View Full Version : Sniper Ghost Warrior
Collector's Edition
04-20-2010, 03:24 PM
...view this game on the homepage (
02-08-2011, 12:08 PM
EXCLUSIVE! 200 Piece only! Only available at (
- Ammunitionbox with sniper logo branding
- Glowstick
- Original camouflage makeup
- Scarf
- Game (Uncut)
- Certificate of authenticity (with number)
Original German:
Die auf 200 Stk. limitierte "Survivor Edition" ist weltweit exklusiv bei erhältlich!
Original Munitionskiste aus Armeebeständen mit Sniper Logo gebranded (8.5 X 17.5 X 27 cm)
Leuchtstab (ca. 10cm)
Original Tarnschminke
Kopf-/Halstuch für die perfekte Tarnung
Special Edition von Sniper GhostWarrior (AT UNCUT)
Enthält zusätzlich ein numeriertes Echtheitszertifikat
Vorteile der PS3 Version gegenüber den bisher erschienenen Fassungen für PC und Xbox360:
Sämtliche Fehler der Originalversion sind bereits behoben
Deutlich verbesserte Grafik, bessere Schattendarstellung
Verbesserte Physikengine für noch realistischere Ballistik
02-08-2011, 01:10 PM
Very nice find, only 200 pcs, will order this.
English translation from site:
This limited edition of 200 pieces "Survivor Edition" is available worldwide exclusively on!
Original ammo box from Army stocks with logo branded Sniper (8.5 X 17.5 X 27 cm)
Light stick (10cm)
Original Tarnschminke
Kopf-/Halstuch for the perfect camouflage
Special Edition of sniper ghost warrior (AT UNCUT)
Also contains a numbered Certificate of Authenticity
Advantages of the PS3 version compared to the previously released versions for PC and Xbox360:
All the mistakes of the original version are already fixed
Significantly improved graphics, better shadow display
Improved physics engine for more realistic ballistics
02-08-2011, 01:25 PM
What country is this from, it German language but the address ends in .at and not .de.
02-08-2011, 01:42 PM
200 pcs? :lol: Yeah, this CE is destined to be worth a lot. /captain obvious
What country is this from, it German language but the address ends in .at and not .de.
Austria :)
02-08-2011, 08:53 PM
Doh - That actually makes perfect sense, I look so stupid for asking that question. :S
02-08-2011, 09:53 PM
Hey! I was intending on making my first post in the introduction section, but what the hell!
Thank you so much for posting this. I have this game for PC and loved it, and with only 200 pcs, this is a major want for me. But I've encountered an issue; I live in Canada, and when I try to order (with paypal) I get to the end, and it says "The state assigned to your account is not valid. Please go into your account settings and change it."
So, I posted on the "Help Board" at's site, but it doesn't look too active and I figure I'd get a faster, more English response from the greater minds here at I just started collecting CEs about a month ago, so I don't have much experience with this kind of stuff. Can any of you offer me some advice on how to get around this issue, and insure that I get one of these!? :) Thanks in advance.
I would suggest you ask someone from Europe if he buys one for you.
But you have to pay a lot for the shipping :think:
From Germany to Canada shipping will be about 15€ - 20€
02-08-2011, 10:51 PM
So then that would make it like...a $120 purchase? Thats okay, seems like a good idea, but I don't know anyone in Europe who would do it:(
I e-mailed game4game, asking if it would be possible to enter the order manually (which is what GAME did for me) but I don't know if they even offer shipping to Canada!
02-08-2011, 10:55 PM
The error refers to a misspelled state, it is not reconsigned with either paypal or the websites system, check the address carefully and that the you put the state in the right section on paypal.
Also I suspect that shipping will be a lot more, mainly because the ammo container is the real metal one from the army is heavy. Let us know the cost if you get to that stage.
hmm...I just can find information about shipping to the EU.
I ordered one for me (my first ps 3 collector's) and they charged 5€ for shipping to germany and 3€ paypal fees.
So you have to calculate with 130 - 135 CAD.
