View Full Version : Selling some Xbox 360 CEs

09-04-2011, 03:00 PM
Selling some 360 CEs. All in mint condition and original, two are unopened. Most of the DLCs have not been used. Highest bidders only. All PAL versions.

Alan Wake Limited Edition (PAL)
Arcania: Gothic 4 Collectors Edition (PAL)
Call of Duty: World at War Collector's Edition (PAL)
Crysis 2 Nano Edition (PAL)
Dante's Inferno Death Edition (PAL)
Dead Space 2 Collector's Edition (PAL)
Deus Ex Human Revolution Collector's Edition (New / Sealed) (PAL) - Withdrawn
Driver San Francisco Collector's Edition (New / Sealed) (PAL) - Withdrawn
Duke Nukem Forever Balls of Steel Edition (PAL)
Far Cry 2 Collector's Edition (x2) (PAL)
FEAR 3 Collector's Edition (PAL)
L.A. Noire Nordic Limited Edition (x2) (PAL)
Mortal Kombat 9 Kollector's Edition (PAL)
Red Dead Redemption Limited Edition (PAL)
Star Wars The Force Unleashed II Collector's Edition (PAL)

09-05-2011, 06:03 AM
What is your starting price for FEAR 3? Is the box in English? Is it "mint" as in no dents, tears, or other visible damage to outer box or contents? Comes with the pregnant figure right?

09-05-2011, 08:47 AM
What is your starting price for FEAR 3? Is the box in English? Is it "mint" as in no dents, tears, or other visible damage to outer box or contents? Comes with the pregnant figure right?

Make an offer. Yep, It's in English, and is in mint condition, hardly any damages to the boxes, dlcs have not been used, and yes, it comes with the pregnant figure. Unfortunately, it's an PAL version, do you have an European 360 console?

09-05-2011, 06:37 PM
Make an offer. Yep, It's in English, and is in mint condition, hardly any damages to the boxes, dlcs have not been used, and yes, it comes with the pregnant figure. Unfortunately, it's an PAL version, do you have an European 360 console?Don't need PAL 360. I would not be "playing" this just keeping for collectible purpose. What does "hardly any damage" mean? We're all collectors here man. To me even a "little" damage makes me furious. Especially to the outer box of a CE (which to me is MOST important aspect). You should provide some pics. Can't make an offer on something I haven't seen...


09-05-2011, 09:40 PM
Don't need PAL 360. I would not be "playing" this just keeping for collectible purpose. What does "hardly any damage" mean? We're all collectors here man. To me even a "little" damage makes me furious. Especially to the outer box of a CE (which to me is MOST important aspect). You should provide some pics. Can't make an offer on something I haven't seen...


The outer box is fine, no damages at all as far as I can see. Well, I don't have a good camera at the moment, perhaps I can try with my mobile. :wave:

09-06-2011, 09:41 AM
The Nordic edition of LA Noire is the same as the UK version btw xx

09-09-2011, 11:12 PM
How much are you looking at for crysis 2?

09-09-2011, 11:21 PM
I bought this for basically 100 euro, so how much will you offer?

09-10-2011, 11:25 AM
I don't make offers untill I have an idea of how much someone wants for an item mate, as I like to know if I'm wasting both mine and the sellers time before I make an offer, I'm also not willing to go too much above msrp's for things. It also depends on the condition.

How much are you looking to get for it including shipping to the United Kingdom?
Is it from a smoke free home?
Is there any damage?
Is any of it still factory sealed?

09-10-2011, 11:36 AM
Well, I will have to look into that, don't know the exact price. I will probably need a really large box when shipping it. Yes, it's from a smoke free home. The outer box has some damages (It was like that when I bought it in the first place, I haven't damaged anything.) but the game is in great condition as I said, figure and bag has not been opened. It's not sealed, it never was when I bought it. But the game works fine, or do you want the outer box to be in good condition as well?

09-11-2011, 01:45 AM
How much are you looking to get for Alan Wake in GBP with shipping to canada?

09-11-2011, 10:12 AM
Is £45 an good offer? Shipping might be expensive, I don't know the exact sum. It's in mint condition, the outer box is good, the game works fine, and all the contents are there as well.

