View Full Version : My Entire Collection up for sale Piece by Piece
11-29-2010, 10:35 PM
Well I doubt anyone has missed me or even noticed that I haven't posted in some time, reason being I was in a motorcycle accident. Nothing major to me but my bike was banged up pretty bad.
Anyway, motorcycles are the one thing I love more than gaming, and being that I'm bout to drop a shitload of money on repairing my bike I'm gonna put a hault to my video game collecting, and to me there's no point of having a collection if I will not continue to collect. So, my entire collection is up for sale. You can look at this post to see most of what I have
I have a few more that are not in the picture. Off the top of my head I have the new CoD Black OPs Prestige Edition still sealed and both of the Kinectimals limited editions sealed as well as Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Limited Edition w/ the Harlequin Jack in the box. I also have the UK Castlevania Limited Edition with the mask still sealed.
Most of my games are in mint or near mint condition. I will sell them at lower prices than anywhere else. I need the money so I'm not trying to sell for profit just to get back some of what I have spent.
Just name a price and odds are it's yours. Shipping will be determined by how quickly you want it. Again I will not make any money off the shipping.
So post away or PM with what you're interested in and what your offer is. We can do everything by Paypal and can mark it as gift or however you'd like. Thanks and hopefully we can do some business soon.
PS Still not sure what I'm gonna do about the open Dead Space Ultra Limited Edition. I sold my sealed one the day after wrecking my bike. If someone makes me a good offer here I'll let it go, if not it's going on eBay.
11-29-2010, 11:03 PM
Do you have any PS3 games,
Also which games do you have that are sealed.
Hope you and your bike get better soon.
11-29-2010, 11:05 PM
No PS3 games, sorry.
Sealed that I know off include Black Ops Prestige Edition, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Limited edition, Kinectimlas limited edition, both editions, Castlevania limited edition both the US and UK editions, and I can't think of any others at the moment. I'll have to check when I get home, but that's most of 'em. I play most of my games and then they go on the shelf.
11-29-2010, 11:17 PM
Thanks for quick reply
One more question, with the exception of the game, is everything sealed inside.
Also what's the condition of the case.
Many thanks
11-29-2010, 11:20 PM
Thanks for quick reply
One more question, with the exception of the game, is everything sealed inside.
Also what's the condition of the case.
Many thanks
I'm assuming you're asking about Dead Space? The game and artbook inside are sealed. Case condition is in really good condition. I can take close ups of all angles once I get home and email them. PM me your email address.
11-30-2010, 02:55 AM
Nice collection. Too bad no other platform besides the 360, though.
11-30-2010, 05:13 AM
Here's what I have and what I'm looking for. All prices are less than eBay prices but are still negotiable. If you buy multiple ones we can work out a deal. Also first person from PAL that buys something gets a free Dead Rising 2 sealed. Everything is in US Dollars we can use a 1.6 conversion or whatever it is nowadays.
BioShock LE (NTSC) Big Daddy in perfect condition Box in good condition- $100
BioShock LE (PAL) Big Daddy in perfect condition Box in great Condition- $100
BioShock 2 LE (NTSC)- $20
BioShcok 2 Rapture Edition (PAL)- $20
Halo 3 Limited Edition (NTSC)- $20
Halo 3 Legendary Edition (NTSC)- $40
Halo Reach Limited Edition (NTSC)- $45
Halo Reach Legendary (NTSC)- $90
Dead Rising Tin Edition (PAL)- $35
Dead Rising 2 Zombrex (NTSC)- $50
Dead Rising 2 High Stakes (NTSC) Brand New- $100
Dead Rising 2 Outbreak Edition (PAL) Brand New- $100
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Prestige Edition (NTSC)- $35
Call of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition (NTSC) Brand New- $125
Kinectimals Limited Edition (NTSC) King Cheetah Brand New- $50
Kinectimals Limited Edition (NTSC) Maltese Tiger Brand New- $50
Assassin's Creed Limited Edition (NTSC)- $40
Assassin's Creed Limited Edition (PAL) Just tin and cards no game- First person that buys something from me and wants it gets it for free.