Ahh and you have to pay in advance....
if you don't get an answer from the shop, write me, maybe I'll can add a second one to my order.
Edit: My order say's something about 3kg and the box isn't that big. So the shipping price would be around 15€ - 20€ with dhl and insurance.
02-08-2011, 11:22 PM
I just placed an order, cost about €12 for delivery to the UK. They will ship worldwide and they take credit cards if you prefer to pay on dispatch and not on pre-order.
So I think Ayiu is right.
02-08-2011, 11:24 PM
Are they close to selling out yet?
02-08-2011, 11:27 PM
Well in Canada there are no states, just provinces, which I have correct on my paypal account. Shipping to Canada from game4game was something like 15€.
@Ayiu You would ship it to me? :) Thanks! I can do 135, I'll get back to you if the shop doesn't help me out.
02-08-2011, 11:34 PM
Mike1888 - Did you try using a credit card instead of paypal?
02-08-2011, 11:37 PM
Would they take VISA? But I would assume it wouldn't make a difference, because I have tried making it ship to the address on my game4game account (not my paypal address) but to no avail:(
02-09-2011, 12:04 AM
Was looking at this and in my cart it is listed as 209.70EUR?? That is a bit off from what they listed on the site. Did anyone else get this?
Correction, it looks like their site was adding 3 to my shopping cart for some reason. No wonder the total was a bit much :P
hmm...There was no choice if I want to pay with credit Card just PayPal and banking transfer.
@ Mandingo: You can't see how much are left...
@ Mike: Of course I can buy one from you but I have to calculate the costs exactly and you have to pay in advance, because I can't pay with my credit card.
02-09-2011, 12:29 AM
hmm...There was no choice if I want to pay with credit Card just PayPal and banking transfer.
@ Mandingo: You can't see how much are left...
@ Mike: Of course I can buy one from you but I have to calculate the costs exactly and you have to pay in advance, because I can't pay with my credit card.
Alright, I'm guessing this site is like others in which they charge you when they ship the game? So is it possible that you pre-order it now, and I pay you a week or so before the release? Thanks again :wave:
Alright, I'm guessing this site is like others in which they charge you when they ship the game? So is it possible that you pre-order it now, and I pay you a week or so before the release? Thanks again :wave:
Unfortunately no...I already payed the full price. I don't know why, but I couldn' add a credit card there was no option for me. So I was forced to pay the full price via paypal immediately.
There was also no information in the SBT that they charge you at the moment of shipping or anything else about preorder.
02-09-2011, 12:41 AM
Oh shit...Well, I'll contact you via PM when (or if) I'm ready to send you the money, do you think these will be soldout quickly? Or Do I have time lol?
Alright :)
hard to say how long the stock is available but I think you still have time. It's a shop in Austria and not so popular.
04-20-2011, 10:40 PM
It has come to my attention that Ubisoft are distributing two special editions for Sniper: Ghost Warrior in Austria
The first can be found here:
This retails at €49.90
(I apologise for not listing the contents, but the webpage spiel is mostly in German)
The second (Survivor Edition) is much more elaborate, and can be found here:
This edition retails at only €79.90, which I think is quite reasonable considering how cool it is and how much stuff is actually included!
(Again, apologies for a lack of info due to being in German)
I'm afraid I can't tell whether it's exclusive to this retailer or even an Austrian exclusive, but i've yet to see it listed on any UK website so far.
The game is due to be released on the PS3 on the 6th of May 2011 (Where the X360 version has already been out for some time)
EDIT: I believe the webpage states 28th of April 2011, although many other sites cite the 6th of May, so either it's been delayed by a week or brought forward by a week - Either way, it's released within the next two weeks ;)
04-21-2011, 02:21 AM
Oh wow, nice steelbook! :) Wish I could order it but continue to get the "incorrect state" error.
How much more would it cost someone from U.S. or somewhere else to forward this to me? :) Cause it appears as if they can't ship to Canada due to this :/
04-21-2011, 02:06 PM
Can't image it be too much for the special edition but alot more for the survivor edition.
