can't compare them side by side.
05-17-2020, 02:29 PM
I think custom steelbooks are fine especially if they aren't marketed as originals. I've even bought 2 specially made ones as the games didn't have any made for them (Detroit Become Human and DMC Collection).
What I can't accept is the fact that they release steelbooks with the original artwork. Case in point: The Last of Us Remastered you showed. Seems nothing but a scam, getting people to buy em thinking it's the real deal.
05-17-2020, 03:52 PM
That's a good point.
If people are making their own custom steelcases, I have no problem with that. And if they decide to sell them because other people are interested in them (because of nice designs are whatever) I also do not have any problems with that. BUT they have to advertise these as custom made.
What I can not tolerate, ist that fact, that many of these (regardless if fake or custom) are advertised as official steelbooks. I do understand that steelbook is not only the trademark but it also somehow became the name for all sorts of steelcases.
As you can see from the pictures for the fake Titanfall 2 steelcase, this goes in the category of fake steelbook. The design is either identical or so close to the original that I could not tell it's not an official steelbook before I bought it. This was advertised as a genuine steelbook and I fell for it.
What I'm complaining about is, that most sellers - although they know it's custom made or a fake replica - do want to make profit with wrong advertisement.
100% agree.
Im ok with custom steelbooks as long as announced as custom steelbooks.
05-17-2020, 07:33 PM
Wow, this is incredibly concerning and something which I was not aware of previously. Has anybody reached out to Scanavo for comment on this? Surely this is an infringement on their copyright? :think:
Having looked at the Titanfall Steelbook posted on the previous page, I would have bought this thinking it was an original genuine steelbook product. The internal plastic case design is exactly the same as a Steelbook case. Even down to the logo branding. Had you not sat there and counted the squares of the logo from the distant picture, you would not be aware that this is not a steelbook product, but is being advertised as such. Even the tags on the Fantasybox webpage have "steelbook" as a tag. I'm not very upto speed with the latest release of steelbooks and I am not 100% sure on the designs which are advertised on the fantasy box site, but they look awfully similar to the steelbook designs. :think:
I'm sorry to hear that people here have been caught out by these fakes. :(
05-18-2020, 12:38 PM
I think Scanavo will not be very care of these fakes/customs.
Because their customers are retailers and publishers, not us.
05-18-2020, 10:32 PM
So, on that iFantasybox website, are those all knockoffs of original steelbooks? Because some of those I’ve never seen before (and I’m the fir to admit I have NOT seen everything, lol). But damn, I like some of those. And for me, I’m glad they’re steelbook style for the nice spines.
Lee Akira
05-18-2020, 11:51 PM
I like some of the fake steelbooks. For the different designs of because they are of games that had no steelbooks. But I dislike the ones with the same design as an original steelbook. Like recently, I’ve been browsing eBay for a Bloodborne bladesaw steelbook and lots of fake ones have appear for outrageous prices.
05-19-2020, 04:06 AM
Those TLOU ones really irk me. They've been appearing more often now with the release of the 2nd game upcoming. The worst part is most of them try to come off as genuine. I even had someone trying to sell them on a FB page and I called him out on it. He didn't say anything but at least the people were aware because I mentioned it. The German Remaster sleeve is so poorly done that it's easy to spot a fake but if you don't know enough about them then it can be easy for people to make the mistake. That Titanfall one is very well done though. I don't know much about it but I would definitely not think it was a fake.
05-19-2020, 09:47 AM
So, on that iFantasybox website, are those all knockoffs of original steelbooks? Because some of those I’ve never seen before (and I’m the fir to admit I have NOT seen everything, lol). But damn, I like some of those. And for me, I’m glad they’re steelbook style for the nice spines.
Not all of them, some are custom (original designs but still not official releases), others are fakes in the real sense of the word
05-19-2020, 06:58 PM
They should have started to sell these as customs steels and sticked to their own designs.
There are some really good ones on their page. However, I'm not going to spent 1$ on people like this. Not even if they start labeling it as customs.
05-20-2020, 07:53 PM
I just looked up, thank goodness, mine is original but that fake custom steelbooks i hate this this destroy everything
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05-20-2020, 09:31 PM
I just looked up, thank goodness, mine is original but that fake custom steelbooks i hate this this destroy everything
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What steelbook is this?
05-20-2020, 10:57 PM
Titanfall 2 inside
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05-21-2020, 09:14 AM
This dude is labeling these as taiwan version t
05-21-2020, 02:44 PM
This dude is labeling these as taiwan version t
But in taiwan the game is called Biohazard: Resident Evil 2. So that must be a custom/fake steelbook.
05-21-2020, 02:53 PM
This dude is labeling these as taiwan version tThats fake steel[emoji28] i hate them
Gesendet von meinem SM-G975F mit Tapatalk
05-21-2020, 04:05 PM
This dude is labeling these as taiwan version t
If you look last photo (from inside), then the text is more FANTASYBOX then STEELBOOK...
05-21-2020, 05:09 PM
We should report it. Maybe if enough people do it, eBay takes it down.
Might be a straw, but better than doing nothing I guess.
05-21-2020, 05:25 PM
We should report it. Maybe if enough people do it, eBay takes it down.
Might be a straw, but better than doing nothing I guess.
Quite pointless - eBay don’t care (couple years ago I argued with eBay about fake FF figure).
05-22-2020, 11:18 PM
trying very hard to make it look legit :lmao: P
Lee Akira
05-23-2020, 01:05 AM
trying very hard to make it look legit :lmao: P
Yeah, lol. And I hate it, because I’m looking for the real one. I want it so bad.
