View Full Version : Greetings from Czech Republic!

10-29-2011, 07:30 PM
I’ve been visiting this amazing site & forum daily for about a year. For all this time I was kind of „lazy“ to sign up, I was satisfied with checking all local collections and forum threads. So I’m finally here and looking forward to active cooperation.

My name is Ondřej (Andrew, André, Andrés, Andreas, Andrea, Andrzej, András, Antti, Anders, Andrej, Andrij etc. I’m trying to cover all different forms :D ) and I’m from country in the very hearth of Europe – Czech Republic. Currently, I’m attending 2nd year of the bachelor degree of Central – European Studies (kind of politology, sociology, history and languages mix) at the university.

My relationship with collecting in general has always been very passionate (ice hockey cards, Pokemon franchise, trading card games, minerals etc.) and enthusiam for videogames as well. So it’s not surprising that I’m now writing this. First three collector’s editions which I have ever obtain was The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion Collector’s Edition, The Witcher Collector’s Edition and Assassin’s Creed 2 : White Edition. These was for some time only ones. So most of my current modest collection I built for last year and few months. CE’s are expensive hobby, but if I hate smoking and drink alcohol only occasionaly I can afford CE’s I want.

Got to say few things (or principles maybe?). I’m PC collector only, because it’s my only and most beloved system. I’m really big fan of RPG’s and fantasy genre in general and I think RPG’s are best suited just for this platform. I open every CE I pick up, because I want watch these gorgeous artbooks, listen soundtracks, search in maps etc. However I try to keep them in best possible condition. If I can’t find new one CE (or is really expensive), I don’t mind buying used CE in decent condition (8+/10) for cheap price.

In Czech Republic, is sometimes quite hard to get certain CE’s. We are small market and picking CE’s for PC platform is even way more harder than for consoles. Lot of console CE’s are in stocks long time after release and also for really cheap price. Situation about PC CE’s is diametrically different. Most of them (or those which I’m interested in) are sold out at pre-order and after impossible to get. Nowadays I’m watching and hunting them, but as I’m collecting for a while I missed some really nice CE’s such as Mass Effect 1 with Czech exclusive metal case, Dragon Age : Origins CE or Bioshock 2 SE.
I’m also trying to pick some nice CE’s on Ebay, however in most cases situation is very same. PC versions sold out or for ridiculuos price offer. It drives me to insanity when I’m still discovering PC Bioshock 2 SE for really cheap price on Ebay, but due to international restrictions of weight and size they can’t send it to me. :(

Enough writing and let’s look at some pictures of my modest collection. Certain items in my collection are Czech exclusives (or pre-order bonuses) such as The Witcher 1 compass and medallion, The Witcher 2 comic book, whole Arcania Xzone Limited Edition with medalion and artbook, Risen 1 Inquisitor Mendoza eyeglass replica with Swarowski crystal, Heroes of Might and Magic V Collector’s edition in wooden chest, Fable 3 puzzle, Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood papercrafts and silver necklace, Might and Magic Heroes VI leather pendant and Kenshi pewter figurine. I also missed some our beatiful exclusives (Fallout 3 mentats, Mass Effect 1 steel box with artwork, Mass Effect 2 Normandy keychain, Dragon Age 1 ring etc.)

As I mentioned, I'm big fan of fantasy literature (Tolkien, Sapkowski, Salvatore, Knaak, etc.). So here’s my quite fastly growing fantasy books collection (I have also tons of other literature).

Also have some LOTR stuff, such as about 40 pewter collectible figurines by Eaglemoss and this well made and detailed Minas Tirith replica.
…and my corner.
Well, that’s my modest collection. Thanks for being patient with tons of text, my english and not top-notch pictures quality. Hope you enjoyed it at least a little. :)

Take care,


10-29-2011, 07:56 PM
:welcome: to the forum! Very nice collection but your desktop is a mess :P

Just joking, enjoy being part of this community and I really hope we learn more about you in one of the thousand social threads created by vhal :D

10-29-2011, 08:04 PM
:welcome: to the forum! Very nice collection but your desktop is a mess :P

Just joking, enjoy being part of this community and I really hope we learn more about you in one of the thousand social threads created by vhal :D

Thank you! :) I just noticed that on last photo is my fishy mug. What a fail! :D
About social threads, don't worry. I'm very talkative and social person and I already posted in some vhal_x thread. :)

10-29-2011, 08:25 PM
Lots of really neat collectible stuff! I like how you displayed all of it, especially with the various figures!

10-29-2011, 08:45 PM
Lots of really neat collectible stuff! I like how you displayed all of it, especially with the various figures!

Thank you, mylady! :)

Adding pictures of Assassin's Creed sterling silver necklace (exclusive Czech, AC : Brotherhood bonus gift). It's really tiny and fragile, but still nice artifact.

And really nice and quality comic book of Witcher (Witcher 2 bonus gift).

