View Full Version : Sonic generations steelbook australia
11-28-2011, 09:03 PM
i received 2 sonic generations steelbooks today via JBHiFi and MightyApe which are Australia exclusive steelbooks...both steelbooks are exactly the same...but..the JbHiFi one came SEALED,..while the MightyApe came UNSEALED...just thought i'd let people know if your interested,..there only G1 size..but there NOT stickerbooks..but actual steelbooks...if you look at can see a picture of the sonic steelbook if you search sonic generations and click on "bonus" item.
11-28-2011, 09:40 PM
Are you selling one of them? xx
11-28-2011, 09:56 PM
i'm afraid not vhal, because i had to pay crazy pricing for the game, which i end up having multiple copies, since that was the only way to get the steelbook...if i did sell in the future, i'm afraid it would'nt be a friendly price, because my cost alone to secure each steelbook was well over US $100 because first i had to pay ridiculous australian pricing, then i had to purchase the so-called limited edition one with some DLC for additional costs, and then because i was'nt sure how limited they were, i prepaid full i see there STILL AVAILABLE on mightyape with purchase of game, and just the normal game, where i had to buy the one with the you still can buy it for fair price off of mightyape...i'm afraid..anything less than $100 for it, i would be losing money, as the sonic game is irrelavent as i can buy it locally on sale for US$30 right now, and i was forced to pay over $100 (shipping/forex) i can get the steelbook since it's aussie exclusive..
11-28-2011, 10:00 PM
It is not exclusive from Australia in Spain also exists
11-28-2011, 10:03 PM
wow javius..i had NO idea!!!..can you please share some more information with us about that? it the same design?..where can we see a pic? one mentioned it before, i thought australia was our only choice.
11-28-2011, 10:13 PM
you've just spent a bomb. :(
11-28-2011, 11:09 PM
you've just spent a bomb. :(
AU$100 is normal for a videogame in Australia. But since the AUD has slightly surpassed the USD in value, it's very expensive from an importer's perspective.
11-29-2011, 12:13 AM
wow javius..i had NO idea!!!..can you please share some more information with us about that? it the same design?..where can we see a pic? one mentioned it before, i thought australia was our only choice.
In Spain give such as preorder in Game
I put a pic
11-29-2011, 01:53 AM
AU$100 is normal for a videogame in Australia. But since the AUD has slightly surpassed the USD in value, it's very expensive from an importer's perspective.
i know, that's why i posted it's expensive.
11-29-2011, 05:40 AM
yea, that's the one i have...i was forced to pay australian stupid prices, in order to secure my steelbook as i did'nt know i could get it anywhere else, as at the time, the board members said it was an australian exclusive.
11-29-2011, 05:42 AM
by the way, nice picture actually looks BETTER in pics.hahahaha..then it actually is,..the blue is a few shades darker, then the way it came out in Javius pictures.
12-31-2011, 08:50 AM
this seller based in spain has 3 steelbooks available for euro 49.99 each with NO game included but ships worldwide, unfortunately from personal experience, i believe JB HIFI AUSTRALIA was the ONLY retailer which handed out the bonuses this spain based seller appears to be selling unsealed but new sonic steelbooks
12-31-2011, 09:52 AM
i believe JB HIFI AUSTRALIA was the ONLY retailer which handed out the bonuses SEALED.
That's not true, I got mine from GAME here in Australia as a pre-order bonus I wasn't expecting, got it along with a Sonic hat. The steelbook is sealed too.