Have to tried contacting them directly or via there website forum for help.
04-22-2011, 01:12 AM
I want the Survivor Edition, but have to wait for next friday(=payday:banghead:)!
I hope to get it then. It´s limited to only 200 and worldwide exclusive to this retailer!:beg:
The content of the first one(Special Edition):
-Sniper: Ghost Warrior Dog Tag
-quality packaging
-Games Artworks
-Sniper Chronicles, Shortstory
04-22-2011, 02:23 AM
I didn't realise it was limited to 200 pieces AND an exclusive!
I really want to place an order for this, but unfortunately I can't understand a word of German! Not enough to successfully place an order, at least...
I don't even know if they would ship to the UK - Is anyone here able to help? Gurps - Are you up for this as well?
04-22-2011, 02:38 AM
Can't image it be too much for the special edition but alot more for the survivor edition.
Have to tried contacting them directly or via there website forum for help.
Yes both actually :( No responce from contacting them directly and no responce on forums (most people speak german I think)...
I just want the steelbook one so if anyone can order this game for me then ship it to Canada for not too much more that'd be great :)
04-22-2011, 02:43 AM
It's unusual that some aspects of that webpage are in full English, whereas the rest is entirely German. I can't seem to find an option to change the site language, so I presume it's German by default - In which case, why is the promo image in English?
04-22-2011, 03:35 PM
Hi guys
I have the Survivor edition currently on order, i simply used google chrome inbuilt translator. I paid via paypal and all was good.
I have also just sent an Pm to the admin of the forum incase he can help out mike1888. If the below fails then someone will have to purchase one for you. I willing to do it but I'm from the UK so will have to pay postage.
Here is a guide: You can pay via three ways:
1) Debit Card (Not credit Card)
2) Bank Transfer
3) Credit Card or Paypal acount
So here is the guide:
Firstly add the game to the basket by pressing "in den korb"
Next Click "Kasse" which means checkout, even if you have a paypal account do not click the paypal icon below as it does not create a full account and you won't be able to track the process as much.
Next it's time to make a full account, Click Weiter
You will be asked to enter address information, the english translation is on the right.
Please note that date of birth needs to be in the Euro format. i.e If your date is the 16th May 1980 write this 16.05.1980
Now you need to confirm your shipping address and the cost of shipping. Also if you have multiple item, choose if you want to send at the same time or individually as they are released.
Now it's time to pay,
1) Debit Card - IF you want to pay this way select this option, the next page will be in English if you select the correct country flag on the top right side.
2) Credit card or Paypal account - If you have a paypal account log in, but if you are having problems using paypal simple select you don't have paypal account and enter the information of your card without logging in. Mike1888 this option is for you.
3) Bank transfer - It will supply a Iban number and international sort code for everyone outside Austria and Germany. Also there is separate bank number for German buyers there also. I will not supply this information as I'm sure the company doesn't want their bank details in the public. If you choose this option you simply select the tick box and click next. Then once you pay your account will update. Please note copy and paste what it says here into google translate so you get the right bank details.
Google translator here (|en|in%20den%20korb%0AKAsse%0AEinkauf%20Fortset zen%0AAktualisieren%0AWeiter%0A)
Here is a few word translated for you that will be useful
in den korb = Add to basket
Kasse = Checkout
Einkauf Fortsetzen = Contrinue shopping
Aktualisieren = Update
Weiter = Next
Hope this helps everyone placing an order with them.
04-22-2011, 03:49 PM
Hi guys
I have the Survivor edition currently on order, i simply used google chrome inbuilt translator. I paid via paypal and all was good.
I have also just sent an Pm to the admin of the forum incase he can help out mike1888. If the below fails then someone will have to purchase one for you. I willing to do it but I'm from the UK so will have to pay postage.
Great thanks :) The problem seems that although it does accept Canada as a country, it doesn't accept our provinces, as it says "Invalid State" If they could add Ontario to their "States" then I bet I could order.
