View Full Version : Various Xbox 360 collectors editions for sale on Ebay

03-18-2012, 10:49 AM
Hello everyone

I hope this is not against the forum rules but I have various collectors edition games for sale on ebay:


I'm shipping mainly to UK and Europe but can discuss shipping to other international destinations. All games are PAL.

I'm still adding more games at the time of typing. I'm moving and these items are taking up room.

03-18-2012, 07:09 PM
Wow what nice lot of games your selling! Some of these I really need for my collection. Will you ship to USA? If I bought anything would you make sure it's well protected with plenty of bubblewrap and a sturdy box w/ additional protection like loose paper or air packets?

Thanks for sharing with us on CE.o

03-18-2012, 07:37 PM
PM Sent

03-18-2012, 11:03 PM
Anything I don't sell I'll come here and list without ebay and offer out to see if there is any interest but I get a feeling the more rare items will sell on Ebay. Sorry to the people who hate dealing with Ebay .

03-19-2012, 12:55 AM
Coming from someone who sells on eBay as well, I suggest that if someone does offer you a fair price here: take the item off eBay and sell it here. Why? Because everyone here is generally pretty cool about paying gift payment via PayPal. eBay is gonna take a big chunk out of your profits (bloodsuckers, lemme tell ya), and if you sell it here you're not going to lose anything by way of fees.

Anyways, awesome stuff! I'd love to have that Dead Rising 2 CE, but I imagine it's a wee bit out of my price range.

03-19-2012, 02:39 AM
Oh I see, thanks for the advice. I'm not used to selling on ebay. I was not planning on selling these collectors items as its taken me a couple of years to build it up and effort chasing down rare items on their release dates also sometimes paying over the odds to secure them. As people here can appreciate they tend to start taking up room and I'm looking to be moving soon so took the decision to sell them with a heavy heart. In any case anyone can feel free to make me an offer and I'll consider removing from ebay. I have not worked out international shipping charges to US destinations yet.

03-19-2012, 02:59 AM
Well, you have a lot of nice stuff and if you put up a few pics and prices here on the forum, I'm sure you'll get some bites. ;)

Good luck!