View Full Version : Missing Edition (Not Yet Released) Wonder Boy Anniversary Collection - Collector's Edition

03-05-2022, 11:58 AM
Full Game Name: Wonder Boy Anniversary Collection
Edition Name: Collector's Edition
Platform(s): PS4 / SWITCH
Publisher: Strictly Limited
Release Date: September/Oktober 2022
Price (RRP): 100 €
Bar Code: (if known)
Package Description:
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Individually numbered. Limited to 3000 copies worldwide.

SWITCH: https://store.strictlylimitedgames.com/collections/wonder-boy-anniversary-collection/products/wonder-boy-anniversary-collection-collectors-edition-nsw

03-08-2022, 01:34 AM
Beautiful edition..i will be picking this up! Strictly Limited Games these days pretty much sells just "variants" a majority of there releases tend to get wide mass release and most of the SLG offerings stay in the shop for months if not even over a year before they eventually "sell out"...in the beginning, Strictly limited releases truly were exclusive to them, and were actually limited and some titles would completely sell out within 48 hours..now pretty much every release sits in the shop for months..and granted, i understand usually the SLG version has "more DLC" on cart/disc...but usually ends up costing double to triple the alternative mass market version, when there's a brick & mortar sale.