03-07-2012, 11:55 PM
First off, I've got a rare PSX game up BIN on eBay. Bust-A-Groove 2, and it's in lovely working condition:
Now then...
For Sale
Title: Assassin's Creed III: North American LE Pre-order Steelbook x6 Sold x2: Purdy & Wheeks
Platform: Any (G1 steelbook)
Region: North America, NTSC-U
Price: $25 (shipped to US), $27 (shipped to UK), or trade (read below).
Condition: Factory sealed
Detail conditions: Factory sealed
Link to DB Entry:
I have SIX of these factory sealed. I had to drive to multiple Gamestops yesterday to pick these up! Two days in and they were already out of stock (with no more coming) in some places; so these are more limited than I thought.
Prices are above, and they includes shipping. Otherwise I'm willing to trade these straight across for other MINT or SEALED G1 steelbooks. Namely, I'll trade one of these for a mint condition Skyrim, Assassin's Creed Revelations, or Mass Effect 3 steelbook (femshep preferred). I'm also looking for PSP games; mostly RPGs and Final Fantasy titles, but ANY PSP game in good condition with a case might interest me.
Pics are further down this post.
I may be open to other trades; so just ask! (Also, please don't bitch about this being "too steep". If you don't want one, then move along. Any snarky remarks and useless comments will be reported and deleted.)
For Sale
Title: World of Warcraft: Cataclysm CE x1 (might be able to get more)
Platform: PC
Region: North America, NTSC-U
Price: $60 (shipped to US), $100? (shipped to UK; not positive about that price), or trade (other sealed CEs).
Condition: Factory sealed
Detail conditions: Factory sealed
Link to DB Entry:
Not much to say on this one. It's big, heavy, has a badass box, and a whole lot of contents. The database says it retailed for $70 originally, but it went for $80 at all the major retailers. In fact it's still selling for $80 at K-Mart over here...
Sealed and immaculate as far as I can tell. If you want it insured you'll have to lemme know and pay for that. Shipping out of the US is probably going to be $40 bucks or so, but let me know if you're interested and I'll pin the true cost down.
I may be open to straight across or in part trades for other sealed CEs. I'm looking for a sealed Xbox 360 Dead Rising 2: Zombrex Edition mainly, but feel free to offer whatever. The worst I can say is "Hell naw!"
ACIII Steelbooks x6 (4 left):
WoW: Cataclysm CE x1: cat says hello, apparently.
Thanks! :thumb:
Now then...
For Sale
Title: Assassin's Creed III: North American LE Pre-order Steelbook x6 Sold x2: Purdy & Wheeks
Platform: Any (G1 steelbook)
Region: North America, NTSC-U
Price: $25 (shipped to US), $27 (shipped to UK), or trade (read below).
Condition: Factory sealed
Detail conditions: Factory sealed
Link to DB Entry:
I have SIX of these factory sealed. I had to drive to multiple Gamestops yesterday to pick these up! Two days in and they were already out of stock (with no more coming) in some places; so these are more limited than I thought.
Prices are above, and they includes shipping. Otherwise I'm willing to trade these straight across for other MINT or SEALED G1 steelbooks. Namely, I'll trade one of these for a mint condition Skyrim, Assassin's Creed Revelations, or Mass Effect 3 steelbook (femshep preferred). I'm also looking for PSP games; mostly RPGs and Final Fantasy titles, but ANY PSP game in good condition with a case might interest me.
Pics are further down this post.
I may be open to other trades; so just ask! (Also, please don't bitch about this being "too steep". If you don't want one, then move along. Any snarky remarks and useless comments will be reported and deleted.)
For Sale
Title: World of Warcraft: Cataclysm CE x1 (might be able to get more)
Platform: PC
Region: North America, NTSC-U
Price: $60 (shipped to US), $100? (shipped to UK; not positive about that price), or trade (other sealed CEs).
Condition: Factory sealed
Detail conditions: Factory sealed
Link to DB Entry:
Not much to say on this one. It's big, heavy, has a badass box, and a whole lot of contents. The database says it retailed for $70 originally, but it went for $80 at all the major retailers. In fact it's still selling for $80 at K-Mart over here...
Sealed and immaculate as far as I can tell. If you want it insured you'll have to lemme know and pay for that. Shipping out of the US is probably going to be $40 bucks or so, but let me know if you're interested and I'll pin the true cost down.
I may be open to straight across or in part trades for other sealed CEs. I'm looking for a sealed Xbox 360 Dead Rising 2: Zombrex Edition mainly, but feel free to offer whatever. The worst I can say is "Hell naw!"
ACIII Steelbooks x6 (4 left):
WoW: Cataclysm CE x1: cat says hello, apparently.
Thanks! :thumb: