View Full Version : The G1 vs. G2 Debate Thread - Keep it friendly!!!
02-19-2012, 05:54 AM
I thought i'd start a new thread to see what people's preferences are when it comes to collecting video game Steelbooks - do you prefer G1 or G2 video game Steelbooks? Or do you not care at all if you like the game or like the artwork regardless of the size?
For me personally, I own a PS3, a 360 and a gaming PC - naturally, i am a pc gamer first, so I chose G1 (PC gaming FTW!!!). :bananayes:
Pros of G1 video game Steelbooks:
- Much larger library of video game Steelbooks. I would say that of all the video game Steelbooks ever released, roughly only around 20-25% of them have a G2 release/version.
- More Steel. Self-explanatory; you get more Steel for you buck!
- More artwork/artwork space. Goes with the above. When you compare G1 vs G2 Steelbooks, some G1 steels have a tad bit more space to extend the artwork and design.
- More exclusives/rares. Although a large chunk of G1 Steelbook exclusives are stickerbook variants, those are still rare from a collector's perspective, as they are still official Steelbooks. The only rare G2s are arguably Mirror's Edge and NFS Undercover - and those are rare due to the fact that there were so few ever produced - they just happened to be G2. There are also a lot of older titles for PC (and some for XBox), for example, that are VERY hard to track down since they were from an era when video game Steelbook collecting didn't even really exist.
Cons of G1 video game Steelbooks:
- G1s are, obviously, "Generation 1" size - meaning that they are supposed to be for the DVD era, whereas G2 is the standard case size for the more recent blu-ray standard. Some people see this as a con, but honestly, with so many G1 steels given out for multi-platform releases, I feel like when it comes to video game Steelbooks, G1 vs. G2 is irrelevant, unless you only have a PS3. The number of PC and XBox gamers outweighs that of gamers that ONLY play on a PS3.
- It is much, much more expensive to collect G1s. Any video game release that has a Steelbook has a G1 release unless it is a PS3 exclusive (even Wii games release in G1), not to mention, international variants will usually only come in G1. This makes G1 collecting a very, very expensive hobby compared to G2 video game Steelbooks.
Pros of G2 video game Steelbooks:
- G2 is the "Generation 2" standard, meaning that it is consistent with today's blu-ray video case size. If you already collect movie Steelbooks or only play on a PS3, it makes perfect sense that G2 would be the way to go.
- G2 is smaller? I don't really know if this is a con...maybe some people like less steel and less artwork?
Cons of G2 video game Steelbooks:
- Limited number of video game Steelbook releases. G2 lacks around 75% of the overall video game Steelbook landscape.
- Much smaller number of exclusives and rares. Aside from Mirror's Edge and NFS Undercover, most of the Steelbooks that release today usually will come out as G1 only, and not G2 only.
- Less Steel.
- Less artwork/artwork space.
So, what are you guys' thoughts?
Remember, the above is solely my opinion - in the end, what really matters to me are the unique designs of each Steelbook, and given that G1 has more Steel, artwork space and a larger library, that is why I opted to go that route. Even stickerbooks in G1 size are extremely valuable to a collector since they are both limited in number and sometimes very difficult to obtain.
There are of course those few who collect BOTH sizes just cause they can afford to and because they don't care about the size - and that's awesome! :bananayes:
I have much respect for my fellow G2-only video game Steelbook collectors but I have to say that G1 rules the video game Steelbook world!!!
And with that, i will leave you guys with pics of my personal G1 collection (In the process of buying another shelf since i have about 5 more that i could not fit lol). :barsong:
02-19-2012, 07:27 AM
Hehe this thread is a great idea! And yeah I agree that we should keep this friendly since we're all friends here :beer:
I've mentioned before I only collect for PS3 so G2 are my preferred size. If the PS3 version comes with only G1 then yes I would collect those as well. But personally, I don't care that much for G1. Nice to have but not a high priority.