05-23-2020, 02:30 AM
trying very hard to make it look legit :lmao: P
Crazy lol... Btw did Sawcleaver Steelbook even have a Sleeve? Both times I purchased mine they never did.
05-23-2020, 03:44 AM
Crazy lol... Btw did Sawcleaver Steelbook even have a Sleeve? Both times I purchased mine they never did.
Nope. That's why it's so funny.
05-23-2020, 03:48 AM
These people who made fake steelbook want their fake ones looks more real so they made the fake slip cover as well, it’s getting worse because some official steelbook never came with the slip cover
05-23-2020, 06:10 AM
Lol that's messed up...
05-23-2020, 07:20 AM
I had also seen the Sawcleaver steelbook. And I also wonder if there was a slipover. But if you look closely you can see that the slipover is quite badly made, they used the wrong color blue. I again informed Ebay about this fraudster. If more people do this, hopefully less and less will come on Ebay.
05-23-2020, 10:03 AM
I had also seen the Sawcleaver steelbook. And I also wonder if there was a slipover. But if you look closely you can see that the slipover is quite badly made, they used the wrong color blue. I again informed Ebay about this fraudster. If more people do this, hopefully less and less will come on Ebay.
They dont care.
There are hundreds of fake AC statues being sold and they couldnt care less.
05-23-2020, 10:09 AM
They dont care.
There are hundreds of fake AC statues being sold and they couldnt care less.
That's true, but if we overload them with reports on these steelbooks, they might just listen. It takes a few actions to do this
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05-23-2020, 10:44 AM
That's true, but if we overload them with reports on these steelbooks, they might just listen. It takes a few actions to do this
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It might work, but i think they will only take action is someone like Sony, Scanovo, etc complain about it
05-23-2020, 06:22 PM
Crazy lol... Btw did Sawcleaver Steelbook even have a Sleeve? Both times I purchased mine they never did.
It doesn’t come with sleeve, but it is sealed. And there’s no PS4 logo on the top left corner
05-23-2020, 10:02 PM
There is a PS4 logo on the top left but it is very dark. Both the logo and the Bloodborne lettering is very dark. You have to look at it from a certain angle to see it.
05-23-2020, 10:32 PM
There is a PS4 logo on the top left but it is very dark. Both the logo and the Bloodborne lettering is very dark. You have to look at it from a certain angle to see it.
Now that you mentioned it, I think you’re right. I only took a look at the picture I took and couldn’t see the logos at all
05-25-2020, 03:32 PM
These "fantasybox" steels are popping up everywhere. Started seeing a number of bloodborn and tlou remastered a few weeks ago. Now theres all 3 variants of witcher 3, re7 collectors and a few others. Conveniently the word "custom" is left out most of the listings. They seem to be selling well on mercari and Ebay unfortunately.
05-25-2020, 09:10 PM
Same here in Germany, seems that there are more on ebay every day.
The only good thing about this is, that due to so much of these all the resellers have to cut their prices and hopefully people won't spend too much money on the Fantasyboxes by thinking those are genuine steelbooks.
Tbh, I really like some of their designs, although I think their prices are too high.
But as many of you stated: copying the designs of already released steelbooks to rip people off is a clear no-go.
It also makes "the hunt", something which I always enjoy as a collector, for rare steelbooks - like Bloodborne Sawcleaver, Titanfall 2 or TLoU Remastered - obsolete as it's now possible to simply buy those designs. It's nothing special anymore.
For me, "hunting" rare steelbooks always was part of the whole collecting process.
Will be interesting if these will either disappear someday, because of some pressure from Scanavo, or if we somehow have to accept them. I highly doubt that they will stop making them on their own as there clearly seems to be a market for those boxes.
05-27-2020, 09:55 AM
Ok, so i complained.
Here is what i sent them
This user (among many others) are selling FAKE products.
Thous steelbooks are fakes.
They are not "custom" as some users sell, these are true fakes.
He is selling forgeries of very rare steelbooks, including Bloodborne Cleave Saw, The Last of Us remastered, among others.
I know you most probably do not care as Ebay makes good money in fees when these people sell these fakes, but i still had to complain.
Sérgio Luis
Here is their reply
Hello Sergio,
Thank you for contacting eBay. I understand that the steel books sold by the seller is fake. I will do my best to check this matter and look for options to help you get this resolved.
Sergio, thank you for reporting this seller at the same time, I can assure you that it's our top priority to ensure eBay remains a safe and reputable place and we take reports of members breaking our rules very seriously. Let me assure you we’ll investigate and take appropriate action in this case. As you know, it's important to protect member privacy, so we can't share details of any action we've taken on this member's account.
I am glad I was able to assist you on reporting the seller. thanks for your patience and cooperation Sergio!
Take care always, and I also wish you and your family the best of health.
Thank you for choosing eBay. We value your business.
With Respect,
Gesyl, R.
eBay customer Service
They wont do shit lol
05-27-2020, 10:04 AM
Perhaps they will take action on it if more complaints made to the same seller
05-27-2020, 10:11 AM
Perhaps they will take action on it if more complaints made to the same seller
This is the guy i complained about, go nuts :P
Also, i replied back to ebay
Thanks for the reply.
I do hope you take some action against these fraudulent sellers.
Also, here is a topic where some of us collectors discuss and expose some of these sellers
It might help you have an idea of what we are talking about, since, if you are not a steelbook collector you may not be fully aware of the situation.
Best Regards
Sérgio Luis
05-27-2020, 11:25 AM
And here is their second reply
Hello Sergio!
Thank you for getting back to us! Rest assured that we are here to assist you today.
Sergio, we appreciate your effort in raising this report to us as well as providing us information that will be helpful for us in reviewing items especially those that are for collection. We already took note of this and rest assured that we will consider this information when we review items and seller accounts.
