01-21-2012, 01:09 PM
Want To Buy
Title: Saints row 2 CE, SR2 steelbook, skyrim related items etc
Platform: any
region: any
Condition: (Sealed, new, used,etc) new or sealed
Link to DB Entry: (if exists)
Luv these two series of game and looking to collect anything related to it, anyone selling anything related to saints row or skyrim pls tell me
Thks alot and u have to mail to Singapore ^_^
Title: Saints row 2 CE, SR2 steelbook, skyrim related items etc
Platform: any
region: any
Condition: (Sealed, new, used,etc) new or sealed
Link to DB Entry: (if exists)
Luv these two series of game and looking to collect anything related to it, anyone selling anything related to saints row or skyrim pls tell me
Thks alot and u have to mail to Singapore ^_^