View Full Version : Greetings from Switzerland
01-18-2011, 01:12 PM
Hi there!
Time to show my "face" and introduce myself.
I'm 27 years old, female (yes, that's right), and from Switzerland.
I'm working as a HR (Human Resources) Professional in a small company and drive a BMW 325ti (to answer some other threads).
I consider myself as a hardcore gamer, don't tease me with wiifit or anything likley. :P I like FPS as much as adventure and/or action games. :triniti:
I started to collect games about two years ago, so my collection is not that big yet. There are some games from my childhood, meantime about 400 games every platform you can think of (Nintendo, Sony, Sega and Microsoft). I play videogames since 15 years and I think I possess a good knowledge about them. :yes:
I try to speak english, but its not my mother tongue. Please forgive the terrible mistake I probably make. I speak german and a little french (but don't try to speak french to me, I hate that bloody language :evil: ) and I'm learning japanese.
I know you want to see some pictures from my collection. I will shot some in the next few days, it's a little mess and I have to organize it first. :blush:
Well, I look forward to a interesting and enriching communication. Feel free to ask if you want to know something about me or my collection.
01-18-2011, 01:28 PM
Hi! :welcome:
Girlpower here on the forum! :2cool:
Do you have any pictures of your collection?
01-18-2011, 01:46 PM
Hi! :welcome:
Girlpower here on the forum! :2cool:
Do you have any pictures of your collection?
Thanx a lot!
Unfortunately female hardcore gamers are a rarity nowadays. Come on girls (I almost wrote: get some balls... :lol: )
Pictures are in pre-production, I will add some in the next few days. Scout's honor. :D
01-18-2011, 03:52 PM
Welcome to the forum, looking forward to your pictures.
01-18-2011, 04:48 PM
I hate to have a sausage fest, so good to have you here. :D
Wow, another girl :)
Herzlich Willkommen und ich freu mich riesig auf die Bilder.
I play video games since I am a little girl, too. But I sold all my old things :(
01-19-2011, 05:38 PM
Thank you all for the nice welcome! :)
As I promised, here are my pics. I know, I know. Its not the best solution for displaying something, but I don't have much space left. Maybe I will change my organization in the future, or rent another room. A gaming room. B)
Here are the pics and a list of all my games. The old NES games are still not on the list, maybe another system is missing too. :)
Special Edition and Ja means it is a special edition! :D The others are just normal editions.
In your pdfcast I just can see games up to the letter "C"
I tried it with download but this occurs an error: File not found, please contact administrator.
So far, very impressive collection, I really like the rayman rabbit :)
01-19-2011, 08:41 PM
In your pdfcast I just can see games up to the letter "C"
I tried it with download but this occurs an error: File not found, please contact administrator.
So far, very impressive collection, I really like the rayman rabbit :)
I fixed the download, but I'm not sure how long it will work. :)
The rabbit isn't a collectors edition, it's just a "doll" from ubisoft. :D
Gotta love this little fella! :bunny:
01-19-2011, 09:59 PM
WOW - another great collection, love the way you have presented your items in the display cases. Wish I had space two of those.
01-19-2011, 10:07 PM
love the way you have presented your items in the display cases.
I agree. The lighting in those clear display cases is superb, I have to say...
Goddamn, I would like to have a couple of those in my home, as well.
01-20-2011, 09:30 AM
Thank you all for the nice welcome! :)
As I promised, here are my pics. I know, I know. Its not the best solution for displaying something, but I don't have much space left. Maybe I will change my organization in the future, or rent another room. A gaming room. B)
Here are the pics and a list of all my games. The old NES games are still not on the list, maybe another system is missing too. :)
Special Edition and Ja means it is a special edition! :D The others are just normal editions.
Stunning collection u have there! Wanna marry me? :D
01-20-2011, 12:12 PM
Stunning collection u have there! Wanna marry me? :D
hmmmm... send me your ultra edition first, I will concider your offer after receiving the wedding gift :2cool: :P
I think my collection would perfectly fit in your attic! :cpatch:
Honestly I don't think its a big or even great collection I got, there are so many "normal" collectors editions, nothing special (except the bayonetta gun) at all. :)
01-20-2011, 05:06 PM
hmmmm... send me your ultra edition first, I will concider your offer after receiving the wedding gift :2cool: :P
I think my collection would perfectly fit in your attic! :cpatch:
Honestly I don't think its a big or even great collection I got, there are so many "normal" collectors editions, nothing special (except the bayonetta gun) at all. :)
Lol! I'm almost out of space in my room, I need more walls, to much open space in the middle.