Assassin's Creed Figure Box- $40
Assassin's Creed 2 Master Assassin's Edition (NTSC)- $70
Assassin's Creed 2 White Edition (PAL)- $50
Assassin's Creed 2 Black Edition (PAL)- $75
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood LE (Harlequin) (NTSC)- Brand New- $90
Alan Wake Limited Edition (NTSC)- $40
Dante's Inferno Death Edition (NTSC-J but is region free) $20
Fable 2 Limited Edition (NTSC)- $20
Fable 3 Limited Edition (NTSC)- $55
Madden 09 Hall of Fame Edition (NTSC) Brand New- $20
Mass Effect 2 Limited Edition (NTSC) Brand New some minor damage where it looks like someone tried to open it before- $85
Star Wars TFU Ultimate Sith Edition (NTSC)- $25
Star Wars TFU2 Limited Edition (NTSC)- $50
TMNT Limited Edition (PAL) w/ Stickers- $20
Bourne Conspiracy Classified Edition (PAL) Brand New- $35
Had a hard time finding these online so I could be way off here. Couldn't find the UK version on eBay at all so it could be a steal or it could be too high. I'll correct if needed.
Castlevania Limited Edition (PAL) Brand New- $120
Castlevania Limited Edition (NTSC) Brand New- $100
Last but definitely not least:
Dead Space Ultra Limited Edition- Waiting on someone to view pictures and confirm whether to buy or not. If not I'll put it up with a reasonable suggested price.
That's it folks. Like I said, if you wanna buy something and think it should be cheaper let me know as I'm willing to work it out. Giving it one week here before I put them on eBay.
11-30-2010, 06:46 AM
Sad to see a nice collection like this broken up :/ I'd be tempted if I had some money to spare. GL
11-30-2010, 11:38 PM
Dead Rising 2 Zombrex (NTSC)- $50
Dead Rising 2 High Stakes (NTSC) Brand New- $100
Assassin's Creed 2 Master Assassin's Edition (NTSC)- $70
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood LE (Harlequin) (NTSC)- Brand New- $90
Last but definitely not least:
Dead Space Ultra Limited Edition- Waiting on someone to view pictures and confirm whether to buy or not. If not I'll put it up with a reasonable suggested price.
These are sold pending payment.
11-30-2010, 11:49 PM
and Assassin's Creed Limited Edition (NTSC)- $40
12-01-2010, 12:35 AM
12-01-2010, 12:37 AM
and Assassin's Creed Limited Edition (NTSC)- $40
True. Sorry, damn tough doing it on iPhone while driving. Need to stop that anyway, before I'm left with no vehicles.
12-01-2010, 05:32 AM
Those are some damn good prices. You should've posted this in the 'found deals' section, as well. :lol:
12-01-2010, 08:39 PM
BioShock 2 LE
Halo 3 LE
Dead Rising steelbook
All sold, pending payment.
12-02-2010, 02:52 PM
how much for the dead space ultra edition is everything thing included with it and condition is mint,seriously interested in this,plus a lot of other stuff,but we will start here.
12-02-2010, 03:59 PM
how much for the dead space ultra edition is everything thing included with it and condition is mint,seriously interested in this,plus a lot of other stuff,but we will start here.
Dead Space Ultra has been sold. Let me know if there's anything else you are interested in.
12-03-2010, 02:43 PM
also interested in madden 09 and bourne conspiracy are they both sealed.
12-04-2010, 10:56 AM
also interested in madden 09 and bourne conspiracy are they both sealed.
Madden 09 has the circle stickers over the plastic sleeve. That was the original seal. Bourne conspiracy, I don't know the original seal of the game but I bought it supposedly new. The game and pen inside are wrapped but the tin is not.
12-07-2010, 07:10 PM
I will have a Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Codex Edition new and sealed soon for sale as well if anyone is interested.
12-07-2010, 07:15 PM
Here's what I have and what I'm looking for. All prices are less than eBay prices but are still negotiable. If you buy multiple ones we can work out a deal. Also first person from PAL that buys something gets a free Dead Rising 2 sealed. Everything is in US Dollars we can use a 1.6 conversion or whatever it is nowadays.