04-22-2011, 04:02 PM
Thanks, Gurps. Placed an order successfully (After 15 minutes! Lol!)
€93.39 = £82.30
Bought based on the sole fact that this set is limited to 200. If it wasn't so rare, I wouldn't have bothered with the hassle. Shame nothing similar is being released here in the UK, and this is the sort of thing you'd expect EA to have done for Battlefield 3...
04-25-2011, 12:17 PM
I think this deserves a news post on the main page, seeing as how the game is coming out very soon. May as well make the most of something which is trending whilst it's still current, and would help attract site views and new visitors ;)
04-25-2011, 04:05 PM
Funny, I though it was already on the news post, will add it soon. Thanks.
05-03-2011, 06:11 PM
You don´t believe what I found at my local Gamestop! Right, the Sniper Ghost Warrior SE! But it doesn´t include the steelbook, bandana, camouflage make-up and lightstick! I paid just €49,99!
05-06-2011, 04:53 PM
my short video review of the LE
05-06-2011, 06:05 PM (
This is the Edition I bought at gamestop!
05-06-2011, 06:25 PM
that ammo case looks a lot different from mine :o
05-06-2011, 06:53 PM
My box smells awful!:sick:
And the things inside are totally diffrent to yours! The game is the normal edition and the box contains 3 postcards, the dogtag and the short story at a price of €49,99!
05-06-2011, 07:50 PM
my short video review of the LE
It could just be my eyes or the colour of the video, but is your bandana blue or green? Mine is woodland green, but in your video yours appears to be more of a blue colour!
I also see the logo on the side of your tin has also suffered some wear ;)
that ammo case looks a lot different from mine :o
I assume you mean Matze's one? I agree, it certainly looks a lot different from mine as well. It appears to be slightly more abused, and the spray painted logo on the side looks slightly different too
My box smells awful!:sick:
So does mine. Actually, my one smells more like it's just been painted, crossed with the distinctive smell of rust
I would most definitely suggest keeping the contents in a poly bag if you guys are keeping the contents inside this box, to protect them from absorbing the smell, and to prevent any rust from rubbing off
I suppose if you added other copies of the game to this, it would make it a more distinctive set. I plan on picking up the English Xbox and PlayStation versions at some point when they're cheaper.
05-07-2011, 10:09 AM
my bandana is blue indeed.. my camera aint great
my box was full of rust on the inside, definately old army stuff they used there
05-07-2011, 11:35 AM
Ok guys, here's my photo's of this CE! _n.jpg 1_n.jpg _n.jpg 8_n.jpg 0_n.jpg 3_n.jpg 0_n.jpg
05-07-2011, 08:12 PM
I got mine today from the post office, had to collect it because I was out.
I agree with the smell, it's not terrible but smells like it been in use that's for sure.
Also good suggestion by Gemini, I put all the contents inside in a clear poly bag then bubble wrapped them so they don't move about.
Gemini, I think mine came with a Poster of some sort, have to double check later, it that all the contents you got.
05-07-2011, 09:20 PM
Gemini, I think mine came with a Poster of some sort, have to double check later, it that all the contents you got.
Yes. I assume the dog tag is inside the Special Edition game?
I didn't receive a poster, but I did find a store magazine advertising products inside the box. Maybe this is what you're referring to?
05-07-2011, 09:41 PM
No I got the German Mag aswell, I will check tomorrow and get back to you. I'm sure I got some sort of poster.
Yes the Dog tags are supposed to be inside the smaller special edition, but if Ubisoft changed the content without notification, who really knows.
05-08-2011, 03:41 PM
Heres the 2 i purchased and a pic of the poster i received,it was seperate from the contents :thumb:
05-08-2011, 03:53 PM
you got 2 cool, what long did you have to wait for it to arrive?
05-08-2011, 05:51 PM
Numbers 59 and 62,they took about 4 days to arrive .:wave:
05-08-2011, 06:11 PM
was it easy to track with it being german etc..? ordered one yesterday
05-08-2011, 06:17 PM
It takes about 2-5 days max, They do provide a tracking number but I couldn't get it to work.