10-29-2011, 10:20 PM
[czech]tož witaj juro [/end of czech] :)

10-29-2011, 10:30 PM
To je spíš nějaký mix moravských slangů. :D :D Každopádně díky, příteli! Ve dvou se to lépe táhne. Těším se, až hodíš nějaká nová fota. ;)

10-30-2011, 04:00 AM
Nice collection! You've got a pretty impressive one considering its hard to collect for your platform of choice in your country... :D I hope you enjoy your days posting in the forum!

10-30-2011, 06:45 AM
Modest? I think not! You have a praise-worthy collection friend and you should be very proud. I collect for all 3 platforms (PC, PS3, 360) and I must say I understand your "PC only" stand. PC has the most to offer for collector's going as far back as the 70's. I love to collect BIG box PC games for old series' like Elder scrolls, Fallout and other RPG's. I've already got ALL PC big box editions for Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Deus Ex and a few others.

Is that nudie girl poster part of the Witcher 2 CE? If so, why didn't I get that game! Jesus...that is awesome!

10-30-2011, 06:56 AM
that is a nice witcher collection :) We could use some pictures of the Czech Collector's Edition if you have spare time :]

10-30-2011, 10:54 AM
Nice collection! You've got a pretty impressive one considering its hard to collect for your platform of choice in your country... :D I hope you enjoy your days posting in the forum!

Thank you! It's not too hard, but collecting for consoles is so much easier. (Availability after release, off-sale prices etc.) For example Bioshock 2 SE which I really want for a long time is still in stock at my favourite shop, but only for X360, and PS3 version was sold out only recently. In general, we have quite lot of e-shops, but don't have things like flee markets etc. My only sources are my favourite e-shop chain called Xzone and kind of local Ebay like auction portal. But it can't be compared to Ebay, Amazon etc. I've been finding here lots of games, but less CE's, even least PC CE's and
really few ones which I'm interested in. Few CE's I also obtained by Ebay, however there's another problem because not everyone is sending to Czech Republic.

Modest? I think not! You have a praise-worthy collection friend and you should be very proud. I collect for all 3 platforms (PC, PS3, 360) and I must say I understand your "PC only" stand. PC has the most to offer for collector's going as far back as the 70's. I love to collect BIG box PC games for old series' like Elder scrolls, Fallout and other RPG's. I've already got ALL PC big box editions for Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Deus Ex and a few others.

Is that nudie girl poster part of the Witcher 2 CE? If so, why didn't I get that game! Jesus...that is awesome!

You're man according to my taste! I want to obtain all big boxed games from Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights series also Planescape Torment. In Czech Republic, few years ago, was released really nice big boxed editions of BG II, IwD I & II with lot of extra stuff. However I missed them and now I'm trying to hunt them.

The poster of Triss Merigold (in Czech Triss Ranuncul) I won in the contest. There are I think 5 different versions of this poster, each with different pose. I really wanted one of them and was lucky enough to get exactly this one - it's my favourite. :1:

that is a nice witcher collection :) We could use some pictures of the Czech Collector's Edition if you have spare time :]

Of course I will gladly help. Just ask for anything. :)

10-30-2011, 11:17 AM
from time to time we have some small, but strictly limited editions to czech rep. from CZ eshops (like especially Xzone check this http://www.xzone.cz/skyrim-xzone-edice.php3 - maps, soundtrack, postcard and medailon from xzone), but if U want collect CE around the world, God bless e-bay or forum like this :D

10-30-2011, 11:28 AM
from time to time we have some small, but strictly limited editions to czech rep. from CZ eshops (like especially Xzone check this http://www.xzone.cz/skyrim-xzone-edice.php3 - maps, soundtrack, postcard and medailon from xzone), but if U want collect CE around the world, God bless e-bay or forum like this :D

Yep, this one I'm going to pick up as well. Love soundtrack (Jeremy Soule is absolutly gorgeous master-composer), but it's pitty that game won't be in steelbook or any special case. Still nice extra, because proper collector's edition (for PC) won't come to Czech Republic. :-/ However I must have artbook from Skyrim CE, it's top-notch quality and I love artbooks in general, soundtrack as well.

10-30-2011, 11:54 AM
Great collection dude :wave: :welcome:

10-30-2011, 12:00 PM
Great collection dude :wave: :welcome:

Thank you mate! Your God of War museum is also impressive! ;)

10-30-2011, 12:35 PM
Thank you mate! Your God of War museum is also impressive! ;)

:thankyou::thankyou::thankyou: Its only a simple collection not a museum :blush:

10-30-2011, 12:56 PM
Nice collection m8 and that poster looks very nice ;)

where you from in czech republic?
i come evry year in praha ( praag ) and brno ( i have find a nice gameshop in Praha but never have find one in Brno )

I know its very hard to find some good shops there for gaming in special for pc collectors

10-30-2011, 01:10 PM
Nice collection m8 and that poster looks very nice ;)

where you from in czech republic?
i come evry year in praha ( praag ) and brno ( i have find a nice gameshop in Praha but never have find one in Brno )

I know its very hard to find some good shops there for gaming in special for pc collectors

Thank you!