BioShock LE (NTSC) Big Daddy in perfect condition Box in good condition- $100
BioShock LE (PAL) Big Daddy in perfect condition Box in great Condition- $100
BioShcok 2 Rapture Edition (PAL)- $20
Halo 3 Legendary Edition (NTSC)- $40
Halo Reach Limited Edition (NTSC)- $45
Halo Reach Legendary (NTSC)- $90
*Dead Rising 2 Zombrex* (NTSC)- $50 Sold Pending payment
*Dead Rising 2 High Stakes* (NTSC) Brand New- $100 Sold Pending Payment
Dead Rising 2 Outbreak Edition (PAL) Brand New- $100
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Prestige Edition (NTSC)- $35
Call of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition (NTSC) Brand New- $125
Kinectimals Limited Edition (NTSC) King Cheetah Brand New- $50
Kinectimals Limited Edition (NTSC) Maltese Tiger Brand New- $50
*Assassin's Creed Limited Edition* (NTSC)- $40 Sold Pending Payment
Assassin's Creed Figure Box- $40
*Assassin's Creed 2 Master Assassin's Edition* (NTSC)- $70 Sold Pending Payment
Assassin's Creed 2 White Edition (PAL)- $50
Assassin's Creed 2 Black Edition (PAL)- $75
*Assassin's Creed Brotherhood LE *(Harlequin) (NTSC)- Brand New- $90 Sold Pending Payment
Alan Wake Limited Edition (NTSC)- $40
Dante's Inferno Death Edition (NTSC-J but is region free) $20
Fable 2 Limited Edition (NTSC)- $20
Fable 3 Limited Edition (NTSC)- $55
Madden 09 Hall of Fame Edition (NTSC) Brand New- $20
Mass Effect 2 Limited Edition (NTSC) Brand New some minor damage where it looks like someone tried to open it before- $85
Star Wars TFU Ultimate Sith Edition (NTSC)- $25
Star Wars TFU2 Limited Edition (NTSC)- $50
TMNT Limited Edition (PAL) w/ Stickers- $20
Bourne Conspiracy Classified Edition (PAL) Brand New- $35
Had a hard time finding these online so I could be way off here. Couldn't find the UK version on eBay at all so it could be a steal or it could be too high. I'll correct if needed.
Castlevania Limited Edition (PAL) Brand New- $120
Castlevania Limited Edition (NTSC) Brand New- $100
That's it folks. Like I said, if you wanna buy something and think it should be cheaper let me know as I'm willing to work it out. Giving it one week here before I put them on eBay.
12-07-2010, 10:19 PM
Got my game from Nlkuysdf today, Totally trustworthy. :thumb:
I wish you all the luck on your future endeavours, you had a truely great collection.
Would love to know how life is after you stop collecting, pop back in the future and let us know.
Kind regards
12-07-2010, 11:18 PM
Got my game from Nlkuysdf today, Totally trustworthy. :thumb:
I wish you all the luck on your future endeavours, you had a truely great collection.
Would love to know how life is after you stop collecting, pop back in the future and let us know.
Kind regards
Well I'm glad everything arrived safely.
And to anyone that's ever thinking about doing business with Gurps, feel confident. Easy to communicate with and easy to work with.
I'll be popping by from time to time, and I'll definitely come back with pics of my bike.
12-09-2010, 08:20 PM
got the games in earlier this week... feedback left :)
12-09-2010, 08:39 PM
Damn they got there faster then they said.
12-31-2010, 12:11 AM
PM Sent... can't see it in my "sent folder" though. Did you get it?
Also may be interested in the Codex Edition... pending price.
01-18-2011, 01:13 PM
Is your High Stakes version still sealed? Accepting any lower offers, because retail price on the website is a little lower.
01-29-2011, 11:05 PM
Hello, it looks like it has been awhile since you last posted, but I was curious about the Star Wars: TFU Ultimate Sith Edition. PM me or respond here if you are still interested in selling.
03-24-2011, 11:25 PM
Hello boys. I'm back again. LOL, been outta the country for the past 2 months or so. Part work, mostly vacationing across South America. Anyway, sorry to those that sent PMs, but everything here is still for sale.