Well, u have a decent collection, most of my games are also the versions which u can get pretty easy in stores. Love the world of warcraft collection also! I still need to find the Burning Crusade.
01-25-2011, 12:41 PM
Welcome. That's one sweet collection display!
01-29-2011, 06:05 PM
Nice collection very impressive welcome to the forum.:wave:
02-01-2011, 06:10 AM
Hi Anjelaoni :)
Just had a question about the Jack in the Box toys. Were there different ones available for each platform (ie PS3 and XBOX360) or were they totally random? I just noticed you had two copies of PS3 versions on your shelf ^_^
02-01-2011, 07:06 AM
Hi Anjelaoni :)
Just had a question about the Jack in the Box toys. Were there different ones available for each platform (ie PS3 and XBOX360) or were they totally random? I just noticed you had two copies of PS3 versions on your shelf ^_^
Hi Esperino
The Jack in the box on the left (harlekin) is the special edition only gamestop US has sold, the jack on the right (doctor) comes with the regular special edition US version. The doc might still be available, I'm not sure about the harlekin. :)
They are both PS3 Version, but I think they sold them for the XBOX 360 too.
If you wanna buy both, I suggest ;)
About the display some of you asked or commented, they are totally unspecial at all. I bought them in IKEA, not too expensive and not too stolid. It worked for me but its not a solution for eternity. :)
02-01-2011, 10:19 PM
Cool, I was meaning to get one of those Jack in the Box but didn't realise there were two versions in existence. I should have got one from GameStop when I had the chance :(
I've seen that display cabinet at my local IKEA for $99 for a brown one and $120 for a black one. I want to buy one when I have more space to display my models hehe
Your collection is very impressive, I have most of them but there are still plenty that I am missing. Very jealous :)
02-02-2011, 07:19 AM
Cool, I was meaning to get one of those Jack in the Box but didn't realise there were two versions in existence. I should have got one from GameStop when I had the chance :(
I've seen that display cabinet at my local IKEA for $99 for a brown one and $120 for a black one. I want to buy one when I have more space to display my models hehe
Your collection is very impressive, I have most of them but there are still plenty that I am missing. Very jealous :)
Please, don't be jealous. You got the bloody dagger! I would love to trade my games in for this super rare collectors edition! :)
What about the other pics of your collection? :D
02-02-2011, 12:45 PM
Please, don't be jealous. You got the bloody dagger! I would love to trade my games in for this super rare collectors edition! :)
What about the other pics of your collection? :D
I was extremely excited to get the dagger :D Actually I have something else special coming my way shortly and will post pics when it gets here ^_^
There are more pictures of my games in my welcome thread :thumb: I wouldn't really call it collection photos since I took those photos during 2010 as I got them, so there is still alot of stuff left unphotographed :sorry:
02-02-2011, 12:49 PM
I was extremely excited to get the dagger :D Actually I have something else special coming my way shortly and will post pics when it gets here ^_^
There are more pictures of my games in my welcome thread :thumb: I wouldn't really call it collection photos since I took those photos during 2010 as I got them, so there is still alot of stuff left unphotographed :sorry:
What is it?? whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???? tell me! :beg: :D
Yeah, I saw them, very nice! So grab your camera and do it like a japanese! ;)
02-06-2011, 11:04 PM
Should be here this week so you'll know very soon. ^_^
I ended up taking more photos if you wanna look see ;)
02-22-2011, 07:22 PM
Additions: ( (
02-23-2011, 09:06 AM
^ Nice additions. I thought the Helghast helmet would be a little grungier and not as clean, but it still looks cool.
02-23-2011, 12:32 PM
nah, its pretty clean. but at least a good piece of plastic, you can see all the work behind this CE. the helmet even fits in my display. :D
02-27-2011, 09:53 PM
Yeah nice additions. Like the Helghast helmet, thought it would be more dirty though.
Can you clearly see it's made of plastic?
03-01-2011, 09:19 AM
Here are some more pictures of the helmet.