On the other hand, in case you see any items that are fake or not following our policy in the future, we ask for your effort and cooperation to use ‘Report item’ on the listing page so we can immediately review the items and take an action.
I trust that I have explained this information clearly.
Thank you for choosing eBay, Sergio!
Kind regards,
Christine S.
eBay Customer Service
Maybe everyone should complain, they might take some action then... but i am not getting my hopes up lol
05-27-2020, 11:01 PM
Reported his Tlou steelbook. You can clearly read Fantasybok on picture 6.
12 people already fell for it. Poor souls...
05-31-2020, 09:26 PM
Although I like the fact that by mass reporting it seems that we can achieve something, I doubt that it will stop resellers to put up their auctions with false advertisement on ebay.
Cosmic already asked that, but has anyone sent an email to Scanavo? I think they're the only ones who can do something about those fake steelbooks.
The question is, do we want all Fantasyboxes to disappear?
As I said earlier, I do like some of their designs. Especially for games, which never got an official release of a steelbook. So we have at least some options to get steelcases for those games. And now that we know of those fake steelbooks, we hopefully can avoid them when buying steels on ebay etc.
On the other hand, I hate those fake ones with the same design as the original steelbooks and to me it's clear plagiarism.
What do you guys think about that?
06-01-2020, 01:54 PM
Although I like the fact that by mass reporting it seems that we can achieve something, I doubt that it will stop resellers to put up their auctions with false advertisement on ebay.
Cosmic already asked that, but has anyone sent an email to Scanavo? I think they're the only ones who can do something about those fake steelbooks.
The question is, do we want all Fantasyboxes to disappear?
As I said earlier, I do like some of their designs. Especially for games, which never got an official release of a steelbook. So we have at least some options to get steelcases for those games. And now that we know of those fake steelbooks, we hopefully can avoid them when buying steels on ebay etc.
On the other hand, I hate those fake ones with the same design as the original steelbooks and to me it's clear plagiarism.
What do you guys think about that?
I would like them to disappear, yes. If we don't have some integrity on this, they will get bigger, flood the market, devalue some original designs and put a soure note onto our hobby.
And I doubt scanavo can do something about it. Fantasybok is most likely from China, so they can do what ever they want.
As bitter as it may sound, but we collectors are the best bet this hobby has.
I for one am not going to buy from them. No matter how many people will do or how great their steels may look. I just move on, not looking back.
06-01-2020, 02:12 PM
Although I like the fact that by mass reporting it seems that we can achieve something, I doubt that it will stop resellers to put up their auctions with false advertisement on ebay.
Cosmic already asked that, but has anyone sent an email to Scanavo? I think they're the only ones who can do something about those fake steelbooks.
The question is, do we want all Fantasyboxes to disappear?
As I said earlier, I do like some of their designs. Especially for games, which never got an official release of a steelbook. So we have at least some options to get steelcases for those games. And now that we know of those fake steelbooks, we hopefully can avoid them when buying steels on ebay etc.
On the other hand, I hate those fake ones with the same design as the original steelbooks and to me it's clear plagiarism.
What do you guys think about that?
There are other people making custom steelbooks for years (Chinese people included, so no one thinks this is something related to race/nationality), that i do not want them to disappear.
These guys on the other hand are actively deceiving people.
I do not care how good their original work is, after the moment they started dealing with forgeries they lost any goodwill i have towards people who makes custom work..
06-01-2020, 05:44 PM
There are other people making custom steelbooks for years (Chinese people included, so no one thinks this is something related to race/nationality), that i do not want them to disappear.
These guys on the other hand are actively deceiving people.
I do not care how good their original work is, after the moment they started dealing with forgeries they lost any goodwill i have towards people who makes custom work..
Couldn't have said it any better.
06-02-2020, 12:06 AM
I would like them to disappear, yes. If we don't have some integrity on this, they will get bigger, flood the market, devalue some original designs and put a soure note onto our hobby.
And I doubt scanavo can do something about it. Fantasybok is most likely from China, so they can do what ever they want.
As bitter as it may sound, but we collectors are the best bet this hobby has.
I for one am not going to buy from them. No matter how many people will do or how great their steels may look. I just move on, not looking back.
Fantasybox made in China but their boss is living in Germany, that's why so many fakes ones appeared in there
06-02-2020, 12:58 AM
Fantasybox made in China but their boss is living in Germany, that's why so many fakes ones appeared in there
Interesting! But I doubt that will change anything. Sadly.
06-02-2020, 07:37 AM
I would like them to disappear, yes. If we don't have some integrity on this, they will get bigger, flood the market, devalue some original designs and put a soure note onto our hobby.
And I doubt scanavo can do something about it. Fantasybok is most likely from China, so they can do what ever they want.
As bitter as it may sound, but we collectors are the best bet this hobby has.
I for one am not going to buy from them. No matter how many people will do or how great their steels may look. I just move on, not looking back.
I’m from China, and I can confirm these fake(I refuse to call these fake custom) are from China. This news was shocking in China as well since this is the first time so many fake steelbooks floods the market in such scale, my fellow collectors there warned me about these fakes. And the so called Germany boss is just another Chinese who resides there in German. So if this violates German law, can we maybe have someone in German tip off the police and get this person arrested maybe?
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06-02-2020, 02:56 PM
I’m from China, and I can confirm these fake(I refuse to call these fake custom) are from China. This news was shocking in China as well since this is the first time so many fake steelbooks floods the market in such scale, my fellow collectors there warned me about these fakes. And the so called Germany boss is just another Chinese who resides there in German. So if this violates German law, can we maybe have someone in German tip off the police and get this person arrested maybe?
