View Full Version : Require urgent help from an Italian member

10-13-2011, 10:18 AM
Need help from Italian member

Hi folks

Is there any forum member from Italy here or can anyone help me get in touch with an Italian member ?

Actually I had purchased a couple of steelbooks from this italian seller on ebay. He doesn't have a paypal account and can accept funds only through his local bank account. Since I'm based in India, my bank doesn't allow international transfer of funds. As such only a member from italy can help me out.

All that needs to be done is to pay the person the amount to his bank account and I'll pay the same to the member via Paypal who'll help me in this.

So looking forward to some generous assistance very urgently

P.S. I have 100 % positive feedback on ce.org so don't worry about my genuineness :-)

10-13-2011, 02:17 PM
If he is on ebay and doesn't accept paypal and only bank transfer, then don't trust him.

Very high chance he will run with your funds, there is no protection what so ever.

10-13-2011, 02:23 PM
If he is on ebay and doesn't accept paypal and only bank transfer, then don't trust him.

Very high chance he will run with your funds, there is no protection what so ever.

This. It's eBay. Everyone uses paypal. If they don't use it, don't deal with them.

Unless the transaction is entirely local, then you can just do bank deposits.