BioShock LE (NTSC) Big Daddy in perfect condition Box in good condition- $100
BioShock LE (PAL) Big Daddy in perfect condition Box in great Condition- $100
BioShcok 2 Rapture Edition (PAL)- $20
Halo 3 Legendary Edition (NTSC)- $40
Halo Reach Limited Edition (NTSC)- $45
Halo Reach Legendary (NTSC)- $90
Dead Rising 2 Zombrex (NTSC)- $50
Dead Rising 2 High Stakes (NTSC) Brand New- $100
Dead Rising 2 Outbreak Edition (PAL) Brand New- $100
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Prestige Edition (NTSC)- $35
Call of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition (NTSC) Brand New- $125
Kinectimals Limited Edition (NTSC) King Cheetah Brand New- $50
Kinectimals Limited Edition (NTSC) Maltese Tiger Brand New- $50
Assassin's Creed Limited Edition (NTSC)- $40
Assassin's Creed Figure Box- $40
Assassin's Creed 2 Master Assassin's Edition (NTSC)- $70
Assassin's Creed 2 White Edition (PAL)- $50
Assassin's Creed 2 Black Edition (PAL)- $75
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood LE (Harlequin) (NTSC)- Brand New- $90
Alan Wake Limited Edition (NTSC)- $40
Dante's Inferno Death Edition (NTSC-J but is region free) $20
Fable 2 Limited Edition (NTSC)- $20
Fable 3 Limited Edition (NTSC)- $55
Madden 09 Hall of Fame Edition (NTSC) Brand New- $20
Mass Effect 2 Limited Edition (NTSC) Brand New some minor damage where it looks like someone tried to open it before- $85
Star Wars TFU Ultimate Sith Edition (NTSC)- $25
Star Wars TFU2 Limited Edition (NTSC)- $50
TMNT Limited Edition (PAL) w/ Stickers- $20
Bourne Conspiracy Classified Edition (PAL) Brand New- $35
Had a hard time finding these online so I could be way off here. Couldn't find the UK version on eBay at all so it could be a steal or it could be too high. I'll correct if needed.
Castlevania Limited Edition (PAL) Brand New- $120
Castlevania Limited Edition (NTSC) Brand New- $100
Also have a Xbox 360 Halo Edition that i no longer want. been used for maybe 20 hours tops. original box in perfect condition. make me an offer.
PS- have an Assassins creed brotherhood codex edition sealed. Seen them on ebay for 220 plus 80 shipping. ill take 220 shipped.
03-24-2011, 11:32 PM
are these sealed sir? the brand new ones?
03-24-2011, 11:35 PM
Tell me which ones and I'll tell you. I can't think off hand all the ones that are but if you name them I'll know.
03-24-2011, 11:41 PM
Star Wars TFU Ultimate Sith Edition (NTSC)- $25 this one. and is this ps3
Castlevania Limited Edition (PAL) Brand New- $120 ps3?
03-24-2011, 11:52 PM
Star Wars is not sealed and is for the 360
Castlevania is sealed and is for the 360 as well.
All my games are for the 360.
03-25-2011, 12:01 AM
Ooooh No worries. I only collect PS3 thought some may be for the PS3 but nevermind sir. Thanks
03-25-2011, 10:26 AM
Welcome back Nlkuysdf, how are things going.
03-25-2011, 03:32 PM
I've been good. Hope all is well on your end. Just been doing alot of relaxing and traveling. Haven't played Xbox in like 3 months. But now that i'm back its just staring at me to be turned on.
I saw in another post that you have a Ultra Limited graded, did you get another one or did you just get that one graded???
03-25-2011, 09:11 PM
LOL - hope you been having a good time.
saw in another post that you have a Ultra Limited graded, did you get another one or did you just get that one graded???
Yeah - I got another Dead space.
I had been in contact with a collector in USA for quite some time, I was even talking to him 2-3 months prior to purchasing the one from you.
I gave up on his and decided to purchase yours, but later he contacted me saying he wanted to sell, but he said that the insurance wouldn't cover the item as it's a collector's item and so has no value with their insurance. in order to ensure it got to me safely I came up with the idea to get it put in a plastic case at VGA, and though might as well get it graded as well.