I live in a small town (about 30 000 inhabitors) in Silesian part of Czech Republic. Close to Opava and Ostrava. Brno is nice city. I have lot of schoolmates here, and family living about 15km away from Brno. I also have uncle and aunt in Netherlands, in Groningen (is it right?). :)

10-30-2011, 01:32 PM
Groningen is right thats a city in the top off the netherlands whit also some good gameshops :)

I live in Apeldoorn in the netherlands its a village with about 160.000 inhabitors

10-30-2011, 01:49 PM
Village with 160 000 inhabitors? :D :D Oh my, 160 000 inhabitors have some biggest Czech cities. :D

10-30-2011, 02:02 PM
yep Czech Republic is over populated country, every 2kilometers (miles) have village :D

10-30-2011, 03:38 PM
:drool:Oh wow.


That's quite an impressive collection mate!

And, that Heroes V chest...:drool::drool:

Very nice witcher collection too.

I think your situation is kinda paradoxal, because you say you don't get as much CE's in your country (and maybe east european countries in general), but, damn, when you do get some CE's, they make every foreign PC collector jealous!

(Call of Juarez, Dead Island, The Witcher polish/ czech CE + medallion + compass + figurines (:banghead:), that damn heroes V chest, and such a high amount of stuff i don't even know about...

It maybe me, but i have the impression that over the past few years east european countries slowly start to get some very, very nice PC CE's. And maybe i'm wrong, but i think it is because the pc market doesn't sink there as much as in other occidental countries.

Who know, maybe you will end up in a PC CE eldorado :D...

Or maybe i am entirely wrong :rotf:

Anyways, did you manage to get your bioshock 2 CE? Maybe we (I) can help you with this?

10-30-2011, 04:02 PM
:drool:Oh wow.


That's quite an impressive collection mate!

And, that Heroes V chest...:drool::drool:

Very nice witcher collection too.

I think your situation is kinda paradoxal, because you say you don't get as much CE's in your country (and maybe east european countries in general), but, damn, when you do get some CE's, they make every foreign PC collector jealous!

(Call of Juarez, Dead Island, The Witcher polish/ czech CE + medallion + compass + figurines (:banghead:), that damn heroes V chest, and such a high amount of stuff i don't even know about...

It maybe me, but i have the impression that over the past few years east european countries slowly start to get some very, very nice PC CE's. And maybe i'm wrong, but i think it is because the pc market doesn't sink there as much as in other occidental countries.

Who know, maybe you will end up in a PC CE eldorado :D...

Or maybe i am entirely wrong :rotf:

Anyways, did you manage to get your bioshock 2 CE? Maybe we (I) can help you with this?

I must correct you in one significant thing. Czech Republic is not count as East Europe. :) I know that historically, by languages etc. maybe, but we have lot of conversations about it at university and Czech Republic should be count as part of Middle or Middle-Eastern Europe. :D

I'm writing this for explanation of CE's situation. In Czech Republic, 90% times we have the same CE's like UK or regular EU versions. We don't have too much own CE's, but these days some CE's havent come to our country so certain retailers have trying to create some CE or bonus gifts as a compensation. That's example of Skyrim Xzone Limited Edition. In Poland or Russia situation is different. They have lots of own CE's, especially our Polish neighbours. Almost every their CE have t-shirt or something wereable and lot of useful stuff (pens, flashlights, multi-knifes....).

You're right that PC market here have really strong roots and tradition, but nowadays consoles are approaching really fast. I don't like it. :D Kidding, just want to say that I'm still 100% delighted with PC gaming and collecting. :)

About Bioshock 2 SE, thanks, I really appreciate help, but unfortunately I'm out of money because I have preordered lot of CE's (Skyrim Xzone Limited Edition, Batman Arkham City Collector's Edition, Assassin's Creed Revelations Collector's Edition and so on, but these 3 are enough for rest of the year.) :D Later I will for sure need help by picking Bioshock 2 SE. :)

10-30-2011, 04:02 PM
czech market is too small for distributors to make some extra CE editions (polland shops make/order own CE edition, but polland is large country with lot of customers, czech rep not :( )

xzone shop sell 1500pcs of deus ex 3 game (but I dont know if only for pc or console too) and mark this as GREAT succes!! in this situation U cant expect CE edition for all games, which deserved it :( :sad:

AndyTheCollector was faster :) and U forgot to mention DIABLO 3 CE´s :D

10-30-2011, 07:52 PM
Great collection Andreas! :D

10-30-2011, 07:59 PM
Great collection Andreas! :D

Thank you mate! :D ;)

10-31-2011, 01:10 PM
Thank you for all the explanations :)

I realize i was wrong in mixing Poland and Czech Republic. But i still find your exclusives amazing^^ The grass is always greener in the neighbour's garden ;) (simple translation of a french proverb, hope you understand it).

Narg, what do you mean about Diablo III CE?

Are you telling me that you do have an exclusive CE here?


10-31-2011, 02:27 PM
Narg, what do you mean about Diablo III CE?

