View Full Version : WTB: Art Books

Futbol 04
09-01-2011, 04:02 AM
Hey everyone! Title basically says it all. I'm looking for art books because I love the way they show the game. I do have many, but just post away along with the price. Xbox 360/ PS3/ Wii I dont care. Really wanting Dead Space 1 and Mass Effect 1 art book though. Lost Dead Space by a dollar on ebay :( $15.. But thanks guys!

09-01-2011, 05:08 AM
Ah.. Well I got L.A. Noire Art book
$15 plus shipping

Here's the link



09-01-2011, 02:03 PM

I have several including the witcher 2, Mass effect, Darksiders, Alice Madness returns, Tekken, Mortal kombat originally from the game, Metal Gear solid Yoji Shinkawa, Fable 2 and more. If you need to look at them you can find them on my flickr page. PM me if your interested. http://www.flickr.com/photos/35368404@N04/sets/72157626794138308/

Futbol 04
09-01-2011, 09:33 PM
bbki, thanks but I already have that one.

Futbol 04
09-02-2011, 12:18 AM
Closed for now. Spent $100 on 13 art books. not bad :)

09-02-2011, 05:23 AM

I have several including the witcher 2, Mass effect, Darksiders, Alice Madness returns, Tekken, Mortal kombat originally from the game, Metal Gear solid Yoji Shinkawa, Fable 2 and more. If you need to look at them you can find them on my flickr page. PM me if your interested. http://www.flickr.com/photos/35368404@N04/sets/72157626794138308/

are you selling killzone 2?

09-02-2011, 09:27 AM
are you selling killzone 2?

This is a guide though and I have only one left so unfortunately, no sorry.
Please note I have some of them double but mostly and since I collect them are not for sell guides I mean. I will list this upcoming week end on eBay some of the art books and guides. I will post here the link.