View Full Version : Hello from England!

10-29-2011, 11:08 AM
Hi everyone,

I've been 'lurking' on the forums for quite a while now but haven't had the time to post before this so I'd thought its about time to introduce myself.

I'm Enixis, originally from Singapore but now permanently living in the UK.

I collect for all consoles new and old (especially enjoy the Dreamcast!) and am currently focused on obtaining a complete North American 3DS collection. I'm very much an NTSC gamer, although at times I do prefer PAL depending on what's in the package.

Some of my 'collector's edition' gaming items include:

- PS3 Lighting Final Fantasy XIII console (JPN)
- DS Okamiden Collector's Edition (JPN)
- 360 Assassin's Creed Black Edition (UK)
- 360 Mass Effect 2 Limited Edition (UK)
- PS3 Dragon's Age: Origins Wooden Box (Singapore Edition)
- PS3 Uncharted 2 GAME Limited Edition (UK)

Photos in the above to follow when I get the time.

I think its a pretty exciting time for this current gen with the number of collector's/limited edition games game companies are pushing out (especially in Europe) and I look forward to enjoying it with everyone here! :thumb:


10-30-2011, 12:53 AM

10-30-2011, 01:04 AM
Welcome to the site, would love to see some pics!


10-30-2011, 05:56 AM
You are most welcome here! We seem to be getting more "portable" focused collectors recently so you should fit right in! I myself only collect for the 3 major platforms (PC, PS3 and 360) but at times envy portable! Many nice editions (systems and games) for portables. I've been considering the prospect of starting an "original" gameboy and gameboy color collection (as I grew up w/ gameboy in my hand every day!).

Here is a little "encouragement" to get those pictures posted...:quote:

10-30-2011, 10:06 AM
welcome and dreamcast is a really nice platform to collect for as retro ( japan has a lot of limited edition for it )

10-30-2011, 11:39 AM

10-30-2011, 09:06 PM
Welcome to the forum, looking forward to pictures.

I recently sold my almost complete PAL Dreamcast collection and was very sad to see it go.
so many gems.