Are you telling me that you do have an exclusive CE here?


no, AndyTheCollector just said, that He does not have money for all CE what He want (have preordered), but dont mentioned Diablo 3 too :D

btw newest things, who wants ?? :D
http://www.xzone.cz/assassins-creed-revelations.php3 (oficial UBIsoft products for Czech rep only - genuine leather / odhalení = revelations)

preorder only, price with game PC 46E, collector ed + this gift for 67E

10-31-2011, 04:52 PM
Thank you for all the explanations :)

I realize i was wrong in mixing Poland and Czech Republic. But i still find your exclusives amazing^^ The grass is always greener in the neighbour's garden ;) (simple translation of a french proverb, hope you understand it).

Narg, what do you mean about Diablo III CE?

Are you telling me that you do have an exclusive CE here?

Yes, I understand your proverb. :) Actually I've learned french for 4 years at grammar school, but don't examine me, please. :D
no, AndyTheCollector just said, that He does not have money for all CE what He want (have preordered), but dont mentioned Diablo 3 too :D

btw newest things, who wants ?? :D
http://www.xzone.cz/assassins-creed-revelations.php3 (oficial UBIsoft products for Czech rep only - genuine leather / odhalení = revelations)

preorder only, price with game PC 46E, collector ed + this gift for 67E

I just red email with notification about this exclusive present, it's really cool. Another purpose to be proud PC collector, because consolists will get only playing cards http://www.xzone.cz/assassins-creed-revelations-karty.php3(well made), but this bracelet is way more better I think. Only complain I have about inscription of Czech tranlastion of Revelations (Odhalení), they should inscript here only Assassin's Creed note. However it'S only detail. :)

10-31-2011, 06:34 PM
Damn!! I saw your The Witcher collection. Where did you get them from?? ever consider to sell it?? :D

10-31-2011, 06:51 PM
Damn!! I saw your The Witcher collection. Where did you get them from?? ever consider to sell it?? :D

I'm not willing to sell anything, sorry. ;)

My Witcher 1 Collector's Edition is Czech one, only Polish one is better (with more content). Witcher 2 Collector's Edition is a worldwide one. Triss Merigold poster is a contest price. Compass, medallion and comic book are Czech exclusives, figurine is Czech/Polish exclusive. :)

There were also chance to get some of following items (daggers, t-shirts, keychain knifes, hour-glasses etc.) by pre-ordering Witcher at Xzone shop . This year, at Witcher 2 launch party was contest for real Witcher's swords replicas. :)

10-31-2011, 06:54 PM
I envy you!! lol.. I never knew that the Witcher 1 got collector edition. Great stuffs though! ;)

10-31-2011, 07:07 PM
I envy you!! lol.. I never knew that the Witcher 1 got collector edition. Great stuffs though! ;)

Actually there were one American CE for Witcher 1, it's called Limited Edition and it's currently unavailable. http://www.amazon.com/Witcher-Limited-Large-Box-Pc/dp/B001RW79OA/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1320080739&sr=8-8

10-31-2011, 07:14 PM
I love your collection! As I told you in my thread, you have an incredible Witcher collection. Because of that, I hate you...just a little! :poke:

To complete that collection you should include hardcover Witcher novels. I think I saw some Witcher books, but couldn´t notice if they were hard of softcover.

10-31-2011, 07:22 PM
Actually there were one American CE for Witcher 1, it's called Limited Edition and it's currently unavailable. http://www.amazon.com/Witcher-Limited-Large-Box-Pc/dp/B001RW79OA/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1320080739&sr=8-8

wow.. thanks man!! I never knew they are exsisted in USA! lol..

10-31-2011, 08:02 PM
I love your collection! As I told you in my thread, you have an incredible Witcher collection. Because of that, I hate you...just a little! :poke:

To complete that collection you should include hardcover Witcher novels. I think I saw some Witcher books, but couldn´t notice if they were hard of softcover.

I currently have 5 paperback Witcher books (2 of them are short stories and 3 are novels). I'm still waiting for last two, which may come till the end of this year. It is 2011 reprinted edition of old paperback Witcher books - same format, just edited text and new frontcover artwork. Reprint of hardcover format will be done next year. I've looked few years for Witcher books, they were fastly sold out, impossible to get them. I'm really delighted with new reprint of Witcher saga. I will probably pick up also the whole hardcover Witcher books because there are a way more illustrations. Paperback format has only 1 illustration per chapter. :)

11-01-2011, 05:50 PM
Actually there were one American CE for Witcher 1, it's called Limited Edition and it's currently unavailable. http://www.amazon.com/Witcher-Limited-Large-Box-Pc/dp/B001RW79OA/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1320080739&sr=8-8

this must be some kind of individual import to usa and then sell it, becouse original Witcher 1 CE was release ONLY in Polland (its box size like Witcher 2, contains artbook, map, soundtrack, bonus dvd, guide book, the witcher story book, medailon, t-shirt, card game, posters, stickers and some leather bag (but I never see this ), Czech CE contain only t-shirt, bonus dvd, medailon, map, poster, witcher story but NOT contains full size artbook from Polland CE and for this reason have smaller box, then W2, but same cover.