Now for my comparison,
Size of library:
G1 - Bigger since G1 spans multiple platforms and 2 generations of consoles
G2 - PS3 only so less titles
G1 - Uses more material. Slightly bigger artwork/background
G2 - Main artwork is the same. Not a very big difference to G1 imo
G1 - Being available on multiple platforms, obviously more exclusives.
G2 - PS3 exclusives only
G1 - For multi platform titles, G1 for PC is the same as G1 for Xbox which is the same as G1 for PS3. Only difference is the slip cover if there is any. If I collect for Xbox and I'm missing a steel, I can buy a PC or even PS3 G1 and I have the same steel.
G2 - You can't pass off a PC/Xbox steel as a G2
Production numbers:
G1 - Usually way higher due to multiple platforms
G2 - Lower as it's mainly just PS3
For steels available in G1 and G2, the G2 almost always fetches a higher price.
Cost of collecting:
Most collectors tend to focus on 1 favored platform or set some sort of criteria for their collections.
So unless you are trying to collect all the G1 across all platforms and generations, the cost issue does not really come up.
02-19-2012, 10:13 AM
G1 for me - 'More bang for your buck' as they say
but im a 360 collector predominantly, so i was gonna say that
02-19-2012, 10:51 AM
G2 Always.... its just the way forward... although i own alot of g1's i never pay alot for them and never will ....
02-19-2012, 11:23 AM
Alot of Collector's choose G2 because they are far less out there to collect for a complete collection.
Another plus for G2 is that so far I don't know any G2 stickerbook version.
However I don't see any issues myself with G1 or G2, Some of best looking steelbooks are G1 such as Sonic Generation, Fist of North Star, Iron Man , Zelda and Lost Planet, etc.
I can see why some collector's prefer G2 but unless there was a G2 version released for PS3 I am happy with G1.
02-19-2012, 12:14 PM
I'm mainly a 360 gamer so G1 for me.
I do have a few G2's from PS3 exclusives however (Killzone 3, Resistance 3, Uncharted 3).
02-19-2012, 01:28 PM
Alot of Collector's choose G2 because they are far less out there to collect for a complete collection.
Another plus for G2 is that so far I don't know any G2 stickerbook version.
However I don't see any issues myself with G1 or G2, Some of best looking steelbooks are G1 such as Sonic Generation, Fist of North Star, Iron Man , Zelda and Lost Planet, etc.
I can see why some collector's prefer G2 but unless there was a G2 version released for PS3 I am happy with G1.
There are 2 G2 stickerbooks. Vanquish and Spain Uncharted Collection :wave:
Unless someone is collecting purely based on the steelbook size, the main preference would be based on the console you collect for.
If you're looking to collect for PS3, you can't insist only having G1 as you're gonna miss out on all the exclusives. As such, the natural progression would be to go for a complete G2 set. You know that if it's G2 it is almost definitely made exclusively for PS3 (some exceptions that come to mind are deus ex france and ff13-2 canada with G2 for all platforms). G2 is instantly associated with PS3. That is an exclusivity/identity in itself.
For Xbox/PC collectors their exclusives are on G1 so obviously this would be the size to go for. Even so, an xbox collector would only go for xbox games and skip the PC ones. Same goes for the PC collector. In this case, the progression would be to go for a complete xbox G1 set or PC G1 set. Rather than a general complete G1 set. Unless they collect for both platforms of course. :p
Excluding the platform exclusives, the fact that many multiplatforms are released in G1 means that there is much less exclusivity for G1 steelbooks. Take darkness 2 steelbook, how would you differentiate between a PC/Xbox/PS3 version when they are all the exact same steelbook?
Mention G2 and PS3 instantly springs to mind. G1 has no such identity for me. As such, while I also collect G1 for PS3 these are not a big priority. Nothing screams PS3 more than a G2 steel. For PS3 collectors like me, that puts them top of the list. :beer:
02-19-2012, 03:56 PM
Alot of Collector's choose G2 because they are far less out there to collect for a complete collection.
Another plus for G2 is that so far I don't know any G2 stickerbook version.