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I'm not really sure about the situation, but I doubt his company is registered in germany.
He probably lives and sells in germany, but the company "operates" from somewhere else. Cyprus or something are common for this stuff.
He would be pretty stupid otherwise.
Tipping off the police is not an option. You need solid proof in order to do that and you probably also need someone to drag him to curt. It's on Scanavo to do that.
06-06-2020, 05:32 PM
Are we talking about this guy ( :think:
Have been keeping an eye on these dodgy "steelbooks" and it's sad to see how much they are selling for and how many unsuspecting people are buying these. :( I already know what the answer is and have messaged him and called him out on it as well as reported all of his listings. He has sent me message with an image of an original steelbook open with the steelbook branding and has assured me that it is genuine. Obviously it's not and I have no intention of purchasing from him and am just wasting his time. I have requested a photo of said steelbook next to today's newspaper. Let's see if he's willing to play. :spiteful: Without any prompt from me he's already offered to drop the price to €90. :lmao: This is a photo that he has sent me which should be enough to "Verify" that what he is selling is genuine, so if people are buying steelbooks online, be forever vigilant. :thumb:
This ( is the listing that I've been querying.
The fact that all of his listings state "Without Guarantee & Return !!! PRIVATE SALE" should also throw red flags. :facepalm:
06-07-2020, 02:27 AM
Are we talking about this guy ( :think:
Have been keeping an eye on these dodgy "steelbooks" and it's sad to see how much they are selling for and how many unsuspecting people are buying these. :( I already know what the answer is and have messaged him and called him out on it as well as reported all of his listings. He has sent me message with an image of an original steelbook open with the steelbook branding and has assured me that it is genuine. Obviously it's not and I have no intention of purchasing from him and am just wasting his time. I have requested a photo of said steelbook next to today's newspaper. Let's see if he's willing to play. :spiteful: Without any prompt from me he's already offered to drop the price to €90. :lmao: This is a photo that he has sent me which should be enough to "Verify" that what he is selling is genuine, so if people are buying steelbooks online, be forever vigilant. :thumb:
This ( is the listing that I've been querying.
The fact that all of his listings state "Without Guarantee & Return !!! PRIVATE SALE" should also throw red flags. :facepalm:
The last part about no guarantee & return is pretty normal. At least here in germany. Basically every private seller puts it into their listing. (doesn't do jack, but everyone thinks it's better to do so)
But the Steelbook is obviously fake. If you look at the Tlou listing, the 5th picture shows the inlay and it reads "Fantasybok". And lowering the price without you having asked for it is definetly a red flag. So yeah, he is trying to trick you.
Good thing you noticed his crap!
06-07-2020, 02:35 AM
The last part about no guarantee & return is pretty normal. At least here in germany. Basically every private seller puts it into their listing. (doesn't do jack, but everyone thinks it's better to do so)
But the Steelbook is obviously fake. If you look at the Tlou listing, the 5th picture shows the inlay and it reads "Fantasybok". And lowering the price without you having asked for it is definetly a red flag. So yeah, he is trying to trick you.
Good thing you noticed his crap!
I can't read "fantasybok". I read steelbook.
06-07-2020, 02:49 AM
I can't read "fantasybok". I read steelbook.
I tried to highlight it as best as I can.
On his auction picture you can barely see that the first letter should be an F.
You can definetly tell it's not an S.
Also: Fantasybok is one letter longer than Steelbook, which is the best way to tell them apart if it's not possible to read the inlay print.
Looking closely at said picture, you can tell it's 10 letters which is exactly the length of Fantasybok. (Steelbook only having 9)
06-07-2020, 03:09 AM
I tried to highlight it as best as I can.
On his auction picture you can barely see that the first letter should be an F.
You can definetly tell it's not an S.
Also: Fantasybok is one letter longer than Steelbook, which is the best way to tell them apart if it's not possible to read the inlay print.
Looking closely at said picture, you can tell it's 10 letters which is exactly the length of Fantasybok. (Steelbook only having 9)
Okay now I see it but it is still difficult to read for me, but the difference about the numbers of letters makes sense so that is a good example how you can find out which is fake and which is not.
06-07-2020, 03:11 AM
Okay now I see it but it is still difficult to read for me, but the difference about the numbers of letters makes sense so that is a good example how you can find out which is fake and which is not.
Yeah, only problem is: If they sell their steels sealed, you have no way of knowing unless you unseal it...
06-07-2020, 06:09 AM
Well, I placed an order with FantasyBox this morning. I bought that black mask Friday the 13th case as well as a Tomb Raider (2013) case. I paid by CC and I’m going to call my CC company and just ask for a new card right away. Just in case. Anyway they were 10% off totaling about $120 with shipping. And supposedly by paying with CC they’re going to throw in a random free steelbook, as well as a 20% off code for a future order. I open my steels so I’ll take picks and such and post them up when I get them. I already got an email this afternoon saying they were shipped. We’ll see what happens.
06-07-2020, 12:55 PM
Well, I placed an order with FantasyBox this morning. I bought that black mask Friday the 13th case as well as a Tomb Raider (2013) case. I paid by CC and I’m going to call my CC company and just ask for a new card right away. Just in case. Anyway they were 10% off totaling about $120 with shipping. And supposedly by paying with CC they’re going to throw in a random free steelbook, as well as a 20% off code for a future order. I open my steels so I’ll take picks and such and post them up when I get them. I already got an email this afternoon saying they were shipped. We’ll see what happens.
Do you expect that we appreciate that or why do you inform us about that?
I think the vast majority of the forums are totally against those fake steelbooks and won't buy them on ebay or order them because they don't want to support that kind of plagiarism.
