View Full Version : Newbie

09-12-2011, 12:22 PM
Hi all,

I'm not used to forums so I might not post here very much, but i found the site recently and lurked a bit, and its a pleasure to see a plce like this.

Basically I wanted to collect old- styled PC games in big boxes and wasn't looking at CE specifically. But soon i realized i was so attracted by the gorgeous packages and goodies of some CE, old or new, that i had to get some of them.

I only started to dive into this for 3 weeks now, so I really have nothing worth being called a "collection" when compared to some of you!! So far, here are the CE's I managed to get :

- Diablo II CE

- Warcraft III Exclusive Gift Set Edition

- The Witcher II CE

- Bioshock II CE

- Deus Ex CE

- Starcraft II CE

- Civilization V CE

What I am about to receive:

- Civilization Chronicles

- Bioshock CE

- World of Warcraft CE

- Shogun II Grnadmaster Edition

- And another DII CE

I also made some preorders, thanks to this site ;)

Well I think thats all about me. Please forgive about the bad english, as you may have noticed it is not my native language.

While I'm here, i may add a link to a polish site that is apparently talking about some CE's I have never heard of, and i cannot find any information about them. Maybe someone here would find this interestind and/ or could help finding infos on it.

Here it is:


The site is listing 4 CE's:

- Prince of Persia

- Myst

- Hitman

- Splinter Cell



They are old designed the same way.

Anyone have heard about it?



09-12-2011, 12:28 PM
Welcome to the forums! :barsong:

09-12-2011, 12:35 PM
Not bad for only 3 weeks!! :D


I have never seen those CEs either, looks like a collection of all the games together. Cool.

09-12-2011, 01:08 PM
Hello and welcome!:welcome:

09-12-2011, 06:59 PM

09-12-2011, 07:36 PM
Hi Gwal and :welcome: to the forum.
Enjoy your stay :wave:

09-13-2011, 03:37 AM
Hey! Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy your stay. :D

09-13-2011, 05:20 AM
Here it is:


The site is listing 4 CE's:

- Prince of Persia

- Myst

- Hitman

- Splinter Cell

They are all designed the same way.

Anyone have heard about it?


GwalHi! Welcome friend. :welcome:

This site I would not trust. Nothing you see there is "official". They look like "custom" generic collector boxes that may or may NOT be real. It's possible they are simply someone's concept of a collector's edition. I've found sites before where people design collectible covers for games, where the cover doesn't REALLY exist it's just their concept of what it could look like. If that site is selling anything I'd stay clear. Again, those are NOT official collectibles. ;)

09-13-2011, 12:33 PM
Thanks for the welcoming :)

This site I would not trust. Nothing you see there is "official". They look like "custom" generic collector boxes that may or may NOT be real. It's possible they are simply someone's concept of a collector's edition. I've found sites before where people design collectible covers for games, where the cover doesn't REALLY exist it's just their concept of what it could look like. If that site is selling anything I'd stay clear. Again, those are NOT official collectibles.

I was a bit suspicious too as there were NO info about this anywhere. Thank you for making this clear anyway ;)

09-13-2011, 04:38 PM
Thanks for the welcoming :)

I was a bit suspicious too as there were NO info about this anywhere. Thank you for making this clear anyway ;)No problem. Easy to get led astray in the vastness of the internets. lol I know I've been led astray many times and hate to see it happen to others...

09-15-2011, 01:17 AM
Welcome to the forum, nice start to your collection.

It looks the edition could be real, it's also sold at Merlin-multimedia.pl (http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=pl&u=http://merlin.pl/Prince-of-Persia-Limitowana-Edycja-Kolekcjonerska_UbiSoft/browse/product/8,493370.html&ei=CkNxTvTbLceLhQfr0d3PCQ&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CEEQ7gEwAw&prev=/search%3Fq%3DWIZUALIZACJA%2BLIMITOWANEJ%2BEDYCJI%2 BKOLEKCJONERSKIEJ%2BPRINCE%2BOF%2BPERSIA%26hl%3Den %26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D909%26prmd%3Dimvnsfd)

Still needs to be confirmed though.

09-15-2011, 09:13 AM
Welcome mate!

Queen of Mudcrabs
09-16-2011, 09:06 PM
Welcome to the forum! :)
I love those big boxes old games used to come in. Sometimes I wish I was born in the 80s so that I would be old enough to start collecting games earlier xD
So do you have any pictures to show us? :D

10-05-2011, 02:30 PM
Hey guys,

I'm sorry i didn't see any of those last replies, i thought the site would warn me (and maybe it did^^), but i'm really not used to forums, please forgive the lack of answers :D

Damn, gurpswoo1, that's a nice find! I was thinking, like foreverflash, that they were fakes but it seems they're not... oww, i might order them.

However, seeing how my first and last attempt to order something in poland ended, it may not be a good idea.