However I don't see any issues myself with G1 or G2, Some of best looking steelbooks are G1 such as Sonic Generation, Fist of North Star, Iron Man , Zelda and Lost Planet, etc.
I can see why some collector's prefer G2 but unless there was a G2 version released for PS3 I am happy with G1.
As Lemur suggested, the Uncharted Trilogy Pre-order (Spanish) G2 Steelbook I recieved is a stickerbook :(
02-19-2012, 04:06 PM
I just get any steelbook that comes with a PS3 edition game. Size doesn't matter to me! :2cool:
If there's G2 and G1 of a steelbook I obviously go for the G2, but I also have a bunch of G1 PS2 steelbooks as well.
02-19-2012, 05:25 PM
i only interesting G2 sized....
02-19-2012, 05:54 PM
LOL - didn't realise Vanquish and UC3 were G2 sized. That put me in my place.
02-19-2012, 06:10 PM
Where there is a choice....G2 but too many G1's catch my eye so i've all but given up with my G2 only attitude :sick:
02-19-2012, 06:58 PM
Awesome responses so far, everybody!
It's looking like it's exactly as Lemur was saying - if you only game on one console, then the preference is usually to go with whatever size the standard for that console is.
Again, i am primarily a PC gamer, even though I also own a 360 and PS3, but I can't justify investing in G2 Steelbooks because there are not enough G2 exclusives for the PS3, and i can interchange my G1 Steelbooks for the 360 and PC.
Also, people can argue that there *may* be more of an exclusivity/identity factor towards G2 because people relate G2 to PS3, but that can also be a negative thing. If there are more G1 titles and people are more likely to lean towards G1 collecting, then it stands to reason that as a whole, there will be a larger "community" of G1-inclusive Steelbook collectors that may never touch or care about G2 just because they may not own a PS3. XBox and PC collectors on the other hand are going to go for G1 obviously.
And let's not confuse the fact that just because G1 releases on multiple platforms, doesn't mean that the number of Steelbooks produced themselves aren't still limited - in the case of G1, sometimes usually only the 360 version will get a Steelbook release but not the PC, or vice it's still rather limited. I own a very large majority of all G1 video game Steelbooks and a lot of them are not at all easy to obtain at this point.
02-19-2012, 07:32 PM
Are all Blu-ray steelbooks G2?
02-19-2012, 07:34 PM
Bluray movies? Yes, I believe so - although I could be mistaken - I have quite a few xx
02-19-2012, 07:44 PM
I prefer to buy G1 steelbooks, purely due to the fact that I mainly collect for Xbox 360, however if a steelbook is available on both G1 and G2 then I will buy the G1, unless the G2 is a lot cheaper, or if I cannot find the G1 but have access to a G2, then again I'd go for the G2.
Also, I have only a few G2 steelbooks for games, but I do have quite a lot for movies (blurays) xx
02-19-2012, 07:51 PM
I think all multiformat steelies should be g2 if they are only putting out the one size.
Why? In my eyes if you have loads of g1 games then a few g2's here and there wont look too out of place because the minority of game boxes will be narrower so wont look too bad.
G1 boxes though look totally out of place sticking out amongst loads of lovely slender g2's.
So,9 g1's and just the one g2 doesn't look too bad,but 9 g2's and just the one g1 looks bloody horrific. All sticky outy and getting in the road aaarrggghhh.
I actually kept final fantasy in the standard box for a few days because it looked better than the oversized steelie. Now I have The Darkness 2 steelie it doesn't look as bad.
And also,i'm a ps3 owner :-)
02-19-2012, 08:01 PM
Is it more of a concern for a real steelbook over stickerbook. Or must it be G2 no matter what?
I only say because on the this forum anyway, there is alot more up roar when we hear about a stickerbooks rather than the size.
02-19-2012, 08:23 PM
I wouldn't wipe my bum with a stickerbook.
02-19-2012, 08:28 PM
I actually don't mind stickerbooks, they're not as nice as a proper steel but at the end of the day, you don't have much choice when it comes to it, such as for the Dead Island stickerbook (which I still DESPERATELY want and need!) :drool: xx
02-19-2012, 08:57 PM
ahh got me a dead island :D nice stickerbook... cost a bit though!
