03-05-2012, 03:12 PM
I just got a Vita and a few new collectors editions on various consoles, now I need some room so here goes;
Goldeneye 007 Gold Classic Wii Controller - £15
GTA San Andreas Bandanna - £10
Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes Pre-Release Box - £20
Zelda Skyward Sword Limited Edition Promotional Pre-Release Box - £20
Batman Arkham City Promotional Cube - £15
Batman Arkham City Window Sticker (Think it glows in the dark but don't hold me to that) £15
Mario 3ds Land and Kart Promotional cut out stand - £30
Batman Arkham City Promotional Poster - £10
Rock Band Drum Kit new (Box had other things on like gears epic edition so box not perfect but drum kit new inside sealed (I think)) £15
Tekken 6 Art Book - £10
Metal Gear Solid HD collection art book - £20 new
Metal gear solid hd collection steelbook - £20 new
Metal gear solid hd collection t shirt - £20 New
Zelda OOT 3ds Pre-order box - £15 New
Pokemon Aarceus Pre-Order figure - £10 New
Street Fighter 4 - £15 New
Pilot Wings - £15 New
Splinter Cell 3d - £15 Played once, not my thing waiting for MGS
Ridge Racer 3ds - £15 new
Dead Or Alive Dimensions - £15 New
Pre-order pack - New - £20
Metroid Prime Trilogy Edition - Sealed with Games purple 28 day sticker so not brand new, has outer sleeve - £30
Mass Effect 3 Xbox 360 N7 CE New - £70 Cash On Collection (PEGI Logo)
Star Wars the force unleashed ultimate sith edition - £20
Call Of Duty MW 3 Elite Subscription £30
Rage Anarchy Edition DLC code £5
Bioshock 2 Sealed £7.50
Gears Of War Epic Edition Sealed (Just Haven't opened it since September) £60 local pick up or Drop Off only due to size
Far Cry 2 Limited Collectors Edition with T shirt - £25
Gears Of War 3 Commando Dom DLC - £7
Gears of War 3 Adam Fenix DLC - £15
Halo Reach Legendary DLC code - £30
Space Marine Warhammer collectors edition new - £40
Tomb Raider Underworld Collectors Edition - £10
Rage Anarchy Edition DLC code £5
Assassins Creed Brotherhood extra levels DLC Code £5
Assassins Creed Brotherhood Platinum - New £10
Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2 - New - £14 - Sold
Call of jaurez the cartel - New - £12
Homefront - New - £12
Red Faction Armageddon - New £12
Metal Gear solid 4 - £10
Metal Gear Solid 4 White Cardboard case sleeve - £12
Metal Gear Solid 4 Black Cardboard case sleeve - £12
Metal Gear Solid 4 Collectors Edition without game or Blu ray PAL (Figure + Case) - £30
Ultimate Spider-man limited Edition - £10
Ultimate Spider-man £5
Monster Hunter Freedom - £7
Socom navy seals £8 I've got a headset not sure if it works but it's free with this
Untold Legends warriors code - £7
X-men next dimension £5
Pokemon Box ruby and saphire disc only - £6
Star Wars the old republic Activation key £25
Final Fantasy XI - £5 new
Spider-man 3 - £5 new
Prey - £5 new
Quake 4 - £5 new
TMNT - £5 new
Project SnowBlind - £5 new
Mutant Storm - £5 new
Full Spectrum Warrior 10 hammers - £5 new
Special Forces Fire For Effect - £5 new
Commandos 2 Courage - £5 new
Sensible Soccer 2009 - £5 new
Tomb Raider Legend - £5 new
Prince Of Persia 2 thrones - £5 new
Racer Pack - £5 new
Trivia Trek - £5 new
Robin Hood - £5 new
Many many more to come including collectors editions (Zelda (link) Statue, Skyrim, mass effect etc, haven't got enough time to type them all atm, have a lot of dlc cards as well from games as I never use the dlcs)
Goldeneye 007 Gold Classic Wii Controller - £15
GTA San Andreas Bandanna - £10
Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes Pre-Release Box - £20
Zelda Skyward Sword Limited Edition Promotional Pre-Release Box - £20
Batman Arkham City Promotional Cube - £15
Batman Arkham City Window Sticker (Think it glows in the dark but don't hold me to that) £15
Mario 3ds Land and Kart Promotional cut out stand - £30
Batman Arkham City Promotional Poster - £10
Rock Band Drum Kit new (Box had other things on like gears epic edition so box not perfect but drum kit new inside sealed (I think)) £15
Tekken 6 Art Book - £10
Metal Gear Solid HD collection art book - £20 new
Metal gear solid hd collection steelbook - £20 new
Metal gear solid hd collection t shirt - £20 New
Zelda OOT 3ds Pre-order box - £15 New
Pokemon Aarceus Pre-Order figure - £10 New
Street Fighter 4 - £15 New
Pilot Wings - £15 New
Splinter Cell 3d - £15 Played once, not my thing waiting for MGS
Ridge Racer 3ds - £15 new
Dead Or Alive Dimensions - £15 New
Pre-order pack - New - £20
Metroid Prime Trilogy Edition - Sealed with Games purple 28 day sticker so not brand new, has outer sleeve - £30
Mass Effect 3 Xbox 360 N7 CE New - £70 Cash On Collection (PEGI Logo)
Star Wars the force unleashed ultimate sith edition - £20
Call Of Duty MW 3 Elite Subscription £30
Rage Anarchy Edition DLC code £5
Bioshock 2 Sealed £7.50
Gears Of War Epic Edition Sealed (Just Haven't opened it since September) £60 local pick up or Drop Off only due to size
Far Cry 2 Limited Collectors Edition with T shirt - £25
Gears Of War 3 Commando Dom DLC - £7
Gears of War 3 Adam Fenix DLC - £15
Halo Reach Legendary DLC code - £30
Space Marine Warhammer collectors edition new - £40
Tomb Raider Underworld Collectors Edition - £10
Rage Anarchy Edition DLC code £5
Assassins Creed Brotherhood extra levels DLC Code £5
Assassins Creed Brotherhood Platinum - New £10
Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2 - New - £14 - Sold
Call of jaurez the cartel - New - £12
Homefront - New - £12
Red Faction Armageddon - New £12
Metal Gear solid 4 - £10
Metal Gear Solid 4 White Cardboard case sleeve - £12
Metal Gear Solid 4 Black Cardboard case sleeve - £12
Metal Gear Solid 4 Collectors Edition without game or Blu ray PAL (Figure + Case) - £30
Ultimate Spider-man limited Edition - £10
Ultimate Spider-man £5
Monster Hunter Freedom - £7
Socom navy seals £8 I've got a headset not sure if it works but it's free with this
Untold Legends warriors code - £7
X-men next dimension £5
Pokemon Box ruby and saphire disc only - £6
Star Wars the old republic Activation key £25
Final Fantasy XI - £5 new
Spider-man 3 - £5 new
Prey - £5 new
Quake 4 - £5 new
TMNT - £5 new
Project SnowBlind - £5 new
Mutant Storm - £5 new
Full Spectrum Warrior 10 hammers - £5 new
Special Forces Fire For Effect - £5 new
Commandos 2 Courage - £5 new
Sensible Soccer 2009 - £5 new
Tomb Raider Legend - £5 new
Prince Of Persia 2 thrones - £5 new
Racer Pack - £5 new
Trivia Trek - £5 new
Robin Hood - £5 new
Many many more to come including collectors editions (Zelda (link) Statue, Skyrim, mass effect etc, haven't got enough time to type them all atm, have a lot of dlc cards as well from games as I never use the dlcs)