View Full Version : WTB Need For Speed steelbook

02-19-2012, 07:30 PM
Can someone help me out with the following G1 steelbook releases?

Want To Buy
Title: Need for Speed Hot Pursuit steelbook
Platform: PS3
region: Gamestop Exclusive Italy
Condition: mint with no dent or ding

Want To Buy
Title: Need for Speed Shift 2 steelbook
Platform: PS3
region: Micromania Exclusive France
Condition: mint with no dent or ding

02-19-2012, 07:35 PM
Thanks to Ryaku.

He is able to source me a copy of "Need for speed Shift 2 steelbook". I just sent payment to him.

He is first class member because he offered to help me without any fees. That is so awesome! He is such a huge asset to this community.