Sorry that's a long answer to a short question.
Short Answer to your question - Yes
03-25-2011, 09:20 PM
^^^awesome. You should be quite happy with that. owning 2 of 1000. thats insane. good shit.
03-26-2011, 12:02 AM
lol how much did u pay Gurp? for each of them mate lol?
03-26-2011, 10:17 AM
Hi again Nlkuysdf
I am interested in dead rising 2 high stakes addition ,and assasssins creed brotherhood harlequin are they both new factory sealed and how much are they shipped to the uk,have pm'ed you my email address.
03-26-2011, 05:27 PM
The Graded version of the game cost about £550, but the grading process cost about £160 including shipping. So all in total was ~£710 GBP.
The other was purchased from Nlkuysdf and is a secret.
03-26-2011, 11:48 PM
^^^LOL, honestly I don't even remember what the price was anymore. I probably don't want to know so that's a good thing. In my mind Gurps paid $2000 and $500 for shipping and I made out like a bandit.
03-31-2011, 09:15 AM
^^^LOL, honestly I don't even remember what the price was anymore. I probably don't want to know so that's a good thing. In my mind Gurps paid $2000 and $500 for shipping and I made out like a bandit.
would you sell me your Limited edition of Star Wars Unleashed Sith Edition?
03-31-2011, 03:36 PM
would you sell me your Limited edition of Star Wars Unleashed Sith Edition?
Sure will. PM your info.
04-02-2011, 09:22 PM
Im interested in the star wars unleashed sith edition as well. If your deal with him falls through let me know :)
04-27-2011, 04:36 PM
what do u have left
Here's what's left with lowered prices.
BioShock LE (NTSC) Big Daddy in perfect condition Box in good condition- $50
BioShock LE (PAL) Big Daddy in perfect condition Box in great Condition- $50
BioShcok 2 Rapture Edition (PAL)- $20
Halo Reach Limited Edition (NTSC)- $30
Dead Rising 2 Zombrex (NTSC)- $30
Dead Rising 2 High Stakes (NTSC) Brand New- $80
Dead Rising 2 Outbreak Edition (PAL) Brand New- $80
Kinectimals Limited Edition (NTSC) King Cheetah Brand New- $30
Kinectimals Limited Edition (NTSC) Maltese Tiger Brand New- $30
Assassin's Creed Limited Edition (NTSC)- $40
Assassin's Creed Figure Box- $40
Assassin's Creed 2 Master Assassin's Edition (NTSC)- $50
Alan Wake Limited Edition (NTSC)- $30
Dante's Inferno Death Edition (NTSC-J but is region free) $20
Fable 2 Limited Edition (NTSC)- $20
Fable 3 Limited Edition (NTSC)- $35
Madden 09 Hall of Fame Edition (NTSC) Brand New- $20
Mass Effect 2 Limited Edition (NTSC) Brand New some minor damage where it looks like someone tried to open it before- $85
Star Wars TFU Ultimate Sith Edition (NTSC)- $20
Star Wars TFU2 Limited Edition (NTSC)- $40
TMNT Limited Edition (PAL) w/ Stickers- $20
Bourne Conspiracy Classified Edition (PAL) Brand New- $30
Castlevania Limited Edition (NTSC) make me an offer
Castlevania Limited Edition w/ Mask (PAL) make me an offer
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Codex Edition- $200
06-13-2011, 10:09 AM
Here's what's left with lowered prices.