03-01-2011, 10:39 AM
The top of the helmet looks nice, but still it looks very clean. How big is the helmet? And what happened to your outer box? :o
I'm waiting for it to drop in price, but it's a must have for me. :)
03-02-2011, 06:56 AM
Hehe, don't worry, the box is fine, it's just painted! :)
The helmet is about 24 cm in height and 30 cm in wide.
Here a closer shot from the helmet, there you can see the plastic.
04-06-2011, 02:27 AM
Hi! :welcome:
Girlpower here on the forum! :2cool:
Do you have any pictures of your collection?
really ??I am a girl member .........:quote::quote:
We are with power........:quote::ghey:
08-14-2011, 11:33 AM
Pictures (
Oops... there's nothing to see here. Either you do not have access to these photos, or they don't exist at this web address. Please contact the owner directly to gain access.
would love to see the pictures :)
08-17-2011, 05:46 PM
I consider myself as a hardcore gamer, don't tease my with nintendo wii and wiifit or anything likley. :P I like FPS as much as adventure and/or action games. :triniti:
my subscription.... wii is totally bullshit..... very hard to play.....
(unfortunately I have 2 one buy myself cca 4years ago, other got from Internet provider)
08-18-2011, 06:01 AM
Oh man, nothing works as it should! :/ Sorry guy's, I will fix it next week, I'm in cologne right now and don't have access to my stuff at home.
Update: This link should work! Collection 2011 ( ( ( (
09-15-2011, 09:26 AM
very nice update!!! love the new look, but what happened to the glass displays?
09-15-2011, 09:52 AM
They are still here, but I'm changing the CE's inside them every day. :) No need to take a picture of my inconstant behavior. ;)
Today I will get the Biohazard CE! yaaay! \o/
09-15-2011, 01:37 PM
woo hoo! ;P
I reckon you've got the right idea, keep the displays fresh and interesting :)
09-15-2011, 09:00 PM
Welcome !
great collection ! :)
but... you've not Dreamcast.... you can't consider yourself as Hardcore Gamer... :P
09-16-2011, 12:40 PM
Welcome !
great collection ! :)
but... you've not Dreamcast.... you can't consider yourself as Hardcore Gamer... :P
Au contraire my friend! I own a Gameboy, Gameboy Colour, Gameboy Advanced, DS, 3DS, NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, PS1, PS2, PS3, XBOX 360 aaaaaaaaaand a Dreamcast. There you go: Hardcore Gamer. :spiteful:
09-16-2011, 05:10 PM
Damned !!!
Welcome here Hardcore Gamer :D
09-20-2011, 09:07 AM
Damned !!!
Welcome here Hardcore Gamer :D
LoL! Thank you very much! :notworthy:
09-20-2011, 11:47 PM
Really love how your shelves and everything is set up! Looks great! Makes me feel lazy, I should really get around to taking pictures of all my collection (all I did is a FEW individual shots. Shame on me). I'm too busy enjoying pictures like yours to get up and do the same, hehehe. Too much fun going through gaming room pictures! LOVE your MH Ultimate Hunter Pack (especially that Lagiacrus figure, I'm so jealous)! RE5 box is pretty sweet too. Thanks for sharing!
And noticed this on your first page - for what it's worth, I'm female too. Yay more girls? :D And I spy 999, I loved that game! I wish I grabbed the edition with the watch, though. Time to hunt it down, I guess!
09-22-2011, 06:53 PM
Some additions, click to enlarge the pictures. :D ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
09-22-2011, 09:39 PM
Mary Me ! :D
WOW, I'm jealouse...really great additions :ok:
09-22-2011, 11:49 PM
Very Nice Anj Very Nice :ok:
09-23-2011, 02:16 AM
Very nice!
I love your Assassin's Creed display cabinet! So pretty and neatly organized!
... and those WoW figures too! <3
09-23-2011, 03:31 AM
love the new stuff!!
I see what you mean about constantly updating the contents of your display cabinets :)
09-23-2011, 06:35 AM
love the new stuff!!
I see what you mean about constantly updating the contents of your display cabinets :)
I've changed it again. :blush: Instead of the Survior Edition I've placed Marcus inside the display. And in November I know will change it again because of the new Assassins Creed Editions. Hmmm... I might need another display. :D
Thank's to everyone for the nice feedback. It's really encouraging!
