View Full Version : Steelbooks for Trade/Sale

02-17-2023, 05:59 PM
I have the following steelbooks for a trade or sale: (Prices without shipping costs)

Cyberpunk 2077 Maelstrom Pre-Order Steelbook (EBGames/AUS,BestBuy/NA,Amazon/UK,GEO/JPN) (PS4,XB1) (15 Euro)

Doom Eternal JB Edition(JB-HIFI/AUS)/Pre-Order Steelbook with or without game (Gamesonly/AUT,FNAC/FRA) (PS4,XB1) (15 Euro)

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition Deluxe (Amazon/USA,EU) (PS4,XB1) (20 Euro)

Nioh 2 Steelbook Edition (EU) (PS4) (15 Euro)

Playstation Plus/Playstation Network Card/Playstation Now Gift Pre-Order Steelbook (MediaMarkt,Saturn/GER) (PS4) (20 Euro)

Shenmue III (15 Euro)

Wasteland 3 (15 Euro)

I would prefere a trade, depends on which steelbook do you offer me for a trade.

Shipping costs (depends on location and weight) are between 5,99 Euro (EU up to the weight of 2 Kg) up to 120 Euro

Condition like new, some steelbooks are still sealed.