BioShock LE (NTSC) Big Daddy in perfect condition Box in good condition- $50
BioShock LE (PAL) Big Daddy in perfect condition Box in great Condition- $50
BioShcok 2 Rapture Edition (PAL)- $20
Halo Reach Limited Edition (NTSC)- $30
Dead Rising 2 Zombrex (NTSC)- $30
Dead Rising 2 High Stakes (NTSC) Brand New- $80
Dead Rising 2 Outbreak Edition (PAL) Brand New- $80
Kinectimals Limited Edition (NTSC) King Cheetah Brand New- $30
Kinectimals Limited Edition (NTSC) Maltese Tiger Brand New- $30
Assassin's Creed Limited Edition (NTSC)- $40
Assassin's Creed Figure Box- $40
Assassin's Creed 2 Master Assassin's Edition (NTSC)- $50
Alan Wake Limited Edition (NTSC)- $30
Dante's Inferno Death Edition (NTSC-J but is region free) $20
Fable 2 Limited Edition (NTSC)- $20
Fable 3 Limited Edition (NTSC)- $35
Madden 09 Hall of Fame Edition (NTSC) Brand New- $20
Mass Effect 2 Limited Edition (NTSC) Brand New some minor damage where it looks like someone tried to open it before- $85
Star Wars TFU Ultimate Sith Edition (NTSC)- $20
Star Wars TFU2 Limited Edition (NTSC)- $40
TMNT Limited Edition (PAL) w/ Stickers- $20
Bourne Conspiracy Classified Edition (PAL) Brand New- $30
Castlevania Limited Edition (NTSC) make me an offer
Castlevania Limited Edition w/ Mask (PAL) make me an offer
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Codex Edition- $200
do you still have the codex edition, and am I right in saying it's for xbox 360 ? xx
06-13-2011, 02:02 PM
I'd love the assassins creed and bioshock collectors editions
06-21-2011, 02:35 PM
Price for this lot ?
BioShock LE (PAL) Big Daddy in perfect condition Box in great Condition- $50
Dead Rising 2 High Stakes (NTSC) Brand New- $80
Assassin's Creed Limited Edition (NTSC)- $40
Madden 09 Hall of Fame Edition (NTSC) Brand New- $20
Star Wars TFU Ultimate Sith Edition (NTSC)- $20
06-22-2011, 04:48 AM
Do you still have the Assassin's Creed 2 Master Assassin's Edition (NTSC)- $50? If you do is it unopened?? Im mostly interested in the statue...I wish you still had the black one..I like that one better, but will take the white NTSC one of you have it...pls let me know...
06-22-2011, 07:32 AM
I bought the assassins creed limited edition
assassins creed 2 master edition
dead rising high stakes edition
from him a while back so i know he no longer has these.:thumb:
08-03-2011, 09:08 AM
I'm definitely interested in this:
Assassin's Creed Figure Box- $40
If its the statue of Altair in your collection picture.
Can you PM me your postage cost to Australia?
08-21-2011, 03:16 PM
"Castlevania Limited Edition w/ Mask (PAL) make me an offer
BioShock LE (PAL) Big Daddy in perfect condition Box in great Condition- $50"
How much for these two together if still available
09-30-2011, 04:46 AM
Hi, Im very interested on
assassins creed figure box - 40
assassins creed 2 black ediiton 75
msg me!
11-11-2011, 06:28 AM
Is Star Wars TFU Ultimate Sith Edition (NTSC)- $25 still available? If so, what platform and condition? Thank you!
11-12-2011, 07:39 PM
I would like to buy Dantes Inferno but I have never purchased anything off of this site so Ill need a bit of a walkthrough, Im sorry. Does it work thru paypal or something?
11-13-2011, 07:43 PM
Is Star Wars TFU Ultimate Sith Edition a steelbook?
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Prestige Edition (NTSC)- $35 Is this the NVG one?
TMNT Limited Edition (PAL) w/ Stickers- $20
Bourne Conspiracy Classified Edition (PAL) Brand New- $35
Are they all from a smoke free home?
11-13-2011, 08:36 PM
I would like to buy Dantes Inferno but I have never purchased anything off of this site so Ill need a bit of a walkthrough, Im sorry. Does it work thru paypal or something?
Usually through paypal, you pay for item and seller dispatches it. The details of the deal is always done via PM and not on the forum. Do not post personal information on the public forum.
For anyone intersted in the items on this thread, please note that Nlkuysdf was last on the site on the 13 - June - 2011.
He has also removed the option to directly e-mail him and as such there is no way for normal members to contact him unless he comes back by luck.
11-13-2011, 09:48 PM
Somehow Gee ,I don't think he's coming back .I was the last person to buy stuff of him in June.:(
11-13-2011, 09:58 PM
Shame, I'd have liked a few things from him (if he still had them) next month when my boyfriend finishes getting me Christmas presents lol xx
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