05-08-2011, 06:20 PM
To be honest mosavon,I did'nt bother once i had the tracking number ,just waited for the postman to leave it in the shed.^_^
05-08-2011, 06:23 PM
To be honest mosavon,I did'nt bother once i had the tracking number ,just waited for the postman to leave it in the shed.^_^
LOL ok thats cool, good to know it doesnt take an age, i kinda only got it coz you lot were getting it (peer pressure)...nah seriously i like that these seem pretty unique every pic ive seen has a different box which is cool
05-12-2011, 02:06 PM
Updated description to take into account the steel book change and the additional poster some collectors got.
05-12-2011, 02:11 PM
Stock update on this item.
There are currently 93 copies of the Survivor edition still in stock.
Pre-order here:
Pre-orders can be made at, for those unable to understand German, you will need to use the inbuilt translator in Google chrome. Or use the ordering guide found here: game4game ordering guide for those without Google chrome. (
05-12-2011, 02:16 PM
Updated description to take into account the steel book change and the additional poster some collectors got.
I'm pretty gutted that there was no A2 poster in the package. It could not have been a pre-order bonus as all of us here ordered at roughly the same time, where some of us received one and others did not
I would also like to request a further two addendums:
1) The camo paint I received comes in a plastic case, not metal
2) Not everyone received a Woodland bandana - Some received a blue variant
05-12-2011, 02:22 PM
This is a bit of a concern, how can the be so much variation in respect to content.
I will update soon.
05-14-2011, 03:49 PM
This is mine received today, got to say anyone having any doubts about ordering from, they are very good...well packed and efficient service.
By the way i got the green bandana, poster and a slightly different make up box to gemini, mine looks like Mrbubbles camo box. Also, my poster differs to biggavs, strange. I got Edition Number 34
05-14-2011, 04:08 PM
Not fair, pre-ordered mine and it's way higher than 34.
Thanks for the pictures.
05-14-2011, 04:12 PM
haha, i wanted no.1, can you see the images?..ill try to modify them directly into the thread
many thanks for the tips gurpswoo your a big asset :thankyou:
05-14-2011, 04:47 PM
All done, :thankyou: Gurpswoo, biggav and twisted for the guidance
05-14-2011, 05:26 PM
Mosavon, can you confirm if the case for face paint is metal or plastic.
05-14-2011, 05:30 PM
Its plastic Gurpswoo, as i say its different to gemini's, his looks like it has a silver lid where mine is a camo effect lid
05-15-2011, 08:14 PM
I also noticed differences, my edition :
05-15-2011, 08:24 PM
Lol, it looks like they just threw in some random items. :rotf:
05-15-2011, 08:33 PM
You have the same version as me, with the Green banana and green coloured case for the face paint.
The second video is the one matze1975 found in a local Gamestop in Germany. Not sure what edition it is yet. But will be added soon.
05-16-2011, 06:39 AM
I also noticed differences, my edition :
Black & white bandana, and your camo box is a lot different from mine, as you can see from my pictures in the other thread:
I see MrBubbles received a camo case which matches his bandana, whereas mine has a transparent lid...
I had to LOL! He had as much trouble getting into the case as I did! They certainly made them stiff! ;)
Again, we see a drastic difference in appearance as this particular one has "Damage Rounds" written on the side, which appears to have had the Sniper logo sprayed over it
I also noticed that this guy received only the standard edition of the game with the book and dog tag separate, rather than a sealed copy of the Special Edition. I also didn't see any bandana, camo, or lightstick inside either, so not sure what the deal with that is? (, I didn't notice any bandana, camo, or lightstick in this video either...
05-16-2011, 06:47 AM
I am going to go out on a limb here and would guess that these 200 Austrian ones have been purchased from GameStop in Germany, bundled with the Uncut Special Edition version of the game, plus some random items probably found in a .99€ store, and repurposed for sale to collectors at an inflated price!
