View Full Version : PSP Go a failure - Should we buy one.
11-19-2010, 03:46 PM
The PSP go has been a complete failure, if not the biggest video game failure. sold worst than the Nokia n-gage - LOL.
So I ask, should we buy a good sealed unit in the next month or so, knowing that Sony is very very close to ceasing production of the PSP-Go in the next 3-4 months. Can't see Sony keep losing money with giving away free games and no one buying any new ones.
Like the Nintendo Virtual boy it could be worth a considerably amount of money in the future with so few being sold.
Or the fact that you can't play any games because of the digital media make this completely worthless.
Prices for this unit will fall fast during Dec and Jan.
11-19-2010, 04:37 PM
I think it'll end up being worthless since you don't have physical media for it...
at about $200 a pop I think it will be a LONG time before you'd see a return on investment... if ever.
who knows though...
11-19-2010, 06:38 PM
think it'll end up being worthless since you don't have physical media for it
I completely agree - I think I will buy one when they reach sub $100 (£75) mark. I know it will take years if not a decade to get the money back.
11-19-2010, 07:14 PM
I think it'll end up being worthless since you don't have physical media for it...
11-21-2010, 06:10 AM
I heard someone manage to get it running with emulator and Homebrew game. You cannot play PSP ISO games, but the only thing you can do is play homebrew games like Counter Strike. It uses official firmware and you don't need to flash your firmware.
Source (
11-25-2010, 02:45 PM
I shall get one if the price ever nears $100. In the meantime, currently has a sale on the PSPGo for $150, which is $50 off reg. price.
11-25-2010, 04:14 PM
It still hard to believe that sony thinks it can charge more money for a device with less features than he original. they must think their fan base is a bunch of muppets.
I think at $100 it will start to fly off the shelf, but by then i think sony would have given up on the device anyway.
11-26-2010, 12:00 AM
The PSPGo is actually quite a nifty device despite not being able to play all games via UMD. The screen is of higher quality than any other model, it has a much more sturdier build, it is extremely portable rivaling the DSLite, you don't have to worry about the bulk of physical media, and you can connect a Dualshock 3 to it using Bluetooth.
All that said, the PSPGo should've been more competitively priced, but remember the Go also has 16 GB of onboard memory. Nonetheless, Sony clearly wanted to test out the digital distribution market before deciding on the final specs of the PSP 2. So yeah, customers are basically paying for a glorified marketing experiment. ;)
11-27-2010, 05:48 PM
IMO if the device allows you to load your own game from your existing UMD games, the device wouldn't do so badly. All Sony needed was release external UMD drive.
11-27-2010, 11:20 PM
IMO if the device allows you to load your own game from your existing UMD games, the device wouldn't do so badly. All Sony needed was release external UMD drive.
The PSPGo might have sold more if there was an external UMD drive, but the whole point of the 'Go' is that it is extremely portable, moreso than any other PSP model. So having an external drive defeats the purpose. And with concerns over piracy, I can see why Sony never came up with a solution for those who already owned UMD's.
11-28-2010, 12:36 AM
The PSPGo might have sold more if there was an external UMD drive, but the whole point of the 'Go' is that it is extremely portable, moreso than any other PSP model. So having an external drive defeats the purpose. And with concerns over piracy, I can see why Sony never came up with a solution for those who already owned UMD's.
Sony could have allowed everyone with UMD games and films already to download the digital version from the server for free or even a small processing fee like a few $. No one in their right mind was going to buy a device which is 50-100% more expensive than their exisiting system, then buy all the games and film again, likely at a higher price than the UMD equivelent.
Not even the ultimate Hardcore Sony PSP fans would do that. It doesn't take a genius to work this out so why couldn't Sony.
It's not like they don't do this with their own films, they give away a digital copy with the Film so why not games.
11-28-2010, 12:51 AM
The PSPGo might have sold more if there was an external UMD drive, but the whole point of the 'Go' is that it is extremely portable, moreso than any other PSP model. So having an external drive defeats the purpose. And with concerns over piracy, I can see why Sony never came up with a solution for those who already owned UMD's.
I wouldn't mind PSPGo if I can somehow transfer my existing game and movie over. So far Sony has no solution. So I am stuck with repurchasing all the games I own.
