View Full Version : Missing Edition (Not Yet Released) Far Cry 6 Collector's Edition

07-12-2020, 09:13 PM
Full Game Name: Far Cry 6
Edition Name: Collector's Edition
Platform(s): PC/PS4/PS5/X1/XSX
Region(s): TBA
Publisher: Ubisoft
Release Date: 18/02/2021
Price (RRP): € 199,99
Bar Code: (if known)
Package Description:

• A high-end replica of “Tostador”, the flamethrower replica from the game** (7 parts to be assembled, length: 72cm).
• A “How to Assemble” one-pager artwork, illustrated by famous artist Tobatron.
• A unique Collector’s Case based on Tobatron’s iconic art style.
• Exclusive Steelbook® with an emblematic design inspired by Far Cry 6’s colourful cast of characters.
• A 64-page A4 format Artbook featuring exclusive artworks from our passionate production team.
• A set of 10 stickers picturing the guerrilla movement and its distinctive vibes.
• A Chorizo keyring, the cutest yet most lethal dog on wheels!
• A Selected Soundtrack of the Game for you to jive to when you’re not in Yara.
• World Map

Content Description:
Link(s) to source(s): https://store.ubi.com/eu/far-cry-6-collector-s-edition/5ecf8e975cdf9a1528a8c1f0.html
Other Info/Pics:


07-13-2020, 07:06 AM
i expect the usual UBISOFT releases of several variants and multiple price points..how much i miss those retro days where the game was the same for each and all.

07-15-2020, 05:04 PM
This replica of the flamethrower did not catch my attention, for the first time I wanted the standard of a CE, a statue
but okay it may be that there are more editions and please Ubisoft I hope this Far Cry 6 Editions not to be canceled like this one from Far Cry 5, which I liked a lot


07-15-2020, 07:31 PM

Photos were uploaded on UbiStore with the more detailed flamethrower, looks ok ... but the design is kinda clumsy
at least it's big, it'll be cool exposed

07-17-2020, 08:05 AM
I am not a Far Cry fan and do not plan to get the new game. But compared to other Ubisoft CEs, I really like this one. No statue and a big artbook. Nice.

07-17-2020, 05:58 PM
This seems "ok" to me. The flamethrower seems like it'll be cool, better than your average statue I suppose. I like that you get to put it together. It adds to the overall experience and makes those awesome moments of opening something new last that much longer. Art books are always welcome and the keychain is cute. The steelbook is..fine. Just some quick first impressions.

07-27-2020, 05:47 AM
i'm always hesitant with this JUMBO sized editions, because when the price falls the prices crash hard..especially when you have a big retailer like GameStop on the verge of bankruptcy they end up having a fire sale...expensive items like this, especially keeping in mind high unemployment and the pandemic situation usually end up being slow sellers, during worldwide challenging times..i could'nt justify full retail..at least 35% off, then i can try to bite..but on the second hand..i am out of space lol for supersized editions!