View Full Version : Missing Edition (Already Released) Return to Castle Wolfenstein CD-ROM

10-12-2011, 08:35 PM
Full Game Name: Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Edition Name: Limited Edition Collectors Tin
Platform(s): PC CD-ROM
Region(s): NA
Publisher: Activision
Release Date: Nov.26th 2001
Price (RRP): unknown
Bar Code: unknown
Package Description: Tin Box
Content Description: This limited edition pre-order tin will contain the Return to Castle Wolfenstein game in an attractive tin box, as well as the following bonus items: an authentic RTC Wolfenstein patch (3-1/2 inches in diameter) and the Return to Castle Wolfenstein cast of characters poster. The 7-by-27-inch poster features every character in the game, most of which were not revealed to anyone before the game's launch
Link(s) to source(s): http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00005OWK5/ref=aw_d_detail?pd=1&qid=1318447239&sr=8-10
Other Info/Pics:Pre-Order only.

10-13-2011, 12:51 AM
I found a few different references to a RTCW tin when looking for this. I remember the one in the image, but I don't remember it being a pre-order bonus. Some discussions mentioned a Limited Silver Tin (Gamestop) and Limited Gold Tin (Best Buy), however, I can't find any details on those beside the price.

Added the current info to the DB, http://collectorsedition.org/game-db/return-to-castle-wolfenstein-limited-collectors-tin-edition-pc-cd-rom

10-13-2011, 02:47 AM
Yeah from what I read from the info on Amazon it was only available via pre order if it was a bonus or not who knows...