11-28-2010, 01:11 AM
Sony could have allowed everyone with UMD games and films already to download the digital version from the server for free or even a small processing fee like a few $. No one in their right mind was going to buy a device which is 50-100% more expensive than their exisiting system, then buy all the games and film again, likely at a higher price than the UMD equivelent.
Charging a nominal fee to transfer UMD's seems reasonable. And so, I find it hard to believe that Sony would willfully neglect such a money-making opportunity. They are a business, after all. But again, piracy issues have forced Sony to not pursue such an option. Piracy already runs rampant in regards to PSP games, so I doubt Sony would want to aid such behavior. With Dissidia, in particular, the same number of who legally bought that game, also pirated it. Regardless, Sony still sells the 1000-Series PSP's, so the PSPGo is clearly marketed to first-time PSP buyers who don't want the hassle of physical media. We can act indignant over this, but it is Sony's business plan, for better or worse.
Not even the ultimate Hardcore Sony PSP fans would do that. It doesn't take a genius to work this out so why couldn't Sony.
Incorrect. I know a few hardcore gamers who have re-bought games on the PSN. And I'm sure that, Sony, as a multi-million dollar corporate entity, has a few smart people working there.
It's not like they don't do this with their own films, they give away a digital copy with the Film so why not games.
Apples and Oranges, really. The PSP is a closed-platform. Why give away a digital version of a game, when they can charge you for it via the PSN? If Sony had a digital film distribution service that you could access through blu-ray/dvd players, you better damn well believe that they wouldn't give away free digital copies.
11-28-2010, 04:45 PM
Charging a nominal fee to transfer UMD's seems reasonable. And so, I find it hard to believe that Sony would willfully neglect such a money-making opportunity. They are a business, after all. But again, piracy issues have forced Sony to not pursue such an option. Piracy already runs rampant in regards to PSP games, so I doubt Sony would want to aid such behavior. With Dissidia, in particular, the same number of who legally bought that game, also pirated it. Regardless, Sony still sells the 1000-Series PSP's, so the PSPGo is clearly marketed to first-time PSP buyers who don't want the hassle of physical media. We can act indignant over this, but it is Sony's business plan, for better or worse.
Exactly my point, first time buyers had to pay a huge premium for the console, then pay considerbly more to rebuy the game on PSN for a game they could never sell on. - it would have worked if it was a digital only platform in the first place but not 4 years after the UMD drive. Everytime a new refresh of the system has been released there was never a need to buy all the games again.
PS3 > PS3 Slim
Xbox 360 elite > Xbox 360 slim
DS > DS lite, DSI DSI XL.
I take your point on piracy, but that's mainly because the device is marked to the exact demographic that do 95% of it. teenagers and uni students,
All Apple products have the same problem, although I must point out that the Nintendo DS, PS2 and especially the PS1 had far bigger piracy than the PSP and they were all the biggest selling console, 3-4 times the install base. It seems the best selling console do have the most amount of piracy, this is such a shame.
Incorrect. I know a few hardcore gamers who have re-bought games on the PSN. And I'm sure that, Sony, as a multi-million dollar corporate entity, has a few smart people working there.
Ok I may have exaggerated a bit here, but my point is that those few that did re-buy the games were not at all happy and more than likely reduce their amount of purchasing of newer games. Sony being a multi-million dollar corporate entity has made them arrogant. It not like the Playstation platform has made them the multi millions everyone keep shouting out.
They made a $3 billion loss on on first few years then they finally make a profit of £100 million, how many years will it take to make all the money back. No one seems to ask that question, the answer is never. The company is stuck in tradtion and the old ways that worked before.
The company is just to big and diverse to make a decision that is right for the company. It's because the Playstation platform did so well before and was a cash cow that they just kept saying yes to the gaming devision, but it has so far turn out to be a huge mistake. They would have been £3 billion better off if they didn't start the PS3 project and kept supporting the PS2. It's not like they don't have the smart people, they do, infact some of the best, but using them their maximum potential is what hardest.
Someone somewhere should have looked at the spiralling cost of the PS3 development and the part costs and said would they actually make money from this venture. Instead they put their trust in the division without anyone overlooking the project from the outside.
What happen next was the PSPgo one of the biggest flops in gaming histroy.