09-23-2011, 10:39 AM
Looks awesome! I´m a little bit jealous, because of your Epic Edition!:thumb:
09-23-2011, 10:50 AM
Looks awesome! I´m a little bit jealous, because of your Epic Edition!:thumb:
Bought at, no problem to export the edition. It was very fast, only three days from US to Switzerland and I didn't even had to pay additional custom fee! yaay! :D
09-23-2011, 12:56 PM
OMG! Some really awesome additions there. Very nice indeed :notworthy:
09-23-2011, 04:29 PM
Love the collection!!!
As everyone else said, that glass display is very nice, wish I had one =)
09-24-2011, 06:18 AM
Mary Me ! :DEXACTLY my thoughts Ryaku. Please, marry me Anje! You are AMAZING. As a collector I worship you...!!your collection is so meticulously displayed, so perfectly organized and you just have SO much! Glass cases are really superb. Biohazard 15th anniversary pack (extremely jealous of you for this!) Can't believe I passed up a chance to get it...
09-24-2011, 06:22 AM
EXACTLY my thoughts Ryaku. Please, marry me Anje! You are AMAZING. As a collector I worship you...!!your collection is so meticulously displayed, so perfectly organized and you just have SO much! Glass cases are really superb. Biohazard 15th anniversary pack (extremely jealous of you for this!) Can't believe I passed up a chance to get it...
You're Too Late ! She's Mine ! MOUAH AH AH AH :twisted:
Joke :D
09-24-2011, 06:27 AM
Lots o' love in goin' on in this thread tonight. lol But seriously Anje, your collection...1 word: amazing. Period.
09-26-2011, 08:40 AM
Oh boys, please, don't flatter me so much, I'm gonna blush. :blush: Oh, look what you just did!
But I know, your love isn't something serious. You just love me because of my collection, and not because of my sincere character. *sniff* Aw men, always the same! *extremely exaggerate*
Gonna stop know, otherwise you will call me dramaqueen. ;)
Something constructive to this thread: I really don't think that I own a big collection or some rare stuff. But thank you very much, its just good to see somebody is worshipping my addiction. :D
10-05-2011, 06:15 PM
Additions, thanks to Mr. Bubbles
Only the first edition, now my collection is complete! :banana: ( ( ( (
10-05-2011, 06:30 PM
Another fantastic update, the complete Warcraft collection is great but I love the Star Ocean collector's Edition even more.
10-15-2011, 06:35 PM
Some additions. ( (
The Game is just a regular version, but it is signed by Jonas Hiller, an international swiss hockeyplayer (he's the goalie for the mighty ducks and on the cover of the swiss edition). I won it in a competion, it is not much special to me. But I will keep it, probably no value at all. :) ( ( (
Very proud of that one. The polish special edition for The Witcher. Looks like I need to learn some polish for the future. :D
10-17-2011, 12:48 PM
nice additions. loving the ICO edition!
10-17-2011, 09:03 PM
GORGEOUS updates anje. Those Warcraft editions are stunning. I love how you complete your collection. You should be very proud! About the Jonas Hiller signed material: it may not be valuable to you but someone who is a fan may pay a fortune for it! Signed items always have great value to someone out there...
10-17-2011, 10:46 PM
Nice updates Anje, I'm so gutted about everyones Dead Island Survival Kits, mines is bashed to bits :/ I thought I'd be able to fix it but it still looks just as bad :( damn Call of Juarez edition squashing it during shipping :( (and now I can't find a second Xbox360 copy anywhere for the same price) xx
11-26-2011, 01:19 PM
11-26-2011, 01:27 PM
Oh, my...! What can I say! Absolutly amazing update, some really nice editions I really want but must wait for price drop etc. There are some jewels in this update which I'll hunt in the future - LOTR editions, Skyrim CE artbook, Animus Edition encyclopedia, Dragon Age Wooden Box and Two Worlds Velvet Edition (I have standard CE one). And those Batman steelbooks...I'm little bit (more than little bit :D) jealous! :beg:
11-26-2011, 05:42 PM
Great pickup, lots of items i have on my wishlist (but no funds atm).
Like the lord of the rings CE and metal gear hd (cant find it anywhere for normal price anymore :( )
11-26-2011, 05:57 PM
Some seriously nice additions, congrats
11-27-2011, 04:54 AM
this is one of the best collections i've ever seen!!!!