Based on what Matze has told us, plus the fact that these seem to be randomly assembled, I don't think I would be far from the truth...
All Game4Game would need to do is aquire 200 of these ammo tins from GameStop, swap out the cut German copy of the game for the superior Special Edition, add a few related trinkets, and print a high quality card certificate, then add €30 to the cost price!
05-16-2011, 07:24 AM
Its plastic Gurpswoo, as i say its different to gemini's, his looks like it has a silver lid where mine is a camo effect lid
Mine has a transparent lid. Certainly not camouflage , and I believe it's a different shape and design too. You should notice the difference if you pop it open and compare to mine
05-16-2011, 10:06 AM
I was thinking the same thing, except that it was ubisoft who cancel the steelbook so the edition must of come from them in the first place.
05-17-2011, 12:26 AM
oh ok, alot of slight variations reported on these, personally i like that mine is different to someone elses...not sure if valuation wise it affects the future prices, but im not too fussed, i like it :)
05-17-2011, 11:30 PM
The sniper logo goes off easily, so dont scratch on it ;) my G is damaged :(
05-18-2011, 12:59 AM
it said out of stock how did u manage to order one?
05-18-2011, 11:56 PM
it said out of stock how did u manage to order one?
i ordered mine at the game4game website, it was out of stock right after i bought it ;) got number 29 btw
06-01-2011, 11:54 AM
It looks like the US Gamestop get this special edition aswell.
The image they use shows a steelbook, wonder if they get it. Not likely .
Sniper Ghost Warrior GameStop Exclusive Limited Edition (
Will be released on the 28th of June.
06-01-2011, 03:29 PM
I don't think they will get a steelbook version, since Ubisoft decided to cancel it. Think it will be the carboard sleeve version with a dog tag or something.
07-15-2011, 02:07 PM
***USA PS3 Limited Edition added, with pictures ***
07-15-2011, 04:00 PM
So no steelbook in the end.
07-15-2011, 04:09 PM
no... I was very disappointed :(
For those who just bought PS3 edition, here's the big F*** U for you guys
The new version is coming with addition content from ps3 minus the postcard poster dogtag and book but hey it come with steelbook and $20 cheaper.
Exclusive Steelbook metal box
Bonus 2 sniper rifles
Bonus 4 single player maps
New multiplayer mode - Capture the Flag
$29.99 is the price and release date is August 30th 2011
08-04-2011, 08:05 AM
Is this exclusive to Would get some?
08-04-2011, 07:01 PM
Is this exclusive to Would get some? almost always ships internationally. Plus, I just recently bought Sniper Ghost Warrior Limited Edition in a local EB Games store so I think your good!
But, PS3 doesn't get a steelbook? Damn it...
08-04-2011, 07:34 PM
wow is this a kick in the balls.... anyone want to buy the PS3 version :lol:
08-04-2011, 07:45 PM
Unfortunately, does not ship to my specific address in Canada =(
08-19-2011, 06:38 AM
Here is my Sniper: Ghost Warrior Special Edition UNBOXING (PS3) of the game ;)
This game is okey, but the edition was kind a cool ;)
-Sniper: Ghost Warrior Dog Tag
-Artwork for the game
-Sniper Chronicles, Short Stories of a sniper
-5 additional multiplayer maps
-New multiplayer modes
-Hardcore difficulty mode
-Additional single-player challenge : Bonus Missions
Here is my Sniper : Ghost Warrior Limited Survivor Edition UNBOXING PS3 of the game ;)
This is indeed one og my rarest editions, and it is so hard to get, 200 of them in the world. I got number 029;)
-Original ammo box from Army stocks with a branded logo of the Sniper title
-Light stick (10cm)
-Real camouflage face paint (some differnces in the editions)
-Bandana – Woodland style
-Special Edition of sniper ghost warrior in slip case packaging.
09-08-2011, 02:45 AM
*** Added pictures of the Xbox 360 Limited Edition SteelBook ***
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