11-29-2010, 02:04 AM
Exactly my point, first time buyers had to pay a huge premium for the console, then pay considerbly more to rebuy the game on PSN for a game they could never sell on. - it would have worked if it was a digital only platform in the first place but not 4 years after the UMD drive. Everytime a new refresh of the system has been released there was never a need to buy all the games again.
What I meant by 'first-time' buyers, are those people who have never owned a PSP before buying a PSPGo, thus they wouldn't have to rebuy games off of the PSN, because they never bought UMD's in the first place. I'm just pointing out a different demographic Sony was trying to reach with the PSPGo, but admittedly, they have failed miserably. In fact, one of their corporate reps has pretty much said the same thing, in different words. Also, Sony hasn't forced consumers to buy a PSPGo -- it's just an option for those who want the convenience that a PSPGo offers. And often times, convenience comes at a price. If you want a laptop with the same specs as a desktop, you will pay more for the laptop, and so on, and so on.
And again, Sony still sells regular PSP's, so it's not a huge deal. If Sony only started selling the PSPGo at the retail level and got rid of the UMD models, that would be a major problem.
The only thing that sucks for PSPGo buyers is that often times new releases on the PSN cost the same as their UMD counterparts. You would think that digital releases would be cheaper since there is no cost of packaging.
Ok I may have exaggerated a bit here, but my point is that those few that did re-buy the games were not at all happy and more than likely reduce their amount of purchasing of newer games. Sony being a multi-million dollar corporate entity has made them arrogant. It not like the Playstation platform has made them the multi millions everyone keep shouting out.
The thing is, Sony initially stated they were working on a solution for existing PSP owners with UMD's. That proposition never materialized for whatever reason, and I can't say for sure that their reasoning behind this decision was invalid. I have to believe that highly educated individuals in business have a better grasp on their market and products than you or I.
They made a $3 billion loss on on first few years then they finally make a profit of £100 million, how many years will it take to make all the money back. No one seems to ask that question, the answer is never. The company is stuck in tradtion and the old ways that worked before.
The company is just to big and diverse to make a decision that is right for the company. It's because the Playstation platform did so well before and was a cash cow that they just kept saying yes to the gaming devision, but it has so far turn out to be a huge mistake. They would have been £3 billion better off if they didn't start the PS3 project and kept supporting the PS2. It's not like they don't have the smart people, they do, infact some of the best, but using them their maximum potential is what hardest.
Someone somewhere should have looked at the spiralling cost of the PS3 development and the part costs and said would they actually make money from this venture. Instead they put their trust in the division without anyone overlooking the project from the outside.
What happen next was the PSPgo one of the biggest flops in gaming histroy.
The PSPGo may have been a flop, but the PSP platform itself is strong, especially in Japan. So, I don't think Sony will bat an eye at the PSPGo's failure, because, as I have said before, Sony patently wanted to test out the digital distribution market. And that's not a bad endeavor actually, as they can now take what they've learned with the PSPGo and apply it to the development of the PSP 2.
As for the rest of your statement, it seems to be a mixture of speculation and facts, so I won't address them.
11-29-2010, 10:28 AM
What I meant by 'first-time' buyers, are those people who have never owned a PSP before buying a PSPGo, thus they wouldn't have to rebuy games off of the PSN, because they never bought UMD's in the first place. I'm just pointing out a different demographic Sony was trying to reach with the PSPGo, but admittedly, they have failed miserably. In fact, one of their corporate reps has pretty much said the same thing, in different words. Also, Sony hasn't forced consumers to buy a PSPGo -- it's just an option for those who want the convenience that a PSPGo offers. And often times, convenience comes at a price. If you want a laptop with the same specs as a desktop, you will pay more for the laptop, and so on, and so on
I though Sony had already targeted the DD demographic with the normal PSP, doesn't that allow you to download games to the memory stick aswell as the option to purchase the UMD. I do take you point about convenience costing I don't think this will ever chnage.
And again, Sony still sells regular PSP's, so it's not a huge deal. If Sony only started selling the PSPGo at the retail level and got rid of the UMD models, that would be a major problem.
Woah don't get me wrong, I think the Normal PSP has been a huge success. I'm just referring to the PSPgo in this instance.
The only thing that sucks for PSPGo buyers is that often times new releases on the PSN cost the same as their UMD counterparts. You would think that digital releases would be cheaper since there is no cost of packaging.