Witcher 1 CE is, time to time, for sell at polish auctions servers, but for high price, I saw starting from 100usd high (plus U must count shipping heavy box about 20-50usd )

btw check this :) https://picasaweb.google.com/108010175836923697008/Zaklinac1CE and some sample of Witcher 2 CE (will be updated soon :)

11-01-2011, 08:13 PM
this must be some kind of individual import to usa and then sell it, becouse original Witcher 1 CE was release ONLY in Polland (its box size like Witcher 2, contains artbook, map, soundtrack, bonus dvd, guide book, the witcher story book, medailon, t-shirt, card game, posters, stickers and some leather bag (but I never see this ), Czech CE contain only t-shirt, bonus dvd, medailon, map, poster, witcher story but NOT contains full size artbook from Polland CE and for this reason have smaller box, then W2, but same cover.

Witcher 1 CE is, time to time, for sell at polish auctions servers, but for high price, I saw starting from 100usd high (plus U must count shipping heavy box about 20-50usd )

btw check this :) https://picasaweb.google.com/108010175836923697008/Zaklinac1CE and some sample of Witcher 2 CE (will be updated soon :)

There is an interesting list of CE/LE/EE (enhanced editions) released in each part of the world, allowing to see "who got what" :


Don't know if its 100% accurate though.

I actually have the french EE with physical content (one with digital content also exists), and am looking for the polish CE.

Saw one 1 month ago at allegro.pl, but infortunately i couldn't manage to subscribe to the site, and the seller didn't want to export.


11-01-2011, 09:00 PM
As I said, after Polish CE, Czech is the best one, but don't include artbook so there's a mistake on Wikipedia. :)

11-01-2011, 09:02 PM
yep, I check allegro.pl every day :D CE from Polland are the best! I have lot of PL CE´s in my collection from allegro, but shipping (and/or payment) is always problem :( only few user have paypal or are willing to ship out of Polland :(

11-11-2011, 02:36 PM
Finally my Skyrim Xzone Limited Edition (Czech exclusive) arrived few minutes ago!!


I really love this slipcase cover (same skin as CE artbook and manual) with inscripted Skyrim tittle and logo. I hope you can see it properly.

11-11-2011, 04:29 PM
Oh wow, it looks great.

Very nice addition Andy.

I am also wainting for my CE. I changed my credit card after preordering and forgot to update on amazon, so they retained the CE :D

11-11-2011, 08:52 PM
Oh wow, it looks great.

Very nice addition Andy.

I am also wainting for my CE. I changed my credit card after preordering and forgot to update on amazon, so they retained the CE :D

Thanks, it's really nice edition for a price of standard edition of the game. I'm playing Skyrim right now and I'm speechless. :) You will enjoy it a lot.

11-12-2011, 11:41 AM
I hate you :( All of you are playing Skyrim while I´m waiting for a phone call telling me "come for me Dovakhiin, I´m here waiting for you".

There was a problem with my CE but today I should have it!

Your exclusive edition is really cool, especially the necklace. I have the Oblivion one at least! The box seems to be special too, it´s not the common plastic case. The other cd must be the soundtrack sample with 4-5 tracks, no? And the best thing...special edition at the same price as the standar edition.

I´ll have my revenge, trust me! When every Skyrim goodie arrives at my home I´ll post it on my thread :P

If you are enjoying it, then I´ll enjoy too. And that´s good!

11-13-2011, 09:06 AM
Thanks my friend. You will enjoy it a LOT! It's really huge open world with tons of possibilities - the best of the best choice for me.

I'm looking forward to see your Skyrim goodies. I have feeling it will be something really special to make me jealous. :D ;)

11-25-2011, 03:21 PM
I was looking for this edition for a long time. Finally found NEW one on local e-auction for really cheap - about 8 Euro (conversion from Czech Crowns).

It's only game in thicker case, nice slipcase with silvery embossed Mass Effect logo and main attraction is beatiful thick tin case with Mass Effect themes. It is very limited and Czech exclusive (Xzone).


09-06-2012, 07:52 PM
It's been quite a while since last update of my collection here (university stuff/got involved in other activities etc. etc.) so here it is. I gained only few new editions and collectibles since then because I decided to pick up stuff from my most favourite series and universes only - must have(s). That move will save me lot of money and space too. Enough talk, let's show some photos.


And overall view. (As you can see I don't have too much storage space, but as I buy only selected editions it works quite well.)