06-07-2020, 01:24 PM
Do you expect that we appreciate that or why do you inform us about that?
I think the vast majority of the forums are totally against those fake steelbooks and won't buy them on ebay or order them because they don't want to support that kind of plagiarism.
But did he ordered a custom or a fake?
I wouldnt buy it neither, but i cant judge him if he buys the custom ones they have.
06-07-2020, 02:24 PM
But did he ordered a custom or a fake?
I wouldnt buy it neither, but i cant judge him if he buys the custom ones they have.
I see no difference about that because they used the same design like Scanavo for their cases instead of using another design like metalpak or futurepak that people can see clearly the difference and that is pure plagiarism.
06-07-2020, 02:25 PM
But did he ordered a custom or a fake?
I wouldnt buy it neither, but i cant judge him if he buys the custom ones they have.
Yeah, I don’t see difference between custom/fake. They are all fake because they are not licensed and they are not made by Scanvo.
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06-07-2020, 04:59 PM
Does any person who has been part of this conversation possess any “custom/fake” from FantasyBox? From what I could see, no. So until someone does and can provide actual photos (I.e. side by side comparisons with commercially available products), true differences can not be verified. So I thought this would help.
And as a side note, I’m not under some delusional fantasy that my “collection” is ever going to be worth millions, lol.
Mine is purely for my own enjoyment. And you know what? Every steelbook I buy...I open it immediately and put the game inside :)
If I wanted every one of my games to have a custom case just because I liked the look, I’m gonna do that.
My point here is that until there are hands on these custom/fakes, nothing is concrete. No, I don’t think they should replicate someone else’s artwork and confuse buyers. However I love the option of a custom case. TLOU2 for example, although I did preorder it, it is boring (they had sooo much beautiful art to choose from). But by directly purchasing from FantasyBox the buyer knows what they’re getting. It’s the people that resell on eBay, that’s the issue. That’s where there’s no transparency.
06-07-2020, 06:06 PM
Does any person who has been part of this conversation possess any “custom/fake” from FantasyBox? From what I could see, no. So until someone does and can provide actual photos (I.e. side by side comparisons with commercially available products), true differences can not be verified. So I thought this would help.
And as a side note, I’m not under some delusional fantasy that my “collection” is ever going to be worth millions, lol.
Mine is purely for my own enjoyment. And you know what? Every steelbook I buy...I open it immediately and put the game inside :)
If I wanted every one of my games to have a custom case just because I liked the look, I’m gonna do that.
My point here is that until there are hands on these custom/fakes, nothing is concrete. No, I don’t think they should replicate someone else’s artwork and confuse buyers. However I love the option of a custom case. TLOU2 for example, although I did preorder it, it is boring (they had sooo much beautiful art to choose from). But by directly purchasing from FantasyBox the buyer knows what they’re getting. It’s the people that resell on eBay, that’s the issue. That’s where there’s no transparency.
Is it still plagiarism and support it if you buy those fake steelbooks.
06-07-2020, 08:32 PM
I see no difference about that because they used the same design like Scanavo for their cases instead of using another design like metalpak or futurepak that people can see clearly the difference and that is pure plagiarism.
So if they make fake Future Packs is ok but Steelbooks is not?
Why? Because you collect one and not the others?
Funny ;)
And Custom work as long as properly marked as custom is not plagiarism
Yeah, I don’t see difference between custom/fake. They are all fake because they are not licensed and they are not made by Scanvo.
You do not see, but many here do see a difference, myself included.
I have bought CUSTOM made steelbooks from other people before and will probably buy again.
I dont buy anything of these guys (Custom or not), but i will not condemn anyone that buys their CUSTOM work.
06-07-2020, 08:45 PM
So if they make fake Future Packs is ok but Steelbooks is not?
Why? Because you collect one and not the others?
Funny ;)
And Custom work as long as properly marked as custom is not plagiarism
You do not see, but many here do see a difference, myself included.
I have bought CUSTOM made steelbooks from other people before and will probably buy again.
I dont buy anything of these guys (Custom or not), but i will not condemn anyone that buys their CUSTOM work.
Where do you read that I wrote it is okay if they will make fake Future Packs, it wouldn't be also okay if they will do that.
They use the exact same design for their cases as Scanavo they copy it and make profit with that and that is plagiarism.
Otherwise they would use a different design.
06-07-2020, 08:49 PM
If I'm honest, I agree with both sides. I personally would not buy Fantasybox cases for games which have blatantly ripped off the Steelbook design. It just wouldn't sit right for me. However, as per @NipRing's comment, I would have no issue with buying a custom case for games which would not normally have a steelbook case with it. However, I cannot see how they can justify the prices which they are charging for these cases on the Fantasybox site. Most of the ones I have looked at being €40-50 each, plus €19 p&p. :shrug:
The main thing I do have a problem with is the misrepresentation of the product which is being sold by dishonest resellers on third party sites, like ebay. This is then causing the issues which we face with genuine collector's paying top money for a product which they believe to be an original piece. Then as I proved in my previous messages, when you ask the seller's about the product that they are selling they straight up lie to you about it to make a sale. I am happy to see that there are a number of these Fantasybox cases on ebay which have been marked as custom Fantasybox. Don't have any issue with this. However, that particular seller which I linked in my previous post is an asshole! He had already been left a negative feedback by a customer stating that the item was a custom and not a steelbook, and the seller has replied back to the feedback with this:
Reply by durim_alb87. Left within past month.
You are a liar and bad Person without education !!!!!
At the end of the day, it's upto the individual what they choose to spend their money on, and if they are happy to have something that looks like the original, then so be it. :shrug:
06-07-2020, 08:50 PM
So if they make fake Future Packs is ok but Steelbooks is not?