02-19-2012, 08:59 PM
Jammy so and so :haha: - once I've paid for the stuff I've bought from Renat and Timon, I think the Dead Island stickerbook will be one of my main priorities xx
02-19-2012, 09:59 PM
I actually don't mind stickerbooks, they're not as nice as a proper steel but at the end of the day, you don't have much choice when it comes to it, such as for the Dead Island stickerbook (which I still DESPERATELY want and need!) :drool: xx
I used to dislike stickerbooks but now i am a fan of them. No, they're never going to be as nice as artwork-printed Steelbooks, but they are still official Steelbooks and have tremendous value if you're a collector.
In fact, the most valuable G1 Steelbooks are mostly stickerbooks that were produced in very limited quantities and usually only in Spain and Italy.
But again, back to the whole size issue - if it's a multiplatform release, it will never make sense to release only G1 or G2, since if you release only one size you are alienating at least one platform. This is why G1 is a bit nicer in that regard - it tends to cover both the PC and XBox crowd, whereas a G2 release will not mean anything to anyone but PS3 owners....and we all know that there are more PC + 360 gamers combined as a whole vs. PS3-only gamers. This is why a lot of multiplatform exclusives release with G1 sizing - it covers more gamers, as PC and 360 can interchange the G1 size.
02-19-2012, 10:59 PM
As a sealed game collector It never really mattered if the steelbook was G1 or G2, but unsealed steelbooks are a serious problem for me. Stickerbooks for example are made to a very low standard. The stickers peal of quite easily and worryingly, naturally through normal contact.
Out of all the stickersbook Dead island was the worst. it fell apart so easily, I had to get 4 copies to get a mint one.
That's not to say all stickerbooks are bad. Saints row 3 was much improved.
If I had the choice I would choose a proper steelbooks but if there isn't a choice. It wouldn't put me off from buying it, wouldn't matter if G2 or not.
The biggest factor for me when purchasing unsealed steelbooks is the price, I will not pay anymore than £25 for one. Which so far I have kept to.
02-19-2012, 11:03 PM
As a sealed game collector It never really mattered if the steelbook was G1 or G2, but unsealed steelbooks are a serious problem for me. Stickerbooks for example are made to a very low standard. The stickers peal of quite easily and worryingly, naturally through normal contact.
Out of all the stickersbook Dead island was the worst. it fell apart so easily, I had to get 4 copies to get a mint one.
That's not to say all stickerbooks are bad. Saints row 3 was much improved.
If I had the choice I would choose a proper steelbooks but if there isn't a choice. It wouldn't put me off from buying it, wouldn't matter if G2 or not.
The biggest factor for me when purchasing unsealed steelbooks is the price, I will not pay anymore than £25 for one. Which so far I have kept to.
All of the G1 Steelbook stickerbooks i've purchased have been in perfect condition. As soon as I receive ANY Steelbook, outside of some that may come in CEs or come sealed already, I immediately put it in a G1-sized protective sleeve.
With all of the unsealed G1's that i buy (and there are a lot of them, Micromania and FutureShop exclusives for example) i make sure i get a seller who is going to sell only a pristine/perfect condition one, and then just seal it in a sleeve right away. Never had problems with any of my purchased Steels getting scratched/dented or stickerbooks peeling, since i always protect them accordingly.
02-20-2012, 03:09 AM
Perhaps also add a Poll?
G2 Pro
They're short and cute
Feels sturdier
More environmentally friendly cos it uses a less ink or whatever
Jumbo size are even cuter
They relatively young and agile
They take a little less room
Did I mention how cute they are?:7up:
G2 Con
They're still less of them around
You can't print as much text on them in Size 12 font format
They'll never be super models cos they're too short for it:batman:
G1 Con
They're taller so they take more room [height]
They're not as tough if you punch them in the stomach
They use a bit more ink so mother nature is not happy:poke:
G1 Pro
There's more of them out there if you needed an army
They can potentially fit much more disc holder things inside
They're a bit big so you won't need your specs to see them
If you stack them upright on top of each other you can make a really tall pile
Jumbo size will squash the short stumpy G2 size
They're older and wiser:bunny:
02-20-2012, 05:04 AM
Perhaps also add a Poll?