Anyway, my humble collection to this date contains:
Alone in the Dark Limited Edition
Arcania Xzone Limited Edition (Czech exclusive)
Assassin's Creed Director's Cut Edition Steelbook + Altaïr figurine (Neca)
Assassin's Creed 2 White Edition
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Codex Edition + silver necklace and papercrafts(pre-order bonus)
Assassin's Creed Revelations Collector's Edition + leather bracelet (pre-order bonus)
Baldur's Gate Big Box Edition
Batman Arkham City Collector's Edition + projector keychain
Bioshock Collector's Edition + Little Sister figurine
Bioshock 2 Special Edition + Little Sister figurine (Bioshock 2 version)
Darksiders Hellbook Edition
Diablo 3 Collector's Edition + calendar (pre-order bonus)
Fable 3 Collector's Edition + Fable 3 puzzles (pre-order bonus)
Fallout 3 Collector's Edition
Far Cry 2 Collector's Edition
Heroes of Might and Magic 5 Collector's Edition (Czech exclusive)
Jade Empire Special Edition Steelbook
Machinarium Collector's Edition
Mass Effect Tin Case Edition (Czech exclusive)
Mass Effect 2 Collector's Edition
Might and Magic Heroes VI Collector's Edition + kenshi pewter figurine (pre-order bonus)
Prince of Persia Collector's Edition
Risen 2 Collector's Edition (Czech edition with keg) + Inquisitor Mendoza Ocular replica with Swarowski crystal (pre-order bonus for Risen 1)
Sacred 2 Collector's Edition
The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion Collector's Edition
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Xzone Limited Edition (Czech exclusive)
The Witcher Collector's Edition + compass and Geralt figurine
The Witcher Platinum Edition + medallion
The Witcher 2 Collector's Edition + 2 comic books
Trine 2 Collector's Edition
Two Worlds 2 Royal Edition
+ some regular editions of PC games


09-06-2012, 08:24 PM

I want your Heroes V CE and Heroes VI pewter SO BAD :D

Speaking about storage, i'd love to have your space as my actual room is so small i can't display anything. My entire collection is stored in a laundry with my clothes.... and that's why i haven't displayed my collection since i'm here.
/offtopic ;)

09-06-2012, 08:28 PM
just great andy!!!

09-06-2012, 08:41 PM
hmm panacek je znalec, Sapkowski, G. R. R. Martin, hmm :D :thumb:

09-06-2012, 10:35 PM

I want your Heroes V CE and Heroes VI pewter SO BAD :D

Speaking about storage, i'd love to have your space as my actual room is so small i can't display anything. My entire collection is stored in a laundry with my clothes.... and that's why i haven't displayed my collection since i'm here.
/offtopic ;)

Thank you! :) I think storage/space/display is alfa & omega for every types of collectors. I live with my parents and we have really big flat so my room is quite decent speaking about space but when I'll have my own dwelling I'd buy some kind of those heavy and roomy Ikea shelves. I'm pretty sure I'd put all of my collection on one big Ikea display/shelf unit. I love the one from Venner's Game Room introduction thread. :drool:

just great andy!!!

Thank you! :)

hmm panacek je znalec, Sapkowski, G. R. R. Martin, hmm :D :thumb:

Tak určitě. :D Pojďme mluvit anglicky. Books and fantasy literature especially are one of my biggest passions. The only negative thing about them is they're quite storage-demanding as well.

09-11-2012, 07:07 PM
Čau, další krajánek :) No hezká sbírka. In english: Nice collection! :)
Hope u get more of this amazing things

09-11-2012, 08:13 PM
Čau, další krajánek :) No hezká sbírka. In english: Nice collection! :)
Hope u get more of this amazing things

Thanks mate. ;) Now I'm insanely trying to get Borderlands 2 Ultimate Loot Chest on PC. I hesitated and now I probably won't get one. Can still find few console versions of ULC but none PC one. :( Hopefully someone will cancel his order!

Anyway I have pre-ordered AC 3 Freedom Edition from Playman Czech with their beatiful bear tooth pendant pre-order bonus gift. Check it out! ;)

09-11-2012, 08:22 PM
Sure, i love assassins creed. I have preordered freedom and join or die edition at the moment, both with that tooth, so maybe someone will want to trade. *pardin my english* ^_^

Odesláno z mého LG-P350 pomocí Tapatalk 2

10-13-2012, 03:35 PM
Just a little addition since last update: Borderlands 2 Ultimate Loot Chest & Dishonored Steelbook with gorgeous Dishonored tarot card deck


10-18-2012, 12:10 PM
Another pickup : Dragon Age 2 Signature Edition + really beatiful softcover Dragon Age 2 guide including little Dragon Age encyclopedia kind of.

11-23-2012, 05:41 PM
My Freedom Edition with bear tooth necklace finally arrived!

This is without a doubt one of very best CE's in terms of quality and artistic value of content. I have to put the Connor statue on my desk cause it's so stunning and well made! Journal and artcards are gorgeous too and steelbook is top-notch. I'm also quite impressed with quality and look of bear tooth necklace (Czech exclusive pre-order bonus). It's made of solid ceramic and it's nicely heavy too.

My only dissapointment is because my Freedom box is clearly damaged at the middle of bottom part from the front view. So it sucks in this case. Anyway I'm really delighted with this edition and hopefully after installation will be pleased with game too. :)

11-23-2012, 07:07 PM
Nice pic :)
I need to charge cam to take some pics too :)

11-23-2012, 08:59 PM
Where is the dishonored steel book from?
I want one

11-23-2012, 09:18 PM
Where is the dishonored steel book from?
I want one

It was pre-order bonus from one Czech gameshop (Xzone) and was quickly sold out. :)

11-23-2012, 09:23 PM
Damn I can only find the one with die maske des zorns written under dishonpred and I have no idea what that means

11-23-2012, 09:30 PM
It means "the mask of anger" - it's the Dishonored tagline in Germany.