Why? Because you collect one and not the others?
Funny ;)
And Custom work as long as properly marked as custom is not plagiarism
You do not see, but many here do see a difference, myself included.
I have bought CUSTOM made steelbooks from other people before and will probably buy again.
I dont buy anything of these guys (Custom or not), but i will not condemn anyone that buys their CUSTOM work.
I understand that you mean custom when talking about ones with unique design. But they are still unofficial fakes. Both scanvo and futurepack pay licensing fees to use artworks from the games and Fantasybox does not.
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06-07-2020, 09:34 PM
Let people buy their custom Steelbook in peace.
Let’s all agree however that selling custom as “real” steelbooks is NOT ok.
06-07-2020, 09:54 PM
Where do you read that I wrote it is okay if they will make fake Future Packs, it wouldn't be also okay if they will do that.
They use the exact same design for their cases as Scanavo they copy it and make profit with that and that is plagiarism.
Otherwise they would use a different design.
My bad, i misread what you posted.
Anyway, doesnt change my position.
I do not buy anything (custom or fake) from them, but, I do not condemn him for buying the custom ones.
I understand that you mean custom when talking about ones with unique design. But they are still unofficial fakes. Both scanvo and futurepack pay licensing fees to use artworks from the games and Fantasybox does not.
Like i said, i do not buy any from them, but i wont condem who buys the custom ones.
06-10-2020, 02:21 PM
They are now literally showing up EVERYWHERE
06-10-2020, 02:32 PM
I am no legal expert but can they just use PS4 logo and game title and font without permission?
06-11-2020, 01:40 AM
I am no legal expert but can they just use PS4 logo and game title and font without permission?
It's a huge topic and very tricky. It also differs from country to country. Also, I'm no expert myself, but I had some legal lessons on multimedia back when I was doing my bachelor.
I try to compress what I know as much as I can.
You can't use legal protected properties like the ones you described without permission. The same goes for Steelbooks. (Not just the artwork, but also the design. How they are build with their special spine)
Thing is, in many countries, it is allowed to copy them as long as you make them for yourself, or "few" copies for friends, family and such.
However: At the very latest, as soon as money is involved, it is illegal. (The line of when exactly depends on the country, but money involved = you are f**ked)
So every custom sold on eBay is illegal by law and if caught by customs could be destroyed.
But, besides a legal view, there is and should be a moral opinion as well.
If you do a few customs, with your own designs, or even when using someone elses artwork that is diffrent to those used officialy, you are hardly doing any damage to anyone. (it would also be nice to state who the artwork artist is)
On another note: The reason why Let's Players are allowed to do what they do is, they are promoting games for 0 expense of publishers. So they are tolerated, even supported. (This might even change in the future and is the reason why they try to fight for more rights, but that's another topic)
The same could be said for custom steels, reeling in more fish for scanavo. :beer:
However, If you go all Fantasybok, dishing out higher quantities and copying designs that were used officially by Scanavo, that will probably hurt them.
Personally, I have no problem with customs and bought one for FF7R myself. (not a fantasybok ;) )
As long as these guys sell a few, with their own or at least not officially available designs, I don't see any harm done. (Especially since the creative industry can be pretty unfair towards artists)
I do have a problem with the following criterias:
- Mass production
- copying an official design (from an available steelbook, futurepak or what ever)
- disguising the fact of it being custom. Not just giving no mention of it in the auction, but also or especially selling high value steels in sealed condition. (Bloodborne for example) Our only method of exposing fantasyboks is due to their inlay. If you can't see that before you buy, it's bad. And it get's even worse if you are a sealed collector and learn about it years later, maybe when trading it for something else.
Off Topic fun fact: In germany, if you take a picture with your smartphone, it's your photo and you own all rights to it (with some restrictions in relation to privacy)
It is similar in many countries. However, if you take a photo of the Eiffel Tower in paris, you get jack shit. The owner of the tower gets most rights instead. This is one of few crazy exceptions that are getting more and more.
06-11-2020, 03:01 AM
It's a huge topic and very tricky. It also differs from country to country. Also, I'm no expert myself, but I had some legal lessons on multimedia back when I was doing my bachelor.
I try to compress what I know as much as I can.
You can't use legal protected properties like the ones you described without permission. The same goes for Steelbooks. (Not just the artwork, but also the design. How they are build with their special spine)
Thing is, in many countries, it is allowed to copy them as long as you make them for yourself, or "few" copies for friends, family and such.
However: At the very latest, as soon as money is involved, it is illegal. (The line of when exactly depends on the country, but money involved = you are f**ked)
So every custom sold on eBay is illegal by law and if caught by customs could be destroyed.
But, besides a legal view, there is and should be a moral opinion as well.
If you do a few customs, with your own designs, or even when using someone elses artwork that is diffrent to those used officialy, you are hardly doing any damage to anyone. (it would also be nice to state who the artwork artist is)
On another note: The reason why Let's Players are allowed to do what they do is, they are promoting games for 0 expense of publishers. So they are tolerated, even supported. (This might even change in the future and is the reason why they try to fight for more rights, but that's another topic)
The same could be said for custom steels, reeling in more fish for scanavo. :beer:
However, If you go all Fantasybok, dishing out higher quantities and copying designs that were used officially by Scanavo, that will probably hurt them.
