View Full Version : Persona 5 Strikers steelbook
Lee Akira
12-08-2020, 04:23 PM
12-08-2020, 04:52 PM
No G2?
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12-08-2020, 07:53 PM
i hope it's not a separated steelbook only because Best Buy in the US most times has a track record of UNSEALED scratched and dented steelbooks most of the time, when it comes to doing giveaways with pre-orders according to my local Best Buy store experiences.
12-08-2020, 09:09 PM
Hopefully we'll see the steelbook in other places as well. Otherwise it's another expensive import. And why the hell Switch only. :/
12-09-2020, 08:02 AM
12-09-2020, 09:18 AM
01-05-2021, 04:33 PM
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01-06-2021, 12:13 AM
YES. Made my day, thank you.
01-06-2021, 01:17 AM
Do you guys think a groupbuy would make sense in this case?
01-06-2021, 08:59 AM
Just be forewarned, there is precedent for Best Buy US to have allotted exclusively SCRATCHED and DENTED steelbook cases, sometimes for the bonus steelbook that accompanies's a mixed bag..some steelbook releases are "sealed" therefore greater probability of receiving a satisfactory condition steelbook..that being said, a big chunk of Best Buy video game promo steelbooks come ]UNSEALED[/U] carelessly shipped by being thrown into a random cardboard box with random items as they are delivered to various stores..therefore some stores end up ONLY getting dinged and scratched steelbooks..they don't put much effort into it sometimes, because they look at them as "freebies".bonuses..."take or leave it Bud!" type don't have your hopes up too high, that they will be "minty" and sealed..i'm afraid Best Buy record is spotty at best..when it comes to safe handling of steelbook cases..a lot of times, those who arrive on release day first thing early morning end up getting the best 1 or 2 steelbooks condition wise that is in the "lot" allocated to the store.
01-06-2021, 03:24 PM
Just be forewarned, there is precedent for Best Buy US to have allotted exclusively SCRATCHED and DENTED steelbook cases, sometimes for the bonus steelbook that accompanies's a mixed bag..some steelbook releases are "sealed" therefore greater probability of receiving a satisfactory condition steelbook..that being said, a big chunk of Best Buy video game promo steelbooks come ]UNSEALED[/U] carelessly shipped by being thrown into a random cardboard box with random items as they are delivered to various stores..therefore some stores end up ONLY getting dinged and scratched steelbooks..they don't put much effort into it sometimes, because they look at them as "freebies".bonuses..."take or leave it Bud!" type don't have your hopes up too high, that they will be "minty" and sealed..i'm afraid Best Buy record is spotty at best..when it comes to safe handling of steelbook cases..a lot of times, those who arrive on release day first thing early morning end up getting the best 1 or 2 steelbooks condition wise that is in the "lot" allocated to the store.
I came confirm this as being true as well. Out of the five times I got pre-order steelbooks from Best Buy, ALL of them were damaged in some way. The best condition I got one was with a single spine slash, but thats only because I had it shipped to me instead of doing store pick-up. I got lucky there because Best Buy has terrible shipping: most things come delivered in non-bubble mailers.
01-06-2021, 04:20 PM
Sounds like a pure horror. You guys think it makes more sense to wait until they are offered on eBay and one can see the condition?
01-06-2021, 05:32 PM
Just be forewarned, there is precedent for Best Buy US to have allotted exclusively SCRATCHED and DENTED steelbook cases, sometimes for the bonus steelbook that accompanies's a mixed bag..some steelbook releases are "sealed" therefore greater probability of receiving a satisfactory condition steelbook..that being said, a big chunk of Best Buy video game promo steelbooks come ]UNSEALED[/U] carelessly shipped by being thrown into a random cardboard box with random items as they are delivered to various stores..therefore some stores end up ONLY getting dinged and scratched steelbooks..they don't put much effort into it sometimes, because they look at them as "freebies".bonuses..."take or leave it Bud!" type don't have your hopes up too high, that they will be "minty" and sealed..i'm afraid Best Buy record is spotty at best..when it comes to safe handling of steelbook cases..a lot of times, those who arrive on release day first thing early morning end up getting the best 1 or 2 steelbooks condition wise that is in the "lot" allocated to the store.
It's been about 50-50 for me. I've had perfectly sealed bonus steelbooks in mint condition, like the Yakuza one, and other times I've had completely terrible, stickered steelbooks like RE2 and RE3. YMMV entirely, but don't rule it out completely.
01-07-2021, 08:33 AM
I am personally gonna wait it out until i see something on Ebay that is in really nice condition..going into this blind, at a Best Buy it would be a long shot to walk out with a minty scratch free some have said..maybe in different towns and markets, the steelbooks receive better care and handling.but in my city in the US..i have NEVER yet received a "minty" steelbook from Best Buy that was part of a bonus item or pre-order gift...but then again, i do not pre-order every release that comes with a steelbook from Best Buy..i tend to pick and choose titles..but i end up having the worst "life hack" i was given..was to show up early morning on day of release..and be like one of the first in the door in order to have a better shot at a nice steelbook..but..that hassle and inconveniance in my situation is'nt worth it to me.