09-11-2011, 02:26 PM
Is £45 an good offer? Shipping might be expensive, I don't know the exact sum. It's in mint condition, the outer box is good, the game works fine, and all the contents are there as well.

No offence intended here my firend but i can get it here in canada for a little cheaper then that..
Thankyou anyway..but not quite the price range for me

09-14-2011, 07:00 PM
I'm interested in the Dead Space 2 CE. just two questions;
Have you used the zealot code on it?
what are the shipping charges for the UK?

09-14-2011, 07:08 PM
No, I have not used any codes for it. £10 maybe, not so sure. I should probably check with my postal service. How much will you offer?

09-14-2011, 07:12 PM
Forgot to ask, for the sake of giving a fair price, will that include all content from the collectors edition or will anything be missing?

09-14-2011, 08:06 PM
excluding postal costs, if just the game is provided, i'll offer £40

09-14-2011, 08:46 PM
It will include everything, not just the game. I was expecting more than £40. Is this your final offer?

09-14-2011, 08:52 PM
No, that was just for the game by itself. Since everything is included, £70

09-14-2011, 08:54 PM
Sure, if you want to.

09-14-2011, 08:57 PM
what condition is the case itself in?

09-14-2011, 09:00 PM
I can try and see if I can find a lower shipping fee.

09-14-2011, 09:02 PM
what conditon are the individual items from the CE in?

09-14-2011, 09:03 PM
The game disc is in great condition, no scratches or anything like that, because I'm very careful of my games.

09-14-2011, 09:05 PM
The gun is in good condition as well. No damages whatsoever. The batteries were already included when I bought it, so you don't need to buy any new ones for now.

09-15-2011, 03:17 PM
Any update on Crysis 2?

09-15-2011, 06:58 PM
Well, it's for Xbox 360. I thought you were looking for an PS3 one?

09-16-2011, 11:01 PM
No, I was after the 360 version.

09-16-2011, 11:45 PM
Well, I have it. But like I said, everything is in good condition, the game, the bag, and the figure, it's just the outer box that is a bit damage unfortunately (It was like that when I bought in the first place). Are you interested or do you want pics?

09-17-2011, 05:15 PM
Yes I'm intrested, I thought you were going to come up with a price?

09-17-2011, 08:21 PM
I bought this for £85, how much would you offer?

09-17-2011, 08:58 PM
I've already told you to give me a firm asking price. Is it from a smoke free home?

09-18-2011, 12:30 AM
OK, how about £70 + shipping? Let me know if you are satisfied with the price. Yes, as I said earlier, it's from a smoke free home.

09-18-2011, 08:49 AM
If you could come up with how much postage would be to the UK (England/Wales.) I think £70 is a fair asking price. Also could I see some pics of any damage?

09-20-2011, 06:50 PM
Hmm, I don't have a good camera at the moment, but it's just the outer box that has a few damages, I think upper left and right corners. I can check. If I can't provide any pictures, do you still want it?

The Ominous
09-24-2011, 08:37 PM
Hello, are you still selling crysis 2 nano edition?

09-25-2011, 09:33 PM
Yes, it's still available.

09-26-2011, 07:51 AM

What would be your asking price for dead space 2?

What condition is it in? does it include all items? do you have any pictures?


The Ominous
09-27-2011, 12:08 AM
Hello again, please clear out some space in your inbox , so I can send you a pm.

11-04-2011, 07:51 AM
i am messaging just to see if you have received the payment and to ask if you have mailed the game yet

The Ominous
11-19-2011, 09:07 PM
This is really getting annoying, please clear out your inbox kiefer.

The Ominous
12-03-2011, 04:25 AM
Kiefer please respond to the PM I sent you.

You have made me wait almost 2 months for nothing.

I understand you are busy, but this is too much.

The Ominous
12-05-2011, 10:59 PM
Kiefer this is ridiculous.

You sell me an item and I pay you immediately.

You tell me that you will see when you can ship it.

I contact you a month later for an update and you tell me that you haven't even shipped yet because you don't know my address.

I give you my address and then wait about a week to message you for an update.

You message me back a week later after I sent you an message for the update and tell me you are busy so you can't ship.

I give you more than a week to ship my item or you can give me a refund.

You don't do either and stop contacting me.

