View Full Version : Anyone help get BioHazard: Revelations (e-capcom) Limited Edition ??

12-13-2011, 08:32 AM
Want To Buy BioHazard: Revelations (e-capcom) Limited Edition Japan Exclusive
Title: BioHazard: Revelations (e-capcom) Limited Edition
Platform: 3DS
region: Japan
Condition: (Sealed, new, used,etc) New, Sealed
Link to DB Entry: (if exists) http://collectorsedition.org/game-db/biohazard-revelations-e-capcom-limited-edition-3ds-japan

Is anyone in Japan able to order this for me? It's still on sale at the site, if my translator is correct... Thank you!

It's located here : http://www.e-capcom.com/ec/srDispProductDetailCsLink/doColorSizeLink/1/3/A10003296/10/10/srDispProductDetail/1

12-13-2011, 12:07 PM

Please allow a sudden connection.
I am a Japanese called Jiu Shimano.
Since gurpswoo1 san had you trust it by purchasing my goods by ebay the other day, I was invited to this site.
He was requested to support people who I have little information of Japan and are troubled by me.
Please hear anything, if some may be able to be helped to me.
I am also glad if you are supportable.

12-13-2011, 12:50 PM
I can vouch for ShimajiJAPAN, one of the best sellers I have ever dealt with.

12-14-2011, 02:45 AM
Arigatougozaimasu (thank you)
I appreciate that he was able to become acquainted with gurpswoo1 san!