View Full Version : Prototype 2 Collection Steelbook (PS3 and XBOX 360)
01-27-2012, 04:58 PM
Another awesome looking PS3/360 steel :nosleep:
Released April 24th.
Link: Protoype 2 PS3 Steelbook ( 1en02)
01-27-2012, 05:20 PM
very nice Steelbook, I just saw that too =)
01-27-2012, 05:22 PM
indeed, this is a beauty!
Thanks Jugo in advance :)
01-27-2012, 05:36 PM
2 different listings as well, one for the 360 and one for the PS3.
One can only hope that it means G1 and G2 but who knows :shrug:
01-27-2012, 05:37 PM
it does come in G1 and G2 =)
01-27-2012, 06:15 PM
it does come in G1 and G2 =)
Awesome :bananayes:
Oh and hey my fellow Canadian :wave:
01-27-2012, 07:40 PM
As long as one of you guys hook me up i'd really appreciate it!!! (biscuitnoir and jugo).
01-27-2012, 08:04 PM
As long as one of you guys hook me up i'd really appreciate it!!! (biscuitnoir and jugo).
Sure, no problem :)
01-30-2012, 10:51 AM
01-31-2012, 12:17 AM
i'm going to wait until I see inside artwork. So far, so good.
J Rokk
02-13-2012, 07:12 AM
Outside looks very, very promising. Hopefully the inside will be just as pleasing on the eye as well.
02-18-2012, 08:56 PM
I just hope it's G2(PS3) ,I just can't stand G1 steelbook cases ,I have a few but idk ,they look ugly next to my bluray sized steelbook
02-18-2012, 09:06 PM
I just hope it's G2(PS3) ,I just can't stand G1 steelbook cases ,I have a few but idk ,they look ugly next to my bluray sized steelbook
Then maybe you should consider sticking to movie Steelbooks, since G1 size rules the video game steelbook world...
I mean, besides MORE Steel, MORE artwork space, and MORE exclusives/variety of games...why would anyone want G1 over G2 for video game steelbooks? :lmao:
02-18-2012, 09:30 PM
Then maybe you should consider sticking to movie Steelbooks, since G1 size rules the video game steelbook world...
I mean, besides MORE Steel, MORE artwork space, and MORE exclusives/variety of games...why would anyone want G1 over G2 for video game steelbooks? :lmao:
Well for Xbox 360 owners, their game cases will be G1 sizes so G2 will look silly.
Secondly, game instruction booklets, internal artwork and alot of DLC cards are sized for G1 sized game case.
02-18-2012, 09:35 PM
Well for Xbox 360 owners, their game cases will be G1 sizes so G2 will look silly.
Secondly, game instruction booklets, internal artwork and alot of DLC cards are sized for G1 sized game case.
Yes, that's exactly why I was saying that G1 was the better size for video game Steelbooks...:v:
02-18-2012, 09:39 PM
Oh you were being sarcastic :)
02-19-2012, 05:15 AM
Then maybe you should consider sticking to movie Steelbooks, since G1 size rules the video game steelbook world...
I mean, besides MORE Steel, MORE artwork space, and MORE exclusives/variety of games...why would anyone want G1 over G2 for video game steelbooks? :lmao:
Hmm looks like a topic for debate :)
For myself I only have PS3 so personally I don't care much for G1. G2 all the way! If the PS3 version comes with only G1 then I'll take it but if there's a G2 variant then that's the way to go for me.
And from experience collecting for PS3, G2 are way more rare. There are rare G1 but sadly most of them are stickerbooks. Not sure about Xbox/PC :barsong:
02-19-2012, 05:56 AM
Hmm looks like a topic for debate :)
For myself I only have PS3 so personally I don't care much for G1. G2 all the way! If the PS3 version comes with only G1 then I'll take it but if there's a G2 variant then that's the way to go for me.
And from experience collecting for PS3, G2 are way more rare. There are rare G1 but sadly most of them are stickerbooks. Not sure about Xbox/PC :barsong:
Challenge accepted!!!
Started a friendly debate thread. :beer:
02-19-2012, 06:12 AM
Hmm looks like a topic for debate :)
For myself I only have PS3 so personally I don't care much for G1. G2 all the way! If the PS3 version comes with only G1 then I'll take it but if there's a G2 variant then that's the way to go for me.
