View Full Version : Missing Edition (Not Yet Released) Nioh Remastered Complete Edition Collection - Limited First Press Edition [PS5]

11-15-2020, 02:48 PM
Full Game Name: Nioh Remastered Complete Edition Collection
Edition Name: Limited First Press Edition
Platform(s): PS5
Release Date: 2021-02-04
Price (RRP): 10.780 Yen / 87 € / $103
Bar Code: (if known)
Package Description:
Content Description:
Link(s) to source(s):
Other Info/Pics:

- Nioh Remastered Complete Edition
- Nioh 2 Remastered Complete Edition
- Exclusive slipbox

No pre order yet

11-15-2020, 02:51 PM

11-16-2020, 05:27 AM
Thanks for sharing! Can I just get a confirmation; Japan Games - CERO ones always only have Japanese language and sub correct? Or is there an option to change it?

11-16-2020, 07:41 AM
Thank You as well Codreanu for informing the group!..this one is definitely N-I-C-E!!!..i'll be keeping my eyes peeled either with Amazon Japan or Nin Nin to "import" when it's up for pre-order...i wish there was a US variant..but i seriously doubt it! The game aesthetics come off a bit too niche for the American market to support a 2 pack collector's edition according to my opinion.

11-16-2020, 10:08 AM
Thanks for sharing! Can I just get a confirmation; Japan Games - CERO ones always only have Japanese language and sub correct? Or is there an option to change it?Some of them have English audio too. I can't tell you if that applies to the Nioh games, though.

11-16-2020, 02:14 PM
Some of them have English audio too. I can't tell you if that applies to the Nioh games, though.
Noted thanks nonetheless :ok:

11-16-2020, 02:54 PM
I can confirm that Nioh 1 CE on PS4 (Japanese physical) had a English option for text and audio. Their is no doubt this collection won't be any different. I'm confident Nioh 2 will be the same.

It's up for pre-order on Amazon Japan but it doesn't support international shipping.

11-16-2020, 03:12 PM
Thanks for sharing. Willing to share a link to the Amazon listing? Experience has shown that global shipping is activated for many items after a few days.

11-16-2020, 03:42 PM
Sure, here is the link: https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/aw/d/B08NJZQ11B/ref=ox_sc_act_image_1?smid=AN1VRQENFRJN5&psc=1

It's currently sold out. So here's hoping more come in stock with international shipping.

11-16-2020, 04:24 PM
Brings only the games?

11-16-2020, 04:31 PM
It's currently sold out. So here's hoping more come in stock with international shipping.It's in stock actually. But it changes to "Currently unavailable" when loging into you account or changing the delivery location to outside of Japan.

11-16-2020, 11:53 PM

think its the same edition not sure tho

11-17-2020, 04:54 PM
This edition will also be released in Asia
Can confirm that at the very least the Chinese copy will have English option