I don't even expect something like this to happen at ebay let alone collectorsedition.

I gave you so much time and still have not given you bad feedback.

If you don't give me a refund within 3 days, I will have to do so.

You are so lucky I paid with paypal gift, else I would have opened up a dispute a long time ago.

12-05-2011, 11:06 PM
I would have to agree with this . I may have had difficulty with payment for a time, but you have not even contacted me to confirm if the game has even been sent or not. you said you would try to get it sent within the week 3 weeks ago. At the very least, respond to the people you have accepted money off of, even if its not good news.

The Ominous
12-05-2011, 11:12 PM
I would have to agree with this . I may have had difficulty with payment for a time, but you have not even contacted me to confirm if the game has even been sent or not. you said you would try to get it sent within the week 3 weeks ago. At the very least, respond to the people you have accepted money off of, even if its not good news.

Wow, so he did this to you too!? Did you pay with paypal gift?

I would respected him more if he did it just to me, but thats messed up.

I see you haven't left negative feedback either.

Damn, kiefer you are lucky you did to the people who actually wait.

I know way too many people who would have just told you off.

12-05-2011, 11:17 PM
Paypal services. its not the wait that bugs me really, it's the fact that we can see they've been online but haven't responded in the positive or negative

The Ominous
12-05-2011, 11:23 PM
Paypal services. its not the wait that bugs me really, it's the fact that we can see they've been online but haven't responded in the positive or negative

Yeah, exactly. I don't really care about the wait, but its the fact that he doesn't even message people back ,when he is online everyday.

If you sell something to someone, you should atleast take them into priority, no matter how busy you are.

12-05-2011, 11:52 PM
While I'm not in quite the same situations as you two, Keifer still hasn't paid for delivery for my items I sold to him. The games are finally paid for but no delivery funds.

Eventually I gave up asking for the funds and am just waiting for him, this is because the games are paid for anyway.

Kiefer don't you want them anymore or something?

The Ominous
12-06-2011, 12:08 AM
Wow, odd situation you have there gurpswoo1.

You shouldn't have to message him constantly, just to get a response.

I mean I understand if you are busy, but how can you not find time to atleast respond to the people you agreed to take part in a transaction with.

12-06-2011, 12:10 AM
I as well had some very very sketchy conversations with Keifer. Among other suspicious things, I remember him asking me to pay for ebay items he won, before asking if I knew anyone who would pay for him, rudely.

12-06-2011, 12:25 AM
Why am i not surprised

I myself had a rather funny incident with this "Goon"...Like others have mentioned he seems to always have a problem paying for items he says he wants, it got to a point between me and him where he said he would mail CASH in an envelope as payment because he was having issues with PayPal, WTH?

Ive heard alot of stories about Kiefer from several members, im not surprised at all, i know he has done something to somebody here which i find disgusting, i wont say who but yeah im glad this has been brought to attention, Sorry to hear your having this issue Ominous, hope it gets sorted out

Edit : I just noticed a second person is affected (death+despair), can i ask what kind of money were talking about here? is it alot? Not that it matters...sorry to you to Death+Despair

This is not on

The Ominous
12-06-2011, 12:57 AM
Wow all of you guys!? I thought I was the only one.

Not cool that he has done this to all of you.

All I really want him to do is respond, but I doubt it now that his little game is revealed.

Still I am giving him a chance to prove me wrong and actually refund me and death+despair.

The Ominous
12-06-2011, 01:08 AM
Also Mosavon, I paid $110 for Crysis 2 Nano Edition.

It was described very oddly and he told me different amounts for the shipping price each time I asked.

The Ominous
12-10-2011, 10:15 PM
So I give you 5 days to just respond to me, yet you get online and ignore me.

I hope no one ever deals with you again, so you don't waste anyone time.

If you want to atleast get back some respect, I suggest refunding me and death+despair.

I paid $110 for nothing and all I could do is leave you negative feedback, which I'm sure you don't care about.

I thought collectorsedition.org wouldn't have any people like the scumbags on ebay. I was wrong.

12-10-2011, 10:32 PM
Luckily I've never had any dealings with Kiefer, but this makes me sad :(

Never in a million years would I have thought somebody on here would do this...