Lets not forget distribution cost and profit margins, store overheads and profits margin, delivery to your door and finally taxes and duties for each stage. What's more in some cases the UMD actually cost less to purchase than the DD. :lmao:
11-29-2010, 11:38 AM
I thought Sony had already targeted the DD demographic with the normal PSP, doesn't that allow you to download games to the memory stick aswell as the option to purchase the UMD.
I don't remember the exact timeline, but I believe PSN content, in regards to full game downloads, was pretty barren until the release of the PSPGo. So, if I'm not mistaken, Sony didn't full-on attempt to reach the DD market before the PSPGo's release. I mean, if you look at the PSPGo's build, the device is very specifically meant for DD: It's small, has a good amount of onboard memory, and of course, lacks any moving parts through the exclusion of an optical drive.
And if you look beneath the surface, I believe that Sony also wants to squeeze-out used game sales and positioned the PSPGo as a testing ground to gauge consumers' reaction to a. . . DD only model. But alas, I will refrain from going further into that issue.
In any case, Sony would've been foolish not to let everyone access the PSN, regardless of the model PSP they owned. In addition to content consumers would normally buy off the PSN, Sony also makes money selling memory sticks too, you know. :lol:
11-29-2010, 01:31 PM
I don't remember the exact timeline, but I believe PSN content, in regards to full game downloads was pretty barren until the release of the PSPGo
Really - Not using a PSP through it's life, I don't really know. If that's the case then there really is a point to the PSPgo. Oh well. I just presume that because it has a memory stick it had that function from the start.
But alas, I will refrain from going further into that issue
Completely agree, think were going a bit :offtopic:
Back to the question, should we buy a PSPgo? :rotf:
11-29-2010, 02:06 PM
Back to the question, should we buy a PSPgo?
Another thing to remember is that, in the future, there is no guarantee that you will be able to download games/content from the PSN using a PSPGo. Developers who post content to the PSN have to endure licensing fees and other costs, which means over time, games and other stuff will be pulled off the PSN. That in my opinion, further degrades the long-term value of the PSPGo.
Whereas with UMD's or other physical media, they will be available for quite some time on the second-hand market. That's just my perspective as a hardcore collector. As a fanboy, I will certainly buy one for its unique features, but not until its priced in the $100-$120 range.
12-04-2010, 03:06 PM
Wait for the Sony Ericsson PSPGo phone.
link (
12-04-2010, 03:29 PM
Interesting. I would actually buy one of those to replace my current phone. I see the PlayStation icon, so I guess this phone is tied to the PSN. Very nice.
12-17-2010, 02:45 PM
Well it looks the the PSP phone is nothing more than an app on andriod. It's looking less likely there is going to be a PSP phone.
Taken from :
PlayStation is rolling out an official app for iPhone and Android users ‘very soon'.
According to PlayStation's blog, the first version of the app will allow users to check their PlayStation network trophies and keep up to date with their friends' games and online statuses.
Users will be able to check out the latest game releases and news for the PS3, PSP and PS2 as well as announcements on the PlayStation blog.
There is also a social media element as fans of the console will be able to share their favourite products and news with friends on Facebook, Twitter and via email.
Version 1.0 will be available in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy and The Netherlands for people with an iPhone or iPod Touch with iOS4 as well as most Android handsets running OS 1.6 or above.
"We are already working on the next version that will support most SCEE countries and languages, and will also let you comment on PlayStation.Blog," according to PlayStation.
It has promised ‘tons more features' to come and to roll out the first version of the free app in ‘the next few months'.
12-20-2010, 07:06 PM
Ack. Kind of disappointing, but on the other hand, I do have an Android, so I have look into this PlayStation app.
12-28-2010, 11:15 AM
On second thought, it looks like this PlayStation Phone may still be a reality:
PlayStation Phone Launching In The West This Spring, Says Asahi Shimbun
By Spencer . December 28, 2010 . 1:25am
This morning, the Asahi Shimbun posted a headline that PlayStation Phone will launch in the spring. The newspaper reports the still unannounced device will launch in the West then.
The article stirred up quite some buzz with Famitsu pressing Sony for a comment. Sony has not released an official statement at this time.