It's written on a Gamescom bag I got this year too xx

12-08-2012, 09:59 PM
Won this beatiful t-shirt in competition. :)

12-08-2012, 10:21 PM
Yep, its really cool!
Where do ya won it? On our site? weareassassins? :D
Yep, and...Do ya know Majko? Just question :D

12-08-2012, 10:40 PM
I participated in lot of rounds of Playman Facebook competition and just succesfully won in the last one. So finally quite a luck! :D

And no, I don't know Majko.

12-08-2012, 10:58 PM
Ah, okay, because there were one guy called AndyCZE..
I was in every Playmans round, but I didnt won anything.

12-09-2012, 10:57 AM
t-shirt is beautifull, and your collection awesome!

12-09-2012, 11:48 AM
t-shirt is beautifull, and your collection awesome!

Thanks a lot mate! :)

12-09-2012, 12:42 PM
I got one of them t shirts from a charity auction in UK only 9.50 gbp

03-07-2013, 04:07 PM
Just a tiny (but quite unique) little addition to my collection.
It's replica of Grand Temple Key - one of Pieces of Eden from AC3, made by kind of resin. Maybe in near future I will have a chance to get Apple of Eden and AC3tomahawk in this execution.


03-07-2013, 05:14 PM
WoW, nice! Where did you get it?

03-07-2013, 05:51 PM
Just checked Aukro as usual and accidentally found this. :) I also have contact on this Slovak guy (who make those things) to offer me some new goodies in future. :)

03-07-2013, 07:22 PM
Last time I checked aukro I accidently found GoW ultimate edition :D This is very cool! Its from kyklop dynamics or how they are called? They made also these masyaf keys etc.

03-26-2013, 01:51 PM
My beloved Bioshock just arrived. I keep it sealed for now because I really have to fight with temptation and do not install the game - I have only 3 weeks to complete my bachelor thesis and there's still lot to do with it. But I want to check if everything is here and in good shape/condition so will probably open edition but not the game case.


03-26-2013, 01:54 PM
Amazing steelie :) Will get it too I hope :)

03-26-2013, 08:48 PM
Just took a quick photo of overall view on my modest collection. I really need new shelves and more space (general collector's problem :D ).
Closer look here: http://imageshack.us/f/845/20130326194359.jpg/

03-26-2013, 08:56 PM
Awesome collection man!

03-26-2013, 09:28 PM
Awesome collection man!

Thanks mate. :)

03-26-2013, 09:36 PM
Great collection :D

Really like the AC and Borderlands stuff

I may have a weakness for those franchises :haha:

03-26-2013, 09:38 PM
Is well as I do :D

03-26-2013, 10:52 PM
Great collection :D

Really like the AC and Borderlands stuff

I may have a weakness for those franchises :haha:

Thank you, dude! :)

Borderlands and AC are both on my favourite gaming universes list. Not the best of all time for me but hell yeah! I'll maybe get blue Claptrap figurine soon - got to love this nasty lil' robo-dude. :D

03-26-2013, 10:55 PM
He's awesome. Im looking forward to a jakobs one. I dont have any Borderlands CE tho :( Mother wont let me....Do you have the blue one preordered from somewhere in cz? Seems that only psycho bandits are in stock.

Sent from my P350 Cyanogenmod 7 using Tapatalk

03-26-2013, 11:12 PM
He's awesome. Im looking forward to a jakobs one. I dont have any Borderlands CE tho :( Mother wont let me....Do you have the blue one preordered from somewhere in cz? Seems that only psycho bandits are in stock.

Sent from my P350 Cyanogenmod 7 using Tapatalk

First Borderlands didn't have CE I think. I will probably go for Game of the Year Edition in Best Games Edition - doesn't look bad at all and they're quite cheap now.

Try this figurines shop : http://www.fategate.com/obchod/i/6241-borderlands-claptrap-blu14

03-26-2013, 11:22 PM
I know, I have only digital goty. The map is sweet :)

Sent from my P350 Cyanogenmod 7 using Tapatalk

04-01-2013, 06:09 PM
My awesome girlfriend did really early birthday to me today - Inside HBO's Game of Thrones Collector's Edition.
Product Features:
- An exquisite foil-stamped clamshell case
- Inside HBO's Game of Thrones: Hardcover, 192 pages, fully illustrated with padded case and foil stamping
- The Storyboards: hardcover, 192 pages, fully illustrated with emboss and ribbon marker
- Two 11 x 22 inch scrolled color maps printed on archival, acid-free paper
The book on the right is probably the best one I've hold in my hands. High quality made, pleasure to touch it.

04-02-2013, 04:57 AM
Geez... Where did you get that game of thrones CE? Never seen it b4... Amazing stuff you got there btw! Two thumbs up specially for the witcher and heroes collection!

04-02-2013, 07:06 AM
wow nice...

04-02-2013, 09:13 AM
Geez... Where did you get that game of thrones CE? Never seen it b4... Amazing stuff you got there btw! Two thumbs up specially for the witcher and heroes collection!