12-31-2011, 11:08 AM
this seller based in spain has 3 steelbooks available for euro 49.99 each with NO game included but ships worldwide, unfortunately from personal experience, i believe JB HIFI AUSTRALIA was the ONLY retailer which handed out the bonuses this spain based seller appears to be selling unsealed but new sonic steelbooks
Im Spanish and in Spain give the steelbook for pre ordered the game, but all steelbooks are unsealed
01-01-2012, 07:48 AM
well..i wish that when people find about these nice little surprises, such as the availability of SEALED SONIC steelbooks at GAME, :) they would share the news with fellow members, so we can ask our friends who are willing to accomodate and act as forwarders for assistance acquiring these a lot of people are sharing this information well AFTER THE FACT, even though they KNEW ALL for instance, in the GAME situation it was a surprise, but in other instances, it was advertised, and people knew yet waited and waited and waited till they said something, i'm not picking on anybody here, just that i thought we could all mutually benefit, if we all shared what we knew,as soon as possible, instead of a casual mention weeks later, for instance one member KNEW the JB one's were sealed, because they asked around prior to release, and this person KNEW the MightyApe ones were not, but failed to mentjon it, while this member EXCLUSIVELY ordered 3 for themselves, 2 to keep, one for a friend from JB, but intentionally avoided and did not order any from mightyape because they knew mightyape was unsealed, but kept quiet...but why?.i ask?..i mean?..said person already had completed his order, would it have really hurt just to mention it, like "hey guys and gals, go for the JB one's there sealed" is that difficult?.same thing happened with Uncharted 3 explorer edition, a member found a spot in eastern europe that still had inventory and in stock weeks after the initial run/sell out, since it ended up being a late delivery from the warehouse to the store for some logistic reason, this person picked up 2 for themeselves, admitted they saw about "10" more left there, but informed me in a casual mention some 2 weeks after the fact, ending the conversation with, "i told my flat mates, about it and i think there all gone now," they snapped up the remaining 10 for i hope in 2012, everybody does a better job looking out for one another,..happy new year!!!.hahahaha..;)
01-06-2012, 02:03 AM
I'm lucky enough to have snatched a sealed copy for free.
I believe they were giving this away in Australia for no reason.
A friend of mine managed to pick 4 or 5, and we were in the middle of a trade. I've asked for a copy and he gave it away.
Too bad it's G1 :(
01-06-2012, 09:21 AM
I really want one of these :( xx
01-07-2012, 06:41 AM
i wish people were more forthcoming on this forum, exactly as to when and where they got these from, especially since it appears in some places they were available sealed and in abundance, granted i have one "mint" one, but that's because i read on-line in this forum that JB was the source, and for the longest time it appeared on these forums that JB was the ONLY source and once they sold out, that was it, now all of a sudden everybody comes out of the woodwork saying how they found them at another half a dozen retailers in new mint sealed condition and they were handing them out like candy, and it's like, where was everybody when i paid over $120 for the game purchase,just to get one?..when other places had it available for less expensive?..and more readily available copies, just a little frustrated thats all..if someone knows of or has available sealed mint copies for sale, please do share the information, thank you.
01-07-2012, 02:03 PM
Sorry and I'm sure its not just me but I find the people here extremely helpful and you have done 3 huge rants. I am getting a little bit annoyed because your just having a go just because you can't get something. I amount of times I have missed out on these items because I don't the money. I don't complain about it though I am quite happy with what collector items I do have. So please stop having a go at these who I'm sure are doing ther'ye best to help people.
01-07-2012, 07:16 PM
i live in a free country, i'll continue to say whatever i want to say, sorry it offends you "pielord"
01-07-2012, 08:04 PM
I'm pretty dam sure you are the rudest person in these forums.
01-08-2012, 02:20 AM
lol.. calm down either way i get twisted's points but understand pielord... end of the day if people can help they USUALLY will. Either way would be nice to get one of these
01-08-2012, 03:19 AM
Like I said I had no idea I was going to receive a steelbook with my order from GAME as it wasn't mentioned ANYWHERE on their site (only the bonus Sonic hat), whether I only got one because I bought the CE I don't know. Maybe they only got a handful of them and gave them out randomly, I don't know.
I didn't bother mentioning it sooner because AFAIK this was a preorder bonus that wasn't advertised and maybe I was just blessed that I got one. Once the game is released and then word gets out about the steelbook it's after the fact and nobody would've been able to get one anyway because the game hadn't been preordered. If you get what I mean.
Twisted, I understand your frustration and how you might feel, but no need to go off the deep end. I'm sure everybody got the message the first time. <_<
01-08-2012, 10:41 PM
The Steelbook was advertised as a Jb Hi-fi exclusive, that is the official information given by the the retailer. No other retailer promoted the steelbook. So we all though this was true, I mean why wouldn't we.
We can only go by the information we are given or find, everything indicated it was Jb HI-FI who were the sole retailer with the rights to sell the the steelbook.
The information regarding the other retailers getting the steelbook , only came out after or during the release day. Once again this was from fellow collectors and not officially from the other retailers.
Even the members from dedicated Sonic Fan site got caught out by this release and they tend to know first on everything sonic.
01-22-2012, 09:38 PM
I have some of them for trading, I listen offers of your steelbooks to trade...
Kind regards!!!
04-08-2012, 11:12 PM
Are these still available?
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