Rumor has it the PlayStation Phone looks like a PSP go and runs Android 3.0. A mix of PS1 games and PSP titles are said to be available with the device along with original games using Google’s Android operating system.
01-09-2011, 06:21 AM
Now you are able to load your own ISO games with PSPGo. Finally it is useful.
source (
01-09-2011, 01:46 PM
^ I don't mind ripping ISO's of games someone already owns, but this development will clearly lead to more piracy on the PSP platform.
01-09-2011, 03:30 PM
I don't mind ripping ISO's of games someone already owns, but this development will clearly lead to more piracy on the PSP platform.
At least know you can play games not release on the PSN, that is one of the biggest flaws of the PSPgo.
01-09-2011, 03:52 PM
Yep, as I said, if it's done legally, I see no problems, but I can't forsee too many gamers buying UMDs to specifically rip to their PSPGo. They will probably just download ISO's via torrents. Damn pirates, I hate them all.
At least the option is now there for honest gamers, though.
01-09-2011, 04:02 PM
I agree with the priracy
Considering how many PSPgo users are out there and the huge price they had to pay for the console and games, I can't see too many buying the UMD then then downloading the ISO.
I'm still waiting for some sort of limited edition release or price cut to less than £100 before I buy the PSPgo
01-09-2011, 04:39 PM
I'm still waiting for some sort of limited edition release or price cut to less than £100 before I buy the PSPgo
Yeah, me too.
01-19-2011, 08:23 AM
Alright, little update - Looks like the PSP Phone is indeed the real deal, as reputable business publication/website Bloomberg is now reporting on it:
Bloomberg: Sony PSP2 to debut next week, PlayStation Phone at MWC
By Ross Miller ( ( posted Jan 19th 2011 12:46AM (
It's nothing that runs counter to the ongoing whispers we've heard so far, but according to Bloomberg and its pair of sources, Sony Computer Entertainment's Tokyo event ( on January 27th is indeed the platform from which it'll unveil the next PSP, ( and next month at Mobile World Congress will be where we finally meet -- officially, that is -- the PlayStation Phone (|psphone). Next week's press conference will also reportedly "outline a strategy to use its networked entertainment services to share games, movies and music among handheld products, TVs and other devices." Not much else to say at this point, so just sit back, relax, and wait for the other guys ( to do their presentation, first.
01-26-2011, 07:26 PM
A huge update on the phone from engagdet.
01-27-2011, 01:54 AM
That was a nicely detailed article. Engadget is the greatest. Thanks.
01-27-2011, 06:58 AM
Also, this is worth mentioning: The PSP/PSPGo's successor, codenamed NGP, will be arriving this holiday season, so in the next few months, expect Sony to start phasing out its supply of PSPGo's. Hopefully, sharp price cuts will be happening soon with the PSPGo, as Sony readies its next generation handheld, which in a weird way, looks a little too similar to the original PSP:
Specs include a 5-inch touchscreen OLED display with 960 x 544 resolution, dual analog sticks (not nubs as on the current generation), 3G, WiFi, GPS, front and rear touchpads, gyroscope, an electronic compass, and cameras on both the front and the rear. Oh, and the CPU is described as "the most advanced" in its class. Available this holiday season. Wait... what?!
Games will come on "new media," not UMD anymore, but we're unclear on what sort of flash memory is being used. Sony's rather proud of the fact it's offering the world's first dual analog stick combo on a portable device, though we're more geeked about the quadrupling of pixel count from the original PSP.
Games being shown off at Sony's live event ( right now include Killzone, Resistance, Little Big Planet, and Uncharted -- with the latter serving as a demo platform to show off how the rear touchpad can be used to more intuitively climb up some vines. Breathtaking!
01-27-2011, 12:42 PM
Nice update, Thanks Mandingo.
Spec wise this looks impressive, but what will the price be? I guessing $300
01-27-2011, 12:53 PM
but what will the price be? I guessing $300
Yeah, I would guess $300, as well. Sony has already stated that they will lose money on each unit sold initially.
More details:
Tokyo, January 27, 2011 - Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE) today announced its next generation portable entertainment system (codename: NGP), which delivers the ultimate portable entertainment experience. NGP will make its debut at the end of the year 2011.