I ordered 2 Dead Island Survival Kit Edition, and when i received them, i nearly had an heart attack! The packaging was... well, i don't know how to say it in english, basically it was the bag you put in the dustbins :O

Of course the games were crushed. And of course now I don't want them anymore^^ Tried to sold them on ebay and some local french sites but that didn't worked. Then i realised the polish site charged me approximately 30 zl for shipping, which corresponds to 6.5€, to ship from poland to france. I can understand why it came in such a poor package...

Still, i'll think about ordering one of these CE's on Merlin-multimedia.pl, PoP or Myst i think. If i do, i'll keep you in touch about it!

Photos, photos... well i was tempted to show you my collections but i didn't, for 3 reasons.

First, when i see your collections it makes me feel ashamed^^ especially as my games are not sealed and sometimes not in a pristine condition!

Second problem is space. Basically i can barely move in my room now, as i went mad with buying those games and i overestimated how many space i had left :D so everything is stocked and quietly waiting till i have my own home and can display them.

There are also some CE i have to sold... to bring money for other CE's :banana:

Third thing is... well, despite my lack of space i still have dozens of new games to receive, so i was thinking i could wait a bit to show you more pictures. We all go crazy for them, so i thought it wasn't a bad idea!!

@ Queens of Mudcrabs: yeah at first i wanted to collect only old pc big boxed games, as they reminded my my childhood and my discovery of pc gaming. However i found it so hard to find boxes matching the quality level i wanted and got robbed so many times (i'm a beginner, and i was too confident with people- and i am still) that i decided to focus on collector's edition, as people tend to protect them more than old big boxed games that used to be quite common and therefore not always protected.

I'm still looking for some nice games like these, actually i'm drooling over this :







But i really can't afford them, considering the price, the shipping cost, and the customs fee i will surely get... but i'd love to get them. I had Warlords II some years ago, for macintosh, but lost the box. Shame on me.

I can add Sanitarium and "I have no mouth and i must scream", among others...

I managed to get this yesterday :



Not mint, ans unsealed, but seems to be in good state, t shirt is sealed. It is numbered (5102), but i don't know how many were produced. I think (and hope) that knowing the game was a critical success but not really a commercial one, and this was an original franchise with no huge budget, there were not so many of them. I need to pick informations about this. And i'll post pictures if anyone is interested!

I also have some nice stuff, like a sealed Quake II for PC, big boxed of course.

And, something i just never see anywhere else, a sealed first edition, big boxed Resident Evil 1 in French for PC.

The game in french is not that common for PC. First edition in french for PC seems to be quite rare. Still sealed... i just never, never saw that.

Hmm, to be honest, the "sealing film" (whats the english word?) is really really worn and doesn't cover the entire game anymore. But it still holds on in a way that clearly shows the game was never opened. Not esthetically attractive due to the poor state of the seal, but i think it is an extremely rare thing.

So,well, i wrote too much, i'll come back with photos... when i can :)


10-07-2011, 07:53 PM
While I'm here, i may add a link to a polish site that is apparently talking about some CE's I have never heard of, and i cannot find any information about them. Maybe someone here would find this interestind and/ or could help finding infos on it.

Here it is:


The site is listing 4 CE's:

- Prince of Persia

- Myst

- Hitman

- Splinter Cell



They are old designed the same way.

Anyone have heard about it?



Those are neither fakes, nor any "official" producer certified collector's editions. They are merely the effect of the initiative the polish publisher (which is in this case cenega) of those games made to collect those four series in one pretty package each with some added bonus (mainly mini guides or some dvd's).

The contents are as follows:

The World of Hitman:

-1DVD with the first three parts of the series
-1DVD with Hitman Blood Money
-A guide dedicated to all of the games in the series
-1CD with bonus contents (wallpapers, trailers etc.)
-1DVD with "the making of" materials
-I think there are also instruction booklets for each game

The World of Prince of Persia:

-3DVD's with the whole Prince of Persia trilogy (Sands of Time, Warrior Within, The Two Thrones)
-instruction booklets
-1CD with bonus content similiar to what Hitman offers (wallpapers etc.)
-1CD with the soundtrack
-A guide to the whole trilogy (over 300p.)

The World of Splinter Cell:

-3DVD's with the original SC trilogy (Splinter Cell, Pandora Tomorrow, Chaos Theory)
-1CD with smiliar bonus content to previous editions
-instruction booklets
-the guide

The World of Myst:

-1DVD with the first three Myst's
-1DVD with Myst IV
-1DVD with Myst V
-1DVD with URU
-1CD with bonus content
-1CD with the music
-4 instructions booklets for each game
-the guide

The boxes look really cool and aesthetic and are closed with magnets, but the contents itself are in my opinion not worth it, especially since everything will be in polish. It's good as a starter pack for someone who want to buy the whole series all at once without searching too much, but aside from that? I don't know. Unless of course you are a big fan of one of those series and need to collect absolutely everything there is. But anyway, those things premiered about 4 years ago, i thought they are sold out by now?

10-08-2011, 06:17 AM
Those are neither fakes, nor any "official" producer certified collector's editions. They are merely the effect of the initiative the polish publisher (which is in this case cenega) of those games made to collect those four series in one pretty package each with some added bonus (mainly mini guides or some dvd's).

