View Full Version : Help Design the CE for Borderlands 2
09-09-2011, 03:42 AM
Apparently GearBox is planning to offer a Collector's Edition for their upcoming game Borderlands 2 (due out sometime in 2012). Not only are they planning to offer a CE they've asked the community to help them decide what to include!
You can send them your ideas on the official GearBox forum (
Me personally I told them I don't care what they include for bonuses as long as the packaging is high quality. I figure I spend more time looking at it sitting on the shelf than anything else, so it might as well be worth looking at.
... although an RC claptrap would be pretty cool...... View this article on the HomePage. (
09-09-2011, 05:45 AM
I'm so going to hit this hard with ideas!
I've not played the first game, but if they're planning a CE and asking for us for ideas to compile it, then we should really make the effort to suggest ideas!
I'm with TS on this one though. High quality is the key here. If the quality is high, then I don't mind paying a premium for it, but I resent paying good money for something which includes cheap trinkets and plastic moulded items with poor paintwork. Anything which is hand crafted is a plus, although I am getting fed-up of statues and figures, and want something different for a change. Something unique would be preferable, and game-relevant, naturally.
I think most of us will agree that it should be numbered too. Even if there's going to be 20,000 or 30,000 of these things, it's always nice to have a number. If they're going to be more limited, then that is even better!
I too would like something which looks nice on display in the box. Having items in the box to display is all well and good, but I would think that a majority of collectors who buy these things keep the items inside the box for storage purposes. Some CE's have little windows on the front so you can see the statue or whatever inside, but others have dull artwork and logos all over them which looks tacky.
Without knowing too much about the game, I can't really suggest much. Folded posters are pretty standard these days, and should be included by default. A hardback artwork book with embedded CD soundtrack would be a nice place to start, perhaps roughed up a bit to look like a miner's handbook which would fit in with the game's setting. Metal keychains are always nice to have, yet small enough to stuff into even the smallest of CE's. A die-cast replica of an in-game vehicle would be nice too, but not a plastic mould or statue.
Perhaps some sexy artcards of the female characters, or better still, a sexy calendar! Very few CE's include calendars, so this would be something different. It doesn't even have to be a functional present-day calendar either, as a futuristic fictional calendar design would be just as nice! As we all know, sex sells, and any excuse to display sexy characters is a win in my mind!
The packaging could also be some kind of metal tin, made to look like something found in the game. Maybe a miniature red oil drum? Yea, that could work!
09-09-2011, 05:57 AM
And a steelbook for sure! CE should always have steelbooks instead of just throwing the normal game inside with all the other stuff.
09-09-2011, 07:01 AM
And a steelbook for sure! CE should always have steelbooks instead of just throwing the normal game inside with all the other stuff.
Oh yea, how could I forget the SteelBook! Lol. :ghey:
The soundtrack CD should come either packed in the SteelBook, or encompassed into the artwork book somehow. Standard jewel cases or cardboard sleeves are no longer acceptable, and are a little tacky to say the least!
Oh, and there should be a bonus Dvd as well with behind the scenes "making of" videos and bonus content such as wallpapers, sound effects, player's guides etc...
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I posted a link to this discussion thread in their discussion thread:
Hopefully we'll get some good ideas printed here as well
09-09-2011, 07:44 AM
I have tidied up my ideas and posted them in a list on the Gearbox forum:
I'm going to list a few things briefly in order to give you guys some ideas, and possibly provoke some discussion
Most important:
High quality! - If we're paying a premium and also contributing to the creation of this, then we expect a quality product at the end of it!
Limited - Don't overproduce these, otherwise they become worthless to collectors. 5,000-10,000 per console is ample
Numbered - All the best CE's come numbered with a Certificate Of authenticity.
As standard:
SteelBook / DigiPak - Anything less is not acceptable (SteelBook preferred)
Bonus Dvd - Featuring behind the scenes "making of" videos, wallpapers, artwork, icons, sound effects, player's guide / hints & tips guide etc...
Hardback artwork book - Featuring concept & final game artwork
CD soundtrack - On an actual CD. Not DLC! Preferably embedded within the hardback artwork book or SteelBook (jewel case or cardboard sleeve not acceptable!)
Poster - Preferably double-sided, and preferably A4x8 size (rolled or folded, however it may be)
Borderlands comic book - Preferably the storyline of the first game in print
Red oil drum packaging - Contents come in miniature sized red oil drum! (Aluminium perhaps?)
Metal keychain - Game-related keychain
Artcards - Perhaps some concept artwork, or maybe sexy pictures of in-game female characters
Sexy calendar - Sex sells! Doesn't have to be present-day or functional, just has to look nice! Emphasis on the pictures, not the dates ;)
Die-cast vehicle replicas - Die-cast replicas (Hotwheels size) of in-game vehicles (not moulded plastic!)
Statues & figures - So many CE's include statues or figures of varying quality. Do we really need yet another CE with yet another generic statue / figure?
DLC - Seriously guys, DLC is not an adequate feature for a Collector's Edition! By all means include it, but please don't tout it as a main collectible feature!