I mean, normally, I'd have given him the benefit of the doubt and say, oh, maybe he's been ill, or really, really busy - but the fact he has been online everyday, ignoring PMs from various members just makes me feel very insecure on here.

I've never sold anything, only bought things, all from people I now trust 100% as they have all been fab, but this just shows, you have to be very wary about who you're dealing with online. :( xx

12-10-2011, 11:45 PM
As the item in question was hard to find, it was a slightly significant amount. but you are right in the fact that that is not the real issue here.

12-10-2011, 11:48 PM
what's a slightly significant amount?

I just think the guys really weird, gurpswoo could you tell us what he paid you? this makes no sense that he brought from you if he's a scammer

12-10-2011, 11:54 PM

The Ominous
12-11-2011, 12:33 AM
Thats quite a lot death+despair. Odd we paid about the same amount.

I believe you can open a paypal case, as you paid with paypal services.
(someone please confirm)

I paid with paypal gift, which was a horrible mistake that I will never make again.

Also, I don't understand why he would pay gurpswoo either, maybe he just wanted some feedback or was trying to scam him too.

gurpswoo you said he didn't pay for delivery right? Did he say he would do it after he received the items?

I really just don't understand Kiefer. Gave him so much time, more than I gave any ebayer and he just does this, what a joke.

12-11-2011, 08:33 AM
He hasnt been on this site since September 9th apparently.

So expecting a response is probably no longer an option.

12-11-2011, 11:29 AM
He has, he was last on on the 8th of December

Last Activity: 12-08-2011 06:21 PM


12-11-2011, 04:27 PM
I had a very tough time with Keifer.

It was only after many many weeks did he finally pay for the goods I purchased on his behalf. He would also say I will pay you in the next few days but disappears again. I got paid when I sent him a more forceful e-mail.

In the end I got the funds for the games but nothing for the delivery so I presume he doesn't want them. I have asked on multiple occasion but I have given up now so if he wants them, the games are here to take whenever.

It's so weird, I don't understand his actions at all, I'm thinking that he is wasting time so the goods don't get dispatched and I won't be able to leave feedback until they do.

I too have noticed that I would send PM's but no reply, despite the fact he was on-line nearly everyday. Only time I got a reply was through direct e-mail.

12-11-2011, 04:30 PM
It's so hard to comprehend that a member would do this :( It's not like he can't see the PMs, as I'm assuming due to the number of people who have repeatedly messaged him, he must've had to empty his PM box to keep receiving? xx

12-11-2011, 05:19 PM
Wow guys I'm really sorry to all of you and on the same time I'm glad that I refused his wish to get something for him....he said that I should pay for it in advance and that he will come back to me, to talk about the price later. I though he wants some kind of discount and this was no option for me so I refused. After this he makes some really weird things. He desperately wanted the dead island treasure edition but canceled it because shipping was with DHL which is not a private shipping company. He said he doesn't trust non private shipping companies :nea:

good luck to everyone with this guy :superman:

12-11-2011, 08:52 PM
I had a weird and complicated time with Kiefer too.

First, he asked me to help him get a game off Ebay, which is perfectly fine. He paid me before I bought it for him, $60. Second, he asked me to help him get something that is NA exclusive, which is fine too, since I can return it easily, $70. Lastely, he asked me to help him get something off Ebay which was quite expensive, but he couldn't pay right away. I gave him the benefit of the doubt (One of my biggest mistakes), and got him the game, $280.

After 2 months of delays and ignores through PM (not sure why I waited for so long), I sent him a last warning: to pay me all and I will ship it out or to pay me some, and I will keep it a little longer for him, otherwise I will sell off the items and leave a negative feedback (not much else I can do). He finally responded to me with a payment of $100 (this was 2 weeks ago). He continued to ignore my PMs and emails after that too, from me asking when I will get the rest.

Now that I have read this thread....

Kiefer, treating anyone like this in unacceptable. I have helped you get some items that you wanted, although you have paid a small portion, I am getting impatient especially after reading this thread.

If you do send the rest of the money (Which I highly doubt), I still will NOT ship out the items, UNLESS you ship out / refund what you owe to some of the fellow CEo members. I want everyone to get what they deserve. I will give you a little bit of time to respond to do this and take action, otherwise, I will have to sell out the items and try recuperate my losses. I hope it doesn't come to this, as it is unfair to everyone here.