NGP is designed to offer unparalleled interactive entertainment that is only possible on PlayStation®. This new system offers a revolutionary combination of rich gaming and social connectivity within a real world context, made possible by leveraging SCE's experience from both PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) and PlayStation®3 (PS3®) entertainment systems.
Deep and immersive gaming is at the core of PlayStation's DNA, and NGP is the latest embodiment of this vision. By having both Wi-Fi and 3G network connectivity, together with various applications, NGP will enable infinite possibilities for users to "encounter," "connect," "discover," "share" and "play" with friends wherever they are. Within the device are a range of features that provide a genuinely cutting-edge, next generation ultimate portable entertainment experience.
* l Stunning OLED and Revolutionary User Interface
NGP incorporates a beautiful multi-touch 5-inch organic light emitting display (OLED) as the front display. A high-performance CPU / GPU combined with OLED enables rich, visually striking graphics never seen before on a portable entertainment system, for both games and other digital entertainment content. The new system also incorporates a unique multi-touch pad on the rear, and together with the front touch display, NGP offers new game play allowing users to interact directly with games in three dimension-like motion, through "touch, grab, trace, push and pull" moves of the fingers.
* l Super Oval Design and Dual Analog Sticks
While succeeding the basic design philosophy of PSP, NGP adopts the Super Oval Design form factor, created to fit comfortably in users' hands. For the first time, a portable entertainment system will feature two analog sticks, which enable a wider range of game genres to be brought into the portable experience.
* l LiveAreaTM
Every game title for NGP will be provided with a space called "LiveAreaTM" where users can share the fun and excitement with other players. Users will have access to the latest information of games provided from SCE and 3rd party developers and publishers through PlayStation®Network. Additionally, NGP users will be able to view an "Activity" log that is constantly updated with accomplishments from users who are playing the same game, which in turn can trigger active real-time communication among users.
* l Near
SCE will also provide location-based services on NGP as part of the basic features utilizing PlayStation Network. The new application called "Near," developed specifically for this service and the network, will be pre-installed in the system to let users find out what their friends in the vicinity are playing now or what they were playing recently. Users can meet their friends and new players virtually, regardless of what games they are playing, simply by sharing their game information across different dimensions of time and distance.
* l New Game Medium
NGP adopts a new game medium, a small flash memory based card, dedicated for NGP software titles. Taking advantage of the flash memory feature, this innovative card can store the full software titles plus add-on game content or the game save data directly on to the card. By adopting flash memory based card, SCE will be able to provide game cards with higher capacity in the future, allowing developers to store more game data to deliver rich and immersive games.
NGP will also come equipped with two cameras on its front and rear, as well as three motion sensors, gyroscope, accelerometer and electronic compass, all of which are designed to enable users to enjoy the world of entertainment that is linked with real life experiences.
PlayStation®Suite (PS Suite), announced today, will also closely coordinate with NGP. The newly developed and released game content for AndroidTM based portable devices can also be enjoyed on NGP. As a result, users will have access to not only the most leading-edge content, but also some of the more casual experiences that typify the mobile market place.
SCE will vigorously promote NGP towards the launch as the next generation portable entertainment platform and deploy various measures to further expand the portable gaming market.
?Next generation portable entertainment system (codename: NGP) ?
ARM® CortexTM-A9 core (4 core)
External Dimensions
Approx. 182.0 x 18.6 x 83.5mm (width x height x depth) (tentative, excludes largest projection)
(Touch screen)
5 inches (16:9), 960 x 544, Approx. 16 million colors, OLED
Multi touch screen (capacitive type)
Rear touch pad
Multi touch pad (capacitive type)
Front camera, Rear camera
Built-in stereo speakers
Built-in microphone
Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer), Three-axis electronic compass
Built-in GPS
Wi-Fi location service support
Keys / Switches
PS button
Power button
Directional buttons (Up/Down/Right/Left)
Action buttons (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square)
Shoulder buttons (Right/Left)
Right stick, Left stick
START button, SELECT button
Volume buttons (+/-)
Wireless communications
Mobile network connectivity (3G)
IEEE 802.11b/g/n (n = 1x1)(Wi-Fi) (Infrastructure mode/Ad-hoc mode)
Bluetooth® 2.1+EDR ?A2DP/AVRCP/HSP?