Bags / backpacks - Overused in 2011! Do collectors really want more branded bags?
Standard edition of the game - No, just no!
Two ideas above I would like to expand on:
Oil drum packaging - The first is the red oil drum packaging idea. I believe this would be in keeping with the theme of the game, and would look much nicer on display than a generic oblong cardboard box covered in just artwork and logos. The oil drum could be battered and made to look rusted like a piece of junk or industrial mining waste. It would also be pretty cheap to produce, like those tins of chocolates you buy at Xmas
Sexy calendar - The second idea I would like to expand on is the "Women of Borderlands" calendar idea. Calendars are something not many (if any) CE's have included in the past, and could be the niche item this edition needs to appeal to collectors. It could be about 12" square, and feature lots of sexy artwork or poses of the female characters from the game. It doesn't necessarily need to be functional, just sexy! - Maybe a calendar featuring future dates or fictional dates...
09-09-2011, 12:29 PM
I got a swell idea: a Marcus Kincaid bobblehead! Allusion to the first game, plus they mentioned during that Borderlands 2 gameplay video that Marcus is worshiped as practically a deity in the new game. Makes sense to me!
EDIT: I'm at work and can't really make an account on the Gearbox forums, so anybody wanna throw my idea up there? :D
09-09-2011, 12:55 PM
Keep in mind that this is the same group who made Duke Nukem Balls of Steel Edition... so I would approach them using that as your basis and tell them to not do all the things they did wrong with that one :lol:
09-09-2011, 01:38 PM
I got a swell idea: a Marcus Kincaid bobblehead! Allusion to the first game, plus they mentioned during that Borderlands 2 gameplay video that Marcus is worshiped as practically a deity in the new game. Makes sense to me!
EDIT: I'm at work and can't really make an account on the Gearbox forums, so anybody wanna throw my idea up there? :D
It's been suggested several times in that epic thread
09-09-2011, 02:41 PM
It's been suggested several times in that epic thread
Well, I guess the idea isn't so unique, but hey, great minds think alike, so they say.
Maybe with lots of people requesting it, it'd be more likely to become a reality, eh? :beer:
09-09-2011, 05:02 PM
If they must do diecast models, the preferred scale is 1:24 (I personally prefer 1:18 but I'm trying to be realistic here). 1:43 is still acceptable, but 1:64 is too small.
09-09-2011, 06:32 PM
If they must do diecast models, the preferred scale is 1:24 (I personally prefer 1:18 but I'm trying to be realistic here). 1:43 is still acceptable, but 1:64 is too small.
My reasoning is, the smaller they are, the more of them they can cram into the edition, and the more space for other goodies
I see a lot of people requesting some kind of Claptrap to be incorporated, either as the box itself, or as a figure / statue. No doubt they will get their wish and a cheap mould of a Claptrap will form part of this set
I also see a lot of people requesting the box to be a toolbox as found in the game, and after seeing the Uncharted 3 CE, I am thinking that this may become a reality as well
09-09-2011, 09:40 PM
I have made my suggestions clear there already, and the 2 MOST important things I want GearBox to consider for Borderlands 2 CE are:
1)What is the most memorable Character? Obviously the Claptrap. One of the most unique characters in a game I have ever experienced. They should correct the wrongs of NECA (which was supposed to release a talking premium claptrap figure a year ago but didn't) and they should make a premium figure of Claptrap w/ moveable parts and a talking base that says memorable quotes of the claptrap from the game.
2)Packaging. The packaging HAS to be really well thought out. I want to see a "red weapon" chest (or Crimson lance chest) design for the package; it should be "fuctional" like the new Drakes Deception US CE will be. The top should open up and it should have to sides that fold out to the left and right and become "shelves" like the chests in the game did.
Everything else has already been suggested: (artbooks, dvds, map, posters, w/e) so I wanted to STRESS these two key points. Lets hope they listen! Borderlands is one of my most FAVORITE games in recent years. Has made it's way into my top 15 of all time.
09-11-2011, 03:02 PM
My reasoning is, the smaller they are, the more of them they can cram into the edition, and the more space for other goodies
Fair enough.
Expectations mixed in with suggestions:
Limited Edition:
The game - With a slipcase, perhaps?
DLC - I'm not holding my breath that it'll be exclusive forevermore to the special editions. Polyphony Digital are the only guys that showed love for their fans in the CE DLC exclusivity department. $5-10 dollars worth of DLC, maybe.
Five art cards - Because five is practically the traditional number for CE art cards.
Collector's Edition: Packaged in the traditional CE box, the Collector's Edition contains:
The game - With a slipcase, perhaps?
DLC - $5-10 worth of DLC, maybe.
Hardcover mini-artbook and sountrack - A traditional collector's edition always has three vital elements: the game, the artbook and the soundtrack or making-of. With Borderlands's distinct art style, this is a given. 100 pages is my guess, going by previous editions such as Killzone 3 and Duke Nukem Forever. In the end is a flap that keeps the soundtrack CD intact.