My gf got it from local kind of Ebay site for 90$ with postage. It's quite new - from November 2012 and was really expensive since (nearly 150$ I think ) but it seems the cost go rapidly down. Just check Amazon or so. :)

Thanks, I love Witcher universe and really can't wait to see CE for Witcher 3! :thumb:

04-02-2013, 09:14 AM
wow nice...

Thanks mate. :)

04-02-2013, 09:32 AM
This is a fantastic edition indeed!

Amazon uk had it for around 20-25 pounds not long ago.

04-02-2013, 09:48 AM
This is a fantastic edition indeed!

Amazon uk had it for around 20-25 pounds not long ago.

Yeah, it is. My only complaint is that the gold leaf on the main book I received was poorly done. About 1/3 of the pages were stuck together and required me to go through each page to peel them apart. This left a noticeable mark at the bottom of every of these pages and 2 of them I quite damaged. :(

04-02-2013, 09:52 AM
I'm sorry man. :(

04-02-2013, 03:38 PM
I'm sorry man. :(

I have quite bad luck about these things. My Batman : Arkham City CE box has little bit stripped artwork inside, my Bioshock Big Daddy figurine has broken top of the drill and box is considerably damaged, my Botanicula digipack is completely broken because of stupid postman etc. I really hate encounters with these cases! :(

04-15-2013, 11:37 AM
My Bioshock package just arrived. So pleased with it! :) It's basically the whole PK content except of the Booker wooden chest, key and 2 small pins. However in addition I have quite big and beatiful Boys of Silence figurine, really nicely made thick cloth bag, another Murder of Crows keychain and lanyard. :)

04-15-2013, 12:56 PM
Swag man ! :D Awesome!

Sent from my P350 Cyanogenmod 7 using Tapatalk

04-15-2013, 02:03 PM
Stunning update. Could you take a few photos of the book? I wonder what's inside.

04-15-2013, 02:25 PM
Thanks mates! That little brochure is just kind of retro style manual introducing game and its specific features. :) Here you can have a look on it : http://www.damonx.com/unboxing-press-kit-de-bioshock-infinite/ or http://www.mrseb.fr/unboxing-deballage-du-press-kit-de-bioshock-infinite/. ;)

04-15-2013, 03:05 PM
You were not lying! Awesome update!


04-15-2013, 03:15 PM
You were not lying! Awesome update!


Thank you. I'm really glad for this loot. :) Anyway, I'm still missing some Bioshock goodies I would love to have - Songbird statue, Art of Bioshock and the key from CE Strategy Guide. Will hunt for these. :)

04-15-2013, 04:09 PM
What a surprise!!! How did you get the materials without the box? :o :notworthy:

04-15-2013, 04:14 PM
I don't know, I found contact on one local seller who had all of this but without the wooden chest and pins. Still glad to have these goodies, however hunt continues. :D

04-15-2013, 04:34 PM
Hehe, maybe the seller still has the box. Good luck on your hunt! :v:

04-15-2013, 07:13 PM
Hehe, maybe the seller still has the box. Good luck on your hunt! :v:

Yes... this is what most likely happened, the seller liked the box and kept it. Same thing happened to me with the cloth Comstock :(

04-19-2013, 03:52 AM
What a surprise!!! How did you get the materials without the box? :o :notworthy:

I just noticed, the pins and the key are not there as well... so someone down the line kept the pins, the key, and the box (and the envelope but that is not too important). Still awesome stuff to have though.

Have you seen the Black Golf Leaf Bioshock Infinite Notebook that comes with the other Press Kit Andy (you have the lanyard from the other kit I see there)?


04-19-2013, 04:07 PM
The seller didn't have the box and pins. He still has only the key and he will sell it to me after he receive his Collector's Edition Guide. :)

This notebook is really nice, but I think I already saw one. :)

04-19-2013, 06:36 PM
As a temporary fix until you get the real box, you could buy this from Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/listing/128539329/bioshock-infinte-bookers-box-plaqueplate

And this box from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004W0I1CI/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

04-19-2013, 06:38 PM
As a temporary fix until you get the real box, you could buy this from Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/listing/128539329/bioshock-infinte-bookers-box-plaqueplate

And this box from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004W0I1CI/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

That's a pretty cool find and cheap even though it's fan art

04-19-2013, 06:40 PM
Wow, thanks for the advice! That replica look good though its "only" plastic.

04-19-2013, 07:22 PM
As a temporary fix until you get the real box, you could buy this from Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/listing/128539329/bioshock-infinte-bookers-box-plaqueplate

And this box from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004W0I1CI/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Nice find garfep!

For a homemade replica that is not half bad, I might get one.

EDIT: after looking at it more I think it might JUST be the plate you are getting and not the box.

04-19-2013, 09:33 PM
EDIT: after looking at it more I think it might JUST be the plate you are getting and not the box.

It is, yeah. That's why I linked to the box too. :)

04-19-2013, 09:42 PM
Oh I see... I misunderstood then.

That box linked is only the size of 2 decks of cards so I don't think his items would fit in it.

But there probably is a box out there that would be close the original.