The contents are as follows:

The World of Hitman:

-1DVD with the first three parts of the series
-1DVD with Hitman Blood Money
-A guide dedicated to all of the games in the series
-1CD with bonus contents (wallpapers, trailers etc.)
-1DVD with "the making of" materials
-I think there are also instruction booklets for each game

The World of Prince of Persia:

-3DVD's with the whole Prince of Persia trilogy (Sands of Time, Warrior Within, The Two Thrones)
-instruction booklets
-1CD with bonus content similiar to what Hitman offers (wallpapers etc.)
-1CD with the soundtrack
-A guide to the whole trilogy (over 300p.)

The World of Splinter Cell:

-3DVD's with the original SC trilogy (Splinter Cell, Pandora Tomorrow, Chaos Theory)
-1CD with smiliar bonus content to previous editions
-instruction booklets
-the guide

The World of Myst:

-1DVD with the first three Myst's
-1DVD with Myst IV
-1DVD with Myst V
-1DVD with URU
-1CD with bonus content
-1CD with the music
-4 instructions booklets for each game
-the guide

The boxes look really cool and aesthetic and are closed with magnets, but the contents itself are in my opinion not worth it, especially since everything will be in polish. It's good as a starter pack for someone who want to buy the whole series all at once without searching too much, but aside from that? I don't know. Unless of course you are a big fan of one of those series and need to collect absolutely everything there is. But anyway, those things premiered about 4 years ago, i thought they are sold out by now? Interesting Neil. Thanks for the information! We were all a bit unsure of these editions. Good to know they're not fakes!

I collect old, big box PC games too my friend. Did you see my Collection/intro thread here? I show a picture w/ most of my most special/rare big box PC games. The thing about the older PC packages, is they made them so special and collectible, but they were really never "meant" to be that way, because most of them were NOT collector or limited editions by design (but ended up being very limited due to low production) and to find one mint these days is extremely rare because of aging/decay and the fact that MOST people opened and used the games back then. That last PC big box you just got looks sweet man! What game is that? never heard of it. I collect big box PC for ONLY the biggest titles (Elder scrolls, Fallout, Deus Ex, and a few others).

10-08-2011, 12:13 PM
Hey Neilikki,

Thank you very much for enlightening me/us about those "CEs"!

In fact although they were released in 2006 merlin-multimedia.pl seems to still have the Prince of Persia one.

And i agree i won't have much interest in buying this except for the nice looking box. I can't speak polish... So i'll pass on this.

@Foreverflash: I did look at your collection and see you big boxed pc games. Was amazed by the Fallout boxes!

Alice and Deus Ex are wonderful too, just 2 days ago i saw a deus ex big boxed in near mint condition but the seller was asking a crazy price so i let it go.

You're perfectly right with the "not intended" collector status of big boxed games, they were just a "standard" in the old day that became "collector" due to the change in how games are packaged, their increasing rarity due to age... and our nostalgia ;)

Since i only began collecting in the middle of august (2011), i'm still in a frenzy with what i buy, so i managed to get some really nice pieces of big boxes rather fast.

I stopped really fast tooo, to focus on CE's. All my big boxes are stocked, as i don't have space to display them, so i can't tell you everything i have, nor take any photo, but here is are some of the games i have:

- The Elder Scrolls Arena

- TES Daggerfall

- Sealed Mint Quake 2

- Sealed (but the plastic film is used) quake 1, but i got robbed, the guy sent me a low budget reedition. I'm too confident.

- Diablo 1, both US and FR versions

- MDK Special Edition

- Myst III collector edition (EU version, while US came with a figurine and i WANT it)

- Duke Nukem 3d "Duke it out in DC" expansion pack

- Civilization II Limited Edition

- Hexen II Mint Sealed

- Carmageddon, if i remember well its sealed too

- A really nice Tomb Raider 1 edition, the box is designed as a pyramid :D

- Final Fantasy VIII, a rather rare piece for PC. Box is damaged though.

- Baldur's Gate and its extension

And others ;)

The game i just got is Omikron : The Nomad Soul. It came out in 1998 or 1999 (i'm hungry, and when i'm hungry i just can't think properly :p).

It was the first game of a then newly found french studio, and an herald of "the french touch" in the game industry, made in collaboration with David Bowie, who made the soundtrack and plays a character in the game.

You may know this studio well, as it recently developped a huge PS3 exclusive... Heavy Rain ;)

The studio (Quantic Dreams), also made Farenheit. But Omikron is different than those 2 games, it mixed FPS view with adventure aspect, the possibility to control nearly any NPC in the city by possessing them, and some fights are played in a Street Fighter/ Tekken/ MK style! A really unique mix of genres at the time, and still now. So it may not appeal to everyone i think...

I can't say much more, as i never played the game^^ I had a Macintosh when it came out, and forgot to play it when i got a pc some years after.

When i'll have time and space, i'll take photos of my collection :) But i d'ont think it will come soon.

Enough writing! I am flooding my own thread :O