02-14-2012, 06:51 PM
Time for another update. I know, I've been lazy about that. :)
Group pictures
Might and Magic Heroes VI (PC, sealed, clearance)
Heroes of Might and Magic Complete Edition (PC, opend, used)
Civilization V (PC, sealed, clearance)
Jagged Alliance: Back in Action (PC, sealed (only metalbox), limited to 500)
Final Fantasy XIV (PC, sealed, clearance)
Soul Calibur V (PS3, sealed, day one pick)
Super Meat Boy (PC, sealed, clearance)
The Witcher (PC, opend, used)
Resident Evil Revelations (3DS, opend, playing :) )
Assassins Creed White Encyclopedia (Book, sealed but zip-bag)
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3 Collectors Edition, PS3 Steelbook, Guide Collectors Edition. Only the Steelbook is sealed)
Still waiting for my Crystal Edition (unfortunatley for the XBOX 360 thanks to bloody cancelling my PS3 version :rant:)
Top Row
Jericho Steelbook (PS3, opend, used)
Aion Steelbook (PC, opend, used)
Lord of the Rings Online (PC, opend, used)
Bottom Row
Gears of War 2 Limited Edition (XBOX 360, opend, used)
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Steelbook (PC, opend, used)
Resident Evil 5 Steelbook (PC, opend, used)
Persona 2 Innocent Sin (PSP, sealed, ebay)
Persona 3 (PSP, sealed, ebay)
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Collection (Empty Steelbook)
Breath of Fire 3 Special Edition (PS One PAL, sealed but damaged :/)
Call of Juarez Wooden Box, reprinted by myself. I hated the shady little box they called "Collectors Edition". So I did a repainting (btw I don't care about opinions about to this one, it was my choice)
Still missing:
- Final Fantasy XIII-2 Crystal Edition (XBOX 360)
- Kingdoms of Amalur Signature Edition (PS3)
- Magna Carta 2 (XBOX 360)
- Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (Zavvi, PS3... might never arrive... :rantagain: )
02-14-2012, 08:50 PM
Wow, this is unreal. :thumb: You said update? That's nearly more than my whole collection. :D
02-14-2012, 08:55 PM
Maybe I should upload some pictures of my hole collection? ;) My last update was in november, so there was plenty of time to buy new CE's.
02-15-2012, 12:00 AM
What did you paint that Call Of Juarez box with? varnish?
Looks better :D
02-15-2012, 12:56 AM
nice update Anje! My PC has so much trouble loading a big, many pics like this and I just don't know why. It's extremely frustrating.
Didn't know you were into the horror games like Jericho. Jericho was one of my most favorite underrated games on the 360. The story and graphics were amazing but the game just didn't take off. Really loved it though...
I thought the steelbook for Jericho was quite rare. Is that copy of Jericho you have the "Special Edition"?
02-15-2012, 01:23 AM
i have the sealed jericho steelbook! know its quite rare but?
02-15-2012, 01:47 AM
i have the sealed jericho steelbook! know its quite rare but?You did not finish your sentence here evil, I don't understand what your saying... "know its quite rare but?"
02-15-2012, 09:11 AM
Maybe I should upload some pictures of my hole collection? ;) My last update was in november, so there was plenty of time to buy new CE's.
Come on! :)
02-23-2012, 07:03 PM
I was in the basement today, and look what I've found there...
Treasure! :D
I would say that the oldest ones are from 1995. Some are complete (I think) and others not. Some are damaged :( and some are in a very good condition. Every box is opend and in german, if its a good condition it even has the manual and the game inside. Now I'm looking for a place to store these babies.
And here is a complete view of my collection. I'm not happy with the storage, but that's all I can do for now.
And that's my guardian. :D
02-23-2012, 07:54 PM
Haha thats so cute Anje. Your guardian is fierce! Damn you got a lot of PC games...your shelves are not so bad. Better than most; I think for everyone the most challenging thing is organizing and displaying everything in such a way that looks appealing (color, texture, size, style of games/collectibles all play an important part in how you "see" your collection).
02-23-2012, 08:00 PM
Lol, treasure hunting. You certainly found some gold there.
Sim Tower, great!
I used to play it when I was younger, awesome game :D
also congrats to your very nice additions :)
02-11-2015, 09:39 AM
Hmm this thread collects dust... need some pics!!!
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