12-11-2011, 09:00 PM
I am not at all happy about the situation Keifer has created, It is absurd to treat anybody in the manner Keifer has to both Ominous and death+despair. Never mind jugolicious, what you are doing to him is even worst.

As with Jug I have also decided to hold the game I have for Keifer until he responds with either a refund or a confirmation of dispatch for both of you.

Please respond Keifer even if it's just explain the situation, a little communication will go along way.

12-11-2011, 10:19 PM
So far he has paid to Jugo $160 for goods that he still owes money for? and also £?? to Gurpswoo1...it makes no sense taking $110 from Ominous and £70 from death + despair as a scam, unless he used there money to pay Jugo/Gurps....other than that he's not making anything from that

Possibly others haven't come forward? hmm

Regarding the weird conversations he's had with several people, id say hes either a dreamer thinking he can do deals with members or that he was trying to get members to ship goods before paying (likely), asking them to pay for goods and he would pay them back, which we know he HAS tried to do

Obviously we should suspend any future deals with him and frankly he should be banned, because as has been discussed he HAS been online since these deals took place

Very poor Kiefer Very poor :hammer:

12-12-2011, 01:54 AM

He kept sending me emails to buy him stuff and he'd pay later. More than a dozen emails

I refused, because I only accept payment upfront, to avoid this situation. It sucks what hes done to you guys :(

12-12-2011, 02:51 PM
jugolicious brought this thread to my attention...

If you've paid Kiefer and have not received your item please post the following:

[the date you paid] - [the amount you paid] - [the item you're waiting for]

I strongly urge you to open a PayPal dispute to get your money back..

I also strongly urge you to leave Kiefer negative iTrader feedback... if he makes good and you decide to change it later you can do so...

Don't worry about retaliatory negative feedback, if he gives you negative feedback in return, report it, and I will take care of it.

In the mean time I will not be banning his account as I want to give him opportunity to make good on his deals.

I'm assuming his PM box is full so if you need to get in touch with him, his registered email address is: danielsun96@hotmail.com

The Ominous
12-13-2011, 04:31 AM
Unbelievable, he was on today and just ignored all this!!?

Whatever, I'll give him time to try and explain the mess he created.

Here is the info for TS:

I paid on 9/28/2011

I paid 722.60 SEK, about $110.

I am waiting for Crysis 2 Nano Edition, although I want a refund to avoid any more problems.

I cannot open a paypal case as I paid with paypal gift.

I have already left negative feedback and will gladly change it if he actually resolves ALL the problems he created with ALL THE CE MEMBERS he dealt with.

I understand not banning him in the meantime.

But one thing, if doesn't answer CE's emails from PM's I don't think would he answer direct emails from members.

12-13-2011, 07:36 AM
He has, he was last on on the 8th of December


My mistake. I was reading the date in the non-American format.

12-13-2011, 07:42 AM
Wow guys I'm really sorry to all of you and on the same time I'm glad that I refused his wish to get something for him....he said that I should pay for it in advance and that he will come back to me, to talk about the price later. I though he wants some kind of discount and this was no option for me so I refused. After this he makes some really weird things. He desperately wanted the dead island treasure edition but canceled it because shipping was with DHL which is not a private shipping company. He said he doesn't trust non private shipping companies :nea:

good luck to everyone with this guy :superman:


He kept sending me emails to buy him stuff and he'd pay later. More than a dozen emails

I refused, because I only accept payment upfront, to avoid this situation. It sucks what hes done to you guys :(

Same with me but I ignored him. I was going through this thread before he even PMed me and his communication back then seemed odd. Other members expressing genuine interest in buying his stuff and he always responded with tardy, half-assed answers.

I suspect he is a retard. Or a child. Or both.

Seriously Kiefer, respond.

12-13-2011, 09:58 AM
Unbelievable, he was on today and just ignored all this!!?

Whatever, I'll give him time to try and explain the mess he created.

Here is the info for TS:

I paid on 9/28/2011

I paid 722.60 SEK, about $110.

I am waiting for Crysis 2 Nano Edition, although I want a refund to avoid any more problems.