Personally, I have no problem with customs and bought one for FF7R myself. (not a fantasybok ;) )
As long as these guys sell a few, with their own or at least not officially available designs, I don't see any harm done. (Especially since the creative industry can be pretty unfair towards artists)
I do have a problem with the following criterias:
- Mass production
- copying an official design (from an available steelbook, futurepak or what ever)
- disguising the fact of it being custom. Not just giving no mention of it in the auction, but also or especially selling high value steels in sealed condition. (Bloodborne for example) Our only method of exposing fantasyboks is due to their inlay. If you can't see that before you buy, it's bad. And it get's even worse if you are a sealed collector and learn about it years later, maybe when you try trade to it for something else.
Off Topic fun fact: In germany, if you take a picture with your smartphone, it's your photo and you own all rights to it (with some restrictions in relation to privacy)
It is similar in many countries. However, if you take a photo of the Eiffel Tower in paris, you get jack shit. The owner of the tower gets all rights instead. This is one of few crazy exceptions that are getting more and more.
Thanks for the information, very interesting.
Personally I don’t mind if they make a few with custom artwork, but I don’t like the ones they are making that’s exactly the same as the original ones.
07-02-2020, 09:02 PM
So what do you guys make of this? From the same seller that I called out previously for selling Fantasybox cases, but the case internal image clearly shows the Steelbook logo inside the case. Now, would somebody really go as far as to fit a genuine Steelbook of it’s internals and then put a custom tin and spine around it for advertising one and the rest are sold with Fantasybox internals?
This is not an official design, right? :think:
07-02-2020, 09:07 PM
So what do you guys make of this? From the same seller that I called out previously for selling Fantasybox cases, but the case internal image clearly shows the Steelbook logo inside the case. Now, would somebody really go as far as to fit a genuine Steelbook of it’s internals and then put a custom tin and spine around it for advertising one and the rest are sold with Fantasybox internals?
This is not an official design, right? :think:
These fantasybox dicks can make fake inside case too
07-02-2020, 10:36 PM
So what do you guys make of this? From the same seller that I called out previously for selling Fantasybox cases, but the case internal image clearly shows the Steelbook logo inside the case. Now, would somebody really go as far as to fit a genuine Steelbook of it’s internals and then put a custom tin and spine around it for advertising one and the rest are sold with Fantasybox internals?
This is not an official design, right? :think:
The 3 cases I’ve gotten from Fantasy Box all clearly shows “Fantasy Box” on the inside. Just sayin.
07-02-2020, 11:32 PM
So what do you guys make of this? From the same seller that I called out previously for selling Fantasybox cases, but the case internal image clearly shows the Steelbook logo inside the case. Now, would somebody really go as far as to fit a genuine Steelbook of it’s internals and then put a custom tin and spine around it for advertising one and the rest are sold with Fantasybox internals?
This is not an official design, right? :think:
Can't say for sure, but technically, they are already producing an inlay that is almost identical to Steelbooks. So producing a fake one wouldn't be a problem.
However, it could also be that third party sellers are buying these fantasybok steels and are switching the inlays on their own, in order to sell them for a profit on eBay. (Getting inlays cheap is no problem. There are gaming steels that cost like 1-2€)
Either way, this development was foreseeable. I just hope this isn't turning into a cat and mice game from here on. (We find a way to destinguish real and fake books and they adapt to it soon after)
07-02-2020, 11:36 PM
there are also pairs of fake steelbooks called steelbook inside i write with scanavo
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07-03-2020, 10:44 AM
there are also pairs of fake steelbooks called steelbook inside i write with scanavo
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They wont be able to do shit about it lol
07-03-2020, 09:18 PM
Can't say for sure, but technically, they are already producing an inlay that is almost identical to Steelbooks. So producing a fake one wouldn't be a problem.
However, it could also be that third party sellers are buying these fantasybok steels and are switching the inlays on their own, in order to sell them for a profit on eBay. (Getting inlays cheap is no problem. There are gaming steels that cost like 1-2€)
This was my thoughts exactly. This is a pretty shitty thing to happen and is going to make it all the more difficult to distinguish fakes from real. Good luck to anybody who is collecting G2 steelbooks. I think I’ll stop now. :shrug:
there are also pairs of fake steelbooks called steelbook inside i write with scanavo
Gesendet von meinem SM-G975F mit Tapatalk
Lucky you for getting a response from them. I reached out for comment and got nothing. XD
07-03-2020, 09:50 PM
This was my thoughts exactly. This is a pretty shitty thing to happen and is going to make it all the more difficult to distinguish fakes from real. Good luck to anybody who is collecting G2 steelbooks. I think I’ll stop now. :shrug:
Lucky you for getting a response from them. I reached out for comment and got nothing. XDwrite with them often have a collection of around 700 gaming steelbook no doubles or customs [emoji16]
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07-05-2020, 04:15 PM
This was my thoughts exactly. This is a pretty shitty thing to happen and is going to make it all the more difficult to distinguish fakes from real. Good luck to anybody who is collecting G2 steelbooks. I think I’ll stop now. :shrug:
Lucky you for getting a response from them. I reached out for comment and got nothing. XD
If it turns out that from now on all the Fantasyboxes will have inlays which read steelbook, I'm pretty much done with collecting steelcases. I simply don't want to tripple check every time if I'm buying a genuine steelbook or if it's one of those Fantasyboxes.
Although I have to admit that their designs are nice and the quality of their cases is not bad (for those who do not know: I paid more than 100€ for a steelcase of which I thought it would be the original Titanfall 2 Steelbook. Only a few months later I found out it was the Fantasybox. Money wasted ...), I do not want to spend any money on their products as I do not want to support this.
Plus, even if I would consider buying their steelcases, it's simply too expensive as they're releasing so much new ones every month.
The fact that Scanavo is doing nothing about this was to be expected, but I have no idea what to do other than informing them.