Claptrap bobblehead or plushie - I've read the suggestions from the Gearbox forums and most of them say that they aren't happy with the idea of having another statue or figurine. However, they do want Claptrap in some way or form. I still expect the figurine coming but for now, I have a feeling Claptrap will land either as a bobblehead or plushie. Maybe both, with the usual GameStop gets this exclusively and the rest gets this.
1:64 diecast model -Created in conjunction with Hot Wheels/Greenlight, this is a diecast model of any of the in-game vehicles.
High-quality paper: poster, map, etc. - Should be tear-resistant, waterproof and will minimize creases. It could be the world map, character poster, an ad, anything really.
Vault Hunter's Edition - Otherwise known as the Super Collector's Edition. I didn't want to do this but we all know it's coming. The best Borderlands 2 special edition to be available in retail stores, this one will be exclusive to select European countries.
The Vault Hunter's Edition (they can name it any name they want as long as it's not called the Limited Collector's Edition or the Special Edition or any other generic name) is the definitive package for any Borderlands fan. Inside its high-end collector's box modeled after the game's Crimson Lance Chest (My vote's on the Red Weapon Chest, but it's most likely this one) is a plethora of treasures including:
The game - With a slipcase, perhaps?
DLC supervoucher - Exclusive character skins (posts from Gearbox suggest Duke; I suggest the original Vault Hunters), weapons, weapon skins, multiplayer privileges to give you a headstart, single-player side missions, themes, avatars and everything and anything they decide to cram in there.
Claptrap bobblehead AND plushie - Because two is better than one.
Full-sized artbook and soundtrack - Bigger and badder than the Collector's Edition artbook, this lavish full blown artbook's 9x12" and has over 185 pages of just about everything from the world of Pandora including illustrations, sketches, storyboards, character profiles, weapons, environments, etc. and everything's loaded with developer touches and commentary. In the end is a flap that keeps the soundtrack CD intact.
Psycho Mask - Gearbox knows that you've gone psycho from Borderlands 2 so here's the perfect gift for you. Would be nice if the quality's the same as the God Mask from the Lords of Shadow EU CE but plastic is also OK.
High-quality paper: poster, map, etc. - Should be tear-resistant, waterproof and will minimize creases. It could be the world map, character poster, an ad, anything really.
1:64 diecast model -Created in conjunction with Hot Wheels/Greenlight, this is a diecast model of any of the in-game vehicles.
And the ultimate edition. Taking a page out of Uncharted 2 and Killzone 3's book, this one will be very limited (Is 2000: 1000 for the PS3 and 1000 for the 360 limited enough?) and will not be available in stores worldwide. This edition can only be won through contests that can either be announced or unannounced. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the,
Claptrap Edition - A huge Claptrap with LED lights (Doesn't need to talk or walk or all that) will serve as the housing. Every Claptrap is individually numbered (Embossed numbering?) and contains:
Steelbook - Containing the game, the Steelbook has a nice effect to it that coincides with the game's theme/style.
DLC supervoucher - Exclusive character skins (posts from Gearbox suggest Duke; I suggest the original Vault Hunters), weapons, weapon skins, multiplayer privileges to give you a headstart, single-player side missions, themes, avatars and everything and anything they decide to cram in there.
Full-sized artbook and soundtrack -Bigger and badder than the Collector's Edition artbook, this lavish full blown artbook's 9x12" and has over 185 pages of just about everything from the world of Pandora including illustrations, sketches, storyboards, character profiles, weapons, environments, etc. and everything's loaded with developer touches and commentary. In the end is a flap that keeps the soundtrack CD intact.
Psycho Mask - Gearbox knows that you've gone psycho from Borderlands 2 so here's the perfect gift for you. Would be nice if the quality's the same as the God Mask from the Lords of Shadow EU CE but plastic is also OK.
High-quality paper: poster, map, etc. - Should be tear-resistant, waterproof and will minimize creases. It could be the world map, character poster, an ad, anything really.
1:43 diecast model -Created in conjunction with Hot Wheels/Greenlight, this is a diecast model of any of the in-game vehicles.
The main attraction of the Claptrap Edition comes in two flavors: the PS3 variant and the 360 variant. I decided to let a coin decide which goes to which with a little heads-and-tails:
PS3: 10-inch PVC statue of the original Borderlands playable characters expertly crafted by the artisans at Organic Hobby USA/Sideshow Collectibles/ArtFX or any topnotch action figure manufacturer.
360: 10-inch PVC statue of the Borderlands 2 playable characters expertly crafted by the artisans at Organic Hobby USA/Sideshow Collectibles/ArtFX or any topnotch action figure manufacturer.
I know I sound ridiculous but this is the best I could come up with realistically whilst still having what I want to see. Doesn't have to exactly be this way. Omissions and lowering of quality can be made if budget calls for it.
09-11-2011, 04:26 PM
VERY VERY nice suggestions and ideas Solemn! Wow. YOU really got some imagination there! LOVE the concept of a Vault Hunter or Claptrap edition...
09-11-2011, 05:04 PM
^ Thanks. I got inspired by their decision to consult with the fans. :)
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