01-07-2021, 06:07 PM
Sounds like waiting for some decent eBay offers seems to be the best option then.
Thanks for the infos guys!
02-26-2021, 03:28 PM
So what happened with this g2 release? When I went to Best Buy they told me that all steelbooks where switch sized. I confirmed it with a chat online with a Best Buy rep. There’s only very few on eBay. Mine was given to me as a g4 when I picked up my game. Truly disappointing.
02-26-2021, 03:52 PM
So what happened with this g2 release? When I went to Best Buy they told me that all steelbooks where switch sized. I confirmed it with a chat online with a Best Buy rep. There’s only very few on eBay. Mine was given to me as a g4 when I picked up my game. Truly disappointing.
I believe it turned out that only the switch version received a steelbook.
Don't think there is any other format. Correct me if I'm wrong.
02-26-2021, 04:00 PM
Last time I checked ebay there was two g2 but the bidding is past 100
02-26-2021, 04:01 PM EED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20160908105057%26meid%3D685b9 cf750ce4d458fbde9fc1a400a9e%26pid%3D100675%26rk%3D 1%26rkt%3D15%26mehot%3Dnone%26sd%3D333893041594%26 itm%3D265066614495%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2380 057&_trksid=p2380057.c100675.m4236&_trkparms=pageci%3Ad0bbf0b6-784b-11eb-a588-e67b8dae633d%7Cparentrq%3Adf125c411770a49bd4d9cf46 ffffaf9a%7Ciid%3A1
02-26-2021, 06:37 PM EED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20160908105057%26meid%3D685b9 cf750ce4d458fbde9fc1a400a9e%26pid%3D100675%26rk%3D 1%26rkt%3D15%26mehot%3Dnone%26sd%3D333893041594%26 itm%3D265066614495%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2380 057&_trksid=p2380057.c100675.m4236&_trkparms=pageci%3Ad0bbf0b6-784b-11eb-a588-e67b8dae633d%7Cparentrq%3Adf125c411770a49bd4d9cf46 ffffaf9a%7Ciid%3A1
Interesting. Very strange indeed.
Edit 2: I opened a request in the "Group buy and export" forum
Edit: I found this on Best Buys website.
"Q: QuestionIs this still available to be bought? I want to get the PS4 version and the Atlus website says that it only comes with the game if I buy it from the Best Buy website. But now the steelcase is not showing when I add the PS4 version to my cart.
Asked 6 days ago by Hayden.
A:Answer Kinda late but went to bestbuy today and they were completely out however I went up to the register and asked if they could order it for me and gave them the SKU number and they were able to. You will have to pay the $20 plus tax and shipping but still way better than paying a scalper on eBay and cheaper.
Answered 1 day ago by Alex"
Seems like we need someone to kick in that best buy door and get an order for us in! Would be definetly interested in a version.
Btw. SKU is 6446665
02-27-2021, 09:18 AM
The problem is that they only planned to have a steelbook for the Switch originally. The PS4 steelbook was only added after the outcry on social media. As a result there are way less PS4 steelbooks and there are significant delay in the shipment. If you pre-ordered yours and the order history shows the PS4 steelbook you should get yours eventually.
I pre-ordered it initially, but then cancelled because I thought it was going to be so abundant that I'd be able to buy it from Best Buy for $20 and buy the game when it drops to $20. Over the last few days I was really stressed out as the price on ebay kept going up and up. I called all the nearby Best Buy stores but none of them have it. Turns out you have to call the gaming department. I won't tell you their number here but if you care enough you should be able to find it easily. They will order and ship the steelbook to you for $20 plus shipping even though the website says it's not for sale. Good luck.
02-27-2021, 04:12 PM
The problem is that they only planned to have a steelbook for the Switch originally. The PS4 steelbook was only added after the outcry on social media. As a result there are way less PS4 steelbooks and there are significant delay in the shipment. If you pre-ordered yours and the order history shows the PS4 steelbook you should get yours eventually.
I pre-ordered it initially, but then cancelled because I thought it was going to be so abundant that I'd be able to buy it from Best Buy for $20 and buy the game when it drops to $20. Over the last few days I was really stressed out as the price on ebay kept going up and up. I called all the nearby Best Buy stores but none of them have it. Turns out you have to call the gaming department. I won't tell you their number here but if you care enough you should be able to find it easily. They will order and ship the steelbook to you for $20 plus shipping even though the website says it's not for sale. Good luck.
Thank you for the insight! I've told our friends in the group buy thread about it and tried to find the number for them. Fingers crossed! :)
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