Anyway, in case anyone of us can confirm that more Fantasyboxes will have the steelbook brand on their inlay, pls post here with links and photos. Hopefuly we can stay tuned of any new developments so that everyone of us is aware when buying steelcases.
07-05-2020, 11:33 PM
:taunt::secret:write with them often have a collection of around 700 gaming steelbook no doubles or customs [emoji16]
Gesendet von meinem SM-G975F mit Tapatalk 7eZmQBzhKzkgTa37oGNh85xIYfXq4/image-asset.jpeg?format=1500w
I’m only jealous... :secret:
07-06-2020, 06:54 AM
Haven't really been collecting steels lately, but was thinking of starting again soon. Reading this thread is making me hesitate though. Custom steels have been a thing for years now, but it has always been easy to make the distinction between customs and the real thing. But looking at some of the pics of these fakes is scaring me. They look very similar to originals. I really don't want to drop $100+ on a steel just to receive it and find out it's a fake. It's bad enough buying steels online and hoping you get them safe and sound without any dents. Now you gotta worry about this too?
What's really shitty is that these fakes are going to dilute the market and bring down the value of the genuine steels as well. Like people who have spent hundreds for certain rare steels will have a hard time ever selling them again for that price if there's dozens of fake versions of that steel which are selling for a fraction of a price.
I might just retire entirely from collecting steels entirely if these fakes flood the market lol.
07-10-2020, 09:22 PM
If it turns out that from now on all the Fantasyboxes will have inlays which read steelbook, I'm pretty much done with collecting steelcases. I simply don't want to tripple check every time if I'm buying a genuine steelbook or if it's one of those Fantasyboxes.
Although I have to admit that their designs are nice and the quality of their cases is not bad (for those who do not know: I paid more than 100€ for a steelcase of which I thought it would be the original Titanfall 2 Steelbook. Only a few months later I found out it was the Fantasybox. Money wasted ...), I do not want to spend any money on their products as I do not want to support this.
Plus, even if I would consider buying their steelcases, it's simply too expensive as they're releasing so much new ones every month.
The fact that Scanavo is doing nothing about this was to be expected, but I have no idea what to do other than informing them.
Anyway, in case anyone of us can confirm that more Fantasyboxes will have the steelbook brand on their inlay, pls post here with links and photos. Hopefuly we can stay tuned of any new developments so that everyone of us is aware when buying steelcases.
I will give you a clue, not sure are you one of the instagram steelbook community, there is a instagram account named sksteelbook or whatever has some nasty relationwith fantsayBox, his cousin (the boss behind FantasyBox) is living in Germany, not sure wheher sk still has any business with his cousin now, but before he did ask me to sell him a brand new sealed "the last of us remastered steelbook", considering there are so many "FAKE" TLOU re steelbook flooding the market, I can't help to relate something together, maybe he was trying to learn something from that steelbook to make their fake steelbooks as real as possible?
BTW, it seems that they might have some business with a US based seller name game4you or whatever, but i am not sure.
And now there are so many fake steelbooks on DE ebay, they are hiring the "partner" to help them redistribute the fakes, it really pissed me off!!!
those fake steelbooks are destorying the collecting community.
08-25-2020, 07:35 AM
Besides everything mentioned here and all the stress it adds to the buying experience, this is hurting the relationships in the community as well. Maybe it's just me but I have bought around 20 steelbooks this month and for a few of the high value ones, I found myself having to drill the seller with questions on the origin of the item, where they got it, and have to ask for a picture of every inch of the book.
People who are collectors themselves are usually understanding of this behavior but when it's just a regular person who happened have got lucky and bought the item on launch, they get annoyed pretty fast.
Here are a few sellers on eBay that I am aware are selling these custom books, just FYI:
mapcustom - based in UK
kev2a1988 - based in France
l2kid2l - based in US
They are making sleeves too now. I am not talking about putting on a transparent sleeve with nothing but a PS4 logo, sleeves exactly identical to the original with the text and images and artwork. I almost fell for one a few weeks ago, thankfully Spect3r stepped in and warned me last minute. There was a slight color discrepancy in the PSN logo and the blu ray logo at the bottom.
This was for TLOU RE which was also mentioned by Coelacanth above. They might be trying to get this one right since it is selling for high prices
Fake vs Real below
08-25-2020, 11:13 AM
I still think people are overreacting on this but ok.
02-25-2021, 12:19 PM
Is it possible to tell the difference between the original and a custom steelbook?
Thanks. g
02-25-2021, 12:20 PM
Fakes has FANTASYBOX written inside below the disc holder
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02-25-2021, 12:34 PM
And the original in CE was not wrapped in foil, right?
02-25-2021, 12:34 PM
And the original in CE was not wrapped in foil, right?
Mine was not)
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02-25-2021, 12:37 PM
Is it possible to tell the difference between the original and a custom steelbook?
Thanks. g
there is a custom similar to the gold steeelbook edition, not this one.
02-25-2021, 12:39 PM
I've looked at 3 unboxings, and none are wrapped.
Seller says that he has it wrapped sent directly from UBI as compensation for damage.:think:
03-02-2021, 01:56 PM
Is it possible to tell the difference between the original and a custom steelbook?
Thanks. g
Order the collectors edition then you know it’s no fake and then sell everything else soon - most time it is much cheaper then waiting for a stand alone Steelbook on eBay where it could be damaged, fake, etc
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03-03-2021, 10:20 AM
Order the collectors edition then you know it’s no fake and then sell everything else soon - most time it is much cheaper then waiting for a stand alone Steelbook on eBay where it could be damaged, fake, etc
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Also you can usually recuperate your money and even make a small profit when doing this. There are usually people willing to pay a decent amount for standalone items from collectors editions.
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