06-21-2011, 03:56 PM
Hi all
I was thinking that we need a list of limited edition consoles which may become part of the database in the future. But if this is to happen we need a sizeable list of consoles editions before adding them.
These can be the following:
Uniquely themed consoles, i.e Final Fantasy xiii Lightning edition PS3
Limited Bundle edition i.e Call of duty black ops bundle PS3.
Home and mobile consoles.
All regions all platforms and generations but not PC, or consoles outside of Microsoft Nintendo, Sega and Sony.
If you do know a Limited Edition console please reply in this format if you know any of the specific details:
Release date:
I will be constantly adding in the next few weeks, concentrating on missing Game at the moment.
I have spilt these up into each console, links are below:
Sony Playstation 1 (
Sony Playstation 2 (
Sony Playstation 3 (
Sony Playstation Portable (
NES and Super Nintendo (
Nintendo 64 (
Nintendo Gamcube (
Nintendo Wii (
Nintendo DS/DSI/3DS (
Nintendo Game boy/ advance/ SP/ micro. (
Sega Mega drive/Master system (
Sega Saturn (
Sega Dreamcast (
Microsoft Xbox (
Mircosoft Xbox 360 (
Thanks for your help.
Game boy/ advance/ SP/ micro Consoles Only
I was thinking that we need a list of limited edition consoles which may become part of the database in the future. But if this is to happen we need a sizeable list of consoles editions before adding them.
These can be the following:
Uniquely themed consoles, i.e Final Fantasy xiii Lightning edition PS3
Limited Bundle edition i.e Call of duty black ops bundle PS3.
Home and mobile consoles.
All regions all platforms and generations but not PC, or consoles outside of Microsoft Nintendo, Sega and Sony.
If you do know a Limited Edition console please reply in this format if you know any of the specific details:
Release date:
I will be constantly adding in the next few weeks, concentrating on missing Game at the moment.
I have spilt these up into each console, links are below:
Sony Playstation 1 (
Sony Playstation 2 (
Sony Playstation 3 (
Sony Playstation Portable (
NES and Super Nintendo (
Nintendo 64 (
Nintendo Gamcube (
Nintendo Wii (
Nintendo DS/DSI/3DS (
Nintendo Game boy/ advance/ SP/ micro. (
Sega Mega drive/Master system (
Sega Saturn (
Sega Dreamcast (
Microsoft Xbox (
Mircosoft Xbox 360 (
Thanks for your help.
Game boy/ advance/ SP/ micro Consoles Only