Developers already on board:
ACQUIRE Corp. ALVION Inc. AQ INTERACTIVE INC. ARC SYSTEM WORKS Co.,Ltd. ARIKA CO.,LTD. ARTDINK CORPORATION ASCII MEDIA WORKS Inc. CAPCOM CO., LTD. CHUN SOFT CO., Ltd Codemasters Software Company Limited Crafts & Meister Co.,Ltd. CyberConnect2 Co.,Ltd. D3 PUBLISHER Inc. Dimps Corporation Edia Co., Ltd. ENTERBRAIN, INC. FromSoftware, Inc Gameloft K.K. Genki Co.,Ltd. Grasshopper Manufacture Inc. GungHo Online Entertainment,Inc GUST CO.,LTD. HAMSTER Corporation HUDSON SOFT CO., LTD. IDEA FACTORY CO., LTD. Index Corporation(Atlus) IREM SOFTWARE ENGINEERING INC. KADOKAWA GAMES,LTD. Kadokawa Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd. Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. LEVEL-5 Inc. Marvelous Entertainment Inc. media5 Corporation NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. Nihon Falcom Corporation Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. NOWPRODUCTION, CO.,LTD Q Entertainment Inc. SEGA CORPORATION SNK PLAYMORE CORPORATION Spike Co.,Ltd SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd. SystemSoft Alpha Corp. TECMO KOEI GAMES CO., LTD. TOMY Company,Ltd. TOSE CO., LTD. Ubisoft K.K. YUKE’S Co., Ltd.
Activision, Inc. Capybara Games Demiurge Studios Epic Games Inc. Far Sight Studios Frima High Voltage Software Kung Fu Factory Paramount Digital Entertainment PopCap Games Powerhead Games Trendy Entertainment Ubisoft® Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment 2K Games 2K Sports
Avalanche Studios Climax Studios Ltd Codemasters Software Company Ltd Eurocom Developments Ltd Eutechnyx Ltd Exient Ltd Firemint PTY Ltd Gameloft SA Gusto Games Ltd Home Entertainment Suppliers PTY Ltd Impromptu Software Ltd Rebellion® Rockstar Games Sidhe Interactive Sumo Digital Ltd Team 17 Software Ltd Ubisoft Entertainment SA Zen Studios Ltd
02-07-2011, 05:35 AM
Ok, the PSP Phone is now official:
PlayStation Phone Revealed As Xperia Play
. February 6, 2011 . 7:51pm (|0)
Rumours of a PSP Phone have frequently been making the rounds on the Internet for more than a year now. These often tended to be confused with the “PSP2,” which ultimately turned out to be an entirely different device in the form of the NGP.
The PlayStation phone does exist, however. Titled “Xperia Play (,” the device has been officially confirmed by Sony on their Ericsson Facebook page (, and will be revealed in its entirety on February 13th.
The device runs on the Android operating system, and the PlayStation style buttons probably means it’s going to be the most compatible Android device in terms of control with Sony’s upcoming PlayStation Suite program ( that allows for PS One and “PlayStation quality” games to be brought to Android devices. Here’s a trailer:
02-07-2011, 08:18 AM
Ah what, PS1 games and not PSP1 games, that's annoying.
Otherwise this would be great.
02-07-2011, 01:54 PM
PS1 games and not PSP1 games, that's annoying.
I agree. I was excited for this new phone, but now, not as much.
03-04-2011, 02:32 PM
Update - Sony has apparently lowered the price of the PSPGo to $150 here in the US, even though, lol, I can't seem to find a PSPGo on store shelves anymore. (
03-04-2011, 03:12 PM
Wonder how long it will take for the price drop to come to Europe, lowest I can get it for is £140.
I guess this is signally the end of the console, especially now that the Sony Ericsson Play is out know.
03-04-2011, 03:40 PM
Can you find PSPGo's on store shelves easily in Europe?
I'm thinking of getting one at $150 now, but that's only because they've seemingly become scarce now in the US. has even run out of black PSPGo's (and I mean sold directly by Amazon, not 3rd party vendors)
03-04-2011, 03:57 PM
Not a huge amount of stores have them, but can still be purchased from the hut group. I guessing they haven't replenished supplies. I don't blame the stores.
03-04-2011, 04:03 PM
I've heard, at least anecdotally, that every PSPGo is a launch unit. In other words, Sony only produced a single batch of Go's and hasn't manufactured any more batches since the intial launch.