I cannot open a paypal case as I paid with paypal gift.

I have already left negative feedback and will gladly change it if he actually resolves ALL the problems he created with ALL THE CE MEMBERS he dealt with.

I understand not banning him in the meantime.

But one thing, if doesn't answer CE's emails from PM's I don't think would he answer direct emails from members.

Yeah, he was on yesterday, I clicked on his name as soon as I seen him and it said his "current activity" was Private Messaging, but that could mean he was either PMing people, or clearing his inbox, or just reading the messages he already had...

Either way, poor fucking show on his behalf... Doing this to a community like this (any community tbh) is just disgusting.

I've not even dealt with him and I'm raging! :suicide: xx

12-13-2011, 10:52 AM
Doesn't help all the other new members on this site either when they want to sell or trade stuff.

12-13-2011, 10:59 AM
jugolicious brought this thread to my attention...

If you've paid Kiefer and have not received your item please post the following:

[the date you paid] - [the amount you paid] - [the item you're waiting for]

I strongly urge you to open a PayPal dispute to get your money back..

I also strongly urge you to leave Kiefer negative iTrader feedback... if he makes good and you decide to change it later you can do so...

Don't worry about retaliatory negative feedback, if he gives you negative feedback in return, report it, and I will take care of it.

In the mean time I will not be banning his account as I want to give him opportunity to make good on his deals.

I'm assuming his PM box is full so if you need to get in touch with him, his registered email address is: danielsun96@hotmail.com

I could be way off here, but judging by his email address, 96 is probably the year he was born, meaning he is 15?

Not that all 15 year olds shouldn't be trusted, but maybe, if he is 15, he doesn't have money?

And thought he could get away with asking to buy lots of things, thinking he'd be able to pay back later? And then, when he's is due to pay, he can't because he has no income?

I guess I might just be reading too much into it though :poke: xx

The Ominous
12-14-2011, 03:24 PM
Yeah, he was on yesterday, I clicked on his name as soon as I seen him and it said his "current activity" was Private Messaging, but that could mean he was either PMing people, or clearing his inbox, or just reading the messages he already had...

Either way, poor fucking show on his behalf... Doing this to a community like this (any community tbh) is just disgusting.

I've not even dealt with him and I'm raging! :suicide: xx

Probably was just reading his messages and not doing anything about it, as usual.

Really if it was any other community, they would be cursing this guy out and filing paypal disputes.

Here we are giving him a chance and he still doesn't respond!

Has anything new happened regarding this situation?

Also about the danielsun"96" thing, I think you are reading way too much into it.

I like to use "95" at the end of emails a lot of times, but it doesn't mean I'm 14 lol.

But if you are right... :scratch:

I will bow down to you vhal_x :rotf:

12-16-2011, 06:04 PM
Anyone heard anything from Keifer yet? Either through PM or e-mail.

The Ominous
12-18-2011, 12:19 AM
Anyone heard anything from Keifer yet? Either through PM or e-mail.

Yeah he messaged me 3 days ago and I responded, but now I'm currently waiting for another response from him.

Has anyone else received a response?

The Ominous
12-22-2011, 03:35 AM
Kiefer please respond.

Its been a week.

12-22-2011, 04:13 AM
Kiefer please respond.

Its been a week.

You've got patience ill give you that, i cant believe your still using words like "please" with this guy, crazy

The Ominous
12-23-2011, 01:13 AM
You've got patience ill give you that, i cant believe your still using words like "please" with this guy, crazy

I don't know what else to say.

It really sucks when you trust a guy and they do this to you.

But all I can do is wait.

Though Kiefer, if you say sorry for the things you done, atleast try and work things out.

All you are really doing right now is stalling.

12-23-2011, 03:47 AM
Too much unnecessary drama. Call your bank, dispute the paypal charge as fraudulent. Claim your account was hacked do anything. Paypal will probably lock your account but they cannot legally charge you anything if you dispute it.

Banks OWN PayPal's ass in the end. They can not only give you the money back, but charge PayPal with the negligence. I had an issue where I was cheated $350, I did resolution, seller said he sent it but had no proof, PayPal surprisingly sided in his favor, I filed charges against them - it was that simple.