View Full Version : Hello from Barnsley, UK.

03-24-2012, 11:39 PM
Hi, a newbie here and self confessed Collectors Edition hoarder.

CoD WaW Collectors Edition. PS3
CoD MW2 Presteige Edition (with Night Vision Goggles) PS3
CoD MW2 Veteren Edition. Xbox
CoD Black Ops Prestiege Edition ( with RC Car) PS3
MW3 Strategy Guide
MW3 Hardend Edition. PS3
MW3 Xbox and game.
Gran Turismo 5 Signature Edition. PS3
Assassins Creed 2 White Edition. PS3
DJ Hero Renegade Edition. PS3
Gears Of War 3 Epic Edition. Xbox
Dead Rising 2 Outbreak Edition. PS3
Killzone 3 Hellghast Edition. PS3
Grand Theft Auto IV Special Edition. PS3
Fallout 3 Collectors Edition. PS3
Batman Arkham City Collectors Edition. PS3
Bioshock Special Edition. PS3
Driver San Fracisco Collectors Edition. PS3
Duke Nukem Balls Of Steel Edition. PS3
Halo Reach Collectors Edition. Xbox
LBP2 Collectors Edition. PS3
Far Cry 2 Collectors Edition ( with T-Shirt) PS3

To name a few.

Next purchase is going to be Max Payne 3 Special Edition. PS3

03-24-2012, 11:48 PM
Welcome to the forum

Nice collection, which platform and region you collector for?

03-25-2012, 12:10 AM
Hi, thanks for the welcome.

PS3 and Xbox - UK.

03-25-2012, 06:16 AM
Big welcome Kush! Looks like you got a nice lot of collector editions so far. How long have you been collecting? Are you doing "specific" collections like for a certain series (Call of Duty perhaps?) A lot of us collect specifics. Like me, I have a whole list of series' I collect for, each their own special collection. Dead Space is my #1.

See ya' 'round!


03-25-2012, 09:55 AM
:welcome: and enjoy your stay here! :)

03-25-2012, 10:32 AM
Hi Kushmonkey :wave:
:welcome: to the forum
Enjoy your stay,Nice additions so far ,Some pics would be good.

03-25-2012, 02:29 PM
Welcome :D Would love to see some pictures :D Xx