I don't have a verifiable source for this, but it's something to think about..
03-05-2011, 12:10 AM
Sony recently drop their GO price to $150. The PSP3000 also drop down to $130.
03-05-2011, 04:20 AM
The PSP3000 also drop down to $130.
Not surprising considering the looming release of the NGP. I wonder how long until the PSP-3000 models hit $99 themselves.
03-05-2011, 11:42 AM
They haven't sold a huge amount and it could theoretically be the first batch.
It be funny if it was the first and only batch out there.
03-13-2011, 09:18 PM
Since the Xperia (or Playstation phone) has been mentioned, there is some good news for those in Europe:
Xperia Play Comes With Crash Bandicoot, Sims 3 Pre-Installed At Launch (|0)
Sony’s Xperia Play ( (aka the “PlayStation Phone”) is going to release this month in the U.K., six days after the launch of the Nintendo 3DS. Speaking with MCV UK, Sony Ericcson marketing director for UK and Ireland, David Hilton, gave a few insights into the device’s launch (
While the Xperia Play is an Android-powered phone that will be sold through mobile phone stores, Hilton says that game stores selling it is a possibility, too. “This will be the biggest marketing campaign we have had in the UK,” he revealed.
In the U.K., Xperia Play will come with Crash Bandicoot, The Sims 3, Fifa 10, Star Battalion, Tetris and Bruce Lee: Dragon Warriors pre-installed on the system. We assume Crash Bandicoot is the “legendary” title they hinted at previously.
As reported last month, 50 games encompassing both PS One software and original titles will be available for the device ( at launch, and Sony have hinted at franchises — not necessarily in the launch window — such as Assassin’s Creed, Dead Space (, Guitar Hero ( and Battlefield coming to the device.
Sauce: (
03-13-2011, 09:25 PM
This is interesting news, getting games like Assassin creed and Dead space sounds like it will have good support. Not just silly flash games like certain apps stores we know of.
03-13-2011, 09:27 PM
Yeah, you are correct. Having PS One software available is definitely a plus, too.
04-08-2011, 03:57 PM
In the UK there are only 2 stores that have the PSPgo white in stock and they are Game and Amazon.
Game have it for £129.99 (
Amazon have it £158.99 ( %26tag%3Dmffindgame-21%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165 953%26creativeASIN%3DB002OHD9I2)
The Black can be purchase from the the Hut group, Amazon, HMV. The cheapest is the Hut Group.
This guess this really is the end of the line for the PSPgo. I'm sure it the same story in Canada/ USA and Europe.
I will be ordering a white one.
04-09-2011, 10:21 PM
Has this already been mentioned?
Guilty Gear Accent Core Plus Gets A Massive Collectors Edition In Europe
By lolwut ( (|0)
Guilty Gear ( Accent Core Plus is headed to Europe, courtesy of Zen United (, and they’re giving it a grand treatment on all three platforms (Wii, PlayStation 2, PSP) in the form of a collector’s edition.
Here’s what the collector’s edition will include:
A choice between Guilty Gear: 10th Memorial Artbook or the limited edition, Guilty Gear: Lost Archives art book, exclusive to this collection.
Limited Edition Antique Silver Guilty Gear keychain.
Guilty Gear Accent Core Plus Official Soundtrack.
Guilty Gear Accent Core Plus T-Shirt.
Packaged inside a beautiful presentation box
Additionally, each collector’s edition comes with 1 of 200 limited edition Giclee prints of Guilty Gear’s A.B.A, numbered and printed on Hahnmemuhle paper.
You can grab the collector’s edition from Zen United’s online store ( Pre-orders are open and they ship internationally if you’re keen on importing. The game releases on May 6th.
04-10-2011, 05:35 PM
Where did this come from, had no idea about this.
Thanks for the heads up Mandingo, have made a News entry ( and added the game to the database (
The price of £103 delivered is little high though, can't tell if it restricted to 200 units or that there are 200 types of print they could choose from.
04-21-2011, 04:00 PM
Ok it is official, the PSPgo is dead.
Now is the time to get one if you haven't already.
04-24-2011, 08:52 PM
Sony is continuing production of the PSP Go in America, it seems. (
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