G2 Pro
They're short and cute
Feels sturdier
More environmentally friendly cos it uses a less ink or whatever
Jumbo size are even cuter
They relatively young and agile
They take a little less room
Did I mention how cute they are?:7up:
G2 Con
They're still less of them around
You can't print as much text on them in Size 12 font format
They'll never be super models cos they're too short for it:batman:
G1 Con
They're taller so they take more room [height]
They're not as tough if you punch them in the stomach
They use a bit more ink so mother nature is not happy:poke:
G1 Pro
There's more of them out there if you needed an army
They can potentially fit much more disc holder things inside
They're a bit big so you won't need your specs to see them
If you stack them upright on top of each other you can make a really tall pile
Jumbo size will squash the short stumpy G2 size
They're older and wiser:bunny:
Great idea - poll added! :barsong:
02-20-2012, 12:21 PM
As a sealed game collector It never really mattered if the steelbook was G1 or G2, but unsealed steelbooks are a serious problem for me. Stickerbooks for example are made to a very low standard. The stickers peal of quite easily and worryingly, naturally through normal contact.
Out of all the stickersbook Dead island was the worst. it fell apart so easily, I had to get 4 copies to get a mint one.
LOL I've never had such problems with stickerbooks. You're not supposed to keep handling them I guess. Get them, seal them and display them. :thumb:
I voted G2 but I've got a number of G1 for PS3 as well :)
02-20-2012, 08:10 PM
I collect both, but it REALLY pisses me off when I buy a BluRay SteelBook and it comes in a G1 case :mad:
Jurassic Park, and Atlas Shrugged both came like this... <_<
02-22-2012, 03:02 PM
I collect both, but it REALLY pisses me off when I buy a BluRay SteelBook and it comes in a G1 case :mad:
Jurassic Park, and Atlas Shrugged both came like this... <_<
That's weird, there is no other format for Blu-ray why bother releasing G1. Unless it's a matter of space and they need to include multiple disc and books.
02-29-2012, 07:58 PM
I started off collecting G1 size video game SteelBooks because of the PS2, obviously. When the X360 was released, I continued to collect G1, and picked up the first few G2 PS3 ones which came out as I thought I could manage collecting them all.
However, they then came thick and fast and I couldn't keep up with buying multiple copies of the same game for both consoles, so I decided to continue with collecting the G1 X360 ones and only pick up the PS3 exclusives. That said, I haven't done very well at that, and I've missed almost all of the most recent PS3 exclusive SteelBooks such as Uncharted 2 and LittleBigPlanet 2 - I thought £50 was too much for a SteelBook, and waited for them to drop in price, but alas this didn't happen and they sold out quickly
One thing I do regret is not picking up a lot of the PC SteelBooks. I'm not a PC gamer as a rule, and PC games lose their value quickly, so I saw no point in collecting these. I have maybe one or two, but these were PC exclusives which I later decided to pick up cheap.
I don't think I could ever take one side over the other though. What does annoy me is when PS3 games are given a G1 sized case, which may be a generic case used for all three formats. This really grates on me, and given the choice I would rather have all my PS3 cases the same size
Something else which annoys me is that most recent PS3 games have nice artwork which omits the usual top banner, whereas the X360 ones still have the ugly green / white banner across the top. In this respect, I personally prefer the look of the PS3 ones, but then when I see them side-by-side, I see that some artwork is often chopped off the PS3 versions, so I'm somewhat ambivalent about them
08-19-2015, 03:39 AM
I realize this is an old post, but would anyone know what kind of protective sleeves OP used for his/her collection? I've looked around, but this particular sleeve seems thicker than most available. Thanks!
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