And from experience collecting for PS3, G2 are way more rare. There are rare G1 but sadly most of them are stickerbooks. Not sure about Xbox/PC :barsong:
Yeah, that's my angle too...annoyingly there is way too much G1 favouritism (which i can understand) but yeah i've been forced to succumb alot lately :blackeye:
Im beginning to feel like an Xbox collector with all these G1's wtf
02-19-2012, 06:24 AM
Yeah, that's my angle too...annoyingly there is way too much G1 favouritism (which i can understand) but yeah i've been forced to succumb alot lately :blackeye:
Im beginning to feel like an Xbox collector with all these G1's wtf
I respectfully disagree....
As a G1 collector, I feel like there is wayyyy too much G2 favoritism only because it is a blu-ray sized case. Every time a video game Steelbook releases, every thread has G2 collectors going "G1 only?!?! Aww man!" "G1 only? Forget it, not getting." "G1 only? That sucks." "Eww, G1 only....too bad it's G1 only..." and so on and so on.
We should probably move this talk to the G1 vs. G2 debate thread.
02-24-2012, 04:28 PM
Found this while browsing the Gamestop italy page.
Looks like they are getting steelbook with DLC aswell, presume it will be different to Futureshop but no idea really.
03-11-2012, 03:54 AM
Looks like Best Buy in the US will be offering this steelbook as well. It says gift with purchase but has a price of $4.99 listed. I'm not sure if this is a pre-order and available before the game's release like the Assassin's Creed III or if it will be given to you along with the game. I ordered one for store pickup.
03-11-2012, 06:19 PM
are the stores actually stocking these or do we have to wait for the game's release?
03-11-2012, 06:28 PM
According to a source at the bluray forum, the Steelbook will be avaialble upon pickup of the game.
03-12-2012, 03:25 AM
I pre ordered 2 for in store pick up but may switch to shipping so they don't make me buy the game.
They look very sweet.
03-12-2012, 04:26 PM
did these sell out already? I can't find it listed on anymore.
03-12-2012, 04:29 PM
The free poster and Steelbook offer is still there.
"Free Poster and Steelbook Case
when you buy Prototype 2 for Xbox 360 or PS3."
I just searched "Prototype" on the search bar.
03-12-2012, 04:49 PM
ahh, I was looking on the item page...
03-12-2012, 06:22 PM
In Spanish Gamestop give a steelbook
Put an image
03-12-2012, 06:23 PM
That is a very nice Steelbook too!
03-12-2012, 10:56 PM
I think he means this 9+-+Xbox+360/4834421.p?skuId=4834421&productCategoryId=pcmcat50300050014&id=1218540195534&AID=10597222&PID=1312731& e%2B2%2BSteelbook%2BCase%2B%2528Gift%2Bwith%2BPurc hase%2529%2B-%2BXbox%2B360%2F4834421.p%3FskuId%3D4834421%26prod uctCategoryId%3Dpcmcat50300050014%26id%3D121854019 5534&ref=39&CJPID=1312731&loc=01
This is for the 360, got the link from CAG.
I ordered 4, so for In store and 2 to ship.
Will see if I need to buy the game or not.
03-15-2012, 12:22 PM
In Spain there will be two different steelbooks...
One is the same as posted here of futureshop and bestbuy (no notice yet here about G1 or G2 size), and the other is a Gamestop exclusive, and it's like this:
No picture by now of the backside, but indeed it looks damn my reserves... :taunt:
03-15-2012, 04:36 PM
Wow I think i like the spanish one more.
04-06-2012, 09:20 AM
very nice
04-06-2012, 10:04 AM
Can someone help me and anyone else in preordering?
cuz i dont live in spain...
04-06-2012, 04:10 PM
I'd be interested in a Spain pre order as well....
04-25-2012, 02:07 AM
Picked up a few copies today :)
G2 and sealed, Future Shop showing us some love!
And I'll pick up the free figurines tomorrow as well. They look like this:
Thanks to ran94 for the Heller figurine picture :)
04-26-2012, 01:23 PM
I'd be interested in a Spain pre order as well....
Sadly the Spanish preorder is the as this ones shown, and much badly...
They do not come sealed, and there's only G1 size...
Have to look in other retalier if the steel si different...
I think there will be 2 different ones here, but have had no time to go the shop and ask for it...
Will keep informed if there's any other version...
The advertisment I posted is wrong on the front picture...
04-28-2012, 06:49 AM
So there's a Prototype 2 figure as well? That will be a nice addition to my collection. It looks a bit cheap though, I'm guessing it's not from NECA like the Alex Mercer one?
04-28-2012, 07:21 PM
The Spanish one looks better but...I prefer a g2 size. =/
Spanish one is definitely only g1??
04-28-2012, 11:08 PM
If the Spanish one is like the french one, then yes, G1 